H4726 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 24, 2018 sounded too much like mosquito cove, moves forward to a new age of develop- shchev visited the estate after pound- and, in 1834, they changed the name to ment and waterfront revitalization. ing his shoe on the lectern at the Glen Cove. It worked. By the mid-1850s With hundreds of acres of publically- United Nations back in the 1960s. tourism was booming with daily steam- owned nature preserves, three public Welwyn, another former Pratt estate, ship operations, leading to the develop- beaches, golf courses, a fishing pier, is a 200-acre nature preserve and serves ment of six major hotels, taverns, and and multiple ballfields and parks, Glen as the Nassau County Holocaust Memo- boarding houses. Cove has been restored to a waterfront rial and Tolerance Center. A new industry emerged. The Duryea community with a short commute to Not every Glen Cover has a boldface Starch factory took advantage of the Manhattan that once attracted some of name, but every Glen Cove resident fresh water, the gristmills, and the the wealthiest families in the world. contributes in their own unique way to plentiful corn and became one of the Unlike much of Long Island, that is the community: the first responders, world’s largest starch factories. In fact, either all rich or all poor, or all Black the business owners, and the volun- in 1878, Duryea won the Paris Gold or all White, or all this or all that, teers; the elected officials, city em- Medal for the best starch in the world. Glen Cove remains a diverse commu- ployees, the coaches, and the moms Industry flourished, tourism flour- nity with the wealthiest of the wealthy and dads; the teachers, preachers, and ished, and Glen Cove began to attract and a large supply of low-income hous- the gadflies that show up at the city more attention. ing that is anchored by a solid middle council meetings; the world-class In the early 1900s, some of the class. It is home to over 60 ethnicities: restauranteurs and bakers, the wealthiest families in the world made two Catholic churches, two Baptist multigenerational shop owners, and Glen Cove their home. J. P. Morgan, churches, two Jewish synagogues. It the too many to mention fraternal and the wealthy financier, who bailed out also has houses of worship for African service organizations. Glen Cove is the U.S. Government; F. W. Wool- Methodist Episcopalians, Lutherans, alive and will continue long after these worth, the founder of the original five- Methodists, Episcopalians, and words are forgotten. and-dime department store, whose Evangelicals. The Presbyterian church As I said, I love Glen Cove and Glen marketing began the commercializa- is one of the most beautiful architec- Cove is why I love America. It has di- tion of Christmas gift giving; and the tural marvels of the City. Glen Cove is versity. It has history. And it has won- Pratt family, who amassed their for- also home to a Russian Orthodox derful people. tune by controlling the kerosene mar- church, a Sikh gurdwara, Jehovah’s Glen Cove has offered opportunity to ket and, ultimately, merging with Witnesses, and several Latino church- so many families, including mine. It is John D. Rockefeller to form Standard es. what makes America great. Oil, all built their massive summer es- Many movies, television shows, and E pluribus unum, ‘‘out of many one.’’ tates in Glen Cove, leading to the mon- commercials have been filmed in Glen Glen Cove has every type of eth- iker of the ‘‘Gold Coast.’’ Cove, including Alfred Hitchcock’s nicity, religion, and income group. It Between the industries that flour- North by Northwest, starring Cary enjoys low crime, low unemployment, ished on the waterfront and the Town Grant and Eva Marie Saint; and and a robust community life. It works & Country magazine rated Gold Coast Sabrina, starring Audrey Hepburn, Wil- and it will continue to work. estates, Glen Cove with its vibrant liam Holden, and Humphrey Bogart. In Happy anniversary and congratula- downtown of merchants was booming. fact, as mayor, I met Harrison Ford tions to my friends and neighbors. God Immigrants from all over the world while filming the remake of Sabrina bless our warm city with the cool and America flocked to the area to with Julia Ormond and Greg Kinnear. I sound, and God bless the United States work at the starch factory, or the met Michael Douglas while filming A of America. Ladew Leatherworks that tanned hides Perfect Murder, and told him how his Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance to be used for industrial belts. Immi- dad, Kirk Douglas, had filmed A Lovely of my time. grants like my grandfather and father Way to Die in the 1960s in Glen Cove. A f from Italy, and others from Ireland, former Pratt