Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 39 No. 31 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $12.00 PER YEAR Cur. Ri, P.S. PRICE 30 CENTS August 2,1984 School Board Returning $10,697 Surplus To Town Resumes Pouring In The Board of Education has an- $2,600 he said. nounced it would be returning a In highlighting financial ex- surplus of $10,697 to the town penses In the instructional areas, from Its 1983-84 budget year, nearly $70,000 was budgeted and For Manager's Job which ended on June 30. spent for updating the mathema- This represents approximately tics and language arts curriculum. The Town Council's screen- icchi and Republican Richard mined "some are not good one tenth of one percent of the Most of the money was focused ing committee searching for a Fusco, said a formal Interview choices," He said lack of ex- Board's $10.2 million budget. The on staff revision of the curriculum permanent town manager re- schedule will be set up as perience in o managerial posi- Board complimented the Business and the purchase of new text- ported 19 resumes had been sub- soon as the group feels all the tion, or insufficient qualifications Office for its work in this area. books and workbooks. mitted for the job vacated by viable applications are in. were evident on a few resumes, Richard Huot, the school busi- This revision will continue dur- former Town Manager James The official deadline for sub- "A lot of interesting people" ness manager, indicated approxi- ing the 1984-85 fiscal year, but will Troup July 2, mittal is Aug. 30, have applied, Mr, Pettinieehi mately $8,000 of the surplus re- focus on other areas such as sci- John Hayes, Democrat Coun- Mr. Hayes said the committee added. sulted from empty oil tanks at two ence, Social Studies, and a broad- cilman on the committee with has reviewed some of the re- schools. At Griffin School, the Avertisements for the opening er instructional program in com- Council colleague Robert Pettin- sumes, and already has deter- have been published in several tank is being replaced while the oil puters, state newspapers, the New York tank at Heminway Park School is The fiscal year just completed 9 Times, and in a couple of man- being repaired. Normally, tanks focused a great deal on staff de- ager trade journals, according to are full at the end of the fiscal velopment and inservice training. Knights Clambake Set David Minnich, assistant town year. Selected teachers were sent to manager and finance director. If work had been completed on special workshops which centered The St. Pius X Council, The clambake will run until 6 Democrat Council Chair- these tanks, the balance would on skills and techniques necessary Knights of Columbus, will hold p.m. The menu selected by the woman Barbara Hymel, in re- have been reduced to about (Continued on page 2) its annual clambake Saturday, chefs will include steak, sausage, sponse to earlier queries from Aug. 18, beginning at 10 a.m. on chicken, hamburg and much the audience, said the final the council's Main Street more. interviews would be conducted grounds, Per person tickets can be pur- by the entire nine-member A breakfast consisting of ham, chased at the council home, or Council, eggs, and home fries will be from ticket Chairman Nick Ange- Jack Traver, Park Road, and served. Chairmen for the event licola, a past grand knight. a Republican Town Committee are Grand Knight James J. Ring, Award Winner member, criticized the Democrat past Grand Knight John Bouch- The council has announced majority on the Council and Mrs, er, and Treasurer Henry Rymut. Deborah Proe, daughter of Mr. Hymel for not contacting the They reported plans and prepar- and Mrs, William Proe, 54 liteh- GOP committee before placing ations are well underway for the field Road, has been chosen re- Mr, Fusco on the panel, clambake. cipient of the council's annual "The method is suspect," There, will be horseshoes, vol- $500 scholarship. Miss Proe is a Mr. Traver said, making re- leyball, and other sports activi- 1984 graduate' of Watertown fcrence to the selection pro- ties. High School. cedure which passed over Re- publican Councilwoman Tess Mitchell, Republican Bernard Sharing System Does Not Beauchamp expressed no in- terest in being on the committee. Compute With Officials For the opening hour of Mon- day's meeting in the high school Town Council members Mon- Furthermore, the two officials library, attended by about 55 day night asked for an investiga- said the district hired Assessor residents, salvos were traded by EASY COME EASY GOJ Queuing up to the tax collector's window in tion into the shared use of the John Petuch to annually code any respective party members over the Town Hall Tuesday afternoon were Julius Panilaitis, left, and town's computer system by the property changes. He worked the handling of Mr, Troup's George Slmonin, among the many who beat the July 31 deadline for Watertown Fire District, after It outside of his normal weekday resignation, and in forming the paying their personal property, real estate, or automobile taxes on the was revealed the WFD in recent assessor's hours, and was paid screening committee l 1983 Grand List. Unpaid taxes are now delinquent and subject to an years has been using it to gener- $750 in each of 1982 and t «l by Jiidith'Wick, Northfield Road, interest charge. Tax Collector Armand Derouin's register has been ate its tax bills, the district, who was elected co-chairman of ringing a productive tune this year, stemming from an apcirssi\e William Halliwell. acting town Mr. Halliwell said tlu \VI D \\.v "Citi.—ir. f\,r Recall" group policy on catching up with back-tax delinquents, (Valuekas Photo) manager, said in a memo to the will be getting a bill for the same last week, which is seeking to Council the Fire District years amount for this year's work. oust Mrs. Hymel and Democrat ago purchased necessary pro- David Mtnnich, assistant town Vice Chairman Richard Capan- Council Approves Roof gram modifications from Sys- manager and finance director, ija, said Mr. Fusco, while Repub- tems 11, Middlebury, to the said the WFD paid for materials, lican, is a supporter of a mayoral town's computer assessment Expenditure, Transfers program, (Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 20) A transfer of SI 1,000 from the ters. This enabled the district to general contingency account to The expenditure was originally "flag" properties located within the Fire Department Mainten- financed in the Police Building the WFD for purposes of estab- ance and Support budget unani- Fund, which closed out in fiscal lishing its Grand List and billing mously was approved by the 1982-83, Cash balances were list. Duane George, WFD super- Town Council Monday night. transferred to the general bud- intendent, said the software was The funding will be tacked on get. bought in 1980 with the approval to $20,000 appropriated from A second request by the police of the town manager, federal Revenue Sharing last for $1,825 to replace a "hot line" May to repair the roof at the system was tabled to the next Sunday Concert Main Street flrehouse. The Pub- Council meeting in August. lic Buildings Committee last Council members asked a police At Crestbrook week voted to recommend a bid representative to be on hand to John Sherwood, a concert art- be awarded to WeatherTight explain the expenditure. ist for Wurlltzer, will perform Roofing Systems of Torrlngton, A third transfer had the Coun- Sunday, Aug. 5, at 7 p.m. at for_$29,250. cil moving $1,400 from the Wage Crestbrook Park's upper level, The balance will be used for a and Benefit Account to a Crest- Northfield Road. The program is 21-year material warranty, and a brook Park account for Donald free of charge, and co-sponsored project contingency account. Daveluy, a park laborer assigned by the Parks and Recreation A shortfall was determined af- to both the Parks Division and Department and Spiotti Music, ter it was learned extra work Crestbrook, Straits Turnpike, would be required to repair Mr, Halliwell explained duties Mr, Sherwood will entertain drains and parapet walls, Acting requiring him to drive an F-10 all musical tastes, from con- Town Manager William Halliwell tractor daily means compensa- temporary to jazz, on Wurlitzer's MAKING HIS FIRST APPEARANCE Monday night as the acting said. tion must be at least equal to that new OMNI keyboard computer town manager at a Town Council meeting in the high school library A transfer of $1,485 from the of a MEO-1 position in the High- organ. His personal favorite was William Halliwell, right, here listening to discussion with Council- general contingency account also way Department, according to music is jazz, and his favorite man Robert Pettinicchi, At a special meeting last week, the Council set was okayed without dissent to the town's labor contract. performer Oscar Peterson, Mr, Halliwell's salary at $29,500, and provided for an $820 travel al- pay off Motorola, Inc. for the in- Mr. Daveluy will be reclassi- Audience members may bring lowance. The town's purchasing agent as well, Mr. Halliwell will have stallation of equipment at the fled permanently as a Park Main- lawn chairs and blankets for the a prorated salary for as long as he holds the post until a permanent French Sreet police headquar- (Continued on page 2) outdoor concert.
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