I The Weather Average D aily N et PM aa Rim Fereeaet of V. S. Woemer MtNl For tae Week IM M Jtmamrr M, liflS Clear, very eelfi taalgM, Iwr • to 5 belowt eoMay, eoatfaMM eel 14,145 iKinierpew, Mgh Bear M. Member of the Audit Bureau tit CtrcuIatloB ManeheHer—‘A City of Village Charm (Ofauelfied Advertifihig oa Page Ifl) PRICE SEVEN CRNm MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1965 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 104 Dempsey Reveals Program To ‘Keep Connecticut Best’ of Greater Aid Events To Education In State Among Aims Water Gompanies HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. John N. Dempsey Seeking to Own recommended to the 1965 General Assembly today a Pipe Connection program calling for great- er state aid to education, HARTFORD (AP) — expanded mental health Connecticut water com- and mental retardation fa- panies have asked the state cilities, and tighter civil to modify rules that would rights laws. have them own the service In a speech marking the open- connection from the main ing of what will be tte regular ' in the street to the custom- biennial session for 1966, the er’s property. Democratic governor also called A brief filed with the State for more housing for the elderly, Public UUllties Commission by 1 aid to the bankrupt New Haven attorneys for the Connecticut 1 Railroad, and expanded urban renewal, open spaces, and wa- Waterworks Association ask.*’ Flames soar high in the air as firemen battle a million dollar fire, that swept that Customers pay "excavation , ter and air pollution programs. I For the first time in a formal through a hve-atory building in downtown Meriden. The structure, which for- costs” for: addre.ss to the Legislature, tt* merly housed the Winthrop Hotel, had recently been renovated. (AP Photofax.) -New installations, with the companies bearing all future ' governor went on record In favor of legislation that would maintenance and replacement costs. make use of the party lever on voting machines optional instead -Replacement of existing in- stallations, with companies pay- . of mandatory. The Issue was Meriden Hotel Destroyed expected to be one of the more ing for future maintenance and replacement. controversial of the session. The association does not ob- Dempsey also asked for a law ject to the PUC proposal that that would make illegal the pos- Million Dollar Blaze water companies own the serv- session of liquor by persons un- ice connection, but wants the der 21 years of age. He pro- po.sed on expanded program for - — - customer to share the cost. driver education. MERIDEN (AP) — A *and a pne-etory annex, wa« aleo^ing lot The lot had been cleared of He actvocated tte oreation at treated for shock Strike Meeting a Department of (Correction, erumbling, smoldering hulk At the height of Uie general firemen and onlookers and no WETHERSFIELD (AP—Man- one was hurt. and recommended pay increases was all that was left of a alarm fire late Monday night, agement and labor representa- and the adoption of a code of Three firemen suffered minor five-story downtown build- sparks and flaming debris was tives meet today with federa’ ethics for state employes. raining down on an area of sev- cuts while fighting the bla2e. and state mediators in an effort ing today in the wake of which apparently began in the The governor described hla eral blocks; nearby residents to avert a strike at the Bristol program as one designed to on* of the worst fires in were evacuated; and It was basement or the store itself and Brass Corp. worked its way up through the (j OV. uenipsey today inaae iiis linat ’ 3tai.e oi ine Sutue address to the General "keep (Connecticut tte best state Meriden’s history. feared that Uie adjacent First The strike has been voted for -tom orrow , in the next centui^, Damage was estimated at Congregational Oiurch would building. T a. m. Thursday. Assembly under its present form. Reapportionment will have realigned the leg- and all through the future.” aver $1 million. ’The building, catch fire. The top three stories had re- Nearly 400 employee who are islators when the next opening rolls around. (Herald photo by Ofiara.)