2 9 1 3 10 4 LCA 26: BEAULIEU RIVER 11 21 13 6 22 Industry at Fawley visible on the eastern skyline 12 LCA 26: BEAULIEU RIVER LocationLocation of Landscape of LCA Character in the National Area 26, Park Beaulieu River (LCA 26) 5 23 27 8 14 26 20 25 24 15 7 19 18 16 17 N Not to scale Grey area is land outside of the New Forest National Park 146 LCA 26: BEAULIEU RIVER Component landscape types within LCA 26 Area in shadow- outside National Park National Park boundary LCA 26 © Crown Copyright and Database Right 2014. Ordnance Survey 1000114703. Not to scale All of this LCA lies within the New Forest National Park. 1. Coastal Fringe 13. Enclosed Farmland and Woodland 21. Historic Parkland 147 LCA 26: BEAULIEU RIVER A. LANDSCAPE DESCRIPTION Key landscape characteristics Large scale undulating estate landscape Estate influence evident around Beaulieu and encompassing the lower reaches of the Beaulieu Exbury with brick boundary walls, large houses and River with outstanding wetland flora. brick estate cottages or lodges A well wooded river valley with pockets of enclosed The wooded valley creates a setting for Beaulieu, farmland, including some former heathland, and the focus of the valley, with its attractive Mill Pond, extensive areas of ancient woodland and timber Palace House and Abbey ruins. plantations within the New Forest perambulation Linear settlement along Kings Copse Road faces boundary. onto Blackwell Common. Minor roads wind their way up the valley, along Strong commoning communities leafy lanes and through tunnels in the trees. Restricted views due to enclosure and extensive Survival of Open Forest grazing on the foreshore. woodland cover. Component landscape types The main landscape types found within this LCA, in the New Forest National Park, are: 1. Coastal Fringe 13. Enclosed Farmland and Woodland 21. Historic Parkland Key positive landscape attributes Mill pond and tidal river which provide a Wetland habitats alongside the river including landscape setting to Beaulieu. grazing marsh, mudflats and saltmarsh. Ancient field systems around settlements, Historic landscaped gardens and important including small regular fields around Beaulieu. brick buildings and other features at Beaulieu Mixed pastoral and arable farmland bounded Palace, Abbey and Exbury House. by thick hedgerows and frequent hedgerow Quiet roads winding their way through leafy oaks. lanes and tunnels in the trees. Ancient semi-natural woodland and wood Areas of former heathland now given over to pasture which conveys a feeling of being ‘in plantations, such as at Hartford Heath. the forest’. 148 LCA 26: BEAULIEU RIVER Relevant designations relating to positive landscape attributes Key landscape features Relevant designations Mill pond and tidal river which provide a landscape Part of the North Solent SSSI, SAC, SPA and NNR setting to Beaulieu. and the Solent & Southampton Water Ramsar site. Within Beaulieu Conservation Area Ancient field systems around settlements, including Conservation Areas at Beaulieu and Exbury small regular fields around Beaulieu. Mixed pastoral and arable farmland bounded by N/A thick hedgerows and frequent hedgerow oaks. Ancient semi-natural woodland and wood pasture Spearbed Copse is within the North Solent SSSI which conveys a feeling of being ‘in the forest’. and NNR Most of the woodlands are SINCs Wetland habitats alongside the river including Part of the North Solent SSSI, SAC, SPA and NNR grazing marsh, mudflats and saltmarsh. and the Solent & Southampton Water Ramsar site. Historic landscaped gardens and important brick Conservation Areas at Beaulieu and Exbury buildings and other features at Beaulieu Palace, Several Scheduled Monuments Abbey and Exbury House. Listed Buildings, including Grade 1 and Grade II*. Quiet roads winding their way through leafy lanes and tunnels in the trees. Areas of former heathland now given over to plantations, such as at Hartford Heath. 149 LCA 26: BEAULIEU RIVER B. LANDSCAPE EVALUATION Current condition Landscape structure: The structure of this Landscape elements: The condition of historic landscape is largely intact, with the individual elements within the character intimate relationship between the river and area is mainly good; with dense woodland the surrounding woodlands, parklands and displaying a varied age structure and species farmland being maintained. The historic diversity; important historic buildings within settlements, particularly Beaulieu and the the Historic Parkland landscape type are well fringes of Exbury, retain their form and maintained and conserved. The tidal Beaulieu landscape setting with little change affecting River is framed by important wetlands whilst their character taking place over recent years. hedgerows and roadsides displaying frequent A key issue, is visitor car parking, which in the oak tree specimens providing links back to the peak season can have a significant detracting wider Forest area. Some areas of agricultural impact on the rural and historic character land within the Enclosed Farmland and of the Historic Parkland landscape type. The Woodland landscape type have been altered Enclosed Farmland and Woodland landscape with changes in land use and new fence type is largely intact, although some localised boundaries. areas of field enlargement has eroded the ancient and small-scale field pattern in places. Landscape change Key issues and trends Future threat of rising sea levels increasing the Loss of the traditional small-scale farmed landscape vulnerability of the designed historic landscape and and historic land uses of the Enclosed Farmland and valued wetland habitats through changes to the Woodland landscape type. tidal river levels of the Beaulieu River (in the Coastal Fringe, Historic Parkland and Enclosed Farmland and Intensification of agriculture is eroding the ancient Woodland landscape types). small-scale field pattern and is at odds with traditional land management practices (in the Views of Fawley oil refinery, power station and Enclosed Farmland and Woodland landscape type). urban development at Holbury from the eastern edge of the LCA, impacting on historic landscape Hedgerow boundary loss with replacement by character and perceptions of tranquillity (in the fencing (in the Enclosed Farmland and Woodland Enclosed Farmland and Woodland and Historic landscape type). Parkland landscape types). Past loss of heathland to conifer plantations in the Enclosed Farmland and Woodland landscape type. Changing pests and diseases leading to decline or death of certain tree species. 150 LCA 26: BEAULIEU RIVER C. LANDSCAPE QUALITY OBJECTIVES (LQOS) / STRATEGY Vision Ancient mixed agricultural fields are enclosed by lush, well managed hedgerows with frequent oak trees, linking to large areas of well managed ancient woodland and grazed wood pasture. The landscape is crossed by winding, minor lanes fringed by diverse woodland and frequent oak trees, giving a strong New Forest feel. The Beaulieu River winds through diverse wetland habitats including grazing marsh and mudflats, and is surrounded by woodlands and pockets of farmland. The settlement of Beaulieu strongly displays its red brick built form, set in the historic surroundings of the Palace, Abbey mill pond and parkland. Overall Landscape Strategy The priority in this landscape character area is to Historic landscapes and features protect the positive landscape attributes valued 7. Protect and sensitively manage the historic within it. This will require active protection. features and buildings associated with Beaulieu Palace, Abbey and Exbury House. This should be accompanied by a strategy Development and settlement edge to manage the landscape to improve those attributes that are in poorer condition to improve 8. Protect the character and scale of the landscape’s overall quality. historic settlements, resisting their expansion and ensuring any new development is sympathetic to local building styles and materials (particularly Management guidelines number brick buildings with an estate influence around (as per following table LCA 26) Beaulieu and Exbury). Future landscape management guidelines 9. Protect the quiet and winding character of the landscape’s rural roads, fringed by woodland and Field patterns and boundary features frequent roadside oaks – including minimising 1. Protect ancient field patterns around settlements, levels of signage and ensuring road engineering bounded by a strong and well-managed requirements are undertaken sympathetically. hedgerow network, protecting traditional land 10. Refer to the Beaulieu and Exbury Conservation uses and reinforcing the historic origins of the Area Appraisals for details on historic landscape landscape. setting, layout and plan form of the historic 2. Manage and strengthen the network of settlements, and architectural styles, materials hedgerows and estate walls, maintaining a and detailing of buildings within these healthy stock of hedgerow oaks. settlements. Forestry and woodlands Coast 3. Protect and manage the landscape’s semi-natural 11. Plan for future rises in sea level and manage ancient woodlands and to maintain a diverse age impacts on the Beaulieu River and historic structure and species range. mill pond. Refer to the North Solent Shoreline Biodiversity Management Plan for further information on the 4. Plan for the long-term, gradual restoration of future implications of sea level rise. heathland from conifer plantations, including on Tranquillity and views Hartford Heath, in line with New
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