, r\WAJAlfIN ,East Beirut Is Engulfed By Artillery Fire BEIRl'T (UPI) -- The Agency reported. said Washington had been the Syr1ans said several men denounce the Arab heavlest Syrlan-Chrlstian Army sources ln the urging Israel to rein in of their troops were peace-keeping force as an rocket and artillery fire south said Brig. Jean­ the mllitlemen who halted wounded by sniper fire occupation army. in a month engulfed East Paul Cuq, deputy comman­ the 500 Lebanese troops in Thursday night. Reporters in the south­ Beirut early today. There der of the U.N. peace­ the southeastern town of The flare-up appeared east said there had been were lndications Israel was keeping force had told Kaukaba w1th artillery to signal the failure of no major militia fire on softenlng opposition to de­ lebanese officers Israel salvoes Monday. talks yesterday between army positions since early ployment of the first leb­ was ready to pressure its In Christian East Bei­ President Elias Sarkis and yesterday. Israeli state anese troops near the Christian militia allies rut. res1dents reported visiting Syrian Foreign radio said today the m111- southern bord'er since the to go along with the the most 1ntense overnight Minister Abdel Halim Khad­ tia commander had ordered 1975-76 CiVll war. troop move and remove rocket and shell fire dam to make concrete pro­ his men to cease fire to Prlme Minister Se11m Al mines it had placed along since five days of full­ gress on a reconciliation "give negotiations a Hoss said the army would the road to the force's scale fighting between Sy­ between the Syrians and chance." not bow to opposition by planned headquarters near rian peace-keeping troops the militias. diplomatic Meanwhile. a one-hour Chrlstian Rightist militias the border. and Christian Rightist sources said. Israeli air raid on a Pal­ and "wlll not retreat or But U.N. officials militias a month ago. The Syrians want a estinian military facil1ty change its route on its ad­ were not immediately Rightist officials said crackdown on what they in southwest Lebanon em­ vance lnto the south." the available for comment. three people were killed term "pro-Zionist" militia phasized the danger that offlcial National News Diplomatic sources and about 15 wounded. and pockets, and the militia- the conflict can widen. UNEM'LOY_Ellr UP WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The U.S. unemployment rate. af­ ter falling to a four-year low in June. shot upward to 6.2 percent last month for the largest advance since March 1975. the government reported today. Total employment dropped by 394,000 persons to 94.4 VOLUME 15 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS. FRID Y. AUGUST 4 19 8· NUMBER 151 million last month. mostly due to sharp climbs in the IN THE PAST FOUR DAYS Jobless rates of teen-agers lepriere Delied and women, the labor De­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -­ partment said. Justice Thurgood Marsh­ July's advance pushed all denied a further re­ DEATH TOLL RISES TO 25 the unemployment rate back prieve today to the New into the 6.1 percent to 6.3 York T~mes and one of its percent range where it had reporters, clearing the IN TEXAS FLASH FLOOD hovered during each month way for imprisonment of ALBANY. Texas (UPI) -- A 20-foot wall of water swept through a west central this year until June's the newsman for withhold­ Texas valley late last night and this morning, killing at least nine people and sharp drop. ing investigative files raiS1ng to 25 the death toll from flash flooding that has devastated vast por­ Administration econo­ at the murder trial of a tions of the state in the past four days. mists had warned June's 5.7 New Jersey phys1c1an. Authorities said more than 30 persons were missing in today's flooding and in percent unemployment rate The Times and reporter floods earlier this week that ravaged south central Texas hill country some 250 -- the lowest since August Myron Farber had asked miles away. 1974 -- was a "statistical Marshall to delay civil The new flooding, which began after sundown yesterday. destroyed bUlldings and aberration" that would cor­ contempt penalties until washed cars off highways, forcing Albany's 2,000 residents to the tops of homes, rect ltself ln July. they could formally ap­ trees, oil derricks and even float1ng pickup trucks. The last time the job­ peal the freedom of A National Weather Service spokesman in Fort Worth said rainfall of up to 18 less rate rose this much in press case to the Supreme inches produced "a wall of water reported to have been 20 feet hlgh." one month was between Feb­ Court. Imposition of fine "It put 80 percent of Albany under water," he said. "At late morn1ng, nine ruary and March 1975. has been delayed. persons were reported dead, 12 were missing and all roads into the town were under water." IS SENT TO SENATE BY HOUSE The water was begin­ None Are lilled ning to recede shortly before noon. but more Compromise Is Approved In 707 Cras" heavy rain was forecast. BUENOS AIRES (UPI) -- A National Guard col­ A Lan Chile Jet from New umn Joined Department of York carrying 63 persons Public Safety troopers. On Military Procurement crashed into a fog-shroud­ deputies and volunteers WA~HINGTON (UPI) -- The House approved a compromise version of the $36.9 billion ed atomic research center in rescue attempts. But mil1tary procurement bill after 10 minutes of debate tod~y and sent it to the Sen­ and exploded after all swirling high water pre­ ate for final congressional approval. aboard made a miraculous vented many of them from The bill contains $1.9 billion for a nuclear carrier President Carter does not escape. officials said even entering the town. want, but $210 million for cruise missiles he does. today. Helicopters were sent After approving the Trees on the grounds from as far away as Odes­ author1zation bill, the MAJOR VICTORY FOR NUCLEAR ADVOCATES of the research center sa, 200 mlles southwest House debated a companion apparently absorbed much of the town. proposal that actually pro­ of the force of the im­ All communications to vides the money: the $119.3 fll"IOIIMENTAL 'IOrECrlOll AGENCY pact as the Boeing 707 the town were cut off. b111ion Defense Appropria­ jet crashed one and a Telephone 11nes were t10n Bill, which includes IfAffllMS SEABIOOI COOLING OIA Y half miles from the air­ knocked out and the town's Pentagon salaries and con­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Environmental Protection port runway. electr1city was turned t1nuing programs. Agency reaffirmed approval of an open ocean cool1ng Only three of the 27 off because of broken The b111 was $1.5 bil- system today for the $2.3 billion Seabrook, New injured -- the pilot and lines. 110n more than Carter re­ Hampshire, nuclear power plant -- a major v1ctory for two passengers -- were "You can't get in (to quested in his budget for advocates of nuclear po_o detained at hospitals. Albany) and. what's worse f1scal 1979. which starts wer. police sources said. you can't get out," in October. The action, a boon to r"orpe C"arged "Everythlng was normal Throckmorton County depu­ Money for 15 new ships the plant's builder and LONDON (UPI) -- Former until there was a tremen­ ty Bobby Harrington said to rebu11d the Navy fleet state government, helps Liberal Party chief Jere­ dous blow and the wings at mid-morning. "The was in the bill, including clear the way for con­ my Thorpe. 49. and three collapsed on the trees," whole town is locked 1n one attack submarine. eight tinued construction of other men were charged by said ZJorge Radzineluk, by water. It's raining at guided-missile frigates and the twin-un1t, ocean­ police today with con­ an Argentine passenger. the rate of an inch an five other support ships. front facility that has spiracy to murder former "The fuselage was only hour." At one time, water Money for the controversial become a symbol of con­ male model Norman Scott, about six feet off the covered the gravesite of nuclear cruiser was ex­ troversy over nuclear 38, who has claimed he had ground and everyone help­ Lyndon B. Johnson. c1sed. power. a homosexual relationship ed to get us out before The bill included $30 The Nuclear Regulatory with Thorpe in the early the explosion came." m111ion for sea-launched Commission halted con­ 1960s. The aircraft exploded WATER REPORT cruise m1ssiles. $160 mil­ struction of New Hamp­ Thorpe has denied the about three minutes after AS OF 0001 August 4, 1978 lion for the air-launched shire's first atom1C po­ assertion. it came to rest in the Water code is: YELLOW type and $20 million for wer plant July 21 to give All four appeared trees. survivors said. In tanks: 6,430,000 gals. ground-launched missiles. the EPA time to rule on br1efly in West Somerset All aboard wade it out of Consumed: Cruise missiles are a the cooling system and to Magistrates' Court and the plane even though es­ KwaJ: 260,000 gals. major issue in arms limita­ give the commission time were bailed on $9,500 cape chutes on the four­ Other: 90,000 gals. t10n talks between the U.S. to look at possible al­ each to appear in court engine jet were reportedly Total: 350,000 gals. and the Soviet Union. ternat1ve sltes. again Sept. 12. inoperative. PAGE 2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1978 Julie's EIpecting Soon SAN CLEMENTE, Callfornia (UPI) -- Julle finandal News WORLD NEWS BRIEfS Nlxon Elsenhower. daughter of former Presl­ DOW JONES AVERAGES TOKYO (UPI) -- fn 18-year-old student dent Rlchard Nlxon and wlfe rf Davld 30 Industrials up 1.56 at 888.43 from Costa Rica was crowned Miss Young Elsenhower, lS expected to give birth to a 20 TransportatlOns up 0.10 at 248.83 International '78 in a pageant held in child "any day now," NlXon's alde sald 15 Utllitles up 0.30 at 108.15 Tokyo today.
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