NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. THURSDAY. DECEMBER i. 1994. 13 Financial Financial. Financial. Financial. Financial. Diriderrd \otice». NKW YORK, ."Ist, 1004. October Coupons Maturing December. 1904 Voting I'.W.VBI.R AT TR $10,000,000 To the Holders of Trustees' Certificates for BANKING HOUSE First Preferred Stock, Second Preferred Stock or City of New York 3>\ Per Cent. N. W. HARRIS & CO, and Common Stock of Reading Company: ruarr. Add. la.. Water Works. By the agreement dated February 1. 1897, under which the above mentioned Voting Atlantic, la.. Refunding. Fifty Year Tax ILxempt Trustees' Certificates were issued, it was provided, amon? other things, that: Aarora. in.. Refunding. Berkshire Street Railway Co.. Flr«t Mort- "On the first day of January. 19"-, if then the Heading Company for two pajimm Bowie, "consecutive rears shall have paid four per cent pT annum cash dividend on ItsFirst la.. Water Works. Interchangeable Cedar Rapids &lowa City Railway A U~ht "Preferred Stock, and, if not, then so soon as such dividend shall be so paid, and Co.. Hr»t Mortxace Gold. "upon surrender of any stock trust certificate then outstanding, the Voting Trust- Centerville. Mo.. School District. School \u25a0 \u25a0 will, in accordance with th*» terms hereof, deliver therefor corresponding Bunding. "proper certificates of stock of the Beading Company." Clarke County. Wash.. Fundiitf :R;fondls«. Gold Bonds. Clinton, la.. Independent School District, School Funding. On 10fH, June 15. the Board of Directors of BeMttag Company declared a dividend Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. Independent Interest payable May 1 and November 1. of two per cent, upon Stock, 10(M. School November 1. 1054. the First Preferred payable September 9. The pay- District No. I.School Site. Due ment or this dividend, the dividend per cent, paid during year Crest on. Refunding. \UY BF IN COUPON OR REGISTERED FORM. bc-in^ second el two the la.. BONDS HAD V.fM. two dividends of two per cent, each haring previously been paid during the year Decatur. 111.. Board of Education School IW3, fulfills Building. the condition limiting the period of the Voting Trust as above set forth, Economy converted at any time into registered bonds, and registered bonds can be converted and it. therefore, arrange Li^ht & Power Co.. Joiiet. IIL. Coupon bonds can be becomes the duty of the Voting Trustees to for the delivery First Mortgage Gold. coupon bonds in denominations of $1,000. This is the only, issue ever created by the city or' stock of Beading Company exchange for the Voting Trustees' Hamilton County. t any time into in certificates now Term.. Funding. outstanding. Jefferson, la.. Refunding :Water Works. having this interchangeable privilege. Jessamine County. We give notice that, on V.M we cease issue Voting Ky.. Turnpike. and afrer December 1. 4. shall to La Porte, la.. Independent School District. Executors. Administrators, Guardians and Trustees' Certificates and we hare arranged for the d.-livery of stock of Reading Com- School Funding. pany in exchange fr,r Lexington. others holding trust funds are authorized such certificates which may then be outstanding. K\.. Refunding. On and after December 1. 