Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER 1962 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 200 Address in Reply [ASSEMBLY] Questions TUESDAY, 4 SEPTEMBER, 1962 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) took the chair at 11 a.m. QUESTIONS PUBLICITY FOR QUEENSLAND AT AUSTRALIA HOUSE Mr. DEAN (Sandgate) asked the Minister for Labour and Industry- "In view of the press statement in the 'Telegraph' of Friday, August 24, which was attributed to a retired businessman named Mr. Harold Hopper, to the effect that he is planning an around-the-world one-man tourist crusade next year mainly because Queensland is the most neglected State, publicity-wise, in Australia and also that Queensland is neglected at Australia House, which is known to tourists as 'The Morgue', will he take the necessary action to ascertain whether such claims of lack of knowledge and lack of information exist at Australia House?" Hon. G. F. R. NICKLIN (Landsborough­ Premier), for Hon. K. J. MORRIS (Mt. Coot-tha), replied- "It seems to me that Mr. Hopper has in mind the undoubted neglect in this regard up to August, 1957, and of the absence of any Governmental efforts up to that time. I am happy to say that all reasonable people would agree that the situation is now entirely reversed." THEATRETTE AT QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Mr. SHERRINGTON (Salisbury) asked the Premier- "In view of the excellent work being carried out by the Director and staff of the Queensland Museum in screening suit­ able educational films for school children, trainee teachers and the general public, will he give consideration to constructing a suitable theatrette for this purpose to obviate the necessity of their having to be screened in a dilapidated corridor as at present?" Hon. G. F. R. NICKLIN (Landsborough), replied- "The Government is most appreciative of the work being carried out by the Director and staff of the Queensland Museum and is desirous of supporting its activities. I should like to emphasise that, owing to the negligence of the Labour Party in the field of education, the present Government has found it essential to set aside each financial year since it came into office a great proportion of its funds for the provision of accom­ modation, equipment and amenities in prim­ ary and secondary schools. The Honourable Member can rest assured that improvements to the Queensland Museum and similar institutions will be carried out as and when funds become available." Questions (4 SEPTEMBER] Questions 201 EMPLOYMENT OF JUNIORS AND APPRENTICES; of alcoholics by films and lectures that "LABOUR ONLY" SuB-CONTRACTS alcoholism is a disease; provide a centre where the alcoholic can get a cup of tea Mr. AIKENS (Townsville South) asked and a clean-up; and endeavour to obtain the Minister for Labour and Industry- a job for him. Medical treatment is "In view of the many public and press given at the Ayr Hospital and this is appeals made in recent months by him free under the Government's hospital and other responsible members of the scheme. It cannot be expected that the Government for private employers to Government subsidise every object, how­ employ more juniors and apprentices, what ever worthy, and I regret I cannot accede steps have been taken, or are contemplated, to the request." to prevent the now common practice of building speculators and other people of that type from advertising in the press for, HOSPITAL AT GIRU and giving all their building work to, 'labour only' sub-contract carpenters, who Mr. COBURN (Burdekin) asked the cannot, because of the terms of the sub­ Minister for Health and Home Affairs- contract and the nature of their work, "Will he give consideration to estab­ employ juniors or indenture apprentices?" lishing at Giru, which is the centre of Hon. G. F. R. NICKLIN (Landsborough- a thriving sugar-producing district with Premier), for Hon. K. J. MORRIS a population of 1,200, a hospital suitable (Mt. Coot-tha), replied- to meet all requirements of the area?" "! have already advised the Honourable Member in correspondence that an examin­ Hon. H. W. NOBLE (Yeronga) replied- ation of 174 of some 580 State Awards "Establishment of new hospitals in in force has revealed that the question country centres has to be considered in of 'piecework' is dealt with in at least relation to the availability of loan finance thirty-four State Awards of those examined. Consequently, it is apparent and the relative urgency of the claims of that this matter is regarded by the Indus­ these centres, having regard to proximity trial Commission as an industrial matter of existing hospital services and the satis­ coming within its purview. The Honourable factory nature or otherwise of access Member specifically refers to carpenters roads and transport facilities available. who are covered by the Building Trades The claims of Giru will be considered Award, which prescribes that 'piecework' in conjunction with those of a consider­ is prohibited and 'labour only' contracts able number of other applicant country are