MONTHLY f O^^. < :^ hy^ VOL. 49 NO. 8 .^L AUGUST 1979 LV-L* ^ r^—.. Courier Mail MT. ISA RODEO Chief Profile Australia's Wild '^~i\\ Brisbane Women in 19th Century West Spectacular Queensland's Top Cartoonists 2?.^ii .^„iit§i. —•^•. •',»•,, ^4» iJ^'^Hfi ^. ^ ,.•. ..v. IV.' • . •,•/. •U' The magazine Subscribing directly to Time Off guarantees you receive a copy, saves you money, and assists us to become more viable. SIJIiwSCMBE NOW! Send your subscription ($4.00 per half year) to: TIME OFF SUBSCRIPTIONS, University of Queensland Union Building, St. Lucia, 4067. Name Address, .State Postcode. Individuals: 6 issues for. $4.00 I wish to begin with issue Institutions and Libraries: 6 issues for $8.00 2[ ] 3( ]4[ ] 51 ]6[ ] 7( ] 8[]9[] Single Copies: 80 cents (please tick clearly) Subscriptions operate on a half yearly basis and cover the cost of surface mailing of six issues. Cheques and money orders should be made payable to the "University of Queensland Union". TIME OFF STICKERS Available from TIME OFF MAGAZINE, University of Qld. Union Building, St. Luda. These multi-purpose stickers have been screen printed on to peel off vinyl paper in the combined colours of orange.yellow and black. (NB: stickers must be picked up directly from the magazine's office during normal working hours). TIME OFF: is a non-profit community magazine published on a monthly basis, and distributed throughout all Brisbane Newsagents and other selected outlets. CIRCULATING TO: Theatres, Cinemas, Restaurants, Music Stores, Galleries, (and all their clients). Music Venues, Libraries, Journalists, Public Servants, Government Officials, Teachers, University Lecturers, University Administrators, and Students. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Individuals $4 for 6 issues (surface mail only) Institutions $8 for 6 issues. Make cheques payable to University of Queensland Union. •~'y.MQj-':^^:,;t^. LIVING GUIDE: Free listings for inde­ pendent community organisations and events, which fall readily into the cate­ THE NCC AND THE STATE GOVERNMENT 7 gories covered will be carried in each a backblocks connection issue. Telephone 371 1611 with your Information. HARRY GORDON 9 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: Write to the Editors, Time Off Magazine. Uni­ new editor in town makes waves in Queensland Newspapers versity of Queensland Union Building, St. Lucia. Qld. 4067. WOMEN IN POVERTY 13 COPY DEADLINES: Normally at least an historical perspective on Brisbane's first women's refuge two weeks prior to first day of month of Issue. EDITORIAL STAFF: MOUNT ISA 17 Editors: Robert Cameron & Bruce the city and its rodeo Dickson Brisbane Correspondent: Calvin Noack Sunshine Coast Correspondents: Elizabeth REVIEWS 25 Dimes and Greg Gillam. of just about everything worth reviewing Canberra Correspondent: Mark Plunkett Country Roundsman: Harry Throsseli JO JO ZEP Cartoonists: Matt Mawson & Tim Low 52 Photographer: Nick Udovic hits the record companies Cover Design: Matt Mawson PRODUCTION STAFF: THE ALIENS 55 Typesetter: Marie Blanch Secretary: Bridget van Tinteren a short story on a Brisbane visitation ADVERTISING: Advertisir)g Manager: Ian Dodd (telephone JACK HIBBERD 58 371 1611 or 371 2568) on Hibberd and his plays PRODUCTION ASSISTANCE VOL. 49 NUMBER 8: Robert Whyte, Wendy 4IP IN THE SUN 61 Cernak, Tony Gilson, Terry Murphy. SPECIAL THANKS: Cliff Massey, Sandy too late for the ratings Pollard, John Florence, Hilltop Holdout Band, Goss and Downey, and Union CARbloodyTOON 69 Council. on mediacrity; have a look at Superman earlier on PRINTERS: Queensland Times, 260 Brisbane Street, West Ipswich. DISTRIBUTORS:!Gondon & Gotch Pty POTTER 75 Ltd, Brisbane. part two of his demonstration ofthe meaninglessness of words Time Off welcomes contributions and letters, but does not assume any res­ ponsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and illustrations, (5) Time Off Magazine, St. Lucia, Queensland 1979. This magazine is copyright, apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism, or review, as per­ mitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the Editors. ISSN. 0157-0978 REGISTERED FOR POSTING AS A PUBLICATION CATEGORY B. L J TIME OFF July 26th, 1979 Nodiing to do with body­ Letters intended for publica­ tioned m the Mayo clmic cases are almost mvariably WHAT ru!i/'-!nnj ir-'..