Charles University in Prague Faculty of Mathematics and Physics DOCTORAL THESIS Jakub R´ıpaˇ Statistical Analysis of the Observable Data of Gamma-Ray Bursts arXiv:1105.2467v1 [astro-ph.HE] 12 May 2011 Astronomical Institute of Charles University Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Attila M´esz´aros, DrSc. Study Programme: Physics Study Branch: F1 Praha 2011 Errata: Acknowledgements (next page, 3. paragraph, line 1): M´ez´aros M´esz´aros • → Page 51, Chap. 4.1.3, lines 3 4: ... energy bands (120 1500) keV / counts in • the band (25 120) keV. − − − Page 62, first paragraph, line 6: ... content of this section ... • Page 64, 1. paragraph, line 10 12: ... In 286 cases the signal-to-noise ratio, • − in at least one of the two used channels, during T90 was lower than 3.5 or ... Page 66, last paragraph, line 1: accurate accurately • → Page 69, Tab. 5.13, line 4: emphasize emphasized • → Page 76, Fig. 6.60., line 2: Dependence of zturn on q for ΩM =0.27, ΩΛ =0.73 • and N = 1. May 11, 2011, Jakub R´ıpaˇ This study was supported by the Charles University Grant Agency grant No. 46307, by the Czech Science Foundation grants No. 205/08/H005, and P209/10/0734, by the project SVV 261301 of the Charles University in Prague, and by the Research Program MSM0021620860 of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. The data used in this thesis were mainly obtained by the Reuven Ramaty High- Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). A large acknowledgement is therefore to the RHESSI team and to the working group from The Paul Scherrer Institute involved in this satellite project. They provided and introduced me the relevant software. Other data, used in this thesis, were obtained by the BATSE, Swift, and Fermi instruments. The outcomes of the technical teams involved in these projects are also widely acknowledged. At this place I would like thank my supervisor Doc. Attila M´ez´aros for his lead- ership, support and helpful advices. I very appreciate the help of my advisors, Dr. Claudia Wigger, Dr. Lajos G. Bal´azs, Dr. Istv´an Horv´ath, and Dr. Ren´eHudec for discussions, for a fruitful collaboration, and for the assistance with the final cor- rections of this manuscript. I also thank P´eter Veres, David Huja, and Dr. Zsolt Bagoly for collaboration and for useful discussions. I appreciate the support from Doc. Marek Wolf during the whole period and help by Maruˇska Hrudkov´awith the LaTeX software. I would like to express my warm gratefulness to whole my family and especially to my parents for the persistent support throughout all my studies. Prohlaˇsuji, ˇze jsem tuto disertaˇcn´ıpr´aci vypracoval samostatnˇea v´yhradnˇes pouˇzit´ım citovan´ych pramen˚u, literatury a dalˇs´ıch odborn´ych zdroj˚u. Beru na vˇedom´ı, ˇze se na moji pr´aci vztahuj´ı pr´ava a povinnosti vypl´yvaj´ıc´ı ze z´akona ˇc. 121/2000 Sb., autorsk´eho z´akona v platn´em znˇen´ı,zejm´ena skuteˇcnost, ˇze Univerzita Karlova v Praze m´apr´avo na uzavˇren´ılicenˇcn´ısmlouvy o uˇzit´ıt´eto pr´ace jako ˇskoln´ıho d´ılapodle 60 odst. 1 autorsk´eho z´akona. § Fer. 14, 2011 V Praze Jakub R´ıpaˇ N´azev pr´ace: Statistick´ezpracov´an´ıpozorovateln´ych dat gama z´ablesk˚u Autor: Jakub R´ıpa,ˇ [email protected]ff.cuni.cz Ustav:´ Astronomick´y´ustav UK Vedouc´ıdisertaˇcn´ıpr´ace: doc. RNDr. Attila M´esz´aros, DrSc., [email protected] Abstrakt: Gama z´ablesky st´ale jeˇstˇenejsou zcela pochopen´ejevy. Nicm´enˇejejich prozkoum´an´ım˚uˇze poskytnout uˇziteˇcn´yn´astroj pro lepˇs´ıporozumˇen´ı rann´eho vesm´ıru, protoˇze patˇr´ımezi ne- jvzd´alenˇejˇs´ıa nejintenzivnˇejˇs´ıobjekty, kter´eastronomov´eznaj´ı. Tato pr´ace se snaˇz´ıpˇrin´est v´ıce informac´ıo tzv. skupinˇeprostˇredn´ıch z´ablesk˚u objeven´ejiˇzdˇr´ıve r˚uzn´ymi autory v r˚uzn´ych datab´az´ıch. Nejdˇr´ıve jsou statisticky studov´any d´elky trv´an´ı a spektr´aln´ıtvr- dosti gama z´ablesk˚upozorovan´ych pˇr´ıstrojem ”Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spec- troscopic Imager”. Z´ıskan´ev´ysledky naznaˇcuj´ı, ˇze tyto prostˇredn´ız´ablesky tvoˇr´ısamostat- nou skupinu. Za druh´e, tyto z´ablesky jsou d´ale podrobnˇe zkoum´any s ohledem na jejich ”spektr´aln´ılagy”, ˇspiˇckov´etoky, rud´eposuvy, v´yskyt supernovy, atd. Za tˇret´ı, dlouh´egama z´ablesky se zn´am´ymi rud´ymi posuvy a s odvozen´ymi pseudo-rud´ymi posuvy detekovan´ymi pˇr´ıstrojem ”The Burst and Transient Source Experiment” a d´ale z´ablesky se zmˇeˇren´ymi rud´ymi posuvy z pˇr´ıstroj˚uSwift a Fermi jsou pouˇzity pro studium kosmologick´ych efekt˚u na rozdˇelen´ıjejich pozorovan´ych tok˚uz´aˇren´ı. Kl´ıˇcov´aslova: gama z´ablesky, gamma astrofyzika, kosmologie Title: Statistical analysis of observable data of gamma-ray bursts Author: Jakub R´ıpa,ˇ [email protected]ff.cuni.cz Department: Astronomical Institute of Charles University Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Attila