1TePJELIPAF VoueCXV, Number 8 Piflips Academy, AndoverMA June 7, 1992 '1 ,Andover Bis Class of19Fae ll By JOHNSIMION MACNEEL independent project- "combines unusual excellence T[be Yale Aureian Society established the award in weather, the entire Ceremony will be held in the Case On Sunday, June 7, the Phillips Academy 1992 Sen.. with service to the community." The Yale Bowbis 1935. Meoil-ae ior Class will awarded to a member of the Sen- Following the presentation of themaardsaScholaPeCEGEET assemble in Flagstaff Court at 9:30 am thawrsScolPE DIG VNT to bginthetraitinalComencmen prcesionior Class who achieve's the highest standing in both President Dylan Seff and McNemar eint the titonaCmencemenpsHa.T will deliver On Friday evening at 6:30 Seniors and faculty proso academics and athletics while attending Phillips Acad-- speeches to the assembly.patcaedithanulS io/clyDnered cessin, acompniedy th Cla Mc~hrsonBag-emy. The Yale Club of Boston funds this Senior DIPLOMAS cesion acompniebytheCla -M~hesonBa- award. David in the Cage. In this event, each Senibr escorted a fac- pipe Band, will end at the steps of Sam Phil, Underwood, Chairman of the Board of ulty member to the dinner in the fal gathering of the officially McNemar will present the Faculty Prize to the Sen- Trustees, and Dean of Studies Susan McCaslin will departing Senior class with the PA faculty. At the din-. beginning hebCom eemet ceermns. inoaintor who has achieved the highest grade point average begin the awarding of diplomas by awarding four ne, retiring faculty Diz Bensely, Marion Finbury, anir FollwingRabbEveettGender'sinvoatio towhile at PA. This recipient of this award ill receive a Senior leaders with diplomas. The four Seniors, Georges Krivobok spoke to the assembly. fathyermoisn the aembl omencpaent sond $100 check sponsored by the Freund family. selected by McCaslin, will receive their awards prior In addition to the retiring faculty's speeches, the facutyte trditinal wll sng ommecemet sog ITe Madame Sarah Abbot award recognizes a fe- to the singing of the Latin "Gaudeamus," another Chairpersons of the Senior Parent Gift Committee "Ameica" write ino 183 bySuemithryainA male member of the graduating class who has best traditional part of the Commencement ceremony. also presented their gift to the school in the form of a AmeriaHoue, n WADior-tA demonstrated strong character, effective leadership' After a brief benediction from Rev. Barbara check. Secretary of the Academy Allen Adriance an-. HaleSurgesAPr RdSfteAdvrCatro and outstanding scholarship." Abbot alumn~estab- Livingston and Rev. Richard Gross, the Senior th uale Si yPresidentiothe ov class nounced the Class of 1992 Class Secretary and rdhape flished the award in honor of Sarah Abbot, who will proceed to the Great Lawn in front of the Addison Agents, symbolically introducing the Senior class into the ociey,umLude wll bgin he aards~W'~founded Abbot Academy in 1828. At her death, Sarah Ant Gallery to gather and receive diplomas. The the ranks of alumnae. sentation by announcing the final electees to the Cumn Abbot left over ten tho'usand dollars of endowment to Recession will end in a semi-circle around the steps of On Saturday, each cluster Laude Society,-Headmaster Donald McNemar willAbtA held receptions for C~ntiue thb prorampresntin the on- bb t cademy to-allow it to continue as a female in- Addison, where McNemnar will randomly distribute Seniors, families, and faculty from 5:00 Awardu YheBpowlraculy prizetiMadahe pm to 6:00 o- stitution that emphasizes education, diplomas throughout the circle until every diploma pm, followed by a buffet supper in Commions at 6:00. Abaward, and theLaulia oo oity przMaaerizeThe final award, the Aurelian Silver Cup, goes to a has been delivered. From 7:00 to 9:45 pm, members of the Senior class InPhllip lght f Acdemymottte of"notformale in the Senior class who, in the opinion ohe A reception in front of the Oliver Wendell Holmes entertained the parents in a program organized and di- oneself," the ninth awarding of the Non-Sibi award by faculty and fellow peers, is "outstanding in sterling Library on the Great Lawn will conclude the 1992 rected by the Office of Admissions. The Saturday theo acutytotheoneor wll mre enios wosecharacter, high scholarship and forceful leadership." Commencement ceremonies. In the event of bad events ended with a candlelight Baccalaureate in Cochran Chapel at 9:45 pm. Andover Students Presented with . The INSIDE Box Achievement, Character Awards Trustees and Tuition Increases Page 2 By MICHAELCORKERY ment of its students, athletes, and outstanding contribution to Cluster Finally Seniors Todd Lubin and On Monay,Ma 18, Adoverretiring teachers. Headmaster Don- Athletics. Chathy Thomas were recognized FTathier ross Leaves ndover Page 3 convened in an All-School metn aid McNemar, Dean of Studies Modeste awarded Ryna h otncapablefathte of te to honootstandngthe meeing usn Mcraslin, and Athletic Di- Wesqtendorf with the Schubert Key, past yeaqr.nhorofteru- News A2 Newly Renovated