- i ... • '... PAGE TWENTY-FOUR FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1989 AYuiage Daily Nht P rte Run HanriifBftpr EtiPtiinB !|FraUi n r The Week Buded The Weather J m e 28. 1988 In Ms story yesterday about Samuel Sweet, son of Mr. and Coventry; Mra. Charlotte J. Clear tonight. Low in 60s. Sim- About Town the election o f Michael J. Fields Mrs. Frederick Sweet ol 42 N. Manchester- Pestke, 118 West St.; Raymond M^sfield Boys of 115 White St. as master coun­ School St., is doing research this Schmidt, Bast Hartford; Sharon THIS COUPON 15,459 ny and wanner tomorrew. High Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. cilor of John Mather Chapter, summer at the Southwestern Hospital Notes IniBoston Games .Richtuxlson ol 208 Highland St. L. Sullivan, 78 Horton Rd.; in the 80a. Preclpttation zero. ^ Order of DeMoIay, The Herald Research Station of the Ameri­ Manebaster— 4 City o f VUirnge Charm wlU be honored on their 00th Mrs.. Pauline H. ’Tremidne, said Fields is the son of Mr., can Museum of Natural History Francis KeUey, superintendent ♦ wedding anniversary Sunday at Main St., Box 88, Coventry; j ADMITS ONE FREE and Mrs. Larry White and It in Portal, Ariz. Sweet is a senior VISITING HOURS of the Mansfield ’Training SchooL VOL., LXXXVin, NO. 276 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) an open house from 2 to 5 pm . Mrs. Joan C. Weir, Glaston­ MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1969 ASvirrtlelBg oa Page IS) PRICE TEN CENTS should have been Mr. and Mrs. at Cornell University, Ithaca, Intermediate Care Semi­ bury; Mrs. Lorraine B. Yaoono, announced ’Thursday that the at the home of their son and Larry Fields. private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. ” HARTFORD COUNTY N.Y. where he recently received South St., Coventry. school Is sending 40 young ath­ daughteiMn-haw, Dr. and Mrs. a $400 Farrell scholarship. He 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- Robect B. Richardson Jr., 67 The Rev. .Gary S. Cornell of was named to the dean’s list 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. BIRTHS YES’IERDAT: A son letes to Boston to compete in PheMpe Rd. South United Methodist Church for the spring semester. Pediatrics: Parents allowed to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Robinson, 'the Northeast Regional Special will conduct a service Sunday any time except noon-2 p.m .; Lake Rd., Andover; a son to Olympics for the Retarded Aug. 1,800 Flee Hon les The cast of the Jinunarker at 8:16 a.m. on radio station Menibers of the Regina others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Mr. and Mra. Richard Wood- 22-28. 4-H Fair Self Service: 10 s.m.-2 p.m., An estimated 1,000 retarded ProdudUon’s new play, "The WINF. The program Is spon­ D’ i'. Society will meet to­ house, 448 B. Center St.; a I AngiBt 22, 23, 24 | Apple Tree,” wUl rehearse to­ sored by the Manchester Coun­ night-at 7:30 at the W. P. Qulah 4 p.m.-8 p.m. 0, son to Mr. and Mrs. J e ff Niel­ children from the NorUieast will Hold Americans, night at 6:30 at South United Intensive Care and -Coronary take part in the unique athletic cil f}t Churches and the Man­ FHineral Home, 226 Main St., to son, 46 Harlan St.; ■ a son to Mr. - Route 75— WindsM' L ocIgb _ As Fires Rampage Methodist Church. chester Clergy Association. pay respects to the late Mra. Care: Immediate family only, and Mra. Bdward Cox, RFD 1, events. Nellie S. Mazzuchi, a member ansrtime, limited to live min- Grant HIU Rd., Tolland. Games will be held at the ■ Fri. 8:00—^Dick Shney end The Oountry RdMUon ■ of the society. otea. .....— ■ Boston college Alumni Stadium. LGS ANGBLBS (AP) — More Diego County vdiere fire had Blatemity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- DI8CHARGBD TBSTBRDAY: The opening ceremonies at 11 I Sat. 8:00—^The Danm Yankees | than 1,800 residents fled their blackened at least 46,000 acres, 12:46 p.m., and 0:80 p.m.-8 Romaild A. West, 142 W. Center a.m. ^turday will begin with homes today as Ares rampaged officials said, in the wilting, Close Czech Line • GO NATIVE AT PERO’S • Airplane Fare p.m.; others, 8 p.m.-4 p.in., and St.; Guy Jodpln, 110 Greenwood the lighting of the Olympic Son.— M a n y Spednl Featores unchecked over a huge swath of late-summer dry heat, 0:80 p.m.-8'p.m . Dr.; Barbara h. Flucldger, El­ torch. remote and relatively unpopu- The biggest fire started Frl- VIENNA (A P )— Czech- open for visitoni with visas Is­ ed for asylum here Friday. NATIVE! Com, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Oohes, Red and Green lington; Mrs. Mary 8 . ’Taft, 46 lated brueh and grassland in day on Camp Penoieton about sued by Czechoslovak diplo­ Other CzMhoalovaks sought asy­ Peppers, Oanliflowei, Romalne and Boston Let- Increase Pends Age Limits: 10 in maternity, oslovxak authorities closed Southern California. 