h The Forest City Press GOOD SHOOTING AT THROWS BABE FROM CAMP ROOSEVELT, SALOONS IN NEW UKE KAMPESKA i | E. P. THORNE. Publisher. * 5 SOUTH DAKOTA f OR EST CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA WINDOW, THEN SELF; i DAKOTA TOWNS ARE MAY BE GAMP FOR Watertown, S. ]j., July 17.— !t de­ ' IJeerbohm Tree Is absent-mimled. One velops Unit there are some ratt'.ing night, coming out of the theater, he CAUGHT IN ARMS good shots among the Fourth regiment HARD TO START FEDERAL TROOPS entered a cab on which was a strange bo;,K In camp at Camp Koosev.-lt. The driver. "Home" was all the direction new JlO.dOO rilie range is in constant use the cabby received and he waited some for ten solid hours every day. the shoot­ time, fearing he might lose his fare, be­ Crazed by Child's Affliction ing 'leinif done at d.istan>:es or' 200, 3(10 Must Wait Until a Popular Vot< Excellent Grounds There May fore lie asked Mr. Tree where Ills home Armour, S. D., Woman At­ and ron yards, except for tilose in tlie v ! was. The actor responded: "Why sharpshooters class who hi: the targets Has Given Permission Be Selected for Perma­ -rom 1:00 and 1,000 yards. No accidents i, should I tell a perfect stranger where my beautiful home is?" tempts Suicide. have o< eurred yet In connection with to Do So. nent Use.. Is . the target practice. Boats alid excur­ I#: i The modern "coon" or "nlantntion" sion parties generally observe the warn­ songs and the popular form of syncopa­ Sioux Falls, S. p., July t!>.—"Help, ing against entering the firing zone tion called ' ragtime" are all easily (luring practice hours, and no danger is Arlington, U., July IT.—Saloor. W itertown, S. D., July 15.—The pre* ; \\: i • buys, help!" was the exclamation whkli apprehended from this source, though cut encampments of the South Dukoil traced to their source in the older ne­ greeted busimss men in the vicinity of keepers who have bought lots ana gro souks, which • • • art. pi-oii- lookouts with spy glasses are constant­ National Guard here increases the ; i i iin- far! Look building, near the heart ly on the watch to warn any boats erected buildings in the new towns now iibly to be regarded as European in <jl the city. probability of Lake Kampeska being : melodic origin, translated into rhythms that may get within range. springing up In the western part of made a concentration camp for federal ; i Mrs. John Finch. of Armour, S. ])., Following is the list of field and-staff : that have been handed down from the v.lio about two weeks ago arrived in the state are beginning to wonder troops. The South Dakota National generations of slaves who actually officers in camp: Adjutant General ('. Guard encampment grounds are com- \ Sioux Kails with her young child for 11. ICnglesby, commanding the camp' where they are at. came from Africa. the purpose of securing treatment lor ing to be recognized as ideal ; Lieutenant Colonel J. ]•;. McDougall, In nearlv every respect. Tbe th" eyes of the child, who had become Vnder the state liquor law no license Consul General H. J. Wynne, of Lon­ Major Surgeon \\\ S. I Se nt ley. Captain new rifle range has been de­ 111 nearly blind, became violently insane U'. A. K'riesel, Captain F. T. Smith, can be grunted unless a favorable vote don, reports that the number of trade and was uttering the crie.*. clared by United States army offcers Captain and Adjutant VOdwln A. Heck- was given at tne last preceding regular to be the best one west of the Missis- - 11 unions in the United Kingdom in­ As the men glanced upward, the election. In the new towns there was i creased from 151 in 1S75 to fitiO In ltiofi, with. Captain and Quartermaster H. G. |.sippi river, and it is not yet completed. b s<ieen over a window was thrown vio­ Boocoek, Captain and Commander H no vote upon the question, for there and the membership from 282,245 to 1.