10 THE WASHINGTON TTJVIES; THURSDAY; MARCH 8; 1917. ; Polluted Water Threatens Augusta With Typhoid Want Griff to Retain Camp 'AUGUSTAINDANGER Impossible to Select COLLEGE NINES OUT BOB THAYER'S GOSSIP NEED UNIFORMITY OF TYPHOID FEVER Regular Shortfielder FOR WORK ON TURF ON SPORTING MA TTERS FOR DUCK SUCCESS Wort cornea from Milwaukee that battling. Last year Penn and Prince-A- d Wolgast is a nervous wreck, and ton came up to the end of the season Georgetown, Catholic Univer- Tigers Little Ball Fol- Polluted Water Supply Arouses is co ill nono of his friends are al- at a tie and the lost In the Rollers Should Putting Up play-of- f. and "Princeton now McBride; Crane and Moran Are lowed to see him. Tale are Apprehension of Griffmen's sity, and Maryland State tied, and tho engagements of the low Tenpin Example in" Merry Battle In Order To Land Berth The "Wildcat" is tamed at last. next two weeks may find the Tigers Trainer. Start Candidates. Too many battles and beatings with tho upper hand. It will be a Standardization. have laid tho former terror low, unUl bl"er bIow to. ,08a the second For the Season. - i year after a tie, and'rthe Princeton friend. ! will put everything In their Three college teams were out yes- ?Sf "?,t!m,..Ii "nil engagements, hoping Yale V1U UnUl duckpln rollers get together MAY KEEP AUGUSTA CAMP Is C. finalo of an i,,. 5 In one ,,. terday for baseball and coaches are career the greatest hard luck tale trounced battles. and create a uniform game. Instead of AUGUSTA, Ga, March S. Will These figures show that Lavan is hopeful that the warm sunshine will in the annals of pugilism. having one style of pin and ball In tied cover- Washington high George McBride, veteran of many a practically with Crane in continue until a line can be gotten Here Is the "casualty list" since At least four one section and other styles in other Wash- ing ground and that both have a little Wolgast won the world's lightweight schools are without places to play Griffith Will Be Asked to Bring long season's battling, be the on McBride and considerably more on on tho relative merits of the players. baseball. Tech has to travel more sections, llttfe hope Can be entertained 1917? championship from Bat Nelson In that game compete suc- ington shortstop for Scott, who is ranked at the top. At Brookland Coach Charlie Moran forty rounds In 1910: than a mile to get a suitable ground. the will ever Team to Georgia Town twice turned Business is in the same fix. and tf cessfully with tenpins. Or will Sam Crane, Gets Thorough Trial. trotted his charges out for a look He has suffered five fractures of Nothing coull Mack and last year over, Georgetown's players arms. The Central's stadium Is too small the have exemplified Every Year. back by Connie Sam Crano gets a thorough while his accidents occurred in this more match Tuesday be- Dunn's Orioles, trial with Tommy McFariand, dark blue team will have to journey than the the Infield star of Jack Grlffmen spring. Ha were worked a bit on the Hilltop battles Jack elsewhere to get regulation out- tween the Royals, of this city, and League, bo the with the this Redmond, Freddie Welsh, Dauber a Keegan'a of the International was twice turned back by Connie field. Jaeger, and while training Rivers. field. It would seem that something Stars, of Lawrence, Mass. lad to oust from his place the Mil Coach Byrd, of Maryland State, has for In nature of a high screen might The New Englanders, accustomed to Br LOUIS A. DOUGUEO. Mack because the long, lean leader He broke both thumbs. In one of the waukee wonder? players from year, splin- be erected at Central to allow the use rolling a ball, a number of last them, after two operations, the five-Inc- AUGUSTA. Ga., March S. Mike What thev do here and before the couldn't see his light hitting. But of the new field for baseball, i came to a city where a h sphere bell rings, sending up the curtain on I the Old Fox, in all that he has said but has lost the. services of several tered bone was finally wrapped with prevails and a larger pin la used than Martin, trainer of the GrilTmen, is all - -,- 1 1 -4 League activities, will de- .A,-- umM kl. veterans. State calls candidates to many feet of fine silver wire. Ritchie up today over report American ui mo urjuje, ciniiDHiieu uia Track work at Catholic University that on Lawrence alleys. Although het a from the cide the question. Bight now, it is fielding. Apparently Griff believes, gether, but nothing will ba done until broke bis nose for the third or fourth the visitors were completely