Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 23, pp. 89-94(1985) ZINCIANGREENOCKITE IN STRATIFORMLEAD_ZINC_SILVER MINERALIZATIONAT LADY LORETTA,NORTHWEST OUEENSLAND DAVID J. PATTERSON Researchand Development Division, Mount Isa Mines Limited, Mount Isa, Queensland4825, Austalia ABSTRAcT INTRODUC"TIoN At the Lady Loretta stratiform lead-zinc-silverdeposit During metallurgical evaluation of the Lady in northwest Queensland,Australia, zincian greenockite Loretta sulfide deposit, tracesof apparently primary occursin a thick, lead-rich,cadmium-anomalous zone in zincian greenockitewere noted in polishedsections laminated sulfide mineralization. It is intergrown with of diamond-drill core. This occurrenceis unusual galena,sphalerite and minor pyrite in galena-richlaminae because primary cadmium sulfides ile seldom microscale and veinlets.Electron-microprobe analyses show ore deposits,and the mineral hasnot significant zinc-for-cadmiumsubstitution in greenockite(7.1 reportedfrom - 18.4mol.Vo ZnS, average13.l 9o);usually cadmium was been previously recorded in the Proterozoic lead- found only in tracesin coexistingsphalerite and was not zinc-silver depositsof northern Australia. In addi- detectedat all in galena.Textural and geochemicalcon- tion, cadmium usually shows a close geochemical siderationssuggest that the cadmium-anomalouszone and coherencewith zinc (Rankama& Sahama1950, p. the occurrenceof zinciangreenockite are primary deposi- 708-714)and typically occursas a trace elementin tional featuresofthe mineralization. This indicatesunusual sphalerite;its occurrencein a separatesulfide phase physicalor chemicalconditions during sulfide deposition, in such a zinc-rich environment is surprising, and resultingin a decouplingof the geochemicalcoherence of suggestsunusual geochemical conditions during for- zinc and cadmium during the formation of a part of the deposit. mation of the deposit. Keywords: cadmium, zinc, lead, greenockite,sphalerite, Gsoloclcel AND CHEMICALSETTING microprobe data, Lady Loretta deposit, Australia. The Lady Loretta deposit is a small but high-grade stratiform lead-zinc-silver deposit of Proterozoic SoMrr4aRs age,situated about 115km northwestof Mount Isa atLat. 19"46' S, Long. 139o03'E in northwest Dans le gisementstratiforme de plomb-zinc-argent de The style,geological setting and ageof Lady Loretta dansle Queenslanddu Nord-Ouest,en Aus- Queensland. tralie, la greenockitezincifdre sepr6sente i I'int6rieur d'une the depositare similar to thoseof other Proterozoic zone 6paisse,riche en plomb et anomaleen cadmium, au stratiform lead-zinc-silver deposits in northern sein d'une min6ralisationde sulfureslamin€s. Elle s'y trouve Australia, suchas Mount Isa, Hilton and McArthur en intercroissanceavec la galdne,la sphal6riteet un peu River. The regionalgeological setting is discussedby de plrite dansdes lamelles et filonnets microscopiquesriches Plumb & Derrick (1975), Plumb e/ a/. (1980)and en galbne.Les analysesi la microsonde6lectronique r6vb- Derrick (1982),and the geologyof the deposit has lent, dansla greenockite,un remplacementnotable du cad- beendescribed by Alcock & Lee (I974) and Loudon - mium par le zinc (7.1 18.4V0mol. de ZnS, 13.190en et al. (1975). Aspects of the geology and isotope moyenne);mais d'ordinairele ne setrouve qu'en cadmium geochemistry depositwere discussed by Carr tracesdans la sphal6ritecontigue, et n'a pas 6t6 d6cel6du of the tout dansla galbne.Sur la foi de consid€rationstexturales & Smith (1977). et g6ochimiques,la zone anomaleen cadmium et la pr6- Hole Pl16 was drilled on section2420N into the sencede la gxeenockitezincifdre seraient des indices de d6pdt easternlimb of the deposit(see Fig. 4 of Loudon el primaire de la min6ralisation.Ces observationssignalent al, 1975); it intersectedtwo zonesof relativelyhigh- desconditions physiques et chimiquesanormales au cours gradelead-zinc mineralization. Down-hole profiles du ddpOtdes sulfures, provoquant une dissociationde la of lead, zinc and cadmium abundancesin mineral- coh6rencegdochimique du zinc et du cadmiumpendant la ized parts of P I 16 (Fig. 1) show a generallyclose cor- partie gisement. formation d'une du respondencebetween zinc and cadmium, exceptin (estimated (Traduit par la R6daction) a 25-m-thicklead-rich zone true thickness about 15 m) in which cadmium concentrationsare Mots-clds: cadmium, zinc, plomb, greenockite, sphal€rite, consideredhigher than expectedfrom zinc abun- analysed la microsonde,gisernent de Lady Loretta, Aus- dances.A scatterdiagram showsa generallygood tralie. correlation betweenzinc and cadmium throughout 89 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/canmin/article-pdf/23/1/89/3435493/89.