2Jall'f' WE'RE GETTING OUR ~TOGETHER FOR .•. " NIGHTCLUB/CABARET ... DOO-DAH-DA YZ~\ coming in July "pro DALLAS DALLAS 2911 ROUTH AT CEDAR SPRINGS VERY OPENING/\ SOON TELEPHONE NOW FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTARY INVITATION TO OUR GRAND OPENING PARTY (214) 698-0034 EMPLOYMEI'JT APPLICATIONS STILL BEING ACCEPTED I=!J~'-II(1-11\5 rrs I'I~I\'II.I:GI: 1~\iIC ' 1""'''''1"" ..' 'I~\I_I_IN" 1-IClJSiCN r PAGE 5 TWT JULY 16 - 22, 1982 PAGE 4 TWT JULY 16 • 22, 1982 1/2 PRICE SALE* \\011 __ (ONTENTS~_ Volume 8, Number 17 Julv 16-Julv 22, 1982 Be proud of your body with a moves, all in cool, clean, com- little help from Fitness Ex- fortable facilities. change. At Fitness Exchange Join now and pay only one TWT NEWS 11 we tailor a program to meet half of our regular membership your special needs and we price plus $50.00. But hurry, supervise you on our revolu- this offer is for a limited COMMENT 21 tionary Nautilus equipment. time onlyl Also available are Aerobics HIGHLIGHT Gav Radio by Harold Hoya 27 classes, Suntana sun systems, Membership reciprocal between Dallas & Houston free weights, sauna, jacuzzi, juice bar and music that * + $50 A WOMAN'S PLACE WhV Did Godiv. e? by linda Parks 31 BOOKS The Spartan Reviewed by David Fields 33 MOVIES Diva and Mephisto Reviewed by George Klein 37 MOVIES Notes on Igor Stravinsky by George Klein 40 SHOWBIZ by Jock Varsi 42 ENTERTAINMENT - TEXAS by Rob Clork 46 FEATURE Key West- The Agony and the Ecstasy by David Meunier 50 HOT TEA 61 SPORTS 71 ON OUR COVER Austin 4th of July Picnic Photos by Scott Taylor 74 STARSCOPE New Moon Eclipse 81 CLASSIFIED 87 CALENDAR 99 THE GUIDE 103 TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, tnc., at 2205 Montrose. Houston. Texas 77006; phone: (713) DALLAS 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photo- HOUSTON graph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orienta- 26150aklawn 3307 Richmond Ave. tion of said person or organization, Subscription rates: $55 per year; $35 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. ~fITrnevsrs Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders, First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © Suite 101 Houston 1982 by Montrose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, arti- Dallas, TX 75219 Texas 77098 cle or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. 214/526-1220 \eXCIHrRYrI6e 713/524-9932 NAUTILUS FOR MEN TWT JULY 16 - 22, 1982 PAGE 7 \UU ___ NEWS:-__ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS HOMEOFFICE SNIPERS SHOOT near the north corner on Waugh, "We 2205 Montrose are definitely shoring up our fence with Houston, Texas 77006 INTO BAR CROWD bullet-proof plexiglass," Mary's (713) 52~9111 HOUSTON - It all began as a typi- manager, Andy Mills, told TWT NEWS. DALLASOFFICE cally busy Saturday night both inside A reward in the amount of $2,000 3409 Oak Lawn Suite 117 ($1,000- Mary's, $500-Chases, $500- Dallas, Texas 75219 Mary's and out on the club's patio when (214) 521-0622 four shots rang out shortly after 1:OOam. TWT) has been offered for the arrest of the two Anglo teenagers who police PUBLISHER/EDITOR Cbuck Patrick At first, customers thought it was fire- FEATURESEDITOR 810se PiStefallO works or a car backfiring, one witness learned were seen speeding up Waugh TEXAS ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Rob Clark said. But, it turned out to be real. Drive in a black pickup truck after fir- NATIONAL SHOWIIIZEDITOR Jock vOT$i Four shots had been fired aimlessly ing onto the patio, NEWS/SPORTS EDITOR Chuck Patrick HPD was on the scene immediately POETRY EDITOR Art Iornoszewskt July 11 by snipers from a passing CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jim Boone, truck onto the patio, Many could have and officers were very courteous and ef- Harry Deutsch, Bonnie Dcmbroski, DaVid FIelds, ficient, Mills stated, Stepnonfe Hartis, Christopher Hart, Paul Herrero, been hit. Fortunately, only two were, tiorold Hoya, Dean Molone,.JosePh.i;4lchoel. One was taken to Hermann Hospital Linda parks, WJ, Quigley, SIeve Vecchietfl ART DIRECTOR steven Doug/os Frilz where he was released, DRUM BEATS TO PRODUCTION MANAGER Dennis Walker However, the second victim, Darrell ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Milch Borlfow W, New, 28, was hit by one bullet which TOTAL VICTORY GRAPHIC ARTISTS Thom Bisping, Guy Keefer. entered the back of his head at the base HOUSTON - Can you hear a zipper Frank While, Mike SulUvon, John Buschlen. Fred Hinton of his skull. He was rushed by am- unzip 14 feet away? Sgt. Hogg, who TYPOGRAPHERS w,J, Quigley, Leslie Holmes bulance to Ben Taub Hospital arriving supervised the ill-fated raid on the Dif- STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Ell Guklch, Graham, ANNOUNCIWe-, N'W..,- .....,...m'-",_,."