![Non-Consolidated Financial Result[108KB]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
(Unwarranted translation of “kessan tanshin”, provided only for reference purposes only.) May 23, 2000 Non-consolidated Annual Results for the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2000 Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. Stock Exchange (Section) : (Listed at) Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya (First section). Kyoto, Fukuoka, Sapporo Frankfurt Code Number : 9104 Address : Tokyo Head Office: 1-1, Toranomon 2-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo For Further Information, Contact : Kazuaki Konishi, General Manager of Finance & Accounting Division Phone 03 (3587) 7034 Meeting of Board of Directors held: May 23, 2000 Regular General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held: June 27, 2000 1. Results of the Fiscal Year ended March 31,2000 (from April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000) (1) Operational Results Revenues Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income Millions of yen Millions of yen Millions of yen Millions of yen 2000 651,936 ( 11.3%) 34,044 ( 28.0%) 29,153 ( 60.6%) 8,701 (△ 4.8%) 1999 585,514 ( 2.4%) 26,606 ( 67.6%) 18,150 ( 35.3%) 9,139 ( 81.6%) Earnings Earnings per share Rate of Return Rate of Return Profit Margin Ratio per share After adjustment for on Equity on Assets (Ordinary Potential Dilution Income/Revenue) Yen Yen % % % 2000 7.08 - 6.1 4.9 4.5 1999 8.25 - 6.8 3.4 3.1 (Notes) 1. Average Number of Shares Issued and Outstanding : Year ended March 31,2000 1,229,410,445 shares Year ended March 31,1999 1,107,917,146 shares 2. Material Change in Accounting Method: NIL 3. Percent: Increase/Decrease against corresponding period of the previous year on Net Sales, Operating Income, Ordinary Income, and Net Income. (2) Dividends Dividend per share Total Dividends Dividend Dividend ratio Paid (per year) Pay-out ratio to Shareholders Interim Yearly Equity Yen Yen Yen Millions of yen % % 2000 4.00 - 4.00 4,917 56.5 3.4 1999 4.00 - 4.00 4,431 48.5 3.3 (3) Financial Position Total Assets Shareholder's Equity Equity Shareholder's Equity per Share Ratio Millions of yen Millions of yen % Yen March 31, 2000 572,183 145,149 25.4 118.06 March 31, 1999 531,537 135,845 25.6 122.61 (Note) Number of Shares Issued and outstanding As of March 31, 2000 1,229,410,445 shares As of March 31, 1999 1,107,917,146 shares 2. Forecast for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2001 (from April 1, 2000 to March 31, 2001) (Millions of yen, except the dividend) Revenues Ordinary Net Income Dividend per Share Income Interim Year end Yen Yen Yen First half of the Fiscal Year 325,000 16,000 5,000 0.00 - - Fiscal Year 650,000 30,000 10,000 - 4.00-5.00 4.00-5.00 (Reference) Estimated Net Income per share for the year ending March 31, 2001: 8.13 Yen *The Company plans to pay out dividend of ¥ 4 or ¥ 5 per share at the end of the year on the assumption that the above forecast will be achieved. Non-Consolidated Financial Statements (1) Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets As of March 31, 2000 and 1999 (Millions of yen) 2000 1999 Increase/ Amount % Amount % Decrease (Assets) Current Assets 162,140 28.3 154,775 29.1 7,365 Cash and deposits 15,840 15,600 240 