Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE ORWOODQ EWSQ FREE NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 Vol 30, No 17 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION •AUGUST 31-SEPTEMBER 13, 2017 ORWOODQ EWSQ NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER: SEE PHOTOS: SOLAR ECLIPSE HYPE? | PG. 4 NCBH BACK-TO-SCHOOL FAIR | PG. 8 SEPT. PRIMARIES Norwood Over the Moon for Solar Eclipse FOR NW BRONX pg 5 Norwood News gets voters ready for September 12 primary BCC Removes Confederate Busts pg 6 Parks to Honor 80 Years of Oval Park Photo by David Cruz THE CANDIDATES FOR the 14th Council District seat include (l-r) Randy Abreu, incumbent Councilman Fernando Cabrera, and Felix pg 11 Perdomo. The candidates appeared in a televised debate on BronxNet TV on Aug. 28. By DAVID CRUZ share of political jousts this year. representing Norwood in the 80th ber general election, his Assem- In two weeks, Democratic vot- Ahead of the Sept. 12 primary, the Assembly District, has five years bly seat could very well be vacant ers in the Bronx head to the polls Norwood News breaks down each of experience in politics. Though until 2019. Governor Andrew to decide who will be their next race along with those candidates he began as a pure outsider, even Cuomo, who has authority in city representative for the next who are officially on the ballot: showing fealty to then Republi- calling for special elections, has four years. And with the Demo- can presidential nominee John not done so in the last few years, cratic primary mattering more 13th Council District McCain, thanks to donations he’s making the prospect of a vacancy than the November general elec- (Open Seat) made, Gjonaj is now considered entirely possible. The prospect tion, given the sheer number of While the 13th Council Dis- an insider (he’s since donated of a special election rests on the Democrats over Republicans, vic- trict covers mostly the east to the campaigns of Democratic outcome of two races involving tors in the Democratic primary Bronx, the race’s relevance to the presidential nominee Hillary state senators: Sen. Ruben Diaz usually go on to win the general northwest Bronx is Assembly- Clinton). Sr., running for City Council for election. man Mark Gjonaj, running in Should Gjonaj win the Sep- the 18th Council District, and pg 14 The northwest Bronx has its the heavily crowded race. Gjonaj, tember primary and the Novem- (continued on page 15) 2 •August 31-September 13, 2017 • Norwood News EDITORIAL Vol. 30, No. 17 Vol. 27, No. 10 NorwoodVol. 27,News 27, No. No.is 10published 10 Good or Bad, We’ll Have Four More Years of de Blasio bi-weekly on Thursdays by MosholuNorwoodNorwood Preservation NewsNews is Corporation ispublished published (MPC) Even in the face of his shady cam- Norwood3400 Reservoir News isOval published East bi-weeklybi-weekly on on Thursdays Thursdays by by paign finance practices, alleged pay to bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by MosholuMosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 Corporation 4998Corporation play scheme, propensity for exercise Mosholu Preservation Corporation 34003400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval Oval2917 East East during work hours, and now his ag- E-mail: [email protected], Reservoir New York 10467Oval East Bronx, New York 10467 gressive plan to place homeless shel- Web.:Bronx, www.norwoodnews.org New York 10467 Phone: 718 324 4998 ters in every neighborhood, there’s a Fax: 718 324 2917 strong chance we will have four more Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 E-mail: [email protected]:Fax: 718 718 324 324 2917 4998 years of Mayor Bill de Blasio after the Mosholu Web:Preservation www.norwoodnews.org Corporation E-mail: [email protected]: 718 324 2917 Sept. 12 primary. This year’s race is ExecutiveE-mail: [email protected] Director of MPC Melissa Web:Cebollero www.norwoodnews.org what former politics writer and news- Web: www.norwoodnews.org man Bob “Kappy” Kappstatter, now DirectorPublisher of MPC CEO, Mosholu working for a Bronx elected, said to the JenniferMosholu Tausig Preservation 3UHVHUYDWLRQ Corporation Corporation Norwood News: “It’s an election made PublisherEditor-in-Chief, NorwoodCEO, News Mosholu PublisherEditor-in-Chief RobertoCEO, S. Mosholu Garcia in heaven for the mayor.” Here’re a MosholuDavid Cruz, Preservation [email protected] 3UHVHUYDWLRQ MosholuDavid Cruz Preservation Corporation Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ couple of reasons why: AccountsCorporation Receivable Corporation • No recognizable challengers vying Editor-in-ChiefDawn&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy Roberto S. Garcia Image courtesy NY1 Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia for the mayoral seat. DavidProofreadersDawn Cruz McEvoy THE AUG. 23 mayoral debate hosted by NY1 featured incumbent, Bill de Blasio (l), David Cruz • He has a serious campaign apparatus Judy$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH