DOCUMENT RESUME ED 218 opl PS 012 919 AUTHOR Nelson, Kathryn; Ed.; And Others TITLE The National Evaluation of School Nutrition Programs. Review of Research :. Volume' 2. INSTITUTION System Development Corp., Santa Monica, Calif. SPONS:AdENCY Ftiod and Nutrition Service (DOA), Washington, DC. Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation. )PUBDATE Apr 81 El 330p.; For related documents, see PS 012 918-920. EDRS RICE MF01/PC14 Plus Postage. DESCRI TORS *Breakfast Programs; Delivery Systems; Elementary Secondary Oducation; Federal Legislation; *Federal Programs; Literature Reviews; *Lunch Programs; *Nutrition; Participant Characteristics; Program -Effectiveness; *Program Evaluation; Research Methodology IDENTIFIERS Food Consumption; *Milk Programs ABSTRACT 'Findings of a review 4f research pertaining to federally subsidized school nutriition-programs are preSented in this :report. The aim of iimarreview of Tesearch ii to-provide guidante for the-desig*-of the sUbseguerit parts of the evaluation by describing , the-;t0hool nutrition programs and their operations and by providing- -haseliniAnformation on nutritional status assessment,on the nutritional status of school -age children,on program impact, and on the ctrrespendence between- targeting- -of prOgrat:benefits- and teCipients' needs. The review identifies areasthat need fUrther inVestigation and also identifies methodological approaches that lead to 10C-teased-knowledge of the programs and their effects. Chapter 4 in ,thIS-SecOnd volume of iht review describes the few large and several smaller studies which have investigated the impact of,ichool -nutrition Programs: Much of this chapter is concerned withan .analysis of the methodologies used in the reported studies. Chapter 5 first eXamines how benefits are targetid, next focusing on the correspondence between the nutritional needs of schoOl-age children .and the'- programs' nutritional benefits. Chipter 6 summarizes what is -known and-not known about the school nutritionprograms, describing whatikinds.of research are. needed. All of the studies examinedare listed in the bibliography; also'appended is the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation ACt of 1981 (PL97-35). (RH) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ****************************************t****************************** fit 110 fh o to or ill.S;DiiIiiITMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTERtERICI This doe.ument has been reproducedas received frk the person or organizapon ors:mating d Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction duality. Points of view of opinions stated in this do cu mere do not per essanee eWesetd NIE positron of Poky I , NATIONAL EVALUATION OF SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAMS: . Ah U.S: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SXSTEM DE MENT CORPORATION FOOD AND NUTRITION SERVICE ADVISORY PANEL 2500 Colorado A enue Gertrude Applebatim Jack-Radzikowskj, Ph.D., Project Officer Santa Monica, C 90406 Direltor, Department of Food Services StaVen K. Gale,1Ph.D., Assochite Project Officer (213) 8204111 Corpus Office of Poliy, Planning and Evaluation Christi Independent School 500 12th Street, S.W. Distfict, Corpus Christi, Texas Jean Vellisefs, Ph.D., Project Manager 1 - Washington, D. C 20250 Ray Stewart; Ed.D., Associate Manager 'Alter F. Colender (202) 447-8223 Qire,'ctoir, ChildNutriti Programs Joyce Verineersch, Dr. P.H. NiWiersey State Dep rtment of Education SUBCONTRACTORS Project Research Nutritionist Trenton, Neii Jersey DECIMARESEARCH ,Ross Conner, Ph.D. 2760 Norili Miire Judit Katona-Apte, Dr. P.H. Akst: Professor of Social Ecology Santa Ana,'CA. 92'701 Research Nutritionist University of California at Irvine Vincent Bregfio; Ph.D., Project Director Irvine, California ToinGlenn, Senior Research Assairite. Lawrence A. Jordan, Ph.D. Manager Sampling, Design and Analysis Robert Karp, M.D. CASE WEST,ERN RESERVE UNIVERSLTY- Asst. Professor_of Pediatrics and Office-of Research Administrator Sally D. Hanes Directtir,NlitritiOn Programs CleVeland,'Ohio44106. Associate Maaagez Department of Pediatrics, -Jiiiits.Knispenh'iver, Assistant Director ThornakJefferson University Harold Hower,--M; D.; Coordinator Kenne,h M Maurer Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Econorsetrician Robert Linn, Ph.D Pnfrss6i 0t_ Psychology 4 Janet K. Rienbluilt University of Illinois Research Analgst Urbana, Illinois CONSIL TANTS AND -TEWICAL ADvisogs Joirn R. Shiban 'Sara Lynn Parker I Mr .ag,:rField Operations Nutrition Field Worker -. Philip Armstrong Food Research and Action Center -Amelia Miens IMary'Macari Washingion, D.