The -Established 1904- rinity ripod T T Volume CXV “Scribere Aude!” Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Number I New Student Steve’s Bagels Orientation Moves into Vernon GILLIAN REINHARD ’20 KAT NAMON ’22 and spearheaded the deci- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF sion to make the addition. NEWS EDITOR Trinity welcomed Nikia Bryant, Direc- A new addition has tor of SAIL, had a chance page 17 transfer students, 9 IDP been made to on-campus to meet with the owner students, and 582 dining options at Trin- of Steve’s Bagels, Steven members of the ity. Since the closing of DiGiorgio, a Universi- Class of 2023. Goldberg’s Bagels in the ty of Hartford Graduate. spring of 2018, the kitch- Bryant said, “[Steven] is 4 en space in Vernon So- excited to be a part of our NICK CAITO, TRINITY OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS cial has remained empty. community. He was very 'll'rinityTrinity welcomedwefoomed the ClassCbi.ss ofoJI:' 20232i()l23 thlsthis ]lllastpast weelk:end.weekend. However, this fall 2019 receptive to the idea of Read moremoll."e abouta1bout new student programming]lllll."Ogll."ammmg on page 4. Horoscopes: semester, the breakfast hiring students to work and lunch restaurant for him and showed great Freshman Year Steve’s Bagels will occu- interest in developing a py the space. The deci- service similar to Door- WILL TJELTVEIT ’20 sion to replace Goldberg’s dash, where food would STAFF ASTROLOGIST and provide students with be delivered to students’ another on-campus din- rooms. During the Ver- page Staff Astrologist ing option was made at non open house in July, Tjeltveit reads the a forum open to the com- he also brought copies stars for the Class munity regarding poten- of his menu so students of 2023. tial improvements that could see the types of could be made to Vernon food available at Steve’s. Social. The Office of Stu- From what I understand, 8 dent Activities, Involve- we’ll have a modified ment, and Leadership Summer (SAIL) led this meeting see VERNON on page 3 NICK CAITO, TRINITY OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Slaps Football Team Looks Ahead to Fall Season MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 An essential part of this during the 2018 season. players with the exception team is that they are well This loss, however, is just of a few new players to the LIZ FOSTER ’22 SPORTS EDITOR ARTS EDITOR balanced on both offensive another opportunity for squad, allowing the team As students are begin- and defensive fronts with the Bantams to rise to the the opportunity to grow and A&E Editor Liz ning to come back to cam- the ability to perform a va- challenge and the oppor- build upon their achieve- page Foster ’22 breaks pus, many student athletes riety of effective plays at an tunity for another player ments from last year. down the highs and have already been at Trin- extraordinarily high level. to showcase their talent. This could be one of lows of summer ity preparing for their up- On the offensive front, the On the defensive side the best seasons yet for 2019. coming season. This fall is team has a fantastic line, of the field, the Bantams the Bantams. As fans have 10 promising for the Bantams, featuring two great quar- have made enormous seen throughout these as it could be the second terbacks to compliment strides in the level of per- past three conference win- time that the football team their receivers. The com- formance and execution of ning teams, each coming wins the NESCAC four bination of speed and agil- plays on the field. The de- season the team is build- Summer years in a row. Previous- ity no doubt raises the bar fense finished the season ing upon past accomplish- ly, this has only been done for other NESCAC teams fifth in scoring and ninth ments. This fall, the path Sips by the Bantams during the and separates them from in passing. Overall, they to victory will be a long 2002-2005 season. While the rest of the competition. were third in the nation one. As usual, the Bantams HUNTER SAVERY ’20 this is definitely going to be Unfortunately, the team in total defense. Although will face Tufts in the first ARTS EDITOR a tough goal to achieve, it has lost Max Chipouras ’19, the team did lose a few game of the season where looks as if the team is more a talented running back as seniors on their defensive they hopefully get what page The Tripod guides prepared going into this well as a NESCAC co-of- squad, the team has rela- could be their 23rd consec- readers through season than they have been fensive player of the year tively the same lineup of utive season-opening win. the top drinks of in the past. The team is al- summer 2019. ready in a great position, as they still have 59 returning 11 letterwinners