BEST LETTER 'AWARD IS ON! to withstand the competition of the new story magazines, but I wish them all good . Dear Mr. Hamling: luck. Donald Allgeier forgets that FPM is Everybody's imitating Thorne Smith! the only reprint magazine which has been The issue before last it was Charles going steadily for any length of time, and , Myers with THE SHADES OF TOFFEE, it and FN have'the rights to the material ' and now Bob Bloch has come up with printed in Argosy, All-Story, etc., and , THE DEVIL WITH YOU! The Bloch these are not examples of the s-f and fan­ story was very funny in spots, and in­ tasy prevalent in the field. The standard ' teresting throughout. The style was Smith- reprint mags have a combined output. of ish almost all throuRh, and the setting five issues per year, and only have seen very similar to that writer's- uproarious three, so no conclusion may be drawn, from RAIN IN THE DOORWAY. This story, them. All in all, science-fantasy is better you may remember, is about a perfectly now then ever before, and there's no rea­ normal fellow who is impulsively taken in son to flood the market with inferior re­ as a partner by three rather off-center print magazines. ' individuals who have won a department I never thought you would seriously con-, store in a- poker game. The guy falls in sider my suggestion for awarding originals love with the head of. the pornographic to the best letter-writers. - The winners .book department, who shows him the ropes could. be picked by, reader's votes, so that (and not only in the matter of porno­ you wouldn't receive a flood, of sugared graphic books). ' This story, too, cul­ letters every month (which would happen minates in a fire,- but instead of striking if the editor- did the choosing), thereby oil, the partners cash in on the insurance eliminating your chances of getting a (which is about- the same thing in the cross-section of the readers' viewpoints. I eyes of many people). hope more fans have written you on this But please don't feel that I'm condemn­ subject since my last letter. ing Bloch, Myers, or anyone else for imi­ tating Smith's style o£ writing. Smith is Scientifantastically, gone and it would be a shameful thing if no one continued the marvellous way of Morton D. Paley , ' writing he originated. 1455 Townsend Ave. If I was a mean kind of person, I could New York 52, N.Y. ask how Bill could have made -money out June 23, 1950 of an oil well on land he held no interest in, but I'm not, so I won't. We're glad to know that you enjoyed the The novel was very good. 'Nuff said. Bloch story so much, Mort. As to Geier, I-note an'^improvement in the shorter he's working on a terrific cover 'story 'right - stories with this issue. Before the Great noiv. You'll he seeing it in a few issues. Metamorphosis, your short stories were Incidentally, as we write this, Chet is anx­ somewhat better than the novels. The im­ iously pacing the hospital • corridors.. He's provement in • F.A.'s quality, however, going to be a father again—number three. seems to have influenced . mainly your .. .As to the letter voting award, we're novels. The novels have greatly improved in favor of it. So let's see some votes in quality, while the shorts have, remained starting with this issue. The letter getting more or less stationary. But Peter Phil­ the most votes for this month will receive lips' WELL, I'LL BE HEXED! was an. original interior illo. How's that? slightly terrific, and WINDOW TO THE •• Ed. PAST by Chester Geier not far behind. I am glad to see that Geier has returned to KIDS, HE SAYS! his former high standard of material. ^ . - - The artwork picked up, too. Thank you, Dear Sirs: thank you, thank you for getting Finlay As long as/kids are- joining the letter back. Sharp, as always, is excellent, and writers, I wonder if I will do? I am 14. Mac did a good cover. But this sort of Science Fiction is my favorite type of cover is good only ~for variety. Don't make reading material. F.A. is an excellent fan­ it a practice. Mac's inside illos were also tasy magazine (fantasy, being second in very good. (Is that a fannish. rumble of my estimation), and I enjoy it very much. "Bok! Cartier!" I hear?) But, once in a while, couldn't you slip in Rog Phillips recently remarked in THE a real science fiction story? CLUB HOUSE that the reprint mags will Werewolves and vampires ate fine for be weeded out by a