George Trustees-Review Admis- W~ashington Hall Unveiled sions Plant Renewal' Tuition In honor of his wife Francis T[ag, Abbot class of '57, who -____________ i~cenlyof ancer did Osca TangBy JOHIN HARRIS cheap. Phillips Academy will Board scrambled to find ways o rc'56 ldonaed ogft tonerP ar $Til- Teaatsholyarwsn boast the largest financial aid bud- cut the budget. McNemar ex- i5 ontedargs gift into PA bymildoub as scndoducvyear sn get of any school in the nation pressed the need to increase the a living benefactor. The school for the Phillips Academy Board of cnxtar.ts an iard mmsiosqschool' na base of ource byoac used a half million dollars from Trustees. It was a year that saw the cnutnsadbadmmesqrgalre aeo aia o this gift to help pay for the Badcnie, mog oerhave placed the necessary funds plant renewal projects and the fi-, renovations to the theater, and PA things, the admisson pitue for future financial aid-in the area nancial aid budget. - formally renamed it the Francis-, plant renewal ideas, and, most un- of $70 million. Following While molding the 1992-93 Tang Mainstage Theater. potnlteBadto 'eeameetings on the subject that oc- budget, the Board gave high prior 'l'he ~~~~~,jflJ~~~~f __ ~~~~curred~in January,-Chairman of the ity -oeah'r cmpensto'n made possible - wasuh important steps to prepare PA for Board of Trustees David Under- also to holding down the tuition. alumiusanStot,an othrs: InJanury .and ate prilthe- wood felt that~ "although we may Another- itemn-- that- received Ile newly ftnovaled George Washington HO ht~ faumind0tiJ- ua tt, InJnay-n at pi h By CYRUSMASSOU I viously in the architectural p~lans Director of Personal and Business Board of Trustees made some dif- not be able to be totally needs thorough considerationduring the for the art building in the 1960's, it Srie exlns "Tem ey ficult but ecessary decisions con-blnw arupt90 [eesm tisofhspstyrwste PA welcomed students and .fac- wa lmntdbcueo ugtcomes either in pledges to be paid' cerning plant renewal ad future blind] and we remain firmly corn- Annual Fund. "~To increase en- ulty back to campus after winter .. in a certain amount over a certain budget planfs. To accommodate the mitted to our goal of meeting the dowment," quoted McNemar, "we break with the opening of the reasons. Other major changes ipro ftm ri a oei te dfiutfnnilciae h financial needs of quality need to give attention to the An- cluded enlarging GW's main lobby, prooftmoricacmenth newly renovated George Wash- moving the basement bathrooms form of contributions that come in diiulBoard reluctantly'f Incil approvedlmae th a students."Floigdsusoso d nualcdm' Fund eore.as one of the ington Hall. The one and a half anteoaigth tdn ight away, or it can come in the 7.7% increase in tuition for the up- Bolwigdcsonona-Adeysroue. year project involved everything an ot the studenft buil form of planned giving." Planned coming year. Also, the financial missions, the oard reconvened in In the end, the main issue con- from updating the. building's old in. giving consists of a pledge to give aid budget, which will stand at 5.7 pryil iscstheLogrnea tecnns log-range planning is steam heating system to installing sho un ok maya certain amount in the event of the million for next year, will provide phsclpan.Ln-anepasfundraising. To achieve the high new cable and conduit for Thescoludrok mn donor's death. Although the school aid for only 460 students instead *for renovations headed the long goals set this year by the Board. modifications in order to make the aed.Te Bad fcsdtesho ilhv'ob bet televisions, computers and phones. has not received all the funds for of the 490 this year. agna Te Brd fusdtechowilavtobaleo A fiew student and faculty mail buldngaesle.h tolannlddcapped the cost of the renovation, the net Another topic that received a surimar ie nar rog aetinsaqiesfiin ud ho room, a evamped theater, and eeaoadteelreeto cost of the constriction is covered great deal of attention from the sugtd ites fonrenvationsge avenues other than tuition. In walkway between GW and sresponseandplongstheruplantwarenewaladbudget to the difficult question Kemper make up the most drastic teftevatrancte eo n a mt ofb pe ostuto ~rus.Thee w arhe admissionsa for upcoming years. MNemar of fundraising, MNemar stated chanesi thebuili' think The theater in GW required ex- Thsed ricilexf ctrution sid~ poicy. Th.or opee cited Evans Hall, Abbot Hall, and chaesoin he buildng. e tensive repairs, eventually makig pSst.ed riinlexectationstsaid review of the current applicant teKm ratsudoasrasthat "we are still in a mode where theara eatig smllerbut o h elcmuictos pool, and also studied the recruit- thet neer tob setedia ares 'etyigt iitepne f th rvtonwaA aellneemh etn rasalrbtmr cable, for example, cost four times ingplce urnl nue facelift for the Academy'sphysical that need to be renovatedpolicesinrrettheinweere tryingac to limitgexpensesa plan," sid Jhn owfnctinal Mie Brwn, echncalas much as anticipated.
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