College Graduates 1 THE LEG£ OF ST. CATHERINE 35th Yearly Commencement Opens With High Mass The College of St. Catharine will hold its 35th annual com- mencement exercises on June 1 and 2 for 131 students. Activities will begin with Sol- emn High Mass at 10:00 a.m. in Father Ellis Our Lady of Victory Chapel on Baccalaureate Sunday, June 1. The Most Rev. James J. Byrne, PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE OF ST. CATHERINE Addresses S.T.D., will be the celebrant, and the sermon will be de- Vol. XIII St. Paul, Minnesota Monday, May 26, 1947 No. 14 livered by the Rev. William B. Seniors Murphy, O.P. The Rev. Robert The Rev. John Tracy Ellis of the Probst will serve as deacon with Catholic University of America the Rev. Mr. Thomas Conroy as Consecration Rites To Be Held will be the speaker at the sub-deacon and Mr. Robert Byrne Commencement exercises Monday, as master of ceremonies. June 2. Father Ellis attended St. July 2 For Bishop-elect Byrne Viator College where he received Commencement exercises will his A.B., A.M., and Doctor of be held Monday, June 2, at 3:00 Apostolic Delegate Officiates Philosophy degree, the latter in p.m. in the Jeanne d'Arc auditori- 1930. He did post-graduate work um. The address will be given by at the University of Chicago and the Rev. John Tracy Ellis, PhJD., At St. Paul Cathedral at Harvard University, and was of the Catholic University of Consecration rites for Bishop-elect James J. Byrne, chaplain of the ordained in Winona, Minn., in America. Monsignor Joseph A. College, will be held July 2 at the St. Paul Cathedral. The Most Rev. 1938. Corrigan, pastor of St. Mark's Ainleto Giovanni Cicognani, the Apostolic Delegate, will be consecrator Church, St. Paul, will confer the and the Most Rev. Francis J. Schenck, Bishop of Crookston, and the Father Ellis has taught at St. diplomas. Announcements will be Most Rev. Thomas A. Welch, Bishop of Duluth, will act as co- Viator College, the College of St. made by the Rev. Louis J. Mc- consecrators. Teresa, and Our Lady of the Lake Carthy, Ph.D. Chaplains to the consecrator After his ordination he spent College, and is now associate pro- and co-consecrators will be priests four years in graduate study at fessor of American Church History Following the awarding of de- of the Archdiocese. The Rev. the Catholic University of Lou- at the Catholic University of grees, the guests will follow in Francis Missia will be in charge vain in Belgium from which he America where he has been teach- procession to the chapel for Bene- of music. The Very Rev. Hilary received the degree of doctor of ing since 1938. diction of the Blessed Sacrament, Hacker, Vicar-General of the dio- sacred theology in 1937. The sub- Father is the managing editor of after which an outdoor reception cese, is in charge of general ar- ject of his doctoral thesis was the Catholic History Review, and will be held. rangements. "The Development] of Christian has been secretary of the Ameri- News of the appointment of Doctrine in the Anglican Writings can Catholic History Association Father Byrne as auxiliary bishop of John Henry Newman". Upon since 1941. Among his many writ- A Mass of thanksgiving for Courtesy of St. Paul Pioneer Press ings are: Anti-Papal Legislation in the blessings of the year will to Archbishop John Gregory Mur- (Continued on page 2) ray was announced over local ra- Bishop-elect Byrne Medieval England, 1066-1377, The be celebrated by the Rev. dio stations Tuesday. The bishop Catholic Church and Peace Efforts, Thomas J. Shanahan Tuesday, has been professor of dogmatic Primary Department Awards Cardinal Gonsalvi and Anti-Papal May 27, at 7:45 a.m. The Mass theology at the St. Paul seminary Relations, 1814-24, and Formative is being sponsored by the Am- and is a former registrar and dean Years of the Catholic University brosian Bound Table. of the College of St. Thomas. He 29 Education Certificates of America. was appointed chaplain of St. Primary education certificates Bruggeman and Phyllis Berger Catherine's last year. will be given to 29 students of the will be the marshals. Kindergarten Department, Thurs- The bishop-elect was born in Those who have completed the T. Thomas, P. Coequyt day, May 29, at 8 p.m. in the two-year course and are eligible St. Paul July 28, 1908. He receiv- Jeanne d'Arc Auditorium. ed his education at St. Michael's for certificates include: Corrine and St. Luke's parochial schools, The Rev. James R. Coleman, Bissonette, Jean Connally, Kath- Appointed Rosebearers Cretin High School, and Nazareth pastor of St. Kevin's Church, leen Conway, Mary Jean Foster, Hall preparatory seminary. He Minneapolis, will give the address, Gerrie Griffin, Jean Heck, Flor- was ordained to the priesthood by and the Rev. Donald