• REMARKS OF VICF.-PPESIDENT Hill1PHREY AIRPOR'l' RALLY LAS VEGAS 1 NEVADA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1968 VICE-PRESIDENT HUHPHREY: Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much, Senator Cannon, Senator Alan Bible -- and to me he will always be Governor Grant Sawyer. (Applause) And State Senator Bigson -- thank you for your words of prayer and of meditation with us tonight. And may I thiP.nk also Pa.t Morrow and Lee Majors for doing such a fine job of entertaining you. These wonderful stars are giving so freely of their time to us - and I cannot prope-rly express my grati.tudr::: and thanks for their help. Now , I know that our good friend, Congressman Baring, cannot be '1;/ith u.s as has been said. But let me tell you he is with you,, and you re-elect him -- don't forget. You make sure you send him back to Congress. And be sure also without question and doubt that you give one of the finest Senators that has ever served your state a vote, a great vote of gratitude and appreciation and support. And I mean none other than Senator Alan Bible. You just help him. (Applause) I don't know of any state that is more fully and adequately and honorably represented in the United Sta'..:es than the State of Nevada, in Senator Alan Bible and Howard Cannon. You have two of the most respected, two of the most effective, two of the most hard-working United States Sena~ors in this entire body -- and I know. I preside over that body. (Applause) I hear that you have Pat Brown out here, and I know he has done a lot of good Democratically speaking, and you have had my wor1de:::ful ru::1ning mate, the man that is really just the best of them all, Senator Ed Muskie, out here. (Applause) Now, tonight we may be interrupted from time to time by some noise of a prop plane or a jet. Don't let that bother you-- that is just Democratic properity, that 1 s all. J"ust enjoy it -- that 1 s all. (App~ause} Let me tell you, if I have my way, and I am your President, we are going to make this great city of Las Vegas 0:1e of the great international centers of air transportation, and that is exactly wh at it ought to be -- a great international air center. (Applause) So every time that you hear a plane going over, just remember one thing -- it is filled with passengers that have be en able to pay their w~y, or at least on credit card that they will pay -­ and just renv;mbe r this -- that cat''lnnercia.l air transportation. is growing by leaps and bounds, and it will continue to grow unless you make the sad mistake of electing a Republican adm instration. Now, I would rather have a little ai~~ort noise and a lot of jobs than quiet at the airport and a lot of Republicans in vlashington -- any time. (Applause) You knm.;, we hardly JVe you 24 hours notice to put this meet.ing together today. We have been very bus y. And I think yo 'kno\.; that I hae been making a half dozen, a dozen meetings a day. I am not the Republican candidate, you know, that makes one speech a day and one parade a day. I am the Democratic candidate that makes ten speeches a day and has li t ·~ le time for parades. 2 I am out he r e tryinrr to ca.rry your 1nessagE!. (Jl.f.lplause } "Ru-t _·1 y :r'G-publican oppt"''P C' I't has annour!cerJ tl:.n.t he i~ g0inq to rnak.e an extra eff0rt in tJ ~ clos.if'.g days of the caynp.a iqn, an,1_ he better, becnu~e I Hill tell YO'l \-Je ere r.1aJ< iJ1CT Of'.P :rinl. t no"V-r beforP. thP clnsin17 r1ny~ of tl P car·"l~aiC!'P.. (l<ppl··m~""' ) And I thought to:niCJht that I \vouh1 take just a li t .tl e tirnf" of yours to tulk to you, even thou:rh the circUlr.stances may not always be as gooJ ~s we would like, with a littl~ noise -- I woulJ like to kind of sur•u-il.1riz 'Jith you where we are, what hds ~appena~ in this cnmJniryn . I saj.J that he is qoinq to wake un •xtra effort, going to Luy a lo-t of t.elevisiox. tin•e 1 rr.ud. JiJO:::-e, thar• \•€ are gc..inCJ tv be at.le to afford. I hopE: that you \Yill cor:1pensate for thc.t by get ting ot:.t and talking to your fanilies, ta.!.kino to your friE::r1ds, tC).lKi.r.g to your fe.llo\-7 r--e..J-r,Lers in the la.bc1.