/ &tm tf aim -•'jjfiLjK_ •c/ EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA VOLUME XXXXI—No. 51 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1953" D D BOARD OF TRADE VISITS COAL FIELD Couple Dies On Same Police Officers Ask SUPPLYING LIQUOR TO Day, Lived North of Here Hanna Home And MINOR BRINGS FINE Residents of Calgary for 10 years. Co-op. of Youths Supplying liquor to a minor Mr. and Mrs. John Hutcheson, 6,1- School Association is a severe offence against tha 3rd St. N.E., died within 24 hours of Criminal Code as a local man one another Sunday; Mr. Hutcheson found out to hit sorrow in police died at the Holy Cross Hospital early Hallowe'en Night court Tuesday morning. Taken in Sunday morning foUowing a lengthy To Display Art Damage to Public & Private to custody by Cpl. Jones, R.C. illnesss and Mrs. Hutcheson died School Rooms To Be Scene M.P. and pleading guilty to the Property Will Not be shortly before 11 p.m. that night at Of Exhibits Featuring charge before Magistrate H. her home. Tolerated Says Police Hardcastle, he was fined one Alberta Artists Mr. Hutcheson was born in Aber Saturady night is Hallowe'en nigh' hundred dollars and costs. The The Hanna Home and School As­ minor also discovered that he deen, Scotland, and came to easterr and the youngsters of Hanna will for Canada in 1909. He moved to Garden sociation is to have the pleasure of one night at least play the part of too, can be guilty of the offence lisplaying a new exhibit of paintings of accepting the liquor. In this Plains, Alta., in 1910 where he home Goblin?, Witches, Black Cats, etc. Al! steaded and farmed until 1934. He iy leading Alberta artists. over town th'e cry of "Hallowe'en case the eighteen year old boy lived at various points ln Alberta The twenty-six pictures comprising Apples" will be heard as' the kiddies was fined forty dollars and costs. prior to moving to Calgary 10 years he exhibit will be hung in the class once again join in the annual fall Cpl. Jones told the Herald that ago. ooms of Grades VI and VII on fun fest. stiffer punishment and possibly "hursday, Nov. 5th. Tea will be ser- jail terms will be meted out in The bodies of the couple wen For the little tots Hallowe'en Nigh! ed from three o'clock to five by future cases of this nature as the taken to Jacques Funeral Home an is one of the big events of their lives. he Home and School members and police are going to "crack down" funeral arrangements will be an For some it will be their "first night i sUver collection taken. The public on those supplying liquor to per­ nounced later by the funeral home. out" and while older brother and sis­ s cordially invited to view the paint- sons under the age of 21 years. Surviving are: a stepdaughter Mrs ter may be having a great time the ngs and to enjoy the tea. Towns­ Mable Pettie, Dallas, Tex.; and a sis people are asked to come early in beginners will no doubt wonder D ter of Mr. Hutcheson in Scotland "what it is all aboijt," and their may D irder to make room for the teach be the odd anxious tear shed before rs from the convention after i'our the evening comes to a close. Such i'clock. is Hallowe'en. Its a night for the kid Y'lown Man First The monthly Home and School dies as well as the older folk, but New Imperial Oil neeting on Wednesday night, Oct. 21 for some of the grown up boys and /as attended by a fair crowd. The girls the event seems to have another Victim This Year of *••# '.tendance banner is to be awarded meaning. It is for them one night at Warehouse & Office lonthly to the school room witk vhe ^^^•'^l.'-.M----''' "^ ">* '*'(*. *•*,** ~ '*-•-'* '-.H '• least to get out and cause as much ighest number of parents present at destruction and trouble as they poss Hunting Accident he meeting. It has adorned Mrs. ibly can. Bui Id'gs Completed aetkau's room since the Sept. meet­ Shot Gun Blast Severs Part t •'•• •'.. ing, but was won by Mrs. Wallace's For those in the latter category it Of Man's Ankle; Loaded Gun Work on Bulk Seles Storage is well to remember that the Hanna w|wini ' j i -•••*••?