process of selection. I, short stories, but please, no novels of personally, feel that they will not be able them! 120 PRODUCED BY UNZ.ORG ELECTRONIC REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED READER'S PAGE 121 Bobby Pope has the right idea about Morton .D. Paley's suggestion about ori­ FLIRGLEFLIP. Wow, what they won't ginals is a stroke of genius. It would make think of next! an excellent- policy, providing you keep Now to the August issue. THE DEVIL Finlay and McCauley around. ^ WITH YOU is an excellent novel and the As usual, I have a- complaint: if an writing style reminds me of Thorne Smith. author wishes to write an amusing story, Is there a new TOFFEE, story coming up? must he rely on puns like, "Al Gonquin," I hope so. (Just thought I'd slip that in). "Mol Hare," and "L. Dritch?" And, must The other two were poorly done and he use sequences like the events in the wax rather dull anyway. museum, which have the atmosphere of Grade B motion picture comedies? Bloch David Travis can write a fairly readable story in a se­ Box 1011 rious vein, but I could not manage to get Clovis, New Mexico even half-way through his latest mon­ strosity, THE DEVIL V/ITH YOU! We may have some interesting news on a McCauley "wins the grand prize (a pair > new "Toffee" story pretty soon, Dave. of fur-lined cufflinks and a set of rub­ ' Watch for it , Ed: ber-soled skis) for his masterpiece on this . month's cover, and isn't it about time for THE DEVIL WITH IT! " a James B. Settles? And what happened to St. John (J. Allen, that is)? Why .not Dear Mr. Hamling: get Leigh Brackett to do a yarn for FA? I noted with interest that in the August . "Readers Page", a reprint war is raging. Yours truly,. Mind if I give- a few of my undoubtedly worthless opinions on the subject?, 1. Mr. Brian McNaughton Allgeier remarks that modern stf is no 198 Bergen Place more than juvenile adventure. I admit that Red Bank, N.J. quite a bit of it is, but on the whole, I believe the opposite to be true. I have had J. Allen St. John will have some illos com­ at least half a dozen yarns shoved on ,me ing up shortly. As to letting a writer do ' in book and magazine form of publishers a yarn for us, we have an open market— and editors whose deluge of superlatives - we buy from all comers, if the story is and wild statements about "old classics" good Ed. is Niagra-like. Yet, every one of these sto­ ries has proven to be a lot of saccharine FINALLY MADE THE GRADE! nonsense. Their style of writing seems to be aimed at the "Alice in Wonderland" Dear Mr. Hamling: crowd. Could it be possible for a lady to squeeze I do hot claim that all the old "classics" in a few paragraphs on. your Reader's are as bad as that, but it seems to be page? Maybe Mr. McNaughton, Beck, Gan- true of the vast majority of them. On the ley, or Silverberg would forgive you if contrary, a scant few of those old science- you printed my letter and omitted one of fiction yarns are far better than anything theirs this month. I can't .understand why contemporary magazines have to offer. some readers have their letters printed Notable examples of this are the "Adam almost monthly, while others can write in Link" yarns of E. & O. Binder, and I over and over and never see them in print. doubt if anyone alive today can write bet­ " Don't you receive enough letters, from ter than H. G. Wells! other readers? One would almost think the Mr. Allgeier cites the case of "Fantastic above mentioned were on your payroll Mysteries" to prove his claim that reprint they appear with such regularity. I have magazines can survive. I agree with him,- written 10 letters in the last 12 years but he neglects to point out that the back­ and the only one printed was when I bone of these magazines is straight fan­ omitted the Mrs. signing only my initials tasy, even though they occasionally print and last name. Do you think women are science-fiction. Back around the twenties illiterate, or can't you read my writing? and thirties stf was just. a squalling in­ (That's possible! admit.) Anyway here's fant, as far as magazine writing was con­ hoping this letter will change my luck. cerned. But straight fantasy was in its Your July issue had some very good prime, with such unbeatable authors as short stories in it, and I,-> enjoyed very Howard, England, Lovecraft and Merritt.
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