V ldah« , ' s Magic Valley’^, Home Netvnpaper TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY, MAY 30, W l , VOL. 68 N O . 42 TWENT.y CENTS ^ C h o p p e r '^ c y c l i s t s fo r e s e e s a r r i v e HAGERMAN - A group of a bout 200 m o to rc y cle en- Asian war end thuslofilfl, mosUy long-tiuircd and mostly riding customized WEST POINT, N .Y .(U PI)- visit to tlie U.S. Military voryilfe blood of an effective "chopper" motorcycles, Prcsident Nixon told pie cadet Academy’s green-turfed plain armed forcc and which tho gathered at Thousand ^rlnKKi corps'Saturday Uiat w ith tho as commandcr>in-chlef, Nixon corps represents, can no longer this weekend,.for. the, second end of ..tho Am erican V ietnam told.tl^corpa dra^yp_bciore- bo taken for granted In Uie wch mooting In Hagermnn War involvement '‘clearly in him In full dress gray tunics Army In which you will serve. Valley. Bight" they face demiinding and white trousers: ■ "The symptoms of trouble A sm aller group of cyclist'} role us peacetime leaders In an "Vou must retain your high are plain enough—from drug gathered there on'tlio Memorial Army troubled witliin itself and sense of honor —knowing that abuse to Insubordination. I Day weekend last year. fnciijg dissenl'without. ■ you will not receive civilian believe, in perspective, th at tho Ttio President suld tliat ln recognition in the measure you m ilitary ethic rem ains strong in Sheriff Earl Brown of Vietnam "we are ending'our deserve, and knowing U)at the tho hearts of America's fighting Gooding County said the crowd Involvement with honor" but emotional antlmiiitarlanlsm and men; Your special task will be was on the north side of the that ' American military' moral upheaval of our times to rea ffln n It, and to give U Snake Ulver a t the Idaho Power strength would remain "the will test you severely. now life and m eaning for tho installation at Thousand keystone in the structure of “ It Is no secret that tho difficult times ahead. icing s. Ho said deputies were peaco." discipline. Integrity, patriotism "Y o u r honor, though high and in the area Saturday, but no Under sunny skies on his first and self-sacrifice, w hich are the true, may meet with tho scorn trouble was reported. of some. “But you will have ■ The cyclists, believed to.lmve tills great reward: The United come-from*ealifomiarOn!gonr: -States and all-lts people-will be — Utah, and Idaho, are partially Probe ordered deeply bi your debt." ' members of the “ Urothors Nixon flew here to review the Speed" and "Riiven" motor* corps of cadets at a time when cycle groups, Sheriff Brown military morale Is sagging * said. in tests on because of the My Lsl charges 3 One, of tlie group, Frederick and disciplinary breakdowns. M; Gordon, 25, H yrum , Utjih, Ho stood at attention with MaJ. was injured Saturday ufternoon Gen. William Knowlton, acade­ when ho and his cycle, parked Sirhan’s gun m y superintendent, for tho at the side of Interstate SON rovlow and was presented a near the 80-50 interchange, were WS ANGELKS (UPI)-Po- Ixs Angelos Police Dpeartment cadet saber. struck by a car attempting to llcc Cliief ICdward M . D avis has Crime laboratory. He left for Washington from avoid a collLsion with a hcnrse. ordered an lnve.Hllgal)on of In Blotter to tho C ivil Service nearby Stewart Field, New­ charges that u ballistic expert Commission, Mrs. Blehr alleged burgh, N.Y., at 2:15 p.m. after Idaho State Police said tho erred in procedures ,ln tlie tliat Wolfer test-fired a differ­ attending a reception a t Know- and those about to die hcnrse d river, Ja y U c Cod*, n.Hsa»slnation of Sen. Robert F. ent gun entirely and that It Iton's quarters. dington, 20, was stopping to Kennedy, ral.'jing the question matched at least three bullets "Through a long and bitter asulst the cyclist, whoso bike of whether a second gunman removed from other persons struggle in Vietnam, American was broken down, and swung was Involved. wounded In tho shooting. fighting men have served the his vehicle into «n emergency Slrhan B. Slrhan was convict­ Wolfor declined to conunent cause of freedom magnificent­ cross-over In front of a vehicle ed of the Juno 5, 10(18, slaying on the details of the charges ly," he told the cadets. driven by Gary L. Nielson, 25, of Kennedy and Is now on pending consultation with an "American military leadersldp, Portland. Nielson swerved his Doatli Ilow in San Quentin attorney, m uch of It h-om here a t West vehicle and hla car struck the pending appeals to higher