An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper FRIDAY January 31, 1997 Volume 123 • THE • Number 29 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Pai d Newark, DE 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Permit No. 26 Woman raped on UD's Frazier Field • Police are still searching for a suspect in the Wednesday night incident BY KELLY BROS AHAN police said, the suspect fled toward already trying to arra nge fo ll ow-up field. Mw w~iug Neu· v Etliror Cleveland Avenue - along th e same inter views with the woman and the Because the woman was on Frazier An 18-year-old ewark woman was path that leads over the tracks and behind passerby. Field when she was attacked. University raped Wednesday night at the end of the a group of horseshoe-shaped row houses The victim described the assail ant as a Police are overseeing the investigation. wooded shortcut between Cleveland on the street. dark-complected black mal e in his mid­ Fl atl ey said . Canine units from Delaware Avenue and Frazier Field. University A male passerby discovered the twenties, approximately six feet tall wi th and Maryland State Po lice were called in Police said. woman and helped her to the Carpenter a large build. He was wearing a black late Wednesday night while a helicopter The unidentified victim. who is not a Sport s Building . where s he called j acket wi th gold m arki ngs. a black circled above to assist in the search for uni versity student, told police she started Unive rsity Po lice at 6:01 p.m. A baseball cap and dark, baggy pants the evidence. to cross the unlit Frazier Field about S:4S university ambulance took the victim to night of the attack. After parkin g hi s car on Cleveland p.m. when a man with a knife grabbed Christiana H ospital , where s he was Immedia te ly after the rape was Avenue at about 6:30 the night of the her from behind and pulled her into a tre ated for cuts a nd bruises a nd was reported, police sealed off the area rape, junior Jim Nolan took the popular row of shrubbery that lines the CSX released early Thursday morning. Capt. between the path and Frazier Field. By s hortcut to hi s Sigma Nu fr aternity railroad tracks and field. James Flatley said . II :00 p.m., SO feet of crime tape blocked house. but was stopped by the pol ice THE REVIEW I John Chabalko After sexually assaulting the woman. Flatley said the reporting officer is the entrance to the shortcut from the Investigators search for evidence in the rape of an 18- see RAPE page A3 year-old woman near the Carpenter Sports Building. Newark Ouch! Commuter rail adopts station to open towing in October '97 rules BY ROBERT ARMENGOL secondary goal of extending commuter City Ne\\'s l:.ilitor rail services to the Churchman' s BY A GELA ANDRIOLA Newark's nearly legendary Crossing area near Chlistiana Hospital. Citr J\'(' 11 ''1 Edifor commuter rail station will be up and "We're not looking [as far as Un s us pecting patrons wil l no running by October of this year. Maryland] at the momem:· he added. longer be subject to ra ndom acts o f De laware Department of ·' But if the Newark venture is towing. thanks to a n ordinance Transpmtation officials said this week. successful -as I'm sure it will be­ City Council passed Monday. Construction of the $ 1 million then that's certainly a fea sible Owners o f parking lots with facility. after almost two years of possibility for the future ... fiv e or m o re s pac e s must now planning. is expected to begin under the The building contract was awarded aut o maticall y c o nsen t to overpass on South College A venue Jan. 16 at a lowest-bid $1 million to unrestricted parking unless they · near Ivy Hall in late March or early George & Leach, a ew Castle post detailed tow-away signs. April. said DelDOT spokesman Alan consuuction company. That value does Pres i de n t o f r--~""7""<='"""~--., Davis. not include operations or utilities costs. the ewark 'This is designed as a conunuter rai l Davis said. but the overall ptice tag - Bu s ine s service, not a once-a-day stop,.. Davis a figure De!DOT has yet to calculate A ssociation . explained. ·'It's fash ioned for the - is expected to be "much le~ s .. than G e n e convenience of commuters. not long­ the $7.5 million projected in fall 199S. D a n n e m a n . LJL.......