- lently troin its place and tumbled to ;The location of the camp on the shore I.. Howard, Major K. V. Aldrich. lieu­ were no people ill tile towns to hold an !of one of the best and purest bodies of ' f)67,ni!i. The total income in 1003 the sidewalk with a crash. An instant election upon the regular dale. The amounted to $12,433,650, and the expen­ tenant W. I.. Vereoe, Lieutenant J. B '.water in the northwest is a factor that later the head and shoulders of the Sessions, lieutenant W. K. Kutnewsky. next election does not take place until ditures to $12,195,f>t>6. The average con­ woman appeared in the window. next April. ,counts heavily in its iavor. Tne acces­ Company Officers. sibility of the grounds to railroads is . tribution a member was J7.S4 for the Saved by Passerby. County commissioners, who have bwn year. The companies present with their of­ granting permits to dispense liquor, 'another strong argument, for within ; The crazed woman then threw lier ficers are as follows: have been warned that they have no •three miles of the camp are the depots : India's sacred fires have not all been child to the sidewalk below. A passer­ I A Company, Britlon—Captain W \V :of the Northwestern, the Chicago, Rock ; by, attracted by the hubbub, was di­ light under the law to grant licenses extinguished. The most ancient which Thorp: First Lieutenant T. J. Hanaon In tile recently organized municipalities. (Island and Pacific, the Minneapolis and : :still exists was consecrated twelve cen- rectly under the window, and holding Second Lieutenant L. A. Sherburn |St. Louis, and the Great Northern sys­ out his arms he broke the fall of the July 1, 1H0S, is the earliest date upon • turles ago In commemoration of tho B Company, Sioux Falls—Captain C which saloons may begin to operate tems. voyage made by the Parsees when they child, who otherwise might have been II. Peck, First Lieutenant H. Priest ! General Englesby has been pushing f. ! killed instantly. Next the mother under the working of the law, and it emigrated from Persia to India. Tho pecond Lieutenant A. T. Ferdick. Is likely that the new towns will have ills concentration camp proposition >>- crawled head first through the window 0napil y ,flre is fed live times every two hours .m,.? U ' Brookings—('aptain L. J. to remain dry until next summer. ind is of the opinion that the federal with sandalwood and other fragrant and also fell to the street, a distance of Williams, First Lieutenant f\ A. (\ir- fgovernment wiil shortly designate Lake eighteen fer-t. materials, combined with very dry fuel. penter, Second Lieutenant H. J Jen­ FOUR TWISTERS CHASE 'Kampeska as one of its national inili- Her fall was broken in thti same man­ sen. jtary redezvous. t. In 126 years' history of the derby but ner as that of the child, so neither, be­ _D Company, Mitchell—Captain H. H. A PASSENGER TRAIN The Fourth regiment, South Dakota two Americans were winners of the cause of the presence of mind of the Rathbun, First Lieutenant Johnston Sioux FalK S. D.. July 17.—A thrill­ •National Guard, is now in camp on the classic race of the English turf—Pierre passerby, was seriously injured. Mrs. Second Lieutenant Erion. ing story of the tram upon which he east bank of Lake Kampeska. For the Lorillard, with Iroquois, and William Finch was removed to the county Jail, E Company, Canton—Captain E O was a passenger being chased for miles :first time in the history of the state C. AVhltney, with Volodyovski. This while the child is being cared for by Burg, First Lieutenant A. H. Way" by four tornadoes, which raced after every company is represented in the year Richard Croker's name was ad- Mrs. Fred Mentzlaff, who has charge of Second Lieutenant E. T. Enebee the train as if determined to overtake Encampment. The Black Hills com­ ;> ded to the list, when his horse, Orby, the rooms where Mrs. Finch had apart­ F Company, Dell Rapids-Captain R. and destroy it and all its passengers. panies have heretofore hpld separate won the 127th recurrence of the great­ ments. F' *£eneflc't. First Lieutenant H. M. Is told by W. A. White, who has ar­ maneuvers owing to the gf-eat distance est event In the racing world. When Mrs. Finch first arrived in Smith, Second Lieutenant B. R Saw­ rived here after having been in the iy rail between that section of the Sioux Falls she was perfectly rational, yer. medst of the severe storm at Mitchell (state and the eastern part. but within the last few days a change G Company, Redfield—Captain F B and vicinity Saturday night. 1 Before the arrival of the companies When English capitalists were trying was noticed, which was thought to be .to establish Angora goat raising in Oldlng, First Lieutenant G. W. Hurst" The formation of one of the four the camp had been laid out by tha *1 due to worry over the condition of the Second Lieutenant F. C. lieckman. twisters was witnessed by Mr. White, board of survey, composed of Major r 'South Africa they paid as much as $2,- child. It is reported that herself and 600 apiece for goats, to induce tha H Company, Spearfish—« 'aptain J L this taking place west of Mt. Vernon, George W.
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