-' room for the ensuing month. Falls Out of Truck Tanks to Start Soon; Will Miss Geraldine Ritchie was guest PoUce Department will be on the K ri '-*.ile~. • > *" ' Handle 65,000 Gallons job to protect person and property The first serious hunting mishap speaker for the meeting. Her subject and to prevent wilful damage to pri­ of the season has occurred in the Work on tbe new Imperial Oil was course to study the United Na­ vate and public property. The Police Youngstown district. Clinton Coates, Warehouse and office has progressed tions Assoc, in Canada. This course states Const. R. Champagne want to grain buyer for the Pioneer Grain to the point where these two build­ was held during the third week in see the children of Hanna have as Company at that point was the vic­ ings have practically neared comple­ August, and was attended by some much good clean fun as possible on tim of a shot gun blast last Wednes­ tion. The site of the new structures seventy selected high school stud­ HaUowe'en night, but stern measures ents in the province. Geraldine spoke day morning. is that of the old United Grain Gro­ with comprehension and ability on will be taken against those who wish Coates was preparing to go on a wers elevator, adjacent to the CN.R. to "go the limit" by way of pranks the topics discussed during the goose hunting trip about four in the 'racks. The elevator has been ' torn course. It was enlightening to hear and activities of a more, serious na­ morning and neglected to check town, most of the work being done comments, and satisfying to know ture." "We don't expect trouble Ha'- whether a shot gun in his truck was *>y farmers who were rewarded with that she had enjoyed her week and lowe'en Night," says Const. Cham­ loaded or not. The gun accidentally free lumber for their efforts. been benefitted by it. pagne, "but if there happens to be fell out of the truck as Coates wa3 The two main buUdings are of "any, we are ready for it." Children 'rarae construction with sheet metal Mrs. Tait had a cake to offer at entering the car, as the weapon the close of the meeting. and parents are asked to keep the struck the ground discharged a shot, is the outer finish. The office build- police officer's warning in mind. ng of the local agent E. Lamson is Don't target tite Art Display and the pellets striking Coates in the tea on Nov. Sth in the west small ankle. 2x16 feet in size, while the ware­ house is 28x32 feet. iCx, j school. Your interest and patronage Home Cooking Sole The injured hunter is now in will be appreciated. Cereal Hospital where his condition The construction of storage tanks Held At Cereal is reported as favorable. if 65,000 gallon capacity la expected , o start'in the immediate future, and 1 Farm ^nfORien Urge *•• CEREAL, Oct. 28—A most tuicceae- Tjft ABOVE TWO PHOTOS were taken wh#n me Hanna Board of Trade members paid a he latest equipment tae handling c__._._. ___.. __r •*•*. _ • ful home, cookwui. tale was held on Good Wccithe r Heipjft.-aiK /aa aa* oil as weH^ft*? lubrication | *w*9*mtf OT rropery LOWS >,**».-!' J i*fl»inuBa>rn'il*>y aft-Nutoon to the rest room f•••«»•>• B^BJOfi fl/tl 11. '• were twHfn on on exr-amiy* tourofthefieM-by. «>H-f "-WOCST manager «f jfne We?tew JQBrp- ' -re-ducts .will be included in the pro* sponsored hy tne Anglican W.t. A m.on Cool M(n«. FoMowMg the tour the -Board delegation was mfguest of the cool comp­ nice sum Of money vas netted tor CRAIGMYLE. Oct. 26 — The good weather prevailing is giving the far­ ly 9t q syfjffer |n the company's cafeteria. The top pho-to shows the group from the granna the treasury. The members of the arganjzgtJan With members of lhe Western Dominion Coal Co. staff. In the lower photo is the Executive Of Chinook an Friday,, October WWSTSS. '**^BT Y/.l. wish to thank aU those who don­mers a splendid opportunity of catch Taylor ot Wainwright beaded the del­ ated gifts which fcelped to make the ing up wth their fall work. hug* efegtrie walking dragline used ta toke the overburden of earth off the coal seams. In­ Club Holds Meeting cluded in the visit was a eali at the Lehlgh-Monarch mines in the same f if Id. Since the op­ egation and other members were sale such a success. The next meet­ Excavating has started at the new Mrs. C. T. Armstrong of Calgary, ing of the Anglican W.I. wUl be held oil site north east qf the village and ening of the Sheerness Coal Field on a large scale, a modern community has sprung up, and CHINOOK. Oct. 20—The executive of tbe Chinook Community held a Mrs. Jack Harrold of St Albert, Mrs. at the home of Mrs- J- Halpenny at we hear the crew's are starting work the area now ranks with the most active strip coal mines on the prairies.
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