_________ Dempsey gave tte brood out- which used 4o house the old Fortunately the church has cently been converted In apart* members of Local 1600., United lines of hie plans for tte next Winthrop Hotel, had been newly a slate roof. Firemen soaked ments, »7 In all. The seven Auto Workers. AFLrClO, have two years at his admiifistration renovated. the church so thoroughly that tenanU made their way to safe- been working without a contract in a 30-minute speech to a joint Three tenants of the structure a foot of water accumulated In ty with the aid of firemen. rfnee October, when the old pact session of the Senate and the were treated for wnoks Inhala- the basement. Misk Bileen McGowan, Mrs. expired. V;‘‘,’’;ir&SMore Arctic Air Houee of Representatives. He tion and shock and the operator The north waH of the old^ Mary W wted and Mm._||j<£^tl. NegcAUtiona ovar a new con- will moke more specific recom- of Upham’s Department Store, brick and brownstone ' hOtsT' Shaw ^ 7 e the tehahts tteated t a c t have been unsuccessful mendations in his budget mes- which occupied the first floor building collapsed Into a paric- at the hospital. thus far. Atomic sage Feb. 16. An army of firemen, Includ- The opening of tte reguiaT ing many from surrounding Backfl Teens JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP -— session was just about one communities, battled the flames. HARTFORD (AP) — "I have month late because of tte spe- The seriousness of the fire was The director o< Indonesia’s found teen-agere as well in- army arsenal said today about cial session on legislative reai>- not Immediately recogifissd be- formed and more concerned CHICAGO (A P)— Arctic air directly from the jwlar portionment which adjourned at- More Negroes Jailed cause nothing but dense Mack 300 scientists are working to about their government than make the countrys first atomic ice cap (lelivered a paralyzing punch into the nation’s ficially only lost Friday. smoke was visible from the out- adults.” side. bomb. He promised a "sur- midsection today- The special session’s success 8o said State Rep. Richard C. prise” at the Armed Forces Day from five to six inches in Knox- in formulating a reapportion- An hour elapsed between the Noyes, R-FarmingtoiT’, as he an- The icy air flooded the east- In Selma Vote Drive celebration In October. ern haK of the nation and the ville. At least eight deaths were ment plan approved by tte fed- first alarm, at 9:28 p. m., and nounced Monday he would re- attributed to the weather. the second alami' The officer. Brig. Gen. Harto- Weather Bureau said more and eral court made H posslMe for new hla efforts to have Oonnect- Hazardous roads in Tennessee the General AssqinMy now sit- The brick and brownstone Icut’e voting age lowered from no, aleo said Indonesia this year more of tte chilling mass will SELMA, Ala. (AP)—-Sheriff James CTark arrested Invade the country at least until led to the closing of many ting to hold over and eonduet building, opened in 1883 as the 21 to 18. will produce guided missiles cores of Negroes today when they staged right to the end of the week. schools, but all main highways the state’s nonnal legislativs a 104 - room Winthrop Hotel, had " I have great respect for "whose damaging abilities are were open. vote demonstration while their leader, Dr. Martin Lu- Below sero temperatures this businesB. been a local landmark. In Wisconsin nine fatalities This Legislature was etected ther King Jr., remained in jail, After the north wall collapsed, (See Page Seven) (See Page Seven) morning covered a veuit area In were blamed on weather condi the northern plains, the upper in 1962 and nomiaHy would have n ie Negroes had lined up out-^ the floors caved In, leaving tlons. gone out of bufiiness at tte start and mid-Mississippi Valley and Mde the Dallas County Court When they continued to stand nothing but three walls and a The overnight weather mix- of this year. Normally, tte 1966 bouse and asked to talk with in line, Clark told them they heap of rubble and debris that the Ohio Valley. Bralnerd and ture in the eastern half of the Bemidji, both In Minnesota, Gmeral Aseembly wonld have someone on the Voter Registra- were under arrest for contempt. spilled out into Colony Street. United States included the bitter been elected last Novsmber and tion Board even though the The street was expected to recorded lows of —B2 and the cold, rain, snow and strong Student Pilot Unhurt, mercury sank to a record-tying would have convened for a regu- board was not In session. (See Page Seven) remain closed for several days. winds. lar session on Jan. 6. 'Fhe rsap- , One of their spokesmen had 26 below in Rochester, Minn. It Even the groundhog refused was 30 below zero in Interna- portioranent Utigatiou fopied aid before the march began to emerge to check on his shad- cancellation of tlM General) As- that the demonstration was to Makes Bolton Landing tional Falls, Minn. Decorah and ow in some areas. Elkexjer in Iowa reported —34 sembly elecLiems. seek a way to get the board to In Chicago, Lincoln Park Too New Haven R.R. Faces Loss degrees imd the mercury skid- Dempsey praised the Legisla- remain open more often. officials refused t<) allow their ded to 31 below in New Albin, ture for its work on rsappoi^ By OUCM YOUNG two groundhogs outdoors on City pouce arrested King and Iowa.
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