Vol. XXIII, No. 31 [PRICE TWELVE CENTS] May 12, 1921 Professor Charles E. Bennett Dies Suddenly of Heart Disease Tuition in Endowed Colleges Is Raised to $250 a Year Baseball Team Opens Season by Winning Two of Three Games Professors M. C. Ernsberger and R. H. Jordan Added to Faculty Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August at 220 East State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 Λ year. Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at ITHACA, NEW YORK. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Webb, Marlow & Vought INCORPORATED HEMPHILL, NOYES & Co. The Merbersburg Academy 37 West 46th St., New York City Investment Securities Prepares for all colleges ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS* 87 Wall Street, New York and universities: Aims Bo ton Philadelphia Buffalo BUILDERS CONSULTANTS Beranton Albany Syracuse Baltimore at thorough scholarship, Country Estates, Γarms and Commer- Jansen Noyes '10 broad attainments and cial Plants Charles E. Gardner Christian manliness Country Homes Drainage Stanton Griffis ΊO ADDRESS Farm Buildings Roads Dairies Water Supplies Harold C. Strong William Mann Irvine, Ph.D. Country Clubs Operation Clifford Hemphill Golf Courses Management President Tennis Courts Equipment Member New York Stock Exchange Sewerage Systems Live Stock MERCERSBURG, PA. Buying and Selling Cascadilla School Sheldon Court College Preparatory School ITHACA A fireproof, modern, private A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys TRUST COMPANY dormitory for men students Summer School of Cornell University. July to September, especially for Col- Shower baths and fine tennis lege and University Entