t h e sa ɴ j u a ɴ L a n d Le g a c y p ʀ e s e ʀvat ɪ o ɴ t ʀ u s t & t u ʀt ʟ e ʙ ack mouɴtaɪɴ ʀemaɪɴs vuʟɴeʀaʙʟe to dev e ʟ o p m e ɴ t W I N T E R 2 0 0 6 tʜe saɴ juaɴ pʀeseʀvatɪoɴ tʀust and the San Juan County Land Bank have long c o n s i d e red Orcas Is l a n d’s Tu r tleback Mountain the single most important unpro t e c t e d W W W. S J P T. O R G p ro p e rty in the San Juans. At 1 , 5 7 8 a c r es, it is a beloved island landmark that is home to a number of important natural and cultural features. After decades of ow n e r s h i p , the trustees of the Seattle-based Medina Foundation (which inherited the pro p e r t y f rom its benefactor, former We yerhaeuser exe c u t i v e and West Sound resident No r t o n Clapp) have decided to sell the mountain to the highest bidder. On August 25, 2005, we learned of this decision and we re informed that we had one month to assemble a compelling offer. Wo rking with real estate industry experts (including countless volunteer hours fro m p rofessionals that share our love for Tu r tleback) and with the support and guidance of our many conservation partners, the Preservation Trust and the Land Bank submitted an offer to the Medina Foundation on September 3 0 that re p resents our ve ry best estimate of the mountain’s full market value. We we re initially encouraged to hear that our p roposal had risen above the competition, but we quickly learned that the negotiations we r e far from complete. After a number of volleys, our re s p e c t i v e estimates of the pro p e r t y’s monetary value remain far apart. a ɴ ɴ u aʟ memʙeʀsʜɪp We have made it clear to the Medina Foundation that we are willing to pay full dʀɪve cʀucɪaʟ m a r ket value for the pro p e r t y. Howe ve r, as organizations that rely on publicly s u p p o rted funding sources (tax re ven ues for the Land Bank and tax-deductible priva t e We con tinue to seek contrib utions donations for the Pre s e r vation Trust), our fiduciary responsibility to our support e r s for annual membership renewals and p recludes us from paying an extraord i n a r y premium above what we feel is the tru e n ew membersh ips. These donations value of the land. We continue to re v i e w our analysis, and have enlisted an appraisal accou nt for most of our operati ng to examine – or enlighten – our value estimate. In the meantime, we are disappointed fu nds and sustai n our su ccessfu l to re p o r t that the future of Tu r tleback Mountain remains ve ry much at risk. land acquisition, conservation education, and stewardshi p programs. If y ou h a v e n ’ t already renewed or start e d y o ur mem ber s hi p, w e i n v i te y ou to d o so at www. s j p t . o r g / s u p p o r t, o r b y s en di n g y o ur co ntr i b ut i on to us at Box 327, Lopez Isl and, Wa . , 98261. We cannot continue import a n t l and conservation work wi thout the ongoing financial support of islanders like you. Thank you for your support . Tu r tleback Mountai n as seen from the i nter-islan d ferry. W I N T E R 2 0 0 6 t h e sa ɴ j u a ɴ L a n d Le g a c y W W W. S J P T. O R G p ʀ e s e ʀ vat ɪ o ɴ t ʀ u s t & maɴʏ tʜaɴks to ouʀ cʀow va ʟ ʟ e ʏ campaɪɢɴ suppoʀt e ʀ s . Rachel Ad a m s Tina Brow n Dean and Ruthie Do u g h e rt y Sven Haarhoff & Allison Sh a d d a y Sara Jane Jo h n s o n Ma ry and Gil Masters Bruce