· ...~ ovement, talkinc:r to your ass o ciat~o in businass. I want you to re:nernber that inl960 i'Jevnda and r•innesota both voted for John Kennedy. ro~ , l ~ t 1 s riot f0rgct it. {l'pplausc.:::) lu.o I think that l•oth of thei\~ C1r{! c;_re:i:Jr-y t.o vc-tp agaiP~t Ni}.;c,r ·. in l ~; b t> • (ApplellSE:-) 110w oia yc.u li:i<E- that for tirning -- wasr.'t that qc-:od? (LcughtE-r) \-.i fLC:>.t. is th.-.- quf.:•stic-r, the,t. is bE.forto. the A~ · 1EO> ricar·. P<-"'CJple r i gl.t new? •·ii1o can ycu trust. i: cw, listen to that precious worcl -- who cc:m you trust, to lead t h is country in the next four yeurs. 1 11 (Cri€s of 'h wnphrey ) ~ - ho can you trust? (Cries of 11 Hl,.ll•1phrey " ) 'l'hank you, friends. I hopt~ you will tell everyhoci.y. Th~ second outstion is whc can you trust with the security of this nation ar.d to win ti1e peace t:ha t all of us want. (Cries of -' Hu;r.phre:y'' } And who can you trust to l-. ld this w0nC:erful country of ours together as one people and one nation, and ~ho can lead this cotu,try forward? I think you know the answer. Perfect. I was af~aid that fellow wasn't going to take off. But it was just at the right tL~ e. ~ ow, our Republicac friends have f~ught every piece of social legislation that has benefitted this country; they ~1ave fought against it, they have. fought against social security, t hey have bean against all forms of fc:.deral aid to edt:caticn. They have been against medicare for our senior citizens. They have beer. against r:~in irnt:m wages. They ha.ve been against these great develop;-:tents that h.::.v~ been so vital to the \vest, the s:-:eat dams, t!:1e wat~r conservation and the public pm-.r-::.r projects. You just name, it, and I' 11 guarantee you that you will l:ave found a majority of them in Congress against it. This great State would not be what it is, and this great Rocky Mountain area of the west would not be what it is today if you would hae waited for Repu~licans to have placed thei~ confidence in you. And since they didn't have ?ny confidence in you, I make a sugg-estion -- yot: have HO morF confidence in them -- and that is a fair deal. (Applause) 3 You know, I asked an audience in Los Angeles the other day - · what has Hr. Nixon ever done for you. (Cries of "nothing '' ) l'lhat was that? (Cries of KN othing" ) What are you going to do for Mr. Nixon? (Cries of "Nothing" ) Now, that's fa~~. The Democrats ha~e bocn responsi ~le for every piece of constructive leg1slation that has passed in those last 35 years, and the Dem:>crats have bee:r.. !:esponsi!:lle fc...r all the legislation that ha1:3 C' !"J -::! ned n:,-;.:l ~ •.:velm :: E:ti t his ·~7 f-" e; ~ ·, ·. ir1 the last 35 ye<:>.. tG . ;'l.:1d a~1yb-:.:-0. ~ th.1.t li v ~! ;J o·.:t he~·:> uu~·~·yc to :...:r-..:.10~ ~ ..:-..;c:;:- it ar:d kr.ep in mi.nd the r·~ ;r:c~r.1-:.ic Pa;: ty , (AppJ.'iuse)_ ~ ; ow, r'lr. N i xc.n is beg irmi:n c:.r to talk . I don't su~pose he has a sore thr0at; he has been so silent. He looks nice and tanned. I Con ' t know why he doesn't co~ ~ to Nevada to rest up. It's nice o'..lt here. ( Apf l2. -:.·.se j Ee is ~ery cool 1 he is very confident. But recer..tly we have b2er.!. i:.:mch.ing him up a little bit, and he is beginr1ing ·co hear e ~ ~)ice of the people. He hasn't hea=d my voice, apparently, but he is beginning to fe ~l ~hat is happening. And I 1 think I know what this extra effort ~eans that Mr. t ixon is talking about. Of coursa it means four hours of television, nationwide network, next Sa~ur~a y . T~at doesn 't co~e che.ap. But I don't t hink the AraBric>.r. people feel the ~Jh i te House is for sale. I just don' t t~ink you feel that.
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