w w w .m agicvalleiley.com ' ^ 1 - ^ > I Scpccm bcr H.-2U00 I T w in Falls, ldali(iho/y.Sch. year. N o. 2.S; 5 2 ■G o o d M O R N I N G I W K A 'n-ii':R . jTAi SZ _____L Today; MeMosily jrvfiinds >d8y*antl------------------------ tonight, b )p-aide-shQ uldH pay $6.3 milillion, jurors s;s ay --------79;ii — ^ K c h a i rd “B titl© r-5-top accordi;rding to KREM-TV of Spokam ated:Piw» ■ i: ■ .............. foinnrri’t stop usj' the sta ;;iZl_Bosln&asl6iirnaiaiiste^B 2: — rd-ALENE— ft-iurj-dEcUed- [cdBuikf os saying.^------------ v K V ------------------- COEUR-d- rh is IS nothing.” Butlerer that Aryan Nations leader ---------------1 Thursday th I at ahd as.saiilted k OMOVIO-TV of Seattle. -W c have/e iplant- Sutler and his chief of staff for being chased, shot a Richard But ;y by th e guards two yeanirs ago. etl ;eeds.see Most of north IdahoD mnow Iigent in overseeing security were negligi ;r Of tliat figure, S6 millillion was a pum- . filledid wilh Ihe people who esc HH - .- guards w hJO o attacked : a woman and her with $330,000 in multlcilculiuralism-or diversiiy or-o r whai-________________ ide the white supremnctstst • tive damage award, w ' son o u tside compensatory damagesies. everr youy( waAt to call it.” [ i'lf-jl group’s nortijrthem Idaho headquarters, efly ouiside ihe Thehe K een^s hugged each o< th e r ^ -----------■ who received the-civU cas(^ Butler spoke brief ~ ~~ ju ro rs, wl of courtroom , cbmparinB'ig-hlmsclHo some tearfurfully after Hjeverdict. W ednesdayay evening after six days of d also declaring lees, left, and Jason Keenan afteritter the verdict. ^ recommended that Victoriaia biblical figures and P l ^ see ARYAN,i. PiPage A5 Attorney Morris Dec * * testimony, r jn northern Idaho a ha'laven for racists, arfdJnsonK1 K eenan receive S6.3 million ------------CatehlnfrplelotalnOIV W nnrf J___________ R iver Valley event givgives th e public a chance lo obsabserve .j ------------- - F ewefR STUDE]lNTS—- = ^ e r o nm e: • artists at w ork._____ “ P ag e B1‘ 9— — ^ Catching a brake: A\ pproblem "i c s’ with defective school>olbus— ------ I brakes has posed no10 fproblem for Mini-Cassia schoollOols. i P ag e W m p - t o l e ^ I Measure fofocused •. Shakeup: Qwest wiUiU Icu t thou- E • 'o n overcrovo w d in g i . access lines to focusiiso ( n h ig h - K ByBtandon Flala j ■ growth telecommuni'inications. I TImefrNflws writer P a g e E l - I ~ JLROi^~J^TOihc-Ttrn'det^r g' approved an S87S,00(>,000 supplem eiv I ■ W i -:I'KE n o i l ________talTevy Thursday,uy, igiving m o r d . __ _____ a plan to pay foror jadditions t^ uarvSchool— r ------^— The yes vote com:omes atier res^ ---------- -jients-hxid-diaiisidic-d a s trin g o t — - school bond issuesw ddating back tff 1996, a n d a b o uut t ta year after approving a sllghUyIlly larger levy to pay for additional)iial high school , dassrooms. r P V.. “This levy (JJ I Share a song: Thee oonline K —_ _ j — • . , ^ im e a n s ih a t |r “ " 'mua&^ppingsit€site ca lle d--------- : z ^ ------- . 7“ ij-tcmcntary ^ N apster issUU in11; hvhvisinecs, but students will 1.! Iger?:_____ . _ have an ade- (61(65,2 percent- ^ •' f w h ow -inuch-longe _ for. 34,8 percent ^ , P ag e C l ------- . q u a te _ . ..ll-___ /O! brary, teach- .against)oB ....... = — ersT^ill'have —TUf-Three i»llo«6wefe------------ e«ijcu«itlM/Ttani classrooms * fuiruled,invalid.- ------------------ tendance Is down In the Twin Fallalls a n d th e r e chool.In.Twln Falls. For the seco9Cond year In a row. school atteni will be a muliipu{purpose room," lU bcard’buBOB TliiitsdJ* afternoonlOon ftom Bickel Elementety Sch StudenU I Superintendentt JitJim Cobble said «al population. '• School Di!D istrict-a slenol an ojlng local Thursday evening.'ng. “We’ll have an At t h e n e t : _____ -y 7 elementary schoollool with facilities, |] C en tu ry miv- r , ■ > \/ students deserve.'C. • ' eled to Twin I ^ 1 Q - y e ' “ “Il’s gratifyingng 1there was that ear — ^----------- m u c h —c o m m uunity—supponiA- n i -------- B allsjp t a k e _ _ X —' 1 * ' c n r (© l l i n an L h i s learly tw inliirds of bn th e B ruins Cobble sjiid. “ Near figure is 6,/6,796, compared with I; ■ the communityi. vovoted to increase toward a 10-year low. >99-2000, he Siiid. ■ TI^IjQOHEnQEl iheir taxes, and,nd people really andon Flala "'I his is kind of an[I (o d d ity in 6.974 iri 1999 arollmontnBufesfOftheMa'e stepped up.” pNews writer_______________- , light of die fact thal thefe communi- T h e 2000OO OI figure does not 1 E valley’s lorgesl disuicts On thi* ballot,t wwas an 5875,000 [{ ly Is growlngi bm theiie-younger... include thelie-few preschpol.siu- - - . 