Arner, Misses Frank, Cordry, Scott Win Offices

Arner, Misses Frank, Cordry, Scott Win Offices

Rodeo Tickets Vote Deadline Tomorrow Wednesday THEOfficial Student Body PublicationSKIFF of Texas Christian University \ol.l ME !•"• FORT WORTH. TEXAS, lltlim. KEBR1 \IH II. 1941 \l \tBER 1-* arner, Misses Frank, Cordry, Scott Win Offices 'HIT Put Heart on Your Shoulder Run-Off Election lin For Valentine Dance Tonight Letters to the Editor ■ ' s Wednesday Pres. Conant of Harvard rforrow Misses Mary l ■ Ann 1 night. '[ Praises Veteran Students pon't Gripe—Yell' ■ ' their oppoi i I rhi ■ ■ ■ ■ Leoi Scott, si v'ortl ; ■ ■ 1 ■ I. R. C Plans : ■ A g( ■ luly, L04-4 ■ 2 Spring Trips 'ram. ■ Delcqatcs to Attend Meet i <hi|i in her sophon i - ■ At Oklahoma A b M. ■ ■ I ■ D r. University of Arkansas I ml Dei ■ e of ! ■ Club Page Fees ■ 1 ■ ■ He For Horned Frog ■ [. R. C. coi Due in Saturday ■ ■ ■ '■ - ■ ■ 1 ■ ■■ . ■ - ■ i J and 5. ■' I \ ■ • ■ Dinner Honors i I'. \. 1 ■ with delcgs lit ■ I i . I . Colby D. Hall ick e few ■ ■ ■ S1000 Check Presented '' ' ■ India dele, ■ Retiring Dean by Friends, ■ ■ TCU Artist Wins ■ ■ Colleagues, Ex-Students ■ S250 First Prize and retu the 1 ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ FOUR WINNERS ■ ■ D. He 1 ■ ■ P.\ : ; ■ ' Han i o \ i ■ i /eterans Pica ■ l U. at 7 p. I ■ ■■' I ■ ■ Aviation Classes ; Rodeo Tickets ■ ■ ■ ! ■ ■ . i ■ . Offer Link Flying ■ ■ I ■ To Go Off Sale ■ ■ ■ I Program Set ■ ■ Deadline Noon Tomorrow, ■ I ■ OF ■ II: \ ■ Names for Ranch Week FIELD ■ For Pascha "Queen" Due Wednesday ■ IITE thi ■ Orchestra, String Group ■ i ■ ■ To Be Heard in Concert Housing of Men ■ and K W ■ For Student Loan Fund ■ Breaks Record ■ from Ii . • 0 ■ "A ■ ■ ... i ■ ■ I I ■ 27th. I - ■ ■ I : ■ 1 ■ | ■ ■ A I nf this nu ■ ■ I I : ■ ■ ■ Ernest Allen, Jr., to Head ■ the Leg ■ ■ 10 : Gi e Hall, I ■ Chnmbcr of Commerce ■ ■ i ■ ■ \ ■ li in Dormito ■ ■ ■ thr fo C( T. C. I ■ ..i her worl i 1 [ i "On Being a Good Scout" ■ . ■ . \ Is Sunday Sermon Topic . work, ■ there s ■ ■ Pi ■ i r . ere: J ■ \ . ,, Ho ■ ■ e pis ■ i on this Harris Collcqc Faculty ■ ■ HI ' B ■ ■ ■ ■ To Assist H«qh Schools ■ ■ e BJ rou p i i ■ from N'ev >' I ■ ■ ■ 11 v ■ ■■■■■■ .i - ■.■ ■ ■ i■ the i c i . 1 ■ ■ * I ■ en in op- ivi i ■ ■ thwhile thinge ■ ■ ■ ahmi; ■ in five I ■ and Ri ■ i veter- ■ ■ ind and n cleai ing BUD- ■ 1 ■ igh the V, \. ■ M VI ■ ■ ■ even ^ob Matthews Is Named ■ n ■ i I student*' | I II I < inrr Mnnaacr bv Council i with luL." ■ ■ ■ 94 Classes Arc Offered ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ 1 On Evening Collcqc List to be. i i.i-. .