$#, I'E r$ ffii p* N inth Annual Sprir lnternational Road Races Su nday, September 76 Springbank Park, L Ontario, Canada ,12, Toronto's Jerome Drayton wins '75 Springbank in record time. frlt COITIMONWEALTI{ \(o{ido\ Svry.a @IH OFCANADALIMITED \(oedo\ Srx \(o{tdq Sux LONDON-CITY CENTR E TOWER LONDON.CITY CENT RE aSoaring 22 stories above King Street aConnected to H0liday Inn, L0ndon-City yJellington at Road Centre Tower by an enclosed pedestrian 0350 luxury rooms including executive skyway and VIP suites a270 first class rooms o12 specially designed meeting rooms a7 rneeting rooms asumptu0us dining in Plaza Dining Room aThe Savoir Faire 0ining Room a0ancing in the West End Disco, with its alondon's famous Flanagan's with live sophisticated sound syslem enlerlainment and dancing oSundome lndoor Recreation C0mplex with alndoor and outdoor swimming pools indoor pool, whirlpool, wadiflg pool, and sauna sauna and games area 299 King St reet 300 King Street r5191439-1661 (519) 439-1561 \('fido\ Dux LONDON.SOUTH aJust north of Highway 401, Holiday lnn, London-south has 2m rooms a8 meeling rooms aFine dining room aLively enterlainment ou nee a0utdoor pool faci itles aAdjacent to yearroufd tennis facilities of the Middlesex Racquets C tLb 1210 Wellington Road So! tlr (519) 68r-2 t21 f.;. t,- J,'-,t ,' "' da eSo ffi l.am pleased to send warmest greeting . - to all those involved in the Sprinq-bank lnternational Road Races- races . .These necessitate a very high level ot tttness and mental activity. You are all to - . be commended for your rntensive training and vast amount of preparation. , .r'ofJre aux organisateurs mes cinceres se Teltcttations et aUx participants mes merlleurs voeux. Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada behalf ..On of the Council of the Corpo- ratton of the City of London, I am de- lighted to welcome the gth Annual Spring- bank Boad Races. This annual sporting event is fast becoming a tradition in the City of London and we are proud to be host to some of the finest runners in the world- The organizers of the Sprinqbank lnternational Road Races are t6 be com- mended for their continued good etforts to brang this classic race to London, and we extend to them our congratulations while wishing everyone a most successful meet. u),*J'*" 0"* Jane Bigelow, Mayor of the City of London. Th€ placo to sat in Springbank Park THE AaR coNcESsro NS $,1* TurroeS t on thg raco circuit (opposite the pavilion) * in Storybook Gardons Operated by A&R FOOD SEBVICE frtffi:u arvine Londonort and thai. trianda tor many ysar! l{hila in Sprinlb.nk P.rk why not t k. rid. on th! M.rry.Go.Bound, tha Storybook Oraan .nd rh. tuddl. Eoatt WE WELCOME ALL RUNNERS & CONGRATULATE THE SPRINGBANK INTERNATIONAL ROAD RACE ASSOCIATION ROYAT CANADIAN TEGION SPBINGBANK BRANCH #533 YOUR WEST LONDON VETEBANS AND EX.SERVICEMEN'S CLUB PORTRAIT AND COMMERCIAL Photography PHOTOGRAPHER SPRINGBAN K INTERNATIONAL ROAD RACES 586 WTTERLOO !i't'Rl:l:.'t. LO\tXrN t4. ON_ t \RtO .ti1,861: PUBLISHF,R Or Pt- \s tlCHR()rlt: pos'I.