Geoscientist The Fellowship magazine of The Geological Society of London | www.geolsoc. org.uk | Volume 21 No 5 | June 2011 REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL Could school and college geology be on the rise? LUSI LIKELY TO LIVE ON Indonesia faces another quarter century of mud eruption FIRST DATE follow us on twitter [www.twitter.com/geoscientistmag] 100 years of knowing the age of the Earth Dynamic topography a key surface record of deep Earth processes 1st-2nd1st-2nd SeptemberSeptember 20112011 Burlington House, London, United Kingdom KeynoteKeynote speakers:speakers: Michael Gurnis, Seiissmolloogiccaal Laborraatorryyy,, CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa IInnsttiitute of TTeecchhnologgyyy,, UUSSSAA Alessandro Forte, UUnniverrssité dduu Québec à Monttrréall,, CCaanaddaa InvitedInvited speakers:speakers: Carolina Lithogow-Bertelloni, UUnniverrssittyy of Collllege Londdoonn,, UUKK Jean Braun, UUnniverrssite Joosseepph Fourriierr,, FFrrraance Hans-Peter Bunge, Ludwwiiigg-MMaaaxxiimmiilllllliiiaannss UUnnivveerrssittaat Muunnicchhh,, Gerrmmannyy Evgene Burovv,, IInnstitut ddees Sciieences ddee llaa TTeerrrre ddee PPaariisss,, FFrrraance Reiner Rummel, TTeecchhniisscchhe UUnniverrssittaat Muniiccchhh,, Gerrmmannyy Tony Watts, UUnniverrssittyy of OOxxffoordd,, UK Nicky White, UUnnivveerrssittyy of CCaambrriiddggee,, UK Conveners:Conveners: Roderick Brown, UUnniverrssittyy of Gllaassggoww,, UUKK Patience Cowie, UUnnivveerrssittyy of Berrggenn,, Norwwaaayy Stewart Fishwick, UUnnivveerrssittyy of Leicesterr,, UK Gregory Houseman, UUnniverrssittyy of Leeddsss,, UUKK Michael Kendall, UUnnivveerrssittyy of Brriiisstoll,, UUKK Nicky White, UUnnivveerrssittyy of CCaambrriiddggee,, UK Further information For further information about the conference, please contact: Georgina Worrall The Geological Societyy,, Burlington House, Piccadillyy,, London W1J 0BG T: 020 434 9944 F: 020 7494 0579 E: [email protected] W: www.geolsoc.org.uk/dynamictop CONTENTS GEOSCIENTIST IN THIS ISSUE JUNE 2011 FEATURES 19 GOOD NEWS! Chris King and Ben Jones on a surprising upswing in geoscience examination entries REGULARS 05 WELCOME Is the Society really in democratic deficit? asks Ted Nield 06 GEONEWS What’s new in the world of geoscientific research 08 SOCIETY NEWS What your Society is doing at home and abroad, in London and the regions 12 COVER FEATURE: THE AGE OF THE EARTH 11 SOAPBOX Robin Bailey is fed up with cyclic Cherry Lewis on Arthur Holmes’s first paper on sedimentation the age of the Earth, published 100 years ago 22 LETTERS We welcome your thoughts 23 BOOK & ARTS Two new book reviews by Ted Nield 24 PEOPLE Geoscientists in the news and on the move 27 CALENDAR Society activities this month 29 CROSSWORD Win a special publication of your choice ONLINE SPECIALS I NUCLEAR WAVE Former President Peter Styles delivers his verdict on the nuclear accident at Fukushima, Japan I CHRISTCHURCH QUAKE BGS geologist Dave 07 19 Boon on New Zealand's devastating earthquake www.geolsoc.org.uk/geoscientist JUNE 2011 03 CENTURY ONE PUBLISHING IS THE UK’S BRIGHTEST AWARD-WINNING CONTRACT PUBLISHING AND ADVERTISING SALES AGENCY. WE WORK EXCLUSIVELY WITH MEMBERSHIP ORGANISATIONS GENERATING ADVERTISING REVENUES AND MANAGING ALL OR PART OF THE PUBLISHING FUNCTION To plan your ad campaign in Geoscienst magazine contact: Jonathan Knight t: 01727 739 182 e: [email protected] w: www.centuryonepublishing.ltd.uk 04 JUNE 2011 d EDITOR’S COMMENT GEOSCIENTIST THE AGE OF THE PLANET: VIEW OF EASTERN EARTH & CLOCK FACE Cover image: Shutterstock Image courtesy, NASA's d Goddard Space Flight Center DEMOCRATIC DEFICIT? n the recent consultative ballot, Fellows Geoscientist is the E enquiries@centuryone Fellowship magazine of publishing.ltd.uk elected a geotechnical engineer as President the Geological Society W www.centuryone Designate. We offer our congratulations to of London publishing.ltd.uk David Shilston, the first President to be Contact CHIEF EXECUTIVE drawn from the Geological Society’s most The Geological Society, Nick Simpson Burlington House, Piccadilly, T 01727 893 894 Inumerous specialism. But after this, and London W1J 0BG E nick@centuryone recently electing only its second female T +44 (0)20 7434 9944 publishing.ltd.uk President in 200 years, has the Society reason to feel F +44 (0)20 7439 8975 E [email protected] ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE content with its election process? W www.geolsoc.org.uk Jonathan Knight However gratifying these recent outcomes, we T 01727 739 193 Publishing House E jonathan@centuryone should recall that only about 10% of Fellows voted The Geological Society publishing.ltd.uk – low, even by European Parliamentary Election Publishing House, Unit 7, Brassmill Enterprise Centre, ART EDITOR standards. But is the comparison appropriate? Brassmill