■ < "horal Club to Pcrfoim ... ■ MAI RH I I LANGFORD. i leai H ■ i In Inter Faith Program pei tificate in home nursing. .i i ■ r fhe Choral ' ■ p Sunday Library Rrrmuda Trin Is Prize- i ■ \mcrican Leqion to See rhe skiff; No douhl I ... , - '46 Rn^eball Series Films T.C.U. Coeds to Be Entered ecaust pu , bul i hei"' an ment. ■ i enl applied I ■ i ■ up i equiring i eading a In National Modeling Contest 1 ■ Girls! Wo wlllcl; I I l \ tet No. book In thr Library. eve '■ ■ Be< i ■ " ..', ■ ■ ■ Bel ' ►'Keefe i- ■ to talli our empl i ■ Al 1 ...;.., , i lelini" by n ' B worV In n Library. i .... ■ A 35 Return to Field Work imlim. « id* . ^roq Band Will March tut] na i dot i ■ ■ ■ In Insurance. Departmen. ually in the §v< ilent v 'n Dallas Parade Mondav V C. U. winner, ■ o\ Id* 'I we gal will be enteri ! Open House Adds Feminine Pulchritude ai Idition, tIK- r. C, I'. winner, with 1 ■ M : i ei talnly not all reference along with othei ei the choola, will I ' tte %H- 111 nol ify I i ■■ checked out, m i . will have her i ■ i I that there will they havi ieei pokei foi al Ilihsd Ii ' over Gii I magi ■ i N Tlir B inhee Club hi be time to make photoi end corn- . before I he deadline i ni ion nf Jaj ce< Deli ■ ■. keep up m Ith our Ittee of in to determl i . I. from 4i P \ It hough In the ca ■ cited gfl .. |m ei from the c« ■ li ■ i ■ H requlri ii bll of doing ill i on the . »mpu la »li( II i I lea ling the ■ Pei i landj. pre Idei t ■ •ul lunch or "standing oi i i ei Li ' he i Ignmt \ bo> to ri i l: . , ■ . ■ i ' mir foi tti ■ I be to mil benefit, . ,,l in the nun" h»ll of ulty 01 hei - are I W eglei. Paul 11 to wee ■ i ■ OtK&V* to many DI hei I udei '' tl ■ tdminlatration Building I 1 i ■-1 I i ■. i ■ ho All nominatii . .1 Barneti i Hum ■ aften ? rueeday. All | ttd will ai Breedi ■ I.Ill .V UlllKH. , ii i« ird well a* ' ! ."til. J. BUCK. he Interviewed bj the committee, Friday, February 11 THF SKIFF Pag* I Frld Keht ■ ■ THE SKIFF ■ uilh College, let Weight Down In ■ At Tesaa Christian I'niveraitJ Picked-Up n I .uthor South Leader . Passing By (. 1 Ipelesa s Advice of Student etiea, lift' ■ I i<< \M KS ("LONG JOHN > ■ evei tin- , ■ F -I WMillM,, " . 1 exarciaen , I(K I itc-i 11 \'Ica-Praeldenl Student Body, Staff I Then ■ • ■ - Dan to live rhi T. C. \ IfcCai ■ avi 1 meeting an old i oloi ed tlal 1 that you will ■ • .», id, of fir ■ . .• 1 -I -i,- ■ oppi t'i c< ■ ■ Subs ' 1 "No, sah, tha Kud ■ 1 I v liich. M ■ ■ ilrca job. 1 Rifri will -!'■<■ rn Toff . ■ Squeeze Play! enouajh ' H Toir ■ : w inning ([»n ■ "An *■ ■ 1 but in bu . Ruaai I hid ■ ■ Have - ■ bile?" ■ ■ ' - ■ \,". ,-■ .1- a nav a- -" ■ I ■ ■ \ I my wc:i' ■ Utuall}. it -., - Pat, "Richard :>• a Hai "Labor vs. Management In a < 'lu >iudtnt* !■' rdft thii • " • ' ■ 1 :, . F01 1 ■ ■ To B^ D^cussion of Clu .» ere correct in 1; icnteni aa, 1ha ■ thro* In ■ ■ Student qutation aroaf if to 'ru V It Roaenthal a-.ked mem- Ml "k II ' naaa ,e rapil "North" berR of In- "Saleamanahip" tlaea ,„lllll < ■ ■ lKa »1 of the whrn meaning i nection <>t ih*- to ri-e individually, introrluiinir iiiiirl n \ I .1 fl nm a ■ ■ a^IT (hout t them-,'l\ e- and itatini »hi the> in 1 c< ■ hav 1 \\ ell, \h ■ takini ihe count, V khaki- cr^ate.'i poi [)r. there is kll<i« J . kina lift clad Iftrl in the rear made thia ■ I hut \h didn't rightly know about ■ ara aai - iral ion • "I'm a pharmaii-t ■■ at - ' ! ,t tail The ■ ■ isih to alii 1 ati •>>" the 'Nawth'!" nut at I arrant Field. I wants -* <■ 1 .. ,, it I can't -ell nt\ *eriieant into do not wa that ., ,1. • making me a corporal." I he rla-.