and 13 start- ers from last year’s squad, Also in this week’s issue.... not to mention the stellar re- cruits that have yet to show 'frin.ity All11.11llmlill Meet 'frustee Trinity Alumni Meet Trustee their talent in the upcoming Clmalllleltllge, ]Pmge 4 Challenge, page 4 season. The Bantams left an impact on the NESCAC last Opinion:O]PfunuiOltll: 'friruityTrinity after Cllm.rclillll,Churchill, year as they sealed their IP'age5page 5 third conference win and ClassCfass of 20i20i2020 Pursuesl?i.nrs11.1les Swmn.erSummer finished the season ranked llimtemshlps,Internships, ]Pagepage 7 second in New England TRINITY COLLEGE ATHLETICS and 30th in the nation. Published weekly at Trinity College, Hartford, CT TRINITYTRIPOD.COM 2 SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 The Tripod Editorial The beginning of the cles, and utilize our graph- professionals. There is Trinity Tripod academic year is one of ic design program, Adobe no compensation for con- the most beautiful and Indesign. The Tripod func- tribution, and the Tripod Established in 1904 exciting times at Trinity. tions best as an institution is instead driven by our “Scribere Aude!” Going into both my senior when all different facets of commitment to providing year and my fourth semes- campus life are represent- the campus with a school Editor-in-Chief ter as editor of the Tripod, ed in its stories. The only newspaper. As I said last GILLIAN M. REINHARD ’20 I would advise first-year way to achieve this, how- semester, we are always students just getting ad- ever, is to encourage a high trying our best, but with Managing Editor justed to college life that level of student partici- classes, other clubs, and BRENDAN W. CLARK ’21 becoming actively involved pation. The Tripod is the jobs, the Tripod is not al- ALEX DAHLEM ’20 in clubs and organizations major outlet for students ways what some anticipate at Trinity is one of the most to voice opinion, engage in or demand it to be. NEWS EDITORS SPORTS EDITOR rewarding ways to find dialogue, and report on the The Tripod is seeing KAT NAMON ’22 MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 enrichment and a sense issues that face our cam- an unprecedented num- JAY PARK ’22 of purpose in college. The pus community. If you have ber of seniors. Many of A&E EDITORS first article I submitted to any interest in writing, or us are entering our sixth Opinion Editors LIZ FOSTER ’22 the Tripod was–admitted- a future career in journal- semester with the publi- DANIEL NESBITT ’22 HUNTER SAVERY ’20 ly–not the paper’s shining ism or communications, cation. We are hoping to AIDAN TUREK ’20 example of journalism, but this is the perfect time to publish a Tripod that cov- COPY CHIEF I have been able to grow join in and have your voice ers thought-provoking, in- FEATURES Editors WILL TJELTVEIT ’20 and learn as a writer in the heard. Submit an article teresting stories that shed AMANDA SCOPELLITI ’20 intervening years. Trini- on our website or shoot us light onto daily life at Trin- ty College boasts over one an email at tripod@trin- ity as well as a well-de- hundred and fifty clubs coll.edu. It was the best signed, twelve page paper. that students can join, but decision I ever made as a Despite this, the Tripod with about 2,200 students, student at Trinity. still faces its own chal- this suggests that a large Because the student lenges. We struggle with a number of students have body at Trinity is small, small staff and difficulties to be actively engaged to and the number of stu- mastering our graphic de- keep all of these organiza- dents engaged in club sign program. tions in process. Howev- life is, unavoidably, even In my own capacity er, often at Trinity, it is a smaller, I am constantly as editor-in-chief of the small number of students interacting with leaders Tripod, I hope to provide The Trinity Tripod has been published by the students of Trinity Col- keeping organizations lege since 1904. Its staff members are committed to the reporting of different organizations quality content that stu- afloat. The Tripod is an and distribution of news and ideas that are relevant to the College on campus that are re- dents, alumni, and other community. The Tripod is published weekly on Tuesdays during the extremely short-staffed ported about in the pa- members of the commu- academic year. Student subscription is included in the Student Ac- organization, with a limit- per. Because campus is so nity read and enjoy. As tivities Fee (SAF). For non-students looking to subscribe, a one-se- ed number of contributing small, it can be difficult to a former editor-in-chief mester subscription costs $10.00 and a one-year subscription costs writers and editorial staff.
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