considered to be 'piecework' within centres on the basis outlined." the meaning of that Award. The matter therefore is one for the Industrial Com­ mrsswn. This was apparently the view BALLOTS FOR TOBACCO BLOCKS, MAREEBA held during the many years of office of Labour Governments, as the position Mr. ADAIR (Cook) asked the Minister for obtaining under this Government in this Public Lands and Irrigation- particular matter is exactly the same as "Has he given consideration to a recent it was under the successive Labour request from tobacco farmers and inter­ Governments." ested persons that future ballots be held in Mareeba for all tobacco blocks thrown SUBSIDY TO ALCOHOLICS COUNSELLING open for ballot in that area? If so, has CENTRE, AYR the request been granted?" Mr. COBURN (Burdekin) asked the Minister for Health and Home Affairs- Hon. A. R. FLETCHER (Cunningham) replied- "As the Alcoholics Counselling Centre in Ayr, the only one of its kind in "These ballots also attract applicants Queensland, is rendering excellent service to from other than the Mareeba area, and alcoholics and their wives and families in ballots held in Brisbane to date, which are the Lower Burdekin, will he have enquiries advertised in the Press several days before made into the work being done by this the actual date of ballot, have been Centre with a view to subsidising it, as attended by a number of people, including those responsible for the conduct of the representatives of applicants from the Centre are experiencing considerable dif­ Mareeba area. However, in view of the ficulty in continuing their humanitarian high proportion of applicants in the work because of the shortage of funds?" Mareeba area, the requests referred to and Hon. H. W. NOBLE (Yeronga) replied- following personal discussions with "! understand the Alcoholics Coun­ interested persons, I have in mind to hold selling Centre at Ayr is conducted by a future ballots at Mareeba. This will be voluntary organisation consisting of done provided the proportion of applicants prominent citizens at Ayr. They under­ from the Mareeba area justifies this take education of the public and relatives action." 202 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions RAILWAY FARES AND FREIGHTS, at its recent conference. The plan will CAIRNS-ATHERTON TABLELAND lay on the table of the Commisisoner for some months, during which time l.Vlr. ADAIR (Cook) asked the Minister for objections will be accepted and will be Transport- discussed by the Department with the "With reference to my recent request Local Authorities concerned. The Honour­ for him to investigate the possibility of a able Member for Bowen has informed me reduction in freight rates and passenger that he has asked, through the Bowen fares on rail charges from Cairns to Shire Council, that consideration be given Mareeba and the Atherton Tableland, has to having this road included in the plan. he had the matter investigated and, if On two previous occasions the matter has so, what is the result of the investigation?" been raised with me by the Honourable Member for Bowen, who is a very active Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) and capable member. The Honourable replied- Member for Townsville North must be " As advised in the reply of March 6, well aware that the road referred to is 1962, to the question asked by the located in the Bowen Electorate." Honourable Member concerning reduction of rail freights from Cairns to the Ather­ REFLECTORS ON RAILWAY WAGONS ton Tableland, although substantial reduc­ Mr. DAVIES (Maryborough), for tions in the rates for beer, wines and spirits Mr. TUCKER (Townsville North), asked the were made previously, they did not result Minister for Transport- in this traffic being regained. It also was stated in that reply that further new rates "Would it be possible to have some were about to be quoted in an endeavour reflecting material, such as is used effec­ to regain this business, but subsequent tively by the Main Roads Department, investigations revealed that there was little placed in slots along the sides of wagons prospect of the business being obtained at to make their presence on level crossings an economic quotation, and, therefore, no more easily discernible at night?" further action was taken." Hon. G. W. W. CHALK (Lockyer) replied- DAMAGE TO NORTHERN BRIDGES BY VEHICLES "Consideration has been given to the TRANSPORTING OIL RIGS use of reflectors or other luminous Mr. DAVIES (Maryborough), for markings on the sides of rail wagons, but Mr. TUCKER (Townsville North), asked the has not been adopted because such Minister for Development, Mines, Main Roads markings would, in many instances, be and Electricity- ineffective due to wagons being covered by tarpaulins. It is considered that a "What was the cost of repairing the train made up of some wagons bearing Northern bridges damaged by heavy marking and others not so, would increase vehicles transporting oil rigs to the Far the possible hazard at a level crossing.
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