~_.".,,' . at 1:30am, Lee Harrington told TWT ferent Drum bar on September 9 (and Scott TaYlor, Woody Keas, Greg Haviconf AI Mocareno, Jim Hamilton, J, Robert Araya, NEWS. He underwent a lengthy 8V2-hour earlier on Mary's Lounge) had testified operation which began at 2:30am, New that one could, SALES ~b ~b had been sitting on the patio by the However, when a pair of Levi's was EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER fence with his friend, Maurice Pfleider, brought into court last week and un- Jim Veteto eatk eatk when the incident happened, zipped, the sound could not be heard, Advertising rates are available on request 0'( 0'( "I thought at first, when he put his If you can't hear it unzip in a silent by telephoning the salesperson in your head in my lap, that he was dodging the courtroom, how can you hear it in a nearest city, from 10am-5pm, weekdays. • bullets," said Pfleider. "It was not until noisy, crowded bar? DEADLINEFORALL ADS: Friday, one week t6 ~ I saw blood that I realized he had been How can you serve liquor to intoxi- prior to publication. f o of shot." cated customers when those custom- AUSTIN Surgeons do not plan to remove the ers arrested for being drunk were found Scott Taylor . ~ ~ . (512) 926-0253 POPPERS not to be legally intoxicated? DALLAS ~4' bullet, which remains lodged in his The obvious answers to these perti- Richard Rogers. (214) 521-0622 ~ brain. However, he will be on contin- FORTWORTH =- =3 ~ uous medication, By last Monday night, nent questions posed by attorneys Jerry Cassidy. (817)335-0742 two days after the shooting, New was Debra Danburg and Clyde DeWitt led HOUSTON Chuck Oberg. (713) 527-9111 able to move his arms and legs, indica- Judge Jack Treadway to rule on July 7, SAN ANTONIO WE'VE St'iLL GOI If ALU ting that he would not be completely after two days of trial testimony in Alan Gellman ,(512) 492-6894 t'OVV~R5t VAVi-RS paralyzed, "He's been doing a lot of municipal court, that none of the P\PES & C\.\fS fighting back for his life," Pfleider told twenty-two defendants were guilty, The TWT NEWS, "He wants to live," score: Drum-22, HPD-O, ACCOUNTING Doug Felix OPEN Darrell needs blood-lots of blood, An earlier trial had resulted in a hung OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl Chamberlain MONDAY-SATURDAY CIRCULATION MANAGER Leslie Holmes Blood donors should stipulate New's jury when 19 of the 22 "cellblock bud- DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Brad loMore JOAM-lI PM donor number, 101·94-22·9, At press dies" were cleared of all charges, Last ASYLUMENTERPRISES,INC. SUNDAYS NOON-1PM time, his condition had improved from week, the jury was instructed by the The Corporation critical to satisfactory, judge to also clear with a "not guilty" PRESIDENT James 0, Cagle VICE-PR.SIDENT/TREASURER Charles M Patrick There were four separate bullet holes verdict the remaining three defendants. SECRETARYJim 0, Chappell lflf~;iMPLE f:f.~~~ which punctured Mary's wooden fence, Two of the three defendants, Mike ~ %7"i; <> S the first near the patio gate, the last Milburn and Phil Osburn, were cleared PAGE 10 TWT JULY 16 - 22, 1982 TWT JULY 16 - 22, 1982 PAGEl1 of lewdness charges. The third defend- ant, club owner Bill Bailey, was cleared of a supposed liquor violation. Charges of public intoxication and public lewdness have once again pro- ven to be nothing more than harass- ment by police. The city usually loses these kinds of cases, TWT NEWS has continually observed. Similar raids on Mary's Lounge, at bookstores and bath- houses have resulted in accomplishing nothing more than costing honest tax payers money and time. From the outset, Bailey had been determined to fight all Charges. To "Stonewall" these arrests is the proper, :rhe Official legal thing to do. All gay businesses and customers Miss Gay South should take a cue from the favorable outcome of the Drum trial, to fight all THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 charges in a court of law. The Different PRELIMINARIES Drum spent thousands of dollars to de- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3-FINALS fend its honor as have Mary's, Asylum, at Sunset Boulevard, San Antonio Studz, Ballpark, Club Dallas, Village Sta- $300 $200 $100 tion, Old Plantation and others. And, it's always worth it. Especially when the good guys, in all the afore- The Official mentioned cases, win. Miss Gay Texas ~; NEW VACCINE \\ Revue FOR HEPATITIS·B l WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4 ATLANTA - One of the diseases at Sunset Boulevard, San Antenio with an extremely high incident rate among gays is Hepatitis-B.
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