Pavitt and Hannah Pa rker Timothy Se i f e rt & Sonya Er i c k s o n Ma r g a ret Wa reh am Peter Karin and Bill Agosta The Bullitt Fo u n d a t i o n Jean Dow l i n g Deborah Haensli & Randy Di xo n C a r olyn Ruth Jones Bob and Nancy Ma y n a rd Alexandrina Pa t t y Tom and Gretchen Se i f e rt and Dixie Wa l m s l e y Nancy Alsoucy Paul and Phyllis Caisse David and Sandra Du r a n d Tom Ha e n s l y Keith and Ann Jo n e s John and Annette Ma z z a rella Harlan and Anne Pedersen Neil and Maggie Sh a rkey Nani Wa r re n Debbie Amos John and Lois Campbell C l yde and Do rothy Eagleton William Hagen & Debra Dickerson Elaine Jo r g e n s e n Kevin Mc C oy Don and Katy Peek Margot Shaw Bob and Marsha Waunch Creed Anderson Paula Capitano Jim Eb e r h a rdt & Kaylene Farley Scott Hallquist J R Zukin Corporation Louellen and Miles Mc C oy Peninsula Community Fo u n d a t i o n Lois Sheedy Heather Ways and Gerald Sgro Marilyn Anderson L a r r y Carro l l Douglas and Catherine Ellis Bob and Jody Ha m a k e r St e ven Jung and Susan Mc Ba i n St e ve Mc Kenna David and Cherill Pe re r a Stephen Si e b e rt and Jill Belsky Michael We a ve r Ro b e rt Anderson Charles Carver & Sarah Mc Cu l l o c h Frank and Sue-Anne Ellis Ge o f f rey and Janet Hamill Je r r y and Diane Kaspare k and Nancy Schafer Ma r g a ret E. Ph i l b r i c k David and Kaaren Slawson Diane Weber and Alan Kneitel Anonymous (2 0) C h r i s t i n a’s Re s t a u r a n t Joachim and Ursula Erd m a n n Patricia Pi r n a c k - Hamilton Todd Ke g e r reis and Kim Bast Go rdon and Sylvia Mc Kenney Polly Pr a t t Hedrick Smith and Susan Zox Barbara and Ned We i b e r g Tom Ard a va n y Ga ry and Grace Christophersen Sh e r ry and Peter Ettel and James Ha m i l t o n Mike Keran and Joanna Power St e ve and Barbara Mc Keon Pre m Karin Snelson Joanne Colman Wester Da ve and Shari Ashbaugh Earl Cilley Lance Evans and Janet Brow n e l l Will and Jackie Ha m i l t o n The Kershner Fa m i l y Chuck and Robin Mc K i l l o p Paul and Sh e r ry Pu z i s s William Dean Smith Thomas and Jill Wheeler Jon and Carol Ave n t Debra Clausen R i c h a rd Fagen & Deborah Bu n d y Paul and Ann Ha n s o n Janet Ke t c h a m James and Joan Me h l Linda Py m and Jennie Lindberg Michael & Cassandra Whellams Belinda Bail and Joseph He r r i n and Kimbal Su n d b e r g Ma rtha Farish & Joseph Cohen Thor Hanson R. Bruce King Bill Me ye r s Elisabeth Qu i m b y Vinton and Mimi So m m e rv i l l e John and Carol Whetten Chris Baker and Grace Sh i n Nancy Clifton Marilyn and Dick Fi k e Jens and Ellen Ha r b o e Ned and Ma rcie Kirschbaum Ric Merrifield and Beth My h r Michael and Cynthia Spring Bay In n Jonathan White & Donna Laslo Kenneth and T h e res a Ba k k e n Bruce and Ma rty Coffey Don Finsen Cliff Ha r by Betty Knudson Mi c ro s o f t Hawkins Rahilly Sp r i n g c reek Fo u n d a t i o n Tina Whitman Wally and Josie Ba r row Joe Cohen and Ma rth a Fa r i s h Da ve and Irene Fi s h e r Tom and Linda Ha r r i s Midge and Fritz Kraetze r Sheri Mi k l a s k i Jim and Ruth Raisis Stacy St. John and Helen Baker C a r ol Whitbeck Beach Ha ven Re s o rt Ma rc Cohen Paul and Karin Fl a t t e ry Alan and Jo Ellen Ha rt l e y Michael and Susan Krieger Julie Mi l l e r C l a r ence and Virginia Rankin St.
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