Junior Prom Souvenir Edition SWING AND SWAY HOLIDAY TUESDAY THE P.C. WAY FOR PROMERS AT THE PROM MONDAY It's here because it's true not true because It's here. VOL. 2. No. 22. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., APRIL 16, 1937 5c a Copy. RELATIONS UNION Will Play Monday Night at Junior Promenade JUNIOR CLASS PLANS APRIL 22 SEECTS NEW COLLEGE PANEL OFFICIAL RING R. I. State and R. I. C. E. Measurements to be Taken Will Participate Next Week; Rings Will In Discussion Be Ready May 1 The International Relations Union The Junior class has selected the jf Providence College will conduct a firm of Bates and Klinke of Attleboro Panel Discussion on April 22, in to manufacture the rings for the class Harkins Hall, at 7:30 in the evening. of 1938. The decision was made Rhode Island State College and Rhode last Tuesday at a meeting of the class. Island College of Education will also The ring committee of the Junior participate in this discussion. Provi• class had contacted several of the dence will discuss Neutrality; R. I. prominent neighboring jewelry firms State College. Isolation: and R. 1. Col• in an effort to obtain the best possible lege of Education. Cooperation. selection of rings. The rings were on The speakers for Providence will display in the Cowl office on Monday be Alan Smith. '37. Thomas Mullaney. and Tuesday. '39, and Vincent Aniello. '38. They The official college rings will con• are at present preparing papers which tain an onyx stone with the words they will deliver at the conference. Collegium Providentiensis engraved Thomas W. Durnin. '38. president of around it. One shank will contain the the New England Catholic Student College seal, and the other the Friars' Peace Federation, will preside at the head. Above the seal will be engraved conference. the word "Veritas" in raised letters. An Executive Meeting of the Peace The chrismon. a Catholic monogram Federation is also being tentatively will appear below the seal. planned for May 15. and will be held The other shank will contain the at Albertus Magnus College in New Friars' head similar to the one used Haven. At this meeting plans will be on The Cowl. Underneath this will discussed for the ensuing year, when be the year '38, Both shanks will be Providence College will be the New Traditional Promenade P. C. DEBATERS engraved with an oak leaf effect. The England headquarters of the Federa• top of the ring above the shanks will tion. At Biltmore Mondayb e engraved with rays similar to the Thus will conclude the first years DEFEAT CONN. picturesque rays of the sun. program of the Catholic Student Peace Federation at Providence Dur• AFFAIR TO BE BROADCAST OVER WEAN There will be three types of rings ing the past year the union has been Radio Series Continues from which to choose. The yellow PROMENADE CHAIRMAN gold and the green gold rings will joint sponsors of the first regional con• Tuesday; U. of Maine Mal Hallet's Orchestra ference of the N. E. Student Catholic Next Opponent EXTENDS WELCOME Will Furnish Music sell at the same price. $14.50. The Peace Federation, held at Albertus silver ring will sell for $8.50. Magnus College; it participated in the For Gala Event All business will be handled The Providence College debating Model League discussion at Harvard through the college book store. Meas• team won an unanimous decision over University: and finally, its representa• The Providence College social sea• urements will be taken in a few days tives attended the National Catholic the Connecticut State debaters last son will reach its zenith on Monday by the salesman of the firm. Delivery Student Peace Federation at Washing• Saturday evening at Harkins Hall. evening next, when the Junior class will be made about the first of May. ton, where its Moderator was elected The team, composed of Francis Mc- holds its annual Prom-nade at the Individual guarantees will be given vice-president of the national union. Govern. '38, John Graham. '38, and Biltmore Hotel. With Mal Hallett and with each purchase. his Orchestra furnishing the music Walter Gibbons. '39, defended the The Junior Ring committee is com• from 9 to 2 the huge main ballroom posed of Albert Paine. chairman, negative side of the question "Re• Students Attend of the Biltmore will be thrown open i Continued on Page 3, Col. 4) solved; That the President should be for the traditional formal affair spon• Weaver Requiem impowered to increase the member• sored by the Class of '38. Decorations ship of the Supreme Court". This was will feature the school colors, black Aquin Cercle Plans the fourth straight victory of the cur• and white, and potted plants through• Father Reese, O. P. Celebrant; rent season for the Providence College out the