o o r- o aL O Z « < THE WESTFIELD LEADER »-« O fi J The Leading and Most Widely Circu(nl<<l Weekly Xeuspaper In Union County HUIII. _J I- l-sl'S liSdn NIC \K, NO. 19 Si'i 1 l'lr.»« Pom WFST1 ll-l I), Nl-.W II KM \ IIH'KSDA'i IJM I Mllt-K II. I WO 2Ci I'itk's--20 dim in XVoHlllfdl. To Reconsider Move P-Zone To Lincoln School Alter receiving a list ol building ..'p In <i;: 1 <•. Restrictions ! uas .lilhrtrawn when more thai) 2u educational liclllail\ - N' rsi-.-i" inirigi plant. nei(i|](tors protested a improvement proposals lor a lid to (>i i). I<]I- .ilhn indour /niiiii(> >. anance approval lo Ihe 11>81-H2 school operating garage. AI|I luc•'e' ''' ll(' make the huiliiilin into a budget. Wesllicld Hoard o! pn-M'tlled to board lor i•iiiiipuicr ceuler v, ill) 1 Irk Professionals Kduca I ion President }*.n kirij. IMI employees j Thomas I1' Sullivan asked Hallleluies an lorn IH lili' lollglh'. Olll .ii •: .• ' - po.h lK-Ki "We seen an\ 'I'lii' board president .said lor 'A hat is billed h\ I yl pecli-d lo be Illiall/i 'i ai.-l Ihe school board to roenn- 1 n of serious cier " t N ihe Kim •ial he lell (oniioereial 01 WIIINIJUS Joc;tl .iltorliey. a;is The pi oles-.n.:i,, 1 /• ••• <i!.i'. SI sider some decisions il has 1 1 Street bc fh<• buuil iiiiconiiiierci,il use ol ;in> .1 "leal war eoJiiplele •>'. ith |M<i\ismns cuinpri-' .iiniw '»' ) properties in Hie P-l made and to consider Ihe president -l, l<-'l W illi the in- ol our laeililies seems alternative of keeping Ihe eoiirl challenges over live pa(4e- ol .i thick volume /.one a; are now used as present iijiii » 'inot*- al tIns point 'p| Ihe omnibus bill '.'. hii Ii :- sional buildings; the administration ul'lices and 1 [ii'A'isioiis per to! n iiig lo |,!0f. ool In. ahle " ''U'l a liiiver Alludiim In negative piole-siniial /.ones designed lo guide the ap ii-iiiaiiiitig are churches, maintenance o|>era!ions ill lor Ihe |iio| erly." lie eon feedback I rum the coin Mioul •:> Wesltield jii'npriale use or develop icsiileuees. vacai.l lot.s or the present Klin Street linued lie ••Ut.'Hes(cd thai inuitily ,-• Imul Ihe silc oi Ilie |)ioleskionals doctors. iiieni ol all lands in Ihe coaibination pi ofessional- School site I he ad m i su -lr:ilion seek proposed maintenance i.i\'.\crs. demists and ac community concurrent with icMdential properties. Nine imVre->lcd I •.isers lor Ihe lac,lip, ;it Kdison Junior criuiiiaul'- appeared at the esliiblishinenl ol ap ol the 47 properties tr> the H "Where we arc may not lie Lincoln Selio- building idj.if. School. Sullivan Tile-day night's council pmpi'iiile population den- ^ /one are used lor Ihc besl. il may nol be ine Crant Nch,.ul worsl." he saiil tin h was .,(;,!,.,) ••[ would like 1 lir- iiji-cl iiifi where all all sities and eoncentralions professional offices with the also lioscil m hint- ilnc ti> encompassing omnibus land The land use hill has been remainder prim arily The Board of [-'ducal ion declining cMirolliiii-ni. is or NO! Ilie iliainti1 nain1'1 use bill was introduced man sludied and refined by residenhal. The P-.'. /.one is has made a lorma! decision currently leased to Ihe lacilik ;il Kdison will \><l ;'• I '•pht vote tollowing ii ">-4 council efforts which have largely undeveloped lo move Ms adtiiinslralion Mount Cai me| (linlil lur ;i delriineiila I tn I h< <letciil ol an amendment spanned more than two Prolessional oil ices offices from Ihe Klin Slrcel school for sjiecia! ediicalinu cduea I iona I process" in which would have delayed \ears; it was introduced by already in existence ••- even School to Lincoln School students. Lincoln Federal Wesllield " He said he uas action on provisions af- laws and rules chairman though many are non- which closed in June due to Savings and Loan A liappy lhal Ihe board u as leciing Ihe professionals. lionald Frigeno conturming either to declining curollmi'iit. The AssncialiiHi dad did SUl.'i.Oilll able "ID concenliale on Public hearing arid final Al issue among the existing ordinances or the board has also mafic ;i for the hoard's lour 11) eiirricular aspects of the nrie proposed - can remain decision lo place ils action arc expect ed ill the professionals are provisions "excess" '.cluinImul building • |H«l-ttJ school operation as is; the proposed maintenance I»|MT;I(ioti>> in a Dec X\ meeting ol council al which I hey feel are over- Columbus School bill lhai which ii Slfj fee for copies of reslrictive. Cnder the restrictions would apply facility which would have onl\ to new conversions. been located al the Kdison legisliilion. usable office Junior High School site lloor space would be PfDlessionals at Tuesday reslncled loin jx'rcenl ol lot rughi's meeting asked Funds i$21!l,(XM)i lor Dial J niaiiileii.'im'c