1004, holders of the present Voting Tiuatoea' Montevideo. Minn.. Water Works. these Bonds r'ertificate* New by law to invest in bearing the registration of the Central Trust Company of N> Tort are requeued Is Whatcom. Wash.. General Municipal. present Norfolk. Va.. Atlantic City Ward Imprtnret. their certificates at the office of Messrs. .1. P. Morgnn & Company, Transfer North Yakima. Wash.. Funding. Acents of the Voting Trustees in »w York, and certificates bearing the registration North Yakima. Wash.. School District. \o- 7. O(»den. of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities. Phila- Utah. School. PRICE AND PARTICULARS UPON APPLICATION. delphia, to Messrs. Company, Onawa. la.. Electric Li?ht. Drezel & Transfer Agents c-t the Voting Trustees in Park Rapids. Philadelphia, will prepared Minn.. Water Works. who be to delirei certificates of stock of Reading Com- Perry. lowa, Refunding;. pany in exchange for the same. Remington. |nd.. Water Work*. One hundred schedules per diem will be received at each Transfer Ofßee Rockford, 111.. Edison Co". Fir«t nortzac* SALOMON & CO., LAZARD FRERES, Qold. WILLIAM Xo transfers of Voting Trustees' Certificates will be made November 10 WALL after r/>th. Wilmette, 111.. Engine 25 BROAD STREET. STREET. IW»4. All certificates surrendered must properly Fire House: School bo endorsed in blank by th« registered Refunding; Street Light:r;. bolder thereof. DOMINICK & DOMIXICK, -f« f»>n. HARVEY FISK & SOXS, Holders transmitting certificates by mail will please Indicate tac name in which Oroton. 5 Dak.. Water Works. 100 Stock Certificates issued, 62 CEDAR STREET. BROADWAY. are to be and w!:«! :>r they wish such certificates sent by SIXTH. registered mail or bj express at their expense. White County. !nd.. Court House. TWT>TIETH. .T. PIEBPOVT MORGAN. Sedalia. Mo.. School District. Refunding FREDERIC P. OLOOTT, TIIIKTT-rTK-r. TO HOLDERS OF Nappanee. C. S. W. PACKARD, Ind.. Water Works. $10,800,000 Four and One-half Per Cent. Voting Trustees. Wi'nsiow, Lanier 2Go., 59 Cedar St., N. Y.City. Gold Coupon Treasury Notes THE ECTOUST AND nTXDKSM ON THE TOU Companies. UDWINQ B' >x:«s AXt> VTOCKfI aRE PaTABUB AT OF THE Trust Trust Companies. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0I HANK. BOCSB ON AND AFTER DECE^BKa IST Equipment Trust Registered 31 Per Gent. Bold Certificates An-.^ri.-an CotTfin r !"•\u25a0*<\u25a0 F". Pro.^ic T^'.-r 3^ Arr-»-i-.ir. Cottoa '-\u25a0.: Cfc • on Btork 1 - \u25a0 United States of Mexico M—Fia '\u25a0;-•\u25a0.. :-1. C\:t- !!"•:•» S». '\u25a0"!n R!-lim^!A- "» T>ATED JUNK I.I*o3. and 1, IMS, DIP .-tr.-iari. Fr Wsvne 1« Mt«» INTEREST BY THE OCTOBER r— \u25a0 , UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEES PRINCIPAL AND lively, 'l»v»:an.i iPir:-- K. Co QOMt Cnv. i\ and MATURINGJT'NT: 1, 1808. Morton Trust Company Gran' ClMtttf Ind OWHi F.^n 1«s. Notloo is hereby given that th« Tnlted States Mari<v. loimtv. Indiana, oa. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY Mexico of 38 NASSAU STREET. ha« elected to redeem, and willrednem at par - P«nii!ff.n Iniia.-a. r !. fl« - Waya« p. and accrued interest, the day Capital $2,000,000 PltmiuJEh. Ft. vCM a*n : Co. Ist *ta Mart- Commercial Trust Company, Philadelphia, Trustee on tint of February. ... <•- 7,.. 