ballroom will carry out the Dramatic Program Youth's Family Attends debaters. Spring motif. The Committee has se• Service lected a desk pen set as the favor. The Musical Comedy Selections pen and holder are black, and the Last Tuesday was a busy day for base is mother-of-pearl. Refreshments and Melodrama The family and relatives of Glen- the Friar orators. In the afternoon, To the Students and their Guests: will be served. on Program ace W. Weaver, Providence College John Wilkinson, Robert Healy. John It gives me pleasure as Chair• Sophomore, who succumbed to an at• For the first time in the history of Fanning, and John Rock debated the man of the Junior Prom Commit• The Aquin Cercle. extension school tack of appendicitis in the Homeo• the college the Juniors have secured tee to cordially welcome all those organization, will close its series of pathic Hospital, April 1, joined the question of Consumer Cooperatives the two requisites essential to a really attending the Promenade of the bi-monthly meetings next Tuesday entire student body in offering a over station WPRO. The same eve• successful Prom, a real "name" orches• Class of 1938. We of the Commit• evening with a program of a dramatic Solemn High Mass of requiem cele• ning, four other members of the for• tra, and one of the best ballrooms in tee have earnestly endeavored to nature, arranged by Doctor O'Neill, brated Monday morning at 9:00 o'clock ensic union discussed the advisability the city. Mal Hallett enjoys the repu• make this event the best in the faculty adviser of the society. The in Harkins Hall. of an increase in the Supreme Court tation of being one of the most popu• history of the college, and con• program will include scenes from the lar bands in the country for collegiate ,Rev. John B. Reese. O.P.. student before a large audience at St. Pius' fidently feel that we have attained recent musical comedy, "Soup and affairs. He has played at more col• chaplain, was celebrant of the Mass. Hall. Walter Gibbons and Norman this end. Fish", and a melodrama from the lege Proms than any other orchestra The Rev. Paul C. Redmond. O.P.. Carignan upheld the affirmative, I wish to express my sincere ap• "Frustrations of 1936". Members of moderator of the Sophomore class, in the country, and has recently fin• while Timothy Crawley and Eugene preciation to our Reverend Moder• the Cercle will appear in several was deacon, and the Rev. Robert D ished a tour of Eastern colleges. On McElroy defended the negative. ator for his untiring efforts in our scenes from "First Lady". "Victoria Reilly. OP, a professor of one of the this tour he has played at North• Frank McGovern was chairman of behalf: to the various sub-commit• Regina" and "Brother Rat", three of youth's classes, was sub-deacon. Rev eastern University, Harvard. Dart• tees and staffs for their aid and the outstanding Broadway successes John J. Dillon, O.P., Ph.D.. president the debate. mouth and Wellesly. assistance: and to the members of of the past season. of the college, and Rev. Arthur H. On Saturday evening, April 24. the The Grand March will commence the Junior Class and of the College Chandler, O.P.. dean, were seated in P. C. debaters will play host to the at 12:30, immediately after the radio Donald Albro, '40. accompanied by as a whole for their fine spirit of the sanctuary. University of Maine representatives broadcast, and will be lead by Dan• a section of the College orchestra, in a debate of the maximum hour and cooperation. iel Berrigan. Chairman of the Prom will render several of the "hit" tunes Mrs. Margaret L. Weaver, mother minimum wage question. Frank G. Committee. During the broadcast, from "Soup and Fish", in which he of the boy: a sister. Marion L Weaver; Sincerely yours, McGovern. and Eugene C McElroy Daniel A. Berrigan. which will be on a national hookup portrayed the leading character. Doc• a brother. Thomas Weaver, and many will discuss the negative side of the Chairman. through WEAN, the Alma Mater, and tor Moon. Edward Gill. '37. will also other relatives attended. subject. Walter E. Gibbons will act (Continued on Page 2 Col. 3) (Continued on Page 10, Col. 1) (Continued on Page 8. Col. 2) as chairman. 2 THE COWL, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1937 BILTMORE HOTEL BALLROOM PUBLICITY HEAD JAPAN LIKES IT WILL CONDUCT Doctor O'Neill has just received 3n order from Japan for twelve AT CONFERENCE more of his new books on Liter• DRAMA COURSES ary Criticism Copies of his latest publication "A Book About Books" Attends College Publicity were sent to Tokio last falL and Fr. Nagle Chosen to Con• Association Meeting the responsive acclaim with which duct Summer Courses at R.
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