200&01-1999-2000-pei riN f a l l s ’- ' rhe'popuiatioTi' Sangc s u p p le m e n ta,1 l lere\7"ro'bulld'a~; ------- T\VIN population is deciicreaslng.” dents who10 ailend: district pro­ (pioicctwl) Ch vin Falls is growing older, ' 4,500-square-footfoot multipurpose ‘ in Tw ir i Superintendent Terrel•ell Donicht grams; ihey;sy start school laier. The Twin Falls 6,796 6.974 -7 thal trend has school dismct .0,3 room , an 1.800-s(ii|.s(iuare-fooi library And tha said. “I liis could be a trtransition io‘ district hadlad about 40 preschool ,Cnssm 5.081 5,099 C nistrators worried. „ „ 5,7 . and two classrootrooms at Jefferstin adminis lc , amorereiiremenicomnnmunity." students lastlas year, and a similar MiiiidoKa rt,430 4.699 3 082 3,040.- >11> elemeniary. I . O p in io n - Enrolirollment in the i»ff>)«^t«Ml-«nr^)llmQrent in dnwn '• Ig by 178 from last year.•. ’This years H . Evetyone’s aw inn id straigln year, and heading spring, and coulilliuld be finished tn ^ H i revenue down, mma anagem ent tim e for the 2001•001-02 school year. -Liiyne Siiid. H | must improve arir thet! Twin — _ principal Dale Uij ■ I Falls County Fair,iir, to d ay ’s edi- -ir “ Y "T h is w as ila Clcritical levy, we et privaqJ were simply oulout of spacc.” he ■ | torlal says. peeks atit Interne _______PageJVG___ ■ .egislativ( panel j „ fiir said, “ I’m thrillecilled we had such a ken'ientalive lrmk!nit —t committee-’s-only-mecliiig- rgenfTotcsr'-------------------- — ................. ihe commiitee. co-chairlired by ^percenfagel llchael Joumee ____ .ulaiions during receni _i osed .adililiuti to . , II. - SEcxioNJJi;:n~ S F .C -r iQ N By.M^ —Son. Jack Riggs. l.Coeiir -The-propose d’Aleiie, and Kep. Lelia,' --------------------- L e R isla tu P lire made related mea- ' le'district plans to Section C ~ R.Buhl. heard presentationons froni 5950,000; th c 'd ■ Section A £ OISE - A legislaiive panol V last winter, erence. m ness to sell such infororm atlon has sures law U a number of specialiststs In the cover the differei H Weaiher . 2 VWeekEnd.,1.8 JyJilying intricacies in dispersion g ihe process, the com­ son levy su cceed ed •et. becom e a growing Issi)sue for many During i area of privacy and the; eexpand- The Jefferson Movies . .6 of perfersonal inftirmailon will meet around the plexiiyof of th e issue pushed law- I in com- w here ihc bondnul issues had failed H !. Nation ... .3-5 ^ legislative bodies a 10 esiabllsh an Interim Ing use of the Iniernel ii Dear Abby . 6 Mondiitiay.- . , ,h e naiion. including Cohf;ngress. makers to e see JEROME, Page A2 ■ ' . World ............5 [ ^Ith the growth of ihe csisliilure's studyauniimmlliee, Ploase see PRIVACY,;Y.PageA2 ' Please sei H .. Opinion ....6 -7 (Crasswotd...6 inict. the sccurily ot personallal -The Idaho Lej igusi, during ilie interim isi. Judiciary and Ruless tcommittees hi Augu Momina break £ jnfnnrirmation and the riglii of husi- B S M t T o t r B ■ Mage Valley .14 “"SectioiTDI r- - — Obltuaries-rTT2—-Sports-rvr.l-6--/\j : agents un(iGOver dn H Idaho/West .4,6 . .. Comics .....••5 S e c t i o n E Mbney....l-3 S Lubhighirnmountia i n s ^ — Classlfied-4=16--------------- “ 20,000 Kilos U nderir iihe Sea,” TheB AAssociated P re ss___________ - ---------'r h e 100-fool subnbm arine iptWonrecydedp^ief. s u rfa c e d FACATATIVA. Colomhia ^ In ia have crossed an occ ■rne off Miami <»r otherr ( ^ H bH Iteme worthy of Jules Vcrn« y unloaded its at aw ed even v eteran iKival offioffj. and surreptitiously rs. Colombian dnig inifflckerken?----- dnigcargoi— SStfilE E fe^^ yeafr~ n Tave sophphisucated‘sub'ma“ in law enforce- ne to smuggle Log on to ... ■ m e n l 1 have never . ' coca)caine, reportedly , I .Cl) A r r c f illin , se e n aianything like ' ilh holt) from ~ -l,tf<wVr.t:cguiu.------------- m e ric a n -— —a n a ------ :S.-Jril^Uf'ClU iiicf of th e U.S. - - 3„l.rr— I RiiSJussian crinunals. , Knforceineiit fl£{cvall0t}.eom )>(P o lic e s l u m b l e d -----------------------------— . D ru g I WMWJnfl£^ irine ” Adminlsiration in, CColombia, said pon the half-huill siilmiarin is huge.
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