estate, now the Webb In- TRUMP’S MOBILE SECURITY Poland, Germany, and elsewhere, stitute of Naval Architecture, was worked not only in the factories, but in stately Wayne Manor in Batman For- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under the gardens, kitchens, pantries, and ga- ever. A host of other movies, such as the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- rages of the Gold Coast estates. African Annie Hall, Hair, Eyes Wide Shut, and uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Cali- Americans from the South migrated to one obscure favorite, A New Leaf, were fornia (Mr. TED LIEU) is recognized for the area and found work, many as ex- all filmed in Glen Cove as well. the remainder of the hour as the des- perts training and caring for Famous historical figures called Glen ignee of the minority leader. thoroughbreds and polo ponies. Cove home. Bobby Kennedy resided in Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. Around 1917, Glen Cove residents, Glen Cove when he ran for United Speaker, I am here with Congressman who saw the economic vibrancy from States Senator of New York. Jackie RUBEN GALLEGO. I would like to talk the estates, the factories, and the vi- Kennedy called West Island home after about national security and how the brant downtown, populated by Jewish, the President had been shot. President of the United States may be Italian, and English merchants, no The first female congresswoman from inadvertently giving away classified longer wished to share their plentiful New York was Ruth Baker Pratt. Base- information. property and sales tax dollars with the ball legends, including Roy The President, through public report- town of Oyster Bay, under whose juris- Campanella, Whitey Ford and, more re- ing, shows that he is unwilling to swap diction Glen Cove existed as a village. cently, Yoenis Cespedes of the New out his cell phones. There is a big prob- Community leaders worked with the York Mets. Billy Joel spent a short lem with this. State legislature and the Governor to time in Glen Cove. And Ashanti grew Last term, I was involved with this break off and become Long Island’s up in Glen Cove—I attended her sweet flaw called the SS7 flaw. It is some- first city. 16 birthday party—while many other thing that allows foreign powers and Glen Cove has traveled a long jour- artists record here regularly at Cove criminal syndicates affiliated with for- ney. Its population exploded, as did City Sound Studios. eign powers to listen in on your cell much of Long Island, with veterans re- And Sergeant Major Dan Daly, a ma- phone just knowing your cell phone turning from World War II. rine, is one of only 19 men in U.S. his- number, and there is no real good way Its industrial vibrancy, which went tory, in our entire Nation, to have re- to stop it. Our concern is that if the on to include Li Tungsten, a munitions ceived the Medal of Honor, twice. President finds it too inconvenient to factory; Mattiace Petrochemical; Co- Many of the old estates have been deal with this issue of his cell phones, lumbia Ribbon and Carbon; Powers repurposed, including Killenworth, a then his conversations could be lis- Chemco; Konica; and Photocircuits, a former Pratt estate that served as the tened in on by other foreign nations or circuit board manufacturer, all left be- home of the Soviet Ambassador of the by criminal syndicates. hind a negative environmental legacy United Nations, and still serves the We also find this somewhat ironic that the City has now cleaned up as it Russian Ambassador. Nikita Khru- and hypocritical when the Republican- VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:48 May 25, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24MY7.037 H24MYPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE May 24, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4727 controlled Congress, last term, went to But now that President Trump’s Mr. Speaker, I am going to conclude great lengths to talk about the poten- widely irresponsible use of his personal this segment. I thank you for listening. tial damage of having a private email cell phone has been exposed, now that I yield back the balance of my time. server for Secretary of State Hillary we know he could be exposing Amer- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Clinton. This is a very similar concept. ica’s secrets to our gravest enemies, bers are reminded to refrain from en- These are cell phones from which for- surely my Republican friends are going gaging in personalities toward the eign powers can get the actual con- to be just as worried about data secu- President. versations of the President of the rity as they were in the past and con- f United States.
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