- Il-tened - \ 111 pa t het n a ll\ a-, the* of moi I For Value! For Quality! mleaa si jive - that oh-ened the unadorned <lef \ e* ■ 1 of time. Ati vita 1 "t hi- ho, k pm ate uniform. For Assortments! For Style! e has an inti ■ will determ ■ l fare of the neig-1 1 1 ■ ■ . es ent 1 ade. ' \ e inn ■ e edit ■ Sunday Afternoon Library? ■ I IT Will Pay You 1 ... s thai ■ ■ may ma ■ Bill St.1 rr la taking hi- Span* ■ v . • ents ish *tmil,'- earneat He haa lake To Shop At ■ been dating ;i petit) Pi , ■ taking her ta ii»h pic- well done, the e ■ • ■ • lituat ■ ture -.h<>« 1 and then COB Poetry ■ ■ these atudent »iih her in th.u langua near the hl< elai |lh. unrlr Motl ■ ead librar murh a-, poaaible. Bill's at Club Stripling's « i. 1 Hen 1- to E" BOUth of the tx.rrler for |u t'i"" I* for th< tion of | hi- -ummer'- vacation. Corner IF YOUR HAIRCUTS ARE NOT BECOMING TO YOU t'rl (,r»» the ' towever, Mrs. M I • IrnHrH the 1(1 MINIS! ENT Ol \ KMI N 1 YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO US piiiTff gnm Instructor \nn Stevi Fort Worth's Largest promised to c ■ SIEGl M I I' her ".indent-, were liate-ning "ith Mothershea ti hat many time< ■ r trip no rapt attention to the speei h oi i Department Store kept ecial oc- University Carber Shop I . -, - in 1, with vi "irate detail an incredibll East of T. C U — 2913 West Berry he third place, shi he cil hi- war expcViem . \ • Phone 4-0070 on Sunday afternoons. Admittedly, however, this ibl> impreaaed bj the unusual ■ ' • em. iiri urn- I the I f 111 a 1 k- PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE W:G.y$CiI/>Cinofa ghly ir- ahle hero m but one -in- dent. \t the clone "f thi N. D. Smith, Prop. hese are hit thi- ntoical Rtudent ;in- ind campuses, Perhaps trie idei 1II3 announced t'i a .■ft audieni e. "Now I'll 1 t this campii* net ■ > er 'Big W hei tell one. M1 Itorj ■ "II" the Readi r'l h _. ■ lent. ■ ■ "It'- wrprintng ho* mu.h more 11 . litera- ■ You Are the Builder ti hen It 1- let ■ ■ ■. ■ .ind cake." -a..- Hill re 1 .. •' • gem ■ Ofleab.v. I! .la--. : g four yean 'n Mi- M.i' i 1 antrill, . for mei - •• . n that x • I li.-l li- a. ter.' in- ■ - trail-- ■ : .• 1 mi . • ■ ■ lull- home. lue-dav morning the .la-- had ■ a generoua I Robert ■ ... ... Hlirti-" [,.,i-lri . Iiul the n:-t rm tor : rn. ed| ■. ■ l ■ ■ Wedding Service, Inc. 5512 Hudson Dallas ii. Texas Complete Wedding Vrrangementa he 1 when you smoke ierv< YOUR INTERSTATE THEATRES PHILIP MORRIS! si IKTS nun \) Sumgathttic Ear.

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