-"'"--------' di stance travelers.'' Len Brooks. w ho wi ll oversee who also run s Delaware Area Rapid Transit construction for George & Leach. said the Copy Maven on Ea st Main official David Campbell said he could d1e main fea ntre of the rail station will Street. s aid the ordinance is ·'a not yet give an e. timate on the number be its 300-foot-long loading platfom1 timely and important piece of the of trains expected to run out of the sprawled under the overpass. on the [parking] solution:· station. He said on ly that there wou ld south side of the train tracks opposite Danneman said the ordinance be ''regular stops" in Newark. ptimmily the defunct ewark train station house. will hopefully lower the number of during the peak morning and evening a registered historic si te that wi ll call s she receive s from angry rush hours. remain standing. drivers whose cars were towed. The rail service, to be provided by Brooks said the mall building The warning signs mu s t be the Southeastern Pennsylvania cutTently on the soud1 side of d1e tracks posted at each lot's entrance. Transportation Authority. will be an will be demolished. A gmu-d house and along with extra signs for every SO extension of SEPTA ·s R2 line. wh ich three ride shelters enclosed in clear parking spaces. All the signs mu:; t currently runs between Wilmington tempered glass wi ll be the only indoor contain the following information: and three center-city Philadelphia facilities near the platfom1s. It is not yet • specific restrictions on times and stati ons. known if th e ride shelters wi ll have vehicles: Cm11pbell said Newm·k setvice fares. heating. • the tow operator· s name, phone which will be based on the pmticular An entrance road off the nonhbound number. hours of operation and travel zone in whi c h the stop is side of South College Avenue just address at whi c h violators can categoti zed. have not been determi ned. south of th e overpass will provide locate their towed cars: THE REVIEW I John Chabalko Newark will become the access to the station m1d iu, parking loL • the maximum towing fee that Forward Peca Arsic takes one for the team during Delaware's 70-66 win over Northeastern southernmost stop on the line. Davis Brooks said. may be charged . includ in g Sunday in Boston, Mass. Arsic scored 17 points for the 12-9 Hens. See story, B8. said . although DeiDOT studies in the City Manager Carl Luft said that past few years have considered the see TOWING page A4 see CONSTRUCTION page AS After delays, accused When it comes to choosing classes ... will head home soon You can't always get BY ROBERT ARMENGOL Wednesday. the judge issued a Grossberg a nd Peterson placed on City Neu·s Editor downright ultimatum. what you want house a rrest in their home states Freshman Amy S. Grossberg and Now Delaware correc ti o ns wi th electronic ankle bracelets, to her high school boyfriend Brian C. offic ials s ugges t they're being be monitored by Delaware offic ials. BY CHRISSI PRUITT " Psycho logy was my third would o·ansfer.'' he said. " I guess I Peterson are going home. bullied. He recommended that either the CopyEdiror major." Lisa said. ·'t started out in never really specifically asked. but M aybe today. maybe Monday, And one Wilmington acti v ist This M ay. hundreds of blue­ the College of Agriculture. as an I wish I had found out sooner thm1 maybe Tuesday w ho held a press conference see ACCUSED page A8 robed seniors wi ll marc h gail y animal science major.'' She then this."' - the couple M o nday accusing the state of dow n the aisle to the tune of transfetTed to the Coll ege of Arts Wh at are students like Pat and wi ll be grant ing the defendants s pecial "Pomp and Circumstance: · After and Science to major in criminal Lisa supposed to do? There is t ransported t reat me nt is o utraged with the Campus Calendar ............. ....A2 tossing their caps hi gh in the air justice, and finally deci ded on nothing they can do except pay for across state entire situation. Police Reports ...... ................ A2 they will frolic off to parties and psychology. an extra semester's classes. The lines to await a Fo ll owing a W ed nesd ay World News .... ..... ..... ........... A3 celebrations galore. " When I decided to change assistant dean of the College of capital case afternoon teleconference with Editoriai ............ .... ..... ........... A6 Soon they will be living on their colleges, my advisor told me not to Arts and Science who is the head already full of lawyers in volved in the first-degree Classifieds ............................85 own and working at jobs with their worry about anything, that all my of senior c heckout, was uncertainty.
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