(]rLt)s tN Nl t-t.RAl, (;ol.oR SPRINGBANK INTERNATIONAL ROAD RACE ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE 86il6y, Scott Drysdals, Larry McMurray, Margaret Smirh, Bob Brendon, AII Gonler,Jerry Pearce, Liz Smolders, Len Brendon, Flo Johnstone, Bill Prokop, Osvid Campbsll, Gord Mepham, Bob Ruttte, lbby Vigars, Bob Cherniak, Eart Mccarry, John Salter, Bill Young, Jim Davies, Bill Mclnnit, Eill S6voge, Jean Zoltai, Les Lambeth, Ontario Phone 652-3583 Area code 519 Open all year t PICK YOUB OWN IN SEASON _ _ _ WE HAVE OIJR OWN PURE APPLE CIDEB qat A0AXo t^lH€ELg coold cat[g get Aroxrd fo l{fl3tlf $ A glc$al rt!? Al +8t nte$lio -O tta!6t, llhtDroltt ()(fillro. It's not wrong to be born average . only to remain so Barry E. Johnson C.L.U. Business and Personal lnsurance Planning 275 Dundas Street, Suite 1506, London, Ontario Telephone 672-1770 5 1975 Results Men's 12 mile Masters, 6 mib tadild 4.t/2 mib '" I ii;j;i;r'":iH;"i.1 lij;1t:;;*";:;r::ilrir"i, i3;;i ;rJr";r.,;:j,t":i.:"...,;.; !)il ,,,...'-::;:.r:".,, l:;lii;lt le;: ! " *,"' I 1',;'1r'1*;J" j,,,t " 1;::'"rlt.lrii;h: ^ lli:: : .::.'" r* t ,:;..;:,,. ."::. j;lj:;,:;": :r" 1i,Zi 9 "ior"I"T":: uor(h!r ;'. i Li:i.:.q:fi,:.:j*+l s;i; ct"x B : n": :;.. : ,i'; ,i l::l"i r i1.'.'" :11: ,: . 4,. , .. " 1,;: 3 ll.."Y''vi*s,';"'.""' :r r'"-. o.., ' r,l.i ," r"",;,:.. 1;1."."1;;':.; j1i: :s :::'".i:''; -"f;;;';:,':;,, ',221 :j ,^" ;,;'.'.:.;.."o....._" :B-l j. ;:,"-i'"",';'; ":::: . liii ', I-; :1. :'.*n- ,. :;& i, .,.. 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Univ, o, Go. ph 25 ia 9, clmMnr, v olM,ooi ro. o6dd F'.h.r6..'J wrroi r c c.mrdo.r rrc 25.2. l4lAlcuiiii,h.m,M.toTooofnn6!25:.2 l0,.06L.6.,Toronl.olvme'.c|ub20.6 146M,!iEth,chh!fiLq,oirc2607 162 GodoiHrvHd.sdn odf &Fc 2r,rs 23. srn.F'ndr.y,Ui!.orroronb 2r,r1 36 ctrue8ou.rs. unr.oi cu.roh ?r 2. 163. Jn Prq!.r, Windbr "Y" B F 37vrD.lbn,s,nDl'c. 40. c,4Horm, rnundr a.Y orYhor c 21 l0 High Sd|ool BoF'3 mf.) g.'!irHdno.,s..fuldghootmtrl,l, 1. A'sdrr,w.rr.nd Hs. Mx. 3. .PrurFon ni Fo,6rH.,Oac.r 13:35io .7'D&.Horyl,s.,bl@oho,liifi2ll.l 54. xdri c,od.v, 8.non sd' 62. Cht i. Mccul@rh, Scrbqocn Opi, 21 5i] 15,, wjE c. z, M'd-|.(hion l c 2| 69 3r srMMry,&r60rcu6 oorntrrTC. ?? O. 22 03 20 zdtrd e..no,ovs otr orE1423 ^dr 27,lomwlotbldcn,Eid.o[iHuikid14.3 3r ar !n &she, s.,turoeor oprhin E, r.r55 73. Mxr bndro, s! by cors ]6 John Mola burdvd &h; ]3 r! liro@B Hrd h;. ' 4' vd,r 8,orn (6r F.,, i.s. 45 s<o Hoolfi, Elob(ol. HB[n 16,06 rr3. u. ron.!, s.:rbr&dr oor md w.n ls:07 49Phsq[(,B.'nEs's s. F(r Mrnri4. Brd'oid r & i. 2r rd e7 wr's.prc.
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