facility were area in Ihe l -l /one. and 25 louocil lo delete the to be included in a capital pereenl in the 1'-^ and P-:t professional /.one proposal. (|in*sliori which the board /ones. Th esc zones are Williiiin-. promising lliat was considering placing located in the F.asi Broad |jasvtge of the controversial before Ihe public al the SI., St. Paul-Lenox Ave. annual school budget election in April. In considering Ihe Seminar on Proposed allernative to keep Ihe administration offices and Classic Sdulii) I'holo maintenance operations at Land Use Ordinance Dec. 17 " It's Getting to Cook a UrtUke Christmas. ." U't-slficWN tret- lighting n< (hf i nilroiul Ihe Rim Street Kile. c:<sl last week ushers lit tlio Mini) holiday season. considerations 1o bring Ihe reviewing and rewriting -/oning and /and use codes. The effort has produced the 1980 Omnibus J^-ind Use i trdinanee which is currently under final discussion by Rain Dampens Town's Forest Ave. Apartment Uie Council Some portions <>l Ihe code have lieeii changed to comply uith new Slate regulations and Holiday Tree Lighting other sections have been relined to mee! sjxriik- The holiday season officially began Ihis week in Landlord Fine $2,600 municipal circumstances. Final adoption by (he downtown Wcsffield with the lighting of the downtown I Fines lolaliiiH$2,<i(XI have other tenants lor deducting ('oimcil ot Ihe ordinance is expected Dee :;:( decorations and the train station Christmas trues. The been levied upon Uobert two days rent Ibis Call lor The i imuibiix Land (sc < iniinance is the >ubic.! of n traditional tree lighting ceremony had lo lie cancelled Krnslofl'. landlord of the lack of heat and hoi wider, Dec 17seniinar(or U'esUjeldatloniev.s. Theciiamuer because of inclement weather on the day after Wcslfield .Manor apart- Krnslnff had attempted to of Commerce is sponsoring the seminar and a lun- Thanksgiving. However, the warmth of the holiday merits for tailing tn provide evict Krizer for the partial cheon al Raymond's of Westfield beginning al i:i:30 | lights brightened the evening and will continue to heat and hnl water lo Ihe withholding of the rent p.in Charles l-iraridl. WestfieW's town attorney, is the } welcome visitors to Westfield during the coming tenants al the complex on • pay men I. but .fudge Santa Arrives Here Saturday principal speaker .Members of Westfield's Planning j[ weeks. Hoard. Hoard of Adjustment, and the Council's Laws Forest Ave. on several Alexander Menza ruled in - Santa Claus arrives at the I hose children planning to Harton, Wib Orr, Morris ij BillMoore, theChamberofComnierceehairmati for occassions Ihe lenanls' favor. Kiimler and .lack Alpnugh. and iiules Committee also will be present la con- 0 the holiday lights project, thanked all thf local groups Weslfield Firehouse. next lo attend may wish lo bring tribute to a discussion of the ordinance. Some lenanls were The landlord was arrested Ihe railroiid station, at ;l sonic canned or non- This year cartoons iit color jf and individuals who have helped to make this holiday by local police Monday on will be featured. Candy Since reservations are limited, anyone interested in ! observance possible. The Chamber is slill accepting without hot water again a.m.. Saturday. The perishable food item along. Sunday and Monday, ac- contempt of court charges Kxcliangc Club of Weslfield These foods will again be filled stockings and prizes attending Ihe seminar is asked In contact Ihe Chamber * contributions to defray the cosLs of the new downtown idler failing lo appear in donated by Westfield of Commerce office by Dee. \2. j| decorations. Anyone who wishes li> make a donation to cording to Weslfield Manor has sponsored Ihis program collected by Exchange Tenanls Association court here last month. for Ihe lasl 26 years. members for'distribution to merchants iis well as two jjf Ihe fund should contact the Chamber of Commerce Krnstoff did appear in bicycles will be given away », office in Westfield. Presirlcnl l,arry Krizer, who A parade will follow with Ihe Union County Chapter of appeared in court in Municipal Court Tuesday lo Santa riding in the Fire the Association lor All Exchange Club Westfield's Italian-Americans Elizabeth Monday with be fined $21X1 on eight counts Kngine lo Roosevelt Junior Helanled Children. members donate their time Academic Session For Bd. of Ed. of heat and hot water High where he will per- Music for singing will be and elforl to help Santa Lincoln School violations and another $1.owl sonally welcome all of the provided by Exthangiles Clans, in keeping wilh their Seek Funds for The Westfield Board of students in special for past violations.
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