-: building, really. tion should be addressed to: -SABINA HEAD Letters Page, Time Off Universitydu e to long periods of of Queensland Union, St. Lucia,exposur e at concentrations Norman Park Qld. 4067. much greater than the normal Pumpuig Iron is NOT a They should not be longer level and are often the resuU promotion for bodybuilders. than 250 words so that as many of contact with sources of Many people who have voiced • :;i['f.. r.: .; ;::;,' i-'.ri'/ letters as possible can be fluoride other than those in then- opinions about it seem pubUshed and as great a varietyth e water supply. of topics covered. Otherwise to have been unable to editing, which we do not wish to One study shows an 8-20 separate theu* many and apply to what should be an open fold increase to the normal varied prejudices from any I was interested to read forum, maybe necessary. level before toxic effects possible intellectual the article on 4ZZZ in the Letters must be signed and anbecom e apparent. Also, a responses. July issue of Time Off. address (and if possible telephonesummar y of several years It is, in fact, a documen­ Like most people I am number) supplied. Letters lackingsamplm g of fluoridated water tary on the type of personal­ aware that, when compared such communication of the in the U.S. indicates that ity necessary for one to with all the other community writer's bona fides will not be the vast majority of samples reach the top of a pro­ radio stations, Triple Zed is published. can be maintamed within 0.1 The Editors of Time Off fession, sport, or in fact any the best. welcome any form of comment ppm of the desired amount, field of human endeavour. However I also agree on the magazine or its contents surely providing an Arnold Schwarzenegger is witii the suggestion that it (or an issue of your own acceptable safety lunit. determined, hard working, could be far more innovative choosing/ in the interests of If so dangerous, why has highly intelligent, and totally than it is and could be promoting dialogue on importantwate r fluoridation been re- ruthless. He will stop at attempting to trail-blaze new issues. , commended by the World nothing to reach the top of dkections for Australian ' Health Organisation, his particular tree, and allows radio vis-a-vis both music pre­ sentation and the conveying FLUORIDL American Medical no distractions when close to Association and virtually all of unportant social and poli­ SUPPORTf^R his goal - even the death of medical, dental and pubhc his father was not allowed to tical information. heahh bodies? intrude on his training prog­ The use of words and the I would like to comment The W.H.O. stated that ramme. depth of a person's under­ on the many inaccuracies ,".Xhe effectiveness, safety and This complete dedication standing often go hand in contamed in the artick practicability of fluoridation has paid off. He was world hand and yet, as both tele­ "Rmg of Confidence Kills", , has; been established" and champion for 6 years and vision and radio staff will (31.5.79). •'later- "There is no evidence retired undefeated. tell you, "talkmg heads" are Firstly, contrary to Calvin diat water containmg this A clever tactician, he care­ not popular on either Noack's statements, concentration (l.Oppm) fully psyched his opponents medium unless presented in humerous studies have shown impars the general health." into losing - and this was a highly interestmg and enter­ no evidence^ to- support his Far from abating, the shown by brUliant camera­ taming manner. claim that 'the normal demand for water fluorida- work and editmg. Can 4ZZZ-FM face up to fluoride level (1.0 ppm) in -tion is increasmg, with more The personalities of the challenge? Are its staff the water causes an increased and more communities fluori­ various contestants were up to die task? incidence of mongohsm or dating their water supplies caught neatly by the camera P,S. When is the station diseases affecting the heart, eaph year. Over 160 million crew being m the right place going to change that bloody kidii^ys, bones, digestive sys­ people throughout the world at the right time - and their awful news identification currently enjoy die benefits tem or. nervous sytem. attitudes to Arnold were also theme which is in use at the . of fluoridation. Only persons Fluoride 'compounds cer­ shown very cleariy. His moment? If they can*t find ignorant of the facts keep tainly may be toxic (so can supreme self-confidence and something better why don't this figure from being much almost every other substance) obvious awareness ofthe lack they revert to the original higher.- but only at levels far greater of this quality m his com­ Puik Floyd one they had? than those contained, in.ar- -MICK FOLEY petitors made the end result R. STEWART tiflcally fluoridated wat^i' or Dentistry til of the contests inevitable. Cannon Hill toothpastes. St. Lucia All m all, a beautiful * Tlie rare incidences of piece of psychological docu­ ilUoride poisdriihg as men­ mentary. lm. TOFFEE OR THE KHYBER lizing those side streets which parked vehicles at all times, main roads like Lutwyche PASS connect up with traffic lights thus minimising the risk of Road that the State ran. at the arterial road. (The accidents and blockages of There was no such syn­ Just a suggestion of an necessity to give way to the traffic? chronisation on the state answer to the uranium traffic on another roadway -T, REEVES run roads and this caused question.
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