J. Gormley ence Henry, Dorothy Holcombe, Archbishop Murray in the St. will make the announcements and Sally Hyde, Rachel Jansen, Bar- Paul Cathedral June 3, 1'933. present the graduates. Betty bara Lehrer, Sheila Kelly, Jane Lieser, Margaret May Lydon, Julie Manning, Eunice Matter, Kath- erine McDonald, Elizabeth Mc- Mary Therese Cashman Gough, Helen McGovern, Bernele McKenna, Anne Marie McNulty, Heads College Association Mary Ann Meskan, Mary Eliza- and was recently elected to Pi beth Miller, Patricia O'Brien, Lor- Epsilon Delta, National Collegiate raine Sargent, Jeannette Savoie, Players. Mary Tee was the junior Jane Spies, Therese Tarara, and class candidate for the Winter Virginia Tatro. Carnival. Another resident of third Cae- cilian is Kay Estel, who was elect- Administration ed vice-president of the College Association. Kay, associate editor Announces of the Wheel next year, has writ- ten for the Wheel and Ariston this Four Awards year. A prospective library school The administration has announc- student, she has an English major ed the recipients of four awards on and is a member of Dolphins and campus: the newly - established the League of Women Voters. Kay North Central Publishing Co. is from Waterloo, Iowa, and is the scholarship for journalism, the Eu- junior class treasurer. charistic paper award for seniors, Thomasine Thomas and Phyllis Coequyt Secretary will be Marion Sweet- and the Carroll and Butler awards. Phyllis Coequyt of Marshall ser from Minneapolis. Marion, Journalism Scholarship Cardinal Tisserant and Thomasine Thomas of Min- majoring in English and Spanish Ritamary Reynolds, junior from neapolis have been named rose- and mdnoring in education, is the bearers for commencement exer- Tee Cashman Glendive, Montana, has been To Visit College editor of the La Concha and an named the first recipient of the Eugenio Cardinal Tisserant, head cises on June 1 and 2. Phyllis is a Taking over the offices of the associate editor of Ariston. She North Central Publishing Co. librarian of the Vatican, will be business and Spanish major, and College Association next year will was recently elected regional sec- scholarship for journalism. This the guest of the College during his a member of Alpha Pi ' Epsilon, be two boarders and two day stu- retary of the N.F.C.C.S., and was scholarship, amounting to $250, visit here May 29-30. He will be national honor society for secre- dents. The office of president will a delegate to the national conven- has been established this year by invited to speak informally to the tarial studies. Thomasine, a chem- be filled by Mary Tee Cash-maa of tion in Toledo. Marion is a mem7 the North Central Publishing Co. faculty and library students and istry major, is secretary and an Owatonna, who lives on third ber of Pi Gamma Mu. under the ownership of Alfred others interested on Friday honor member of Mendel Forum, Caecilian. Mary Tee, speech and The office of treasurer will be Muellerleile and Gordon M. Con- Cardinal Tisserant will be ac- campus science club. She served English major with an education handled by Eileen O'Hara from oryea and will be an annual award companied by his own secretary on the staff of La Concha this minor, is a member of CABOS, St. Paul. Eileen is another Eng- for the encouragement of journal- and the Very Reverend Monsignor year. Dolphins, League of Women Voters, lish major with German and his- ism on campus. Thomas J. McMahon, national ^-' Rosebearers are chosen from the and was chairman of the Family tory minors. She is an associate Ritamary is editorial director of secretary of the Catholic Near junior class on the basis of schol- Committee of the Sodality. She is editor of the Ariston and is a the Wheel this year and was re- East Welfare Association in New- arship, school spirit and Catholic, vice-president of the junior class member of Pi Gamma Mu. (iContinued on page 2) York. ideals. Page Two THE CATHERINE WHEEL Monday, May 26, 1947 Recitals Climax Spring Quarter Shown at the right are 17 girls who took part in the dup-recital this spring in the Jeanne d'Arc auditorium. In the back row are Mary Barbara Conley, Mary Wall, IV^arcella Flaten, Catherine Mc- Donald, Eileen O'Hara, and Rose- rnarie Strizich; second row, Joan Kosec, Jo Arlene Redmond, Eliza- beth Maguire, and Margery Smith; first row, Ellen Larkin, Catherine O'Connell, Jeanne Hallessey, Em- ily Callery, Shirley MaGaheran, Betty Herbison, and Mary Jane Raush. Shown above is Margaret King, freshman from Hastings, who re- ceived the Mu Phi Epsilon award for freshmen this year. This award is presented on the basis of mu- sicianship and scholarship. Mar- garet too£i part in the spring re- citals this quarter.
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