Pobiti has been superb. And the cycU st w ho w as tak en to courts. “I honestly can't understand A m erican people have . stood Jerom e for me<Ucal treatm ent. A police spokosinan con- thb," he said. "1*11 swear on a behind our ctRnndtment to the Coddington was issued' a firmed Saturday timt a three- stack of Bibles I've done people of South Vietnam In the citaUorl. man panel oif high police nothing wrong and TU standnc^ace of great temptations to offlciald would look into the behind my work in a court Or turn aside. allegations tliut criminologist law ." Dcwayne -A. Wolfor never test- Oiler tiavl<d«rend<id WoUer'a flrod tho gun wrested from past record. Sirhun's hand in'a pantry of ttio Police spokesman In^>ector Salmon man Zavala Ambasiiador Hotel. Pete Hagen said the investiga- Tito charge was made by an tion was ordered because the attorney, Barbara Blohr,.in an charges are a "serious thing" dies after verdict effort to block Wolfer's appoint- and cast doubt on the m«nt ns permanent head of tho -creijibility of law enforcement, alley fall weighed TWIN FALLS - Oarence E. Dressier, 37, Salmon, who was By JERRY HERRMANN Gooding toddler injured late Tuesday when he ftme^'Newi Writer apparently fell from a fire R U P E R T - The fate of escape In Twin Falls, died at Antonio Z a v ala, 33, charged drowns in canal 7:&5 p.m. Saturday at Magic with second-degree murder, Valley Memorial t io s p m . GOODING - A Ihm nlhflid bi^d e the Evans hom e. She told remained in the hands of a Fifth Dressier was found lying face Gooding child drowned Friday officers she saw the toddler District Court Jury lato down in the alley behind the afternoon when he fell bito a playing in the yard about 4:55 Saturday, but It appeared likely Central Roonu Tuesday night small canal on the Idaho p.m. and when she looked out a decision n\ight be reached and w as taken by am bulance to Hereford Ranch south of agabi, he had disappeared. She within hours. the hospita} where his condition Gooding. sear<^ed for the child but was Ihe Jury cancelled rooms had remained critical. Sheriff Earl Brown said tho unaUe to find him and notified which it had reserved at a Dressier was reportedly body of Michael Joseph Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Evans. They also Burley motel and ot'dered staying at the hotel In the 100 son of Mr. and Mra. Gary searched and then called Sheriff sandwidies brought in for tho block of Main Avenue North and Evans, was found about S;40 Brown about 5 p.m. evenbg meal. apparently attempted to enter ■ p.ra. Friday downstream from Evans found his son's body the building by the back way where ho fell Into the- canal. Saturday during summation floating b the canal about a wrhen he fell about a story and a Ttie sheriff said the chUd was Don . Chisholm, Minidoka mile from the house. Sheriff half to the pavement. being cared for by a babysitter County prosecutor, requested a l^own said. His body was taken to Twin who was tending a sm aller child verdict of guilty of second (Obituary. P. 2) Falls Mortuary. degree murder be returned. Ho told the Jury that tho verdict was the only Just one for Zavala's alleged act. The jury also requested that Urgent defense some td ^ testimony bo road back and the Judge, attorneys and the d e fen d w t were taken to the Jury room for the reading. Zavala was charged in tho March 26 death of Mrs. Mar­ Mars shot 23rd body cella TVuJlllo, 16,'RUpcrt, wlw m e s s a g e s Hagerm an m an was killed when allegedly postponed uncovered S iS 'ite WASHINGTON (UPI) - A KCIJI reoontiBlBiance plane masaaget wore jent from rvuiti Kinlitirnr ilnfoniin at- con ifrosslonal re p o rt sa id and a “ lla a li" when l)i* EC121 Waahlngton InitrucUng the USS dies in w reck CAPE KENNEDV (UPD- YUBA CrrY, CaUf. (U PI)- to™ y"w “ £ 'luiy 'Tyou Saturday that th, Defen.e dl«ppear^ Liberty to move many miles off Tho launch of Amorica’s Sherlff'8 deputies, working accept Frank Miller's Department iipenda w average arnena. Hie '‘(laah" took 31 the coaala ot Israel knd Egypt Mariner O' television satellite through the Memorial holiday toward Mars Saturday was H A G ER M A N - A H agenn an the accident. Owen ad­ weekend, unearthed the 22nd delayed one day because of an man who was pinned beneath ministered mouth to mouth and 2 ^ bodies Saturday in the apparent problem In ground hla truck IFViday night w as dead resuscitation, b u t w aa unable to grueaome case of the farm test equipment.
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