Minutes Western Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership Meeting Drumbrae Library Hub, 81 Drum Brae Drive, Edinburgh, EH4 7FE. 7pm, Thursday 18 June 2015 Present Cllr Karen Keil : City of Edinburgh Council (Convener) Cllr Frank Ross : City of Edinburgh Council Ken Swinney : Corstorphine Community Council Kenny Wright : Drum Brae Community Council Derek Huckle : Murrayfield Community Council June Dickson : EVOC Sgt Annicea Madine : Police Scotland Apologies: Cllr Robert Aldridge; Cllr Jeremy Balfour; Cllr Ronald Cairns; Cllr Paul Edie; John Hanlin - Scottish Fire & Rescue; Chief Inspector Stephen Dolan – Police Scotland Inspector Chris Scobbie – Police Scotland Warren Hope - Corstorphine Community Council; Martin Hutchison - CEC CLD; In Attendance: David Porteous : CEC - Senior Business Intelligence Officer David White : Edinburgh Community Health Partnership Scott Donkin : CEC SFC Partnership & Information Manager Darren Wraight : CEC SFC West Area Roads Manager Henry Coyle : CEC SFC West Neighbourhood Manager Audrey Primrose : CEC SFC Partnership Development Officer John Yellowlees : Murrayfield Community Council 1. Convener The Convener welcomed John Yellowlees from Murrayfield Community Council to the meeting. 1.1 The Convener welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted. 1.2 The Convener commented on a number of recent events in the Neighbourhood Quiz Night The Gala Quiz Night was a great success and the team from Drum Brae Hub won. 1 Drum Brae & Clermiston Children’s Gala was on 30 May, weather was lovely and sunny and the gala was a great success. The Convener also commented that Drum Brae Park had looked good and thanked the West Neighbourhood Team for their hard work prior to the Gala. ‘Our Scotland’ production at St Augustine’s High School, the Convener commented that this was an excellent production and had been well worth a visit. Balgreen Park – New play area and children’s play equipment has now been installed in Balgreen Park. Buttercup Farm Park will be running two more events at the park these include an ‘Art in the Park on Sunday 19 July and bulb planting at the end of November. Drumbrae Library The Summer Reading Challenge has been launched. Across the summer holidays children will be able to sign up for the challenge at their local library. This year’s theme is Record Breakers and children will be encouraged to read six books across the summer. There will also be special events to promote the challenge every week at the Drumbrae Library Hub, keep an eye on the Libraries Facebook page for more information. https://www.facebook.com/drumbrae Corstorphine Library Corstorphine Library has in partnership with Corstorphine Primary School established a community gardening project. The grounds outside the library have been developed to include a number of raised beds and in partnership with the school, local children will participate in projects on healthy eating and using the home grown produce to make soups and salads. Gold Standard - Corstorphine Library is the latest to be awarded Edinburgh City Libraries customer service excellence benchmark Gold Standard. A panel of judges, both internal and external, assessed Corstorphine against criteria ranging from street appeal, to customer service, to community engagement. Judges comments highlighted excellent work in developing a teenage service and in exceptional stock presentation. 2. Declarations of Interest Cllr Frank Ross declared an interest in respect of the Corstorphine Youth & Community Centre Grant Application as detailed at item 5.3. 3. Deputations None 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 4.1 Decision: To approve the minutes of the Western Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnership meeting of 22 April 2015, as a correct record. 4.2 Matters Arising: The Matters Arising have been dealt with outwith this meeting. Noted Western Edinburgh NP Meeting – 18 June 2015 Page 2 of 7 5. Neighbourhood Partnership Business 5.1 Edinburgh Peoples Survey Presentation David Porteous, Senior Business Intelligence Officer David’s presentation highlighted how the survey had been conducted overall and then specifically concentrated on updating the Board on the results for Western Edinburgh wards 3 and 6. David confirmed that fuller more detailed information was online http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20029/have_your_say/921/edinburgh_people_ survey Following the presentation there was a Q&A session which included the following questions Kenny Wright asked how people were selected to take part in the survey; David confirmed that there were on street and in home interviews. This involved identifying an appropriate demographic spread. Cllr Ross asked if there was information regarding age demographic per ward, David advised that there was and that this information was available online. Sgt Annicea Madine asked if there were any comments regarding the new street lighting in the survey; David confirmed that there was a general increase in satisfaction. Derek Huckle commented that communication in the first phase of the street lighting project had been poor; however, the