Holcomb: Probably atl Won't Ticket Nagle Serving the State Unioersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit y EstabliBhed in 1868 United Prell Int.eruatiODaI aod AI80clated Preas LeaJed Wire.1IId Wirepboto Iowa City. I"oI'a, Saturday. January 12, 1963 Richard Holcomb, director of Campus Police, uid Friday that the Nagle lumber Company trucks which park in the Un iversity park, Ing lot south of the Un lv.rslty Library probably will not be ticketed, The use 01 the campus parking area by Nagle truck. WII ques, tiOned editorially by The Dally Iowan Friday. The parking lot is r.strlcted to laculty parking. "THE NAGLE TRUCKS are not a violation in the spa" they oceupy," Holcomb said. "Ther. Is always room In the area in which they park. '23 -Million Buildirrg "Cars belong In, te students would be ticketed in that lot, how· .ver. Th.r. is always pl.nty 01 space In the Iowan Fi.1d lot for stu. dents," h. said. The Campus Po lie. Director said he didn't think the lot south 01 the Library is ever filled . H. refused to look up the number of fac· IIIty members assigned to the lot because he said h. was "angry" at The Dally Iowan for Friday's editorial. No one in the Campus Police Office wu contacted before the Plan ~sketl by Regenfs editorial was written, Holcomb said. A Daily Iowan reporter called the Campus Police OHiee Thurs· day and asked why students were not permitted to park in the Library Parking lot. A woman In the oHice told him that since the C.II.,e .f En,ineering lot was eovered up by a building, the En· Urban Renewal Expert Says- gin ..ring Faculty was switched to the Lib,.ry lot and "there iust Snow Boots, Will Propose ", isn't enough room for the students." , N.ith.r Holcomb nor Campus Police Chief John Hanna were EARL HARPER In the oHice wh.n the reporter called, the woman said. Gradu.tion Sp.. k.r You're Now I Downtown I.C. Shows 'Blight' Standing Fund Recommendations for revisions in the restriction$l on the Library lot are bein, considered, Holcomb said, but he would not specify Prof. Harper A large portion of Iowa City's and where faciliti es are sub- town Iowa City represents :J what these revisions were. "The revision is not the responsibility In Business business di trict might qualify standard . Almost every commu.. sizeable sum," Kafer continued. ofth, Campus Police," h. added. a a "blighted" area and be nity has some of these areas, " We can't see it explode before To Solons eligible for federal grants for he said. OUI' eyes." Will Speqk Some Areas of State urba n removal, a governm ent A technician would have to Charles A. Barker, chairman Regents Want Joint Report a-Inch Depths representative pointed out here come to the cily to make a of the Planning and Zoning Com. Study of Long-Range Thursday aftct'noon. more comprchensive survey be- mission. said members of his At Graduation -And More Expected Ray Prusila, of the Chicago fore a final determinalion of the agency believe the business area Institutional Needs SUI Student Insurance Professor Earl E. Harper, now In In Iowa City snow fell steadily office of the U.S. housing nnd business dis t I' i ct' s condi. Is In II "precarious position." DES MOINES IA'I _ The Board hi~ 25th year as director of the all day Friday making driving, home finance agency, said be· lion could be made, Prusila Commission members feel "this of Regents voted Friday to ask the School of Fine Arts at SUI will de· especially up hills, treacherou . Be. fore an informal meeting of noted. is a critical time to protect the Legislature for a $23.million stand. Covers Nearly 5,000 liver the Commencement address tween 3 and 10 p.m. approximately local citizens that he thought Mayor Fred H. Doderer said downtown," and that parking ing appropriation per biennium to at SUI graduation exercises Feb. 2. Ij minor accidents were reported "much" of Iowa City's business thnt "our downtown may be ram p racilities are "imper. I finance a long·range building pro. Nearly 5,000 contracts for supple· 'Health Service and to offer cover· In addition to his position in the by Iowa City police due to the district co u I d qualify as a decimated." He cited rumors alive," he said. gram pending rurlher studies of mental student health insurance age to a student's dependents. School of Fine Arts, Dr. Harper is snowy streets. "blighted " area. Pruslla had that he said he had heard about Prusila pointed out the ex- I building needs and