Accounts receivable, trade 57,857 51,016 6,841 Short-term loans receivable 24,010 16,136 7,874 Advance payments 4,297 2,044 2,253 Marketable securities 5,047 21,118 △ 16,071 Fuel and supplies 8,629 4,770 3,859 Deferred and prepaid expenses 32,430 25,758 6,672 Accounts receivable from agents 6,243 7,281 △ 1,038 Deferred tax asset 926 - 926 Other current assets 7,432 11,377 △ 3,945 Allowance for doubtful receivables △ 574 △ 329 △ 245 Fixed Assets 410,043 71.7 376,761 70.9 33,282 (Tangible fixed assets) ( 226,917 ) ( 39.7 ) ( 209,207 ) ( 39.4 ) ( 17,710 ) Vessels 130,840 109,576 21,264 Buildings 23,700 21,604 2,096 Structures, machinery, equipment 1,052 1,000 52 Vehicles and haulage equipment 168 182 △ 14 Furniture and fixtures 720 690 30 Land 58,869 56,006 2,863 Construction in progress 10,646 19,870 △ 9,224 Other tangible fixed assets 919 276 643 (Intangible fixed assets) ( 5,160 ) ( 0.9 ) ( 2,508 ) ( 0.5 ) ( 2,652 ) Intangible fixed assets 5,160 2,508 2,652 (Investment and other assets) ( 177,965 ) ( 31.1 ) ( 165,045 ) ( 31.0 ) ( 12,920 ) Investment securities 92,553 92,250 303 Shares in subsidiaries 58,324 50,696 7,628 Long-term loans receivable 14,526 10,519 4,007 Long-term prepaid expenses 416 3,066 △ 2,650 Other Investments and assets 17,081 10,504 6,577 Allowance for doubtful receivables △ 4,936 △ 1,991 △ 2,945 Total Assets 572,183 100.0 531,537 100.0 40,646 (Millions of yen) 2000 1999 Increase/ Amount % Amount % Decrease (Liabilities) Current Liabilities 223,082 39.0 166,957 31.4 56,125 Accounts payable, trade 57,608 51,507 6,101 Bonds to be redeemed within a year 29,900 15,000 14,900 Short-term loans payable 68,436 42,719 25,717 Accounts payable, others 2,015 876 1,139 Accrued and unpaid income tax, etc. 2,067 4,189 △ 2,122 Accrued and unpaid expenses 3,181 3,590 △ 409 Advances received 48,619 40,044 8,575 Accounts payable to agents 5,957 4,506 1,451 Provisions for bonuses 2,622 2,265 357 Provisions for losses on guaranteed liabilities 550 - 550 Other current liabilities 2,122 2,257 △ 135 Non-current Liabilities 203,952 35.6 228,734 43.0 △ 24,782 Bonds and Notes 58,000 87,900 △ 29,900 Long-term loans 134,957 134,757 200 Provisions for employees' retirement benefits 4,034 1,273 2,761 Provisions for statutory overhaul - 467 △ 467 Deferred tax liability 2,883 - 2,883 Other non-current liabilities 4,076 4,335 △ 259 Total Liabilities 427,034 74.6 395,691 74.4 31,343 (Shareholders' equity) Common stock 64,915 11.3 58,840 11.1 6,075 Legal surplus 51,304 9.0 50,718 9.6 586 Additional paid-in capital 43,886 43,751 135 Legal reserve 7,417 6,967 450 Retained earnings 28,929 5.1 26,286 4.9 2,643 Special depreciation reserve 8,078 9,105 △ 1,027 Reserve for overseas investment loss, etc. 6 11 △ 5 Reserve for advanced depreciation of assets to be replaced 587 779 △ 192 Special account of reserve for advanced depreciation of assets to be replaced 147 - 147 General reserve 5,630 5,630 - Unappropriated income 14,479 10,760 3,719 (net income for the year) ( 8,701 ) ( 9,139 ) ( △ 438 ) Total Shareholders' Equity 145,149 25.4 135,845 25.6 9,304 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity 572,183 100.0 531,537 100.0 40,646 (Notes on Balance Sheets) As of March 31, 2000 As of March 31, 1999 Millions of yen Millions of yen 1. Treasury stocks contained in Marketable Securities 8 2 (46,229 shares) (12,034 shares) 2. Accumulated depreciation for Tangible fixed assets 215,262 162,541 3. Contingent liabilities Guarantee 477,271 519,784 Co-debtors' share in jointly guarantee obligations 94,717 105,224 (2) Non-Consolidated Statements of Income Years ended March 31, 2000 and 1999 (Millions of yen) 2000 1999 Increase/Decrease Amount % Amount % Amount % Operating revenues Shipping revenues Freight 454,501 414,181 40,320 9.7 Charterage received 170,249 144,823 25,426 17.6 Other shipping revenues 23,703 22,804 899 3.9 Sub total 648,454 99.5 581,810 99.4 66,644 11.5 Other operating revenues 3,481 0.5 3,704 0.6 △ 223 △ 6.0 Operating revenues, total 651,936 100.0 585,514 100.0 66,422 11.3 Operating expenses Shipping expenses Voyage expenses 226,322 209,794 16,528 7.9 Vessel expenses 26,953 19,613 7,340 37.4 Charterage paid 295,081 249,994 45,087 18.0 Other shipping expenses 45,496 53,764 △ 8,268 △ 15.4 Shipping expenses, total 593,854 91.1 533,166 91.0 60,688 11.4 Other operating expenses 1,429 0.2 1,925 0.3 △ 496 △ 25.8 General & Administrative expenses 22,607 3.5 23,815 4.1 △ 1,208 △ 5.1 Operating expenses, total 617,892 94.8 558,907 95.4 58,985 10.6 Operating income 34,044 5.2 26,606 4.6 7,438 28.0 Non-operating income Interest & dividends received 7,111 5,578 1,533 27.5 Other non-operating income 5,594 3,377 2,217 65.6 Non-operating income total 12,706 2.0 8,956 1.5 3,750 41.9 Non-operating expenses Interest expenses 11,765 11,359 406 3.6 Other non-operating expenses 5,831 6,052 △ 221 △ 3.7 Non-operating expenses total 17,597 2.7 17,411 3.0 186 1.1 Ordinary income 29,153 4.5 18,150 3.1 11,003 60.6 Special credits and profits Profits on sale of fixed assets 2,531 5,733 △ 3,202 Profits on sale of investment securities 3,731 - 3,731 Profits on cancellation of charter agreements 1,503 1,905 △ 402 Reversal of provisions for statutory overhaul 451 - 451 Reversal of allowance for doubtful receivables 100 - 100 Special credits and profits, total 8,318 1.2 7,638 1.3 680 8.9 Special deductions and losses Losses on sale of fixed assets 2,457 4,381 △ 1,924 Losses on sale of investment securities 5,358 - 5,358 Valuation loss on investment securities 248 1,374 △ 1,126 Valuation loss on stocks of subsidiaries - 1,544 △ 1,544 Amortization of under-funded pension plans 5,442 1,430 4,012 Special retirement benefit paid 749 312 437 Losses on liquidation of affiliates 7,366 288 7,078 Allowance for doubtful receivables related to dissolution of subsidiaries - 147 △ 147 Allowance for uncorrectable credit accounts to a specific overseas account - 667 △ 667 Losses on cancellation of charter agreement 1,205 672 533 Merger temporary expenses 804 - 804 Special deductions and losses total 23,633 3.6 10,819 1.8 12,814 118.4 Net income before tax 13,838 2.1 14,969 2.6 △ 1,131 △ 7.6 Corporate income tax, residents tax, and enterprise tax 4,286 0.7 5,829 1.0 △ 1,543 △ 26.5 Corporate income tax and residents tax 850 0.1 - - 850 - Net income/loss 8,701 1.3 9,139 1.6 △ 438 △ 4.8 Retained earnings brought forward 1,479 0.2 1,620 0.2 △ 141 △ 8.7 Adjustment account for application of Deferred Tax Accounting to accounting/tax differences of previous years △ 1,107 - △ 1,107 - Reversal of reserve accounts associated with introduction of Deferred
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