second phase had seemed to progress much better. Kenny Wright commented that there had been some street lighting issues in Clermiston Drive which were linked to the footway being upgraded, and pointed out that an early explanation would have alleviated any bad feeling within the community. Kenny commented that communication of these issues is key. Darren Wraight agreed to take this comment on board and agreed to increase/broaden any Communications regarding roads/lighting issues to local residents for the future. June Dickson asked if the people consulted were employed/unemployed hard to reach people and what measures had been taken to include a broad range of society. David confirmed that quotas were required to be met with regard to age/gender, employment, ethnic backgrounds and people with disabilities etc. Derek Huckle asked what measures the Council had put in place to follow up on this research. David confirmed that his team would pick up on the broad issues covered under the main nine bullet points. The outcomes are reported to Council and relevant services will include specific actions within service plans to improve where there are identified issues or concerns. Western Edinburgh NP Meeting – 18 June 2015 Page 3 of 7 Cllr Ross asked if there was scope to pick up on the nine bullet points and asked if these issues could be communicated to Community Councils. David agreed to take this forward in conjunction with the neighbourhood team. Henry commented that there were links between the EPS and the Local Action Programmes and agreed to use this performance information when reporting back to local community/residents groups. Henry also suggested an annual review of the Local Action Programmes should be provided to the Board in the future. Audrey agreed to distribute David’s presentation to members. The Convener thanked David for his presentation and commented that there had been some really valuable information within the presentation. Decisions: To note David’s presentation; Improve Communications around future street light improvements; To communicate the nine key outcomes to Community Council’s; To embed the EPS outcomes into the Local Action Programmes; To circulate the presentation to the board 5.2 Localities and Health & Social Care Integration Presentation David White, Assistant General Manager, Edinburgh Community Health Partnership David’s presentation highlighted and also recognised that to deliver an integrated service to the public, we must speak to the public. He also pointed out that there would be 4 locality service management areas which would comprise of: H&SC, SFC, C&F, Police Scotland and Scottish Fire & Rescue. David advised that NPs are seen as the building blocks of the new localities and emphasised that they were a common starting point. He also commented that this could lead to better co-ordination of work with complex individuals; however, he suggested that there was also a potential risk with this model in that the disruption for operational management could lead to communities/individuals of interest being overlooked. Kenny Wright asked ‘How will the community/residents have their say?’ David agreed that this had not been bottomed out yet but it was important that Health & Social Care and NHS were on the Boards of the NPs and sub structures and confirmed that the sub structure would be the key in taking forward local actions. June Dickson commented that alongside service change, a deep rooted cultural change was needed and that Third Sector involvement could help increase community engagement. Cllr Ross mentioned that Parent Councils were a good way to engage more people. Audrey agreed to distribute David’s presentation to members. Western Edinburgh NP Meeting – 18 June 2015 Page 4 of 7 The Convener thanked David for his presentation. Decision: To note David’s presentation and to distribute it to the board. 5.3 Community Grants Fund Report – (Circulated) Audrey Primrose, Partnership Development Officer Audrey referenced the circulated report and brought to the attention of the Board that Carrick Knowe Parish Church had withdrawn its application, which subsequently, left a balance of £20,821 for future allocation. The meeting approved four grants totalling £8,530, leaving a balance of £12,291 for future allocation. The Convener thanked Audrey for her update. Decision: To agree awards for Corstorphine United Free Church of Scotland - £1,605.00 Friends of Sutherland Street Tenants Association - £1,125.00 Corstorphine Youth & Community Centre - £800.00 [partial award] Edinburgh Inline Hockey Club - £5,000.00 5.4 NEPS Update - verbal Darren Wraight, Area Roads Manager Darren provided a brief update on the previously circulated NEPs report and confirmed that the consultation process was underway for the four projects which had previously been approved. Darren also advised that Balgreen Park was 80% complete however, as there was a legal concern re maintainance of the fence, Darren hoped to be able to provide an update at the next NP meeting. A member of the public asked if the bins at South Gyle could be progressed.
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