-C. :George,,Brig6,-Ph.D. Sr. Field Operations Specialist Ruth-C.irol; Ed.D. David Price, Ph.D. Joliii Coulson, -Ph.D. -Beth Minton PrOfessor, Agricultural Economics JOsepii Edozien-, M.D. Field Operations Specialist Washington State University . -Gail Frank Pullman, Washington FialPh Fieriehs,:Dr. EH. Linda Soriano Richard Reed Steven Kaplin Field Nutritionist Member, Committee on Evaluation Ward-Keeslirig, Ph.D. and Information Systems, and Instrument Prdcessing , Child Nutritilon Director .Robert Levirie;:Ph.D. Aids Bel New York State Department of Education Lillie Parkin,'Ph.D. Albany, New ;York Grace Petot -Mariaii.Solomon, Ph.D. Training and Quality Assurance David Rush, mil Seymour Sudinan, Ph'.D. School of Public Health Donald West,-Ph.D. Lyn Hayes Columbia University Alfred Zerfas,-M.R.C.P.E. Sue .11ixson New York', New York `Maria Mazvosh Daniel Stufflebeam, Ph.D. Olga Sanders Director, Evaluation Center, and Noreen Shanahan Professor of Education Patricia Sorrells Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Gary A. Duck, Ph.D. ManagerInstrumentation Ann R: Tolman Director, Child Nutrition Programs Doug Longshore Connecticut 'State Department of Education Instrumentation Specialist Hartford, Connecticut Myron Winick, M.D. Kathryn Nelson Professor of Pediatrics and Phase I Coordinator Director, Institute of Human Nutrition ColumbiaUniversity' Jane Green New York, New York Research Associate Project Secretaries Carol Bundles Peggy Hobbs Tti* Mieko M. Vale THE NATIONAL. EVALUATION OF SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAMS REVIEW OF RESEARCH' - VOLUME 2 * Edited by:_Kathryn Nelson Joyce'Vermeersch Lawrence=- Jordan 4ean.-WelliSoh Steven Gale The- reSearch reported herein Was performedpursuant to a contract with :the=l)ffice of Policy; andEvaluation, Foodand Nutrition 'SerViod p-. "Department of_Agricultdre. Contractors undertaking such Prjed1.4 under-GOVerhmehb SOorsorshi0are encouraged to express treely Weir profeSSional judgment in the -conduct ofthe" project. Therefore, :points of view OroPifitons--stated do not,(necessarily, represent offioial USDA position or policy. SYSTEM, DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2500 COLORADO AVENUE :SNTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA 90406 APRIL 1981 t ACKNOtiLEDGEMENTis I gere7W-want'to acknowledgethe peopAwho madesignificant ContribUtions dUring the review process, in, additionto thosenamed as authors. Many i peoplecontributed )to thereview of research by Searching forrelevant studies, abstractinginformation, composingtables, preparing preliminary drafts,- and conducting substantive and editorialreviews. If someone who helped Usis not mentioned, it is due toan oversight and we apologize. .First, we want tomxpress our appreciation to ,the people in the Food and Nutrition `Service (FNS) ofthe .DepartMentof Agriculture-(USDA), Jack 4adzikoWski, the USDA Project Officer for theNational Evaluation of School ,NIUtrition'irogramt--(NESNP)has been unfailing in his support, patience and good humor. He and Steven Gale,, NutritionalCoordinator- for the PrOgrat EValuation Staff of the Officeof Planning, Policy-and Elialuation, critiqued draftdaterialsland coordinated inputs from othermembers of the, -FNS staff. They 1were extremely- sensitiveto. the interests and concerns of the diverse audiences for this report and guided'us towardmaking the report useful to decision-makers, prectitionerd and researchers. Athol*, other FNS staff who review drts of the report, we are especialiy grateful to- Fran Zixn and TereSa-,Trogden for theit information and-insights concerning nutritional assessment and program-operations. _Nekt; we want to thank themembers of the NESNP Advisory Group who reviewed our:_drafts,provided information On operational. procedures,and suggested additional topicS ,to be covered in the review. (The Advisory. Group membership isshownonthe.1NESNP organization, chart.) Finally; we Want to aclinciviledge the contributions of NESNP, staff. Ruth Bornstein (consultant) wrote the preliminarydraft of legislative history in - Chapter. I, and Ken Maurer (project economist) drafted the section on school ii. and-student'participatioh, also in. Chapter I; Lilli Parkin and Fred Zerfas (consultant's) wrote the preliminary drafts for Chapter on dietary measures and anthrlpometrics, i.espectively; Jane Green (NESNP research associate) and Linda Marie Collins(FNS summer intern)preparedcomprehens detailed critical analyses of Chapters II and IV,respectively;Laura teeb (NFSNP research assistant) located research and abstracted data for several If the chapters; Saddra Brighouse located studies and constructed tables for Chap III;- Carol Bundies (project secretary),/ Frank Tierney, Pam Doherty, and Bri.:1 Severy (SDC editors) patiently and diligently workedon the many iterations needed'to complete this 'report. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF/TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES xi INTRODUCTION 1 SIUMMART OF CHAPTER I 19 CHAPTER
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