1905. all of it« Four and Ol» TT»lf Per Cent. Gold - - w«t VUn Cm, 9m. Coupon — r*ifar»rt«. tad Mmki Treasury Notes June 1. and Surplus and Undivided Profits $6,000,000 %\u25a0". Mar n t'.^uctv. Indiana. F-ir.iir.j;3 'is. dated 1803. Octo- 4:h. r^th Tth— "Ire*-n <•:.'. lr.i In the followingseries: ber V, 1903, respectively, lusued — A a ' " In pursuance of th« 10th Marlcn County, In^-iar.*. F. .• -* 4- I.aim of Acts as Trustee, Guardian, Executor, Administrator, Assignee, Receiver Eegls'.rar and -.r.:y. Trust; due annual Instalments of Conrreßi of the fifteenth of May. 1303. and 11T. -HaararM I Irvf.ara. fttatftna •\u25a0 C/L i;nn f\r\f\ Pennsylvania ?•?«>! Equipment in of September. " J'r.WU.UUU. each, thirtieth 1903. Transfer Agent. Takss charge ofEeal and Personal Property. liffh—•MiHTM C a 1800.000 from M.arch 1. 1905-1913. Said Treasury Notes, l:»th lreer.tlel.l In'!ia-ta. Irz^: \u25a0"—•r- Sor..ls together with the Interest ac- —Marinn ''•-.mis. Indiana. l'.~'^-!*.:ng Interest Quarterly. crued SSi j3ayal}l£ thereon, will bo raid on said first day of Feb- Deposits reoeived subjoct to cheque, or 01 certificate. Intoreat allowedon dailybalincai Ml i::!!->r:a}<o:is. !-!•! k-t'-.'.: '..-* 4«. r--r'»« >'. ruary. iLrila Rolling Eiulpm»-tit Trust; ln- 190«. on presentation thereof, tog-ether -with all c a ce\f\ f\e\f\ Pe--BT»- Steel Btoek dv» in annual coupons, Travellers' Letter of Credit issued. Foreign Exchange 5-t,jUU,UUU. of $5i>3,00u each, from May r.-1913.r unmatured at the office of Siw>yrr * Co.. The Following Coupons Are Doe and -Btai^r.ts' ' 1. .-1913. Interest payable Quarterly. 24-26 Pine St.. In the Cltj- of »w Tork, In United OFFICERS. Payable at the Office of States Old Coin, or, at the option of tha holder LEVI President. thereof, in London, England, P. MORTON. PennsylvarJa Steel Rolling Ftoclt Equipment Trust; due In annual in- at the office of Speyer THOMAS F. RYAN. Vice-Pres.dent. H. M. FRANCIS* Secretary. Ci cr\f\ f\f\ft \u25a0 Brothers, in 3>i,OUU,UUy» $200,000 each from Aug. Ist, Sterling, at the fixed rate of $4.65 to the H. ALLEN,Vice-President. CHARLES A. atalments of 1905-191& Pound Sterling. CHARLES CONANT. Treasurer. Farson, Co., Interest payable quarterly. JAMES K. CORBiERE, Vice-President. H. B. SERRY. Trust Officer. Leach & Interest on said Treasury Kotes win cease on .aid 35 NASSAU STREET. NEW YORK first day of February. 1805. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER ron:i--l. aUBD KOOT. PECtUBtT. ? CT. 13!»*. El Tesorero General de la Federadon, DIRBCTOBS: Al'xs^.ir.T-- ar.a, srhor'.. Lev! Morton VTtn- - Rathrrfurd, \u25a0"- .!\u25a0•:«. T^ia.* 6caaa9 M.Zamacona. John Jacob Astor, G. S. Haven. P. OawawwlO*-- Fr.-Hana. aUwtfte UgM To. - • \u25a0 $3,000,000 Mexk-o City, EMcomher 1, 190*. George F. Baker, .Tames >:. Jarvle. Richard A. McCurdv, Thoni.ts F. Ryai.. v N Dak Edward J. Berwlnd. Walter S. Johnston. W. G. <"»akman. Jacob H. Schiff, Montpeiirr I • ttes A. E>. Juiiltard, G*orge Foster Peabody, Koltaoma*) Ch« ty. O«* -s-ho^i Milla.I!aa •: ABOVE, BALANCE, TO HOIDEKS OF Frederic CromwelL John ?loane. RartbaaM, i-ixr.' OF THE BEING THE UNSOLD AT PRICES TO RETURN James B.
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