Noy, Jason Caraballo squaring off against former Brooklyn Councilman Sal Albanese (r). Dawn McEvoy that includes staff, fundraisers, etc. &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJRegular Contributors • He’s managed to lower crime albeit David&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJProofreader Greene, Adi Talwar certainties, the two stuck to what they Staten Island Assemblywoman Nicole DawnJudy McEvoy Noy at the expense of de-criminalizing cer- ContributorsDawn McEvoy thought was a safer bet. It also helped Malliotakis is giving it her all, touring $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH3URGXFWLRQ tain offenses. Miriam Quinones, that de Blasio warded off criminal al- neighborhoods, taking part in parades, Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOHNeil McEvoydeMause • He’s the trumpeter of the anti-Trump Wendy Joan Biddlecombe, legations over his campaign finance and offering ideas. She faces Richard Dawn McEvoy movement that’s swept New York City. ProofreaderAndrew5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Seger dealings where he directed monies to “Bo” Dietl, a former NYPD detective ProofreaderDavid Greene, Adi Talwar • He’s gone in good with the big unions Judy Noy Democratic county committees so he (he’s also dabbled in Hollywood, play- JudyInterns Noy (i.e. UFT, DC37, CWA). For Display Advertising can dodge contribution limits during ing himself in Martin Scorsese’s Wolf 3URGXFWLRQShayla Love, Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, • As an incumbent, he’s got the mayor’s 3URGXFWLRQ the 2014 state senatorial races. of Wall Street) who’s taken a hardline Neiland deMause ChelseaCall George(718) 324-4998 seat to show off his list of accomplish- Neil deMause Now comes his current challeng- stance against de Blasio and his poli- 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV ments. Every event is a veiled cam- For display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. ers. cies. But based on videos seen before David5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, Adi Talwar paign stop. De Blasio’s chief Democratic oppo- and after he announced his run, par- SupportDavidSupport Greene, Your Adi Talwar • Probably Most Important: We’ll see Interns nent on the ballot, former Brooklyn ticularly one where he bashes Asians, CommunityInternsCommunity Newspaper!Newspaper! one of the lowest voter turnouts in New Shayla Love, Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, councilman Sal Albanese, appears to Dietl portrays himself to be an unsta- TheShaylaThe Norwood Norwood Love, News PaoloNews is aLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE Mossetti,not-for-profi Justin t publication -McCallum, York City history. andlication Chelsea and relies George upon the support of its be running a misdirected campaign. ble legislator. and reliesChelsea upon George the support of its advertisers September primaries are kind of andadvertisers readers and to producereaders to producea quality a qualitycommunity Instead of flashing his so-called “de- Malliotakis may pose a serious chal- anti-climactic if there are no serious Fornewspaper.community display advertising, newspaper.To support To call yoursupport (718) paper, your 324-4998. paper, become Blahmeter,” he should consider es- lenge for de Blasio. But with antago- Forbecome display a member advertising, and receive call (718)a subscription 324-4998. challengers. Years before, the current a member and receive a subscription for one pousing more of his agenda. It would nism against President Donald Trump year.for one year. primary showed promise that it would Support Your make his campaign appear less of a raging in New York City, it is not Mal- be one to remember, given names like SupportSimply mail checkYour or money order for $40 sideshow. liotakis’ turn to reign City Hall. CommunitySimply mail check Newspaper! or money order for $40 to: Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz NorwoodCommunityto: Norwood News, News, 3400Newspaper! 3400 ReservoirReservoir Oval Oval East, East, Also, has anyone heard of Brooklyn So it’s de Blasio’s race to win, good TheBronx, Norwood NY 10467. News LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE- Jr., City Comptroller Scott Stringer, Bronx,The Norwood NY 10467. NewsLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE- Community Board 6 member and at- or bad. lication and relies upon the support of its Brooklyn Congressman Hakeem Jef- licationNorwood and News relies is not upon responsible the support for typo of- its torney Richard S. Bashner, community It will be interesting to see the kind advertisersNorwood News and readers is not responsible to produce fora quality advertisersgraphical errors. and readersOpinions expressedto produce in signed a quality fries and former New York City Coun- communitytypographical newspaper. errors. Opinions To support expressed your paper, in activist
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