M´esz´aros, DrSc., [email protected] Abstract: Gamma-ray bursts are still not fully understood events. However, their exploration could provide a useful tool for a better understanding of the early Universe because they belong to the most distant and violent objects that astronomers know. This thesis tries to bring more information about a so-called group of intermediate-duration bursts claimed by dif- ferent authors employing different data samples. Firstly, duration and spectral hardness properties of bursts from the Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager are statistically analysed. The obtained results bring a suspicion that these intermediate bursts gather into a separate group. Secondly, these bursts are investigated in more detail with respect to their spectral lags, peak count rates, redshifts, supernova observations, and so forth. Thirdly, long-duration bursts with known redshifts and with derived pseudo- redshifts detected by The Burst and Transient Source Experiment, Swift and Fermi bursts with known redshifts, are used to study the cosmological effects on the observed flux and fluence distributions. Keywords: gamma-ray bursts, gamma-ray astrophysics, cosmology Contents Introduction 1 1 Overview of Gamma-Ray Bursts 2 1.1 Discovery ................................. 2 1.2 Following missions . 3 1.2.1 CGRO............................... 3 1.2.2 Wind-Konus............................ 4 1.2.3 HETE-2.............................. 4 1.2.4 IPN ................................ 4 1.3 Promptemissionproperties ....................... 5 1.3.1 Fluxes............................... 5 1.3.2 Durations ............................. 6 1.3.3 Timeprofiles ........................... 6 1.3.4 Spectra .............................. 8 1.3.5 Sky distribution . 11 1.3.6 Intensity distribution . 12 1.4 Afterglowandmodernera . .. .. 13 1.4.1 BeppoSAXbreakthrough. 13 1.4.2 Afterglow light curve . 14 1.4.3 Afterglowspectra......................... 16 1.4.4 GRBredshifts........................... 17 1.4.5 The Swift satellite . 19 1.4.6 Hostgalaxies ........................... 20 1.4.7 SN-GRBconnection ....................... 21 1.5 Models................................... 23 1.5.1 Thefireballmodel ........................ 23 1.5.2 Collapsar as a progenitor . 25 1.5.3 Mergerasaprogenitor . .. .. 29 1.6 Furthermissions ............................. 30 1.6.1 INTEGRAL............................ 30 1.6.2 AGILE............................... 31 1.6.3 Suzaku............................... 31 1.6.4 Fermi ............................... 31 1.7 Additionalremarks ............................ 31 1.7.1 Polarization . 32 1.7.2 Spectrum hardening and delayed high-energy component . 32 1.7.3 Furtherobservationalwindows. 33 1.7.4 GRBsandPopulationIIIstars . 35 2 The RHESSI Satellite 36 3 GRB Groups and Motivation 40 3.1 Softgammarepeaters........................... 40 3.2 X-rayflashes................................ 41 3.3 ShortGRBswithextendedemission. 42 3.4 VeryshortGRBs ............................. 42 3.5 QuestforGRBgroupsandopenquestions . 42 4 GRB Groups by the RHESSI Satellite 47 4.1 Statistics.................................. 47 4.1.1 Datasample............................ 47 4.1.2 Duration distribution . 48 4.1.3 Duration-hardnesspairs . 51 4.1.4 Discussion of the statistics . 53 4.1.5 Conclusions of the statistics . 56 4.2 Effects of annealing on the RHESSI GRB measurements . 56 4.2.1 Theannealingprocedure . 56 4.2.2 The effect of the annealing on the measured spectral indices . 57 4.2.3 The effect of the annealing on the measured hardness ratios . 58 4.2.4 Conclusions of the effects of the annealing . 58 4.3 Results and discussion of the statistics with the pre-annealing data only 60 5 A Closer Look at the Intermediate Bursts 62 5.1 Spectrallags................................ 62 5.2 Peakcountrates ............................. 67 5.3 Redshifts.................................. 67 5.4 Theskydistribution ........................... 67 5.5 SNobservations.............................. 68 5.6 Starformationratesofthehostgalaxies . 68 5.7 Results and discussion of the intermediate bursts . 68 6 Cosmological Effects on the Observed Fluxes 71 6.1 Introduction................................ 71 6.2 Theoreticalconsiderations . 73 6.2.1 Thegeneralconsideration . 73 6.2.2 Aspecialassumption ....................... 75 6.3 Thesamples................................ 76 6.3.1 Thechoiceofburstsamples . 76 6.3.2 Swift GRBs and the inversion in this sample . 77 6.3.3 BATSE sample with known redshifts . 79 6.3.4 BATSEpseudo-redshifts . 79 6.3.5 Fermisample ........................... 79 6.3.6 Inversion in the BATSE and Fermi samples . 79 6.4 Results and discussion of the cosmological effects . 80 6.5 Conclusions of the observed flux/fluence distributions . .. 81
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