16 miles south of the Western lum the day before. t n ^ Leehs, Green and Yellow Beans, Beet WASHINGTON (AP) — The 12 in other areas, no limit in Riverside Dr.; Mrs. Doris A. the border crossing oppo­ matic missions abroad. The so- An eiAimated 1,600 persons White House, but it was burning Greens, Swiss Olinrd, Lhna and Shell Beans, commercial flying fare may be self-service. Walton, 176 Autumn St.; Mr^ site Bratislava today ex­ called short-term visas obtaln- PRAGUE (AP) —The Czech­ were ordered out of their homes eastward today and said to be A oom and Botteim it Squash, Savoy and Red going up soon—the takeoff could Christina Hamilton, 64B Chml cept for returning Czecho- border croesings oslovak government rammed Oabbage, Yams, Sweet Potatoes, Eggplant. H ie administration reminds nut St.; Kristine SodierqulKt during the night in northern San no threat to the summer seaside be as early as Sept. 16 or as late Slovaks and gasoline tank ouapenoea oy czecnoeio- through h FRESH: FMohea, Phans, Pears, Red and White Grapes, as Oct. 1—with any exact rate visitors that with construction East Hartford; Ellzaibeth A residence where President Nix- ___.. 1 . vaKvak authonUesauthorities shortlyshortly beforebefore night •-to —curb ■- antigovernment------ —. I on has been staying. Neotarkiea, Oantalonpes, Orawshaw . Mekma, rises to be determined after ar­ under way, parking space~^Il Trainer, Tolland; Jertlyn Marlr $AVE $ $ - SPECIAL SALE ^rs, the Austrian Interior the anniversary of the Soviet in and antl-Sovlet disorders. The Honeydews, Avocados, Miangoea, Limes, Grape­ limited. Visitors are asked to guments before the d v ll Aero­ Kosdw, 48 Brook St., Wapping. No injuries were reported. Ministry said. vaston of Czechoslovakia. , army and police crushed re­ fruit. bear with the hospital while the nautics Board. Also, Mrs, Helen T. Duncan, Officials said they could not Other, border croesinga were Sixty-two Czechozlovaks ask- newed rioting In Brno, the na­ NATIVE! Peadtes, ESarly Maos, Grsvenatsin and Wealthy parking problem exists. stop a 12,000-acre fire near Fall- The CAB has Indicated to the ThampsonvUle; John V. Prytko, Rains Drive tion's second largest city. Apptea. carriers they may be allowed to 103 Chambers St.; Bion'P..,Wll. brook, 85 miles south of Los An­ at WOODLAND GARDENS The new laws provide prison Increase fares to help counter ley, 71 Green Rd.; Cheryl A geles from a valley containing terms, fines or loss of job* for rising costs and dipping returns. Patients Today: 269 Lazoren, East Hartfoid; Sar­ several hundred homes—Includ­ 100,000From virtually any activity directed 7^ WEEKEND SPECIALS ir Oral argumeilts on proposals kis Meserlian, 146 Woodland St.; ON SURPLUS ing some in the $100^000 range. 2 ADMI’TTBD YBSTBRDAY:„ against Communism or those tat from five companies—^Ameri­ George Slmpeon, 71 Branford A trailer park was also threat­ Mrs.'Barbara Mae Aubut, 183 Angry Arabs Shout power. Prague Radio sold the NATIVE TOMATOES.............. .,.......... lb. 2 »e can, Continental, Bastem, St.; Joseph C. Coulombe, 16 ened, officials said. , The home of Rolf Bohnsack in Horizon Hills area of El C^jon is completely Spruce St.; Bonnie Bamini, 246 Their Homes laws went Into effect Friday NATIVE FANCY CUKES..........:... .4 for 29^ Northwest and Uidted—will be Cold Spring Dr., Vernon; Hope Reports conflicted about pro­ destroyed by fire which originated in tinder-dry brush and grass. Five other Boulder Rd.; Patrick J. Bren­ M. Btette, 33 Birch St.; Lester night and would continue until ICEBERG LETTUCE ..............................heod 29^ held Sept. 4. Although Branlff MEXICO CTTY (AP) — Inces- perty damage. Officials said one and "1™!* World Airlines have nan, F^ast Hartford; Mrs. Anita E, Behrend,' Kelly Rd., Vemon; scons LAWN PRODUCTSI report, that ■ 16 houses burned homes in vicinity were destroyed. (AP Photofax) Hatred of Americans the end of the year. EARLY M A C S ........................... 6 qt. ba« $1.00 Drennan, 1039 Tolland Tpke.; Wlillaim H. Maxwell, 6 Bank eant heavy rains, a result of Two persons were reported not filed proposals of their own, Escondido Friday night. BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — COCA-COLA Save 20c — 6 pak, 16 oz. bote. 7 0 ^ Bastem says they back its ap­ Ann C. and ’Timothy R. Fair- St.; Robert H. Schedner, 160 Hurricane Camille, have caused was incorrect, A section of the crowd tried to killed and several injured in the Thousands of angry demonotra- approach the American Embn*- proach. man, South Windsor; Matthew Spring St. floods and forced more than In El Cajon, 40 miles south of second day of rioting in Brno, tors poured through the streets ay but was barred by police. Suggested increases range L.
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