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 90 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Frc. l. Down-holeprofiles of abundancesof lead, zinc and cadmiumin mineralized sectionof drill hole Pl16, Lady Loretta. Samplespacing is I metrewithin metal- rich zones.Shaded zone on cadmium profile is calculatedcontribution of cad- mium containedin sphaleriteover this interual, basedon regressionequation for Fig. 28. the hole, but with severaloutlying points (Fig. 2A). showstypical morphologiesand relationshipsof the Omitting sampleswith over 590 lead, zinc and cad- grains. mium show an excellentlinear relation$hip @ig. 2B), In reflectedlight, greenockitehas a slightly lower but there is no simplerelationship between lead and polishing hardnessand slightly higher reflectance excesscadmium in lead-rich samples(Frg. 3). than the accompanyingsphalerite, and is grey with a distinct blue-greentint; sphaleritehas a faint pink tint in comparison,and this color contrastis accen- OCCURRENCE AND PROPERTIES oF GREENOCKITE tuatedunder oil immersion.Most grainsshow abun- dant and intenseinternal-reflections, mostly clearyel- Only a few sampleswere available from the lead- low with occasionalorange or red tints. rich sectionof drill hole Pl16; greenockitewas first Electron-microprobeanalyses of greenockiteshow observedin one polishedsection from that interval. significant substitution of Zn for Cd, with a com- Subsequentre-examination of all availablematerial positionalrange of 7.1to 18.4mol.Vo ZnS (average from the deposit revealedfurther greenockitein a l3.lt/o; Table l, Fig. 5). Only traces of iron are lead-rich sample from an unknown location. present,and elementsother than cadmium, zinc, iron In both samplesgreenockite occurs in galena-rich and sulfur were not detected;in particular, man- laminaein finely bandedmassive sulfides, and to a ganeseand indium were sought but not found. minor extentin crosscutting,microscale veinlets of Individual grains of greenockiteare homogeneous galena.Greenockite forms disseminatedgrains and within the precision of the analyses. patchesfrom l0 to 1000pm in diameterin galena, X-ray powder-diffraction examinationof a mix- and is commonly intergrown with sphaleriteand fine- ture of greenockiteand its host galenagave a pat- grained euhedralor spheroidalpyrite. Sphaleriteand tern similar to that of synthetichexagonal CdS, with fine-grainedpyrite alsooccur disseminatedthrough- some displacement of lines. Calculated cell- out galena laminae and veinlets. Greenockite- paramereri[a 4.08(1),c 6.64(l) A1 correspondto a sphaleritecontacts are irregular to smoothlycurved, ZnS contentof about 15mol.9o (Hurlbut 1957),in whereas greenockite-galenacontacts vary from good agreement with the range obtained from irregular to planar, with occasional grains of electron-microprobeanalyses. No diffraction lines greenockiteapproaching euhedral forms. Figure 4 attributable to hawleyitewere detected. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/canmin/article-pdf/23/1/89/3435493/89.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 ZINCIAN GREENOCKITE IN Pb-Zn-Ag MINERALIZATION, QUEENSLAND 9l Sphaleriteintergrown with greenockiteand in iso- 000 b lated grains in laminae of greenockite-bearinggalena o E containsminor amountsof iron and generallyonly qe trace amountsof cadmium. It is similar in composi- 600 tion to sphaleritein nearby sphalerite-richlaminae a (Table l, Fie. 5). Occasionalanalyses of sphalerite revealedover I wt.9o Cd; this may reflectinclusions ao a. aa of greenockiteat or below the surfaceof the polished ' rrt aala sections,although none were seenin the areasana- aa o l.a lyzed. Etching of sphaleritewith l: I HNO, did not o ll-.. revealany patchesthat might be cadmium-enriched (cl, Chen & Dutrbac 1978).Electron-microprobe analyses of galena intergrown with greenockite t0 50 detectedonly lead and sulfur. wt.o.6Zn DIScUSSIoN The Lady Loretta greenockiteis clearly primary with respectto the presentcycle of weathering.It occurswell below the baseof significant oxidation, in samplesshowing no original oxidation or leach- ing, and only slight post-drilling oxidation. Mineral texturesdo not resemblethose of secondarysulfides. Some recrystallizationof sulfides has occurred; sphaleriteand galena show an approach to poly- 'o m 30 lo hedral "foam" textures, sphalerite has planar rt.%zn* annealing-typetwins, and there is somemicroscale Frc. 2. Zinc-cadmium scatterplots for drill hole Pll6' veiningof sphaleritelaminae by galenaa greenock- Lady Loretta. A. All samples;shaded area contains 44 ite + sphalerite.This slight metamorphismis insuffi- points. Least-squatesregression equation is: amountof cient to explain the thick cadmium-anomalouszone, Cd (ppm)= 10.69(Znwt.s/o)+37, correlation coeffi- and equivalentor more intenserecrystallization at cient 0.802.B. Sampleswith lessthan 590Pb; shaded Mount Isa and Hilton has not generatedcadmium areacontains 42 points. Least-squaresregression
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