1Repfoouced from the Unclassified I Declassified Ho!dings of the National Archives· ·~- ---- --.. -·-··--··---·. -- .. ·······-········ ···-········-·····"··--------·---~...., t The Director, National Park Service, Washington, D. c. Dear Mr. Director: Attached hereto is the following inspection material, accumulated by Mr. Roger w. Toll, on the Proposed Indian Wars National Monument: Photographs by R. w. T. Photostat copy of painting of "The Wagon Box Fight."' Portions of Maps: Colorado State Highway Department Wyoming State Highway Department U~ S. Forest Service Copies of correspondence between Ro w. T. and John G. Neihardt: Letter of August 27, 1935, by Mr. Neihardt Letter of September 4, 1935, by Mr. Toll Letter o:f' November 24,, 1935, by Mr. Neihardt Letter of December 26, 1935, by Mr. Toll Photostat copy of Partial List of Indian Engagements in West~rn States, 1854-1890, tabulated by Brig. Gen. W. c. Brown. Partial List of Indian Engagements in Western States, 1854-18901 re-tabulated by .R• w. T. Alphabetical list, compiled by R. w. T.,·or Indian Tribes includ­ ed in "The North .American Indian,"· written and illustrated by Edward s. Curtis. Photostat copy o:f' maps show:l.ng routes traversed by the Powder River Indian Expedition. Synopses of the following: The Connor Fight on Tongue River (Powder River ~:x:pedition) History of Fort Phil Kearney The Fettennan Massacre The Wagon Box Corral Fight The Battle of the Rosebud The Ouster Massacre on the Little Big Horn The Dull Knite Battle t·I l Reproduced from ~e Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives· Circulars and pamphlets furnished by Office of Indian Affairs: United States Indians, Historical References Indian Tribes of Montana Ute Ute (Short Bibliography) Cheyenne (Short Bibliography) Comanche Comanche (Short Bibliography) Arapaho (Short Bibliography) "Sketch History of the Custer Battle," by Thomas B. Marquis "Two Days After the Custer Battle," by Thom.as B. Marquis It was Mr. Toll' s opinion that very few, if' any, of the Indian battlefields were of such outstanding national importance that they, individually, would justify the establishment of' national historical monuments, but that it might prove practicable and desirable to des­ ignate several detached areas, which together would comprise one na­ tional monument, under some general title as "Indian Wars National Monument." His report ha.d not reached the stage of direct recommen­ dationo Vecy truly yours, Superintendent. Enclosures d Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives- --------- Marker a t Fort Phil Kearney. ---- --~- -- State si ~nboard a t Fort Phil Kearney. Photos by R. w. T. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives ...... Entrance to Custer Battlefield National Cemet ery, showing the build­ ings, of the War Department • 'General view of battle ridge and monument, from the west. Photos by R. W. T. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives ----- ---·-·---- -- ...... .. General view of battle ridge from the southeast. A number of soldiers were killed on this slope of the ridge. Duster Battlefield monument and stones marking the places where Gener al Custer and the last of his force were killed. Photos by R. VI. T. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives ~ .: , _ \ A part of the nati onal cemetery showing the Cust er monument in the distance, to the left of center. The Rosebud battleground, south of Kirby, Montana , looking north down the Rosebud River. The monume nt is on the knoll to the left of the schoolhouse (right of center). Date of battle , June 17, 1876. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives· -- --- - ----- .. -"' ' -- ..,-.-----.- . The monument at the Rosebud battleground. - ------ ·Looking north from the monument knoll, down the Rosebud River, . toward the 11 Dark Canyon." Photos by R. W. T. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the Nalional Archives· ----- ----- --- - - - - - - -----, Marker at Ranchester, Wyoming. Date of battle, 1865 • .The ba ttleground on the Tongue River. The state now owns a tract of some 12 acres on this site, which is maintained by the tovm of Ranchester as a park, Photos by R. W. T. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives· _____j General view of the Fetterman disaster battleground from the south. The monument is on the ridge to the left. Date of battle, Dec ember 21, 1866. r Monument at Fetterman battleground. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives · I I ...... .. I \ General view of· the Wagon Box battleground, looking toward South Piney Creek and the foothills- of the Bi g Horn Range . The marker is locat ed in the distant field at tlie l eft. Marker a t site of \'fagon Box fight. Dat e of ba ttle, August 2, .1867. Photos by R. w. T. Reproduced fro m the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives· t~r HIST0l~ICAL {w ~ ct:"-::: . You ARE NOW NEAR THE SCENES OF" • .aAMOUS INDIAN .FIGHTS cffii"rhis valley lh e ri~his on\lhife men lo f . 81irttmi~aiollt l htroad llml5S l ht blilii: build-lheir homes' was dispuleil wllh pe r· H~~~~~ lowur riSh(isa monumrnl mclro bylhe ha~s more blllerhalrc·d on lhe purl of lhe - US.G<Wmit~t!ll lomark the spol whm lndians(lhm1 was s hown in any olherSKlion DcmnbrrZf.1 866. lhe Si-Ou:<Chief. nr(ICl011tl wl\h !(l!le ·of.Ille Wesl. m1ese hislorlcal spols which are mar~ 2JJOO warriors.surrris(d a fom of 80 men andofilms l'd.were lhc mo~I imporlnnl sanes in thi s warfare. untler raptainBreve rlifeller man:Jll ~lll!!ln!lt.illed :Wi.GoHBokl ~l.1 e h you reach Slo1y a 1.narfer will FonT' lfo llw left of lhe road 400\~rds is tlw site FIGHT) · 111d1 cale lhe route and d1,stanr~ to PHllilllr.HlY of lheslockndr,rort,n tabltshrdJuivl&l!66tht · llte scene of the f<Jmous\\lagonB<!I f1ghl. · . · baSt or •1~rallon~ rrom winch a~ ramp.1U11S eu-Au8usl 2~ )867. lhirJy sol<llrrs and civiliatlS . 1nlh1S '"l~y "m dirrc)td. Bu1ll and co1nmon!lcdby l\<11- underCaplain Powell and LletflJcnncs~ barricadro. II.II. Cnrrmgton unl1t 1ls nb'1ndo.nm.c n t. m ·t!G.\.lhl~I< . behir\d fou rl~n wagon boxes decisively defeated oflhr und!r~round Po~" ma~1 11t is st1n 11ryd1SC1r111il a force or over'. lh ree lhousm1d Indians under Retl Cl~11d . i!"hc Whilfloss · was one man. lirut.Jenness. killrd ·and one "'01mdcd. The Indian loss i... was oiler· one Th ousand ki~ed. this phenomenon is understood . M• ~.,..,. ..... Cl.ll when ii is known tha t repea ling high power rifles were used . ~~·""'?i- for ) he first time against the Ind inns' , ~d . i ' . ·, ' ~... :·~' .~ .... / . ' . Sign board at Kearney, Wyoming. Photos by R. W. T. ,------- ----------· General view of vicinity of Fort Phil Kearney, as seeN from Picket Hill, looking north. The fort was locat ed i n the central part of the photo, a mile or more distant. The Wagon Box f i ght was about 4 miles from the fort, near left edge of photo, and the Fetterman fight wa s about 3 miles from the f ort, over t he ridge shown at the right edge of the p~oto. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives ------------ One of the original buildings of Fort Fetterman, built of sawed logs, probably used for the fort offices. lt is now a ranch house. Pho.to by R. W. T. ,- I ' ! • a 3 ·::r co c :::> nru CJ> !!?. ffi' a. Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives 104· 103" I I ~~~~~..;._~·~, (~b~DeJ[,wl~n~---_-:;:;:;::::::~r~~~OM~-~--~j;_J.l~· "o~r::::rr-~_-~~-A~ . Lomzo! JE JB Portion of • carpe~~:_ ;-__j_ I ,f:~~r I. ... lkrfford - ··-··-··T··-··-··-.. Map of Colorado 155 • • Sporqin • Issued ·by St ate Highway Dept. \ 1 1935 1 Scal e :- 1 ,. • 20 miles G 1 0 .De Nova 0 w Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives· 0 fit~r'ffFeS-"~e ;r';(Rf>;;oppi~;ign~ givi~g-~otfce .tlio'reof 0ro ~rectod. No person shall drive o ~olo r .loliT-:-speed':os to impede or block. tne normal ond reosonoble movement of troffic. Where roods ore oronge point, possi~g other vehicles is pr9hibited. · LIGHTS , coiry two (2) heodlomps ond moy be equipped. with not to exceed throe (3) ouxiliory driving lomps ont not loss thon r7 nor more thon 42 inches ob&le the level surfoce upon which the vehicle stands. is permitted but must be directed not more th on I 00 .feet ohood ond to the right-hond side of the [ ehicle moy be equipped with not more thon two side cowl o r fonder lomps of either amber or whito n g boord courtesy lomp on eoch side, either white or ombor in color is permitted; one (I) toil lighi c~lor, and must illuminote the reor license ploto with o white light. A red reflector or o reflective typo ~ type opprovod by the Highway Deportment is required on tho reor of eoch vehicle. Clooronce \ on the left sido of every vehicle hoving o width in excess of 72 inches, green in front ond rod in 1hicle hoving o length in excess of 30 fe3t or width in oxcess of BO inches sholl hove three ( 3) green l in front ond three (3} rod identificotion lights in the rear neor the top of the vehicle, such idenlifico­ )oced not less thon six nor more thon 12 inches oport olong o horizontol line. Every vehicle with o 20 feel sholl bo equipped with four (4) side morker lights, one (I) green in front ond one (I) red side of the vehicle visible ot right ongles to tho vehicle.
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