fi nancing me· were in effect at SUI last fa il as In the first year of lhe plan's director of Iowa Memorial Union, Temperatures in the city reo been asked by the City Council large firms possibly moving to ample oC Fargo, N.D ., where an thods. the program entered its second opera tion - rrom Sept. 17, lOO1 recreation and cultural center of mained toierable as the Unlver Ity to come here to provide addi· the fringes of the city, or even l1I'ban renewal project for a The Board decided to stay with year. '0 the same datI' in 1962 - 4,299 the SUI campus. lIe served as pres. Power Plant reported a high 01 21 tional infol'm3tion concerning leaving the cily entirely. Keith civic center led to a "contag. I its present ten year $103,864,240 Offering hospitalization, emer· contracts were in effect. At the Ident o( the Association of College and a low o{ around 18 for the day. urban renewal and similar pro· Kafer, Chamber of Commerce lous" improvement of other cen- building program, . adopted in I!NII gency outpatient, and medical -sur· start of clas.ses last fall 4.848 can· Unions in 1956·57. Before he came grams. manager, explained t hat the tral business district facilities. bul to revise it to include $10 cieal benefits, the special insur· tracts were 10 effect. to SUI in 1938, Dr. Harper had According to the Associated Press PRIOR TO 'WiE public dis· cities of Spencer and Newton, Prusila also suggested that million in special repairs. l'e. once paid for by students is de· Types oC coverage an~ the con- been president of two colleges: snow continued to faU over Iowa cus ion. Prusila described a which did nothing about their Iowa City might qualify for a placements and alterations. signed to supplement the Student tracts for each type 10 1961-62 Evansville Col leg e, Evansville, Friday night. At mld·evening blighted area to the Council as business districts. now have s p e cia I program of clearing The 196L Legislature appropriat. were : sludent only, 3,940 ; student Ind., 11927·36) and Simpson Col. depths ranged up to eight inches in one in which structures are de· sbopping centers on their edges. blight in the vicinity of college cd $21,244 ,244 toword tbe progr0D:!. and spouse, 130; student. spouse, lege, Indianola (1936·38) . some places in the west and from ficient, which is overcrowded , "THE TAX BASE in down- and university campuses. The Board said this would leave children, 144; student and spouse Dr. Harper earned degrees at one to four inches over the rest ot nllout $82 million of the original No-Invasion (wit h maternity benefits), 48; stu· Nebraska Wesleyan University in Ihe state. r-------.....-----, I to·year program, which would lie dent, spouse. children Iwith mo· addition to receiving honorary de· Driving was hazardous in many PIAtt k C ng Gets swelled to $92 million by the ad· ternity), 29; student and children, grees from Centrol College and areas as snow covered the roads. ane ac S The News 0 0 dition of the repairs, replacements 8. Evunsville Coli ge. Sharp northerly winds hlew /IOct and allf'rations. • Of Cuba Offer Premiums paid in the first year drifted the snow and cut VISlbilll:} THIS WOULD REQUIR& appro · t t I I $70 444 78 h'l I ' t SUI Commcncf'mt'nl will he held N C oI a· e( $40804, 33. , w Ie 'calmd' b o· al lO:a.m. Ji'!'IJ . 2 in the Field The heavy snowfall resulted from N_ Y _ P - t In Brl'ef ~ ew - - priations or $23 million in eoch of 109 • . 111 rln ers rlsls {0I11' to were pal ene· the ~lext hi nniuma In ordl'r fits lind $7,72 1.85 was in reserve House. a collision of a low pressure sys· t I th b lid I gr m Invalid: Rusk for pending or unreported claims. tem which developed over southern Compiled From "lled" Wir.. b0 carl'y1971 ou e u ng pro a All SUI students who ore eligible St d t S f Missouri and a large mass ef frigid Judges Call Union ELISABETHVILLE, Kat I n. Tshombe Slips Out YThe B~ord decided against adopt· WASHINGTON (.4'1 - Secretary to receive medical attention at air which spread over the plains Walkout 'Del,' berate' Of t C 't d I '1 I U en a e states Crom Canada. ga, The Congo _ Katnnga Pres. Ka angan apl a I .109 a propose ong-range capI a of State Dean Rusk advised the Student Health are eligible to par- . improvements program tololling Senate Foreign Relations Commit· licipale in the supplemental insur· More snow was expecl!'d Satur· NEW YORK CUPIJ _ A three.
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