Lane, Bath Heena Gudka Perhaps we should look instead at Building BA1 3JN T 01225 445046 DESIGN & PRODUCTION Societies. In the property-owning democracy, we F 01225 442836 Sarah Astington will almost all receive their election papers, for at Tanya Kant least some portion of our lives. Yet how many of Library T +44 (0)20 7432 0999 PRINTED BY us read, let alone return them? Shareholder F +44 (0)20 7439 3470 Century One Publishing Ltd. meetings, rather notoriously, only excite large turn- E [email protected] Copyright outs when fear and loathing stalk the land. Some EDITOR-IN-CHIEF The Geological Society of might therefore argue that low turnouts indicate Professor Tony Harris FGS London is a Registered Charity, number 210161. that members are happy. Perhaps it’s less apathy, EDITOR ISSN (print) 0961-5628 more complacency. Dr Ted Nield NUJ FGS ISSN (online) 2045-1784 The Society has reformed its election process, EDITORIAL BOARD The Geological Society of London with some success. Participation has in fact risen to Dr Sue Bowler FGS accepts no responsibility for the (and stuck at) 10% from even lower levels. Dr Robin Cocks FGS views expressed in any article in this Dr Martin Degg FGS publication. All views expressed, Following the Byelaws Review in 2000, the entire except where explicitly stated Dr Joe McCall FGS otherwise, represent those of the voting system was overhauled. The Society now Dr Jonathan Turner FGS author, and not The Geological Dr Jan Zalasiewicz FGS Society of London. All rights reserved. publishes much more information. Routinely, for No paragraph of this publication may President Designate and Council elections, the Trustees of the Geological be reproduced, copied or transmitted Society of London save with written permission. Users number of candidates now exceeds the places registered with Copyright Clearance Dr J P B Lovell OBE Center: the Journal is registered with available. It publishes, through this magazine and (President); Professor P A CCC, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA the website, information on candidates’ academic Allen (Secretary, Science); 01970, USA. 0961- Miss S Brough; Mr M 5628/02/$15.00. Every effort has backgrounds, areas of specialism, regional Brown; Professor R Butler; been made to trace copyright holders provenance, and sectors of employment. Dr M Daly; Professor A J of material in this publication. If any Fleet (Treasurer); Dr S A rights have been omitted, the This is a conscious attempt to introduce publishers offer their apologies. Gibson; Dr R Herrington; candidates to voters, allowing the electorate to Dr R A Hughes; Dr A Law; No responsibility is assumed by the Professor A R Lord Publisher for any injury and/or feel that there is enough information on which to (Secretary, Foreign & damage to persons or property as a base a choice – recognising that the Society is now matter of products liability, External Affairs); Professor so large and diverse that voters will probably not J Ludden; Mr P Maliphant; negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, Professor D A C Manning products, instructions or ideas know candidates personally, or even by repute. (Secretary, Professional contained in the material herein. Furthermore, the Society now makes it possible Matters); Professor S Although all advertising material is Marriott (Vice President); expected to conform to ethical for Fellows to vote online in a process that Professor S Monro OBE; Dr (medical) standards, inclusion in this takes minutes and even removes the need to C P Summerhayes (Vice publication does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of the buy a stamp. President); Professor J H quality or value of such product or of Tellam; Dr G W Tuckwell the claims made by its manufacturer. So – as we prepare for the gala day that is (Vice President); Dr J P Turner (Secretary, Subscriptions: All correspondence President’s Day (and please don’t forget that it’s Publications); Professor D relating to non-member subscriptions not all boring AGM – there are fascinating talks J Vaughan; Mr N R G should be addresses to the Journals Subscription Department, Geological too, and they’re all free!) now is your chance to Walton. Society Publishing House, Unit 7 Brassmill Enterprise Centre, Brassmill say something about it. Remember, this magazine Published on behalf of the Lane, Bath, BA1 3JN, UK. Tel: 01225 belongs to you, not to “the Society”. If you think Geological Society of 445046. Fax: 01225 442836. Email: London by [email protected]. The that the heroic efforts that the Society believes it Century One Publishing subscription price for Volume 21, has made to redress its democratic deficit have Alban Row, 27–31 Verulam 2011 (11 issues) to institutions and non-members is £108 (UK)
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