out- city board of health, to the mayor. bol- the week. time. The bones in each hand have la one of the toughest jobs we know quite impossible to pick the team's with Smith, HIce, and L4onaxd later in parts. The team classed. It might have been a different that, owing: to wasting: the water sup regular shortfielder. stering the team's clouting, ha can been splintered many times princi- of In these track story Nel- men went to school all winter up to had the teams been anywhere ply, the Altering plant of Augusta is afford to play'Crane, if only for the Whltaker Is making a strong bid pally In his battles with Ritchie, near evenly matched. The Washing- capable1 doing work properly, How They Compare. catching honors Georgetown son, Tommy Murphy, and "Oakland 4:30 and later, then got aupper and of its tatter's ability to choke off opponents' for at way over to ML Pleas- ton bowlers would have had a de- but there is so mucli wastage that it We have heard much of Crane's re- b Ingles. this year. The Hllltoppera are up Frankle" Burns. In addition to these went all the cided advantage. is now overworked and the water material, and Ad has suffered pneumonia, ant from Brookland, got In their work markable fielding with the Baltimore McBride hit for .227 last season In against it for catching fractures. over to Brookland to supply is becoming: polluted. 139 thinks he will fill the bill. and was operated on for appendicitis and then went Efforts Unavailing. club. The records show him to be a games. Uvm's mark was .236. Whltaker continue their studies the next "At any time we are apt to find Scott pounded the pill for .232. In the day before he waa to have fought for Because of the different games, Is an Infected and pol great ground coverer at that, though In Los Angeles. day. You have got to hand those it ourselves with say not he this comparison the Washington vet- Sam Gottlieb, of Central, is the real Welsh great Impossible to hold intersections! luted water supply, and with an out it is difficult to whether or lead- veteran of high schools Do you wonder that the average loyal ones a deal for their McBride. eran looks quite as good as the hurler the work, which was worthy of eonslder-- matches In which '&. break of typhoid fever," says Dr. is much better than ground-cover- year. Gottlieb is pitching his fan n.if.i annrrlatAf1 what ft flrreat' the contestants are year played short for ing fielder and the greatest this able praise, Murphy's report, "similar to those Last Crane in his own league. third season for Central. Coach fighter he was? Rarely waa 'Ad. on even terms, and the same applies to 63 games. He made J which have occurred in other cities Baltimore in Metzler has "Reds" Sbafer, a r, able to show his real ability. Those tournaments. whose water supplies have been con 140 put-out- 216 assists, and con- Crane's Poor Work. also In tow. who have seen him at his best unite Hugh Fullerton took quite a bit on The Atlantic Coast Bowling Asso- tributed 19 errors to his team's of pronouncing him. one of great- himself in declaring trades would help ciation was organized purpose taminated." harmony The calibre the International in the for the The water here is of a mustard total. A little close with League's twirling does not commence Gallaudet will probably call out the est fighters that ever wore a glove. out the Grlffmen. That's a soft way of standardizing duckpins. New Eng- color, and very few of the players the mathematics indicates Crane's He was well worthy of his sobriquet of putting It, and a safe one as well. land, Washington, Baltimore, and average 0.93 to rank with that in Ban Johnson's candidates this week. Gould Menefee. and clare to drink it. The city reseroir ground covering to about coach at Central last season, la said to "The Wildcat." And despite his Leave It to Griff to get something other Important centers agreed on a class Shocker, pin-an- d has not been so low in years, so great chance per" game. circuit. Who would be after the job at Gallaudet. Action many accidents, Wolgaat "risked" his In the way of ball players if they are ball to ba used universally. is the daily use of the water. How- McBride. with Washington, played Pennock, Thompson, McTlgue, Hill, more often than any other to be gotten, short of mortgaging the This section stuck by the organiza- put-out- is expected at Kendall Green in the title ever, with the players drinking spring 139 games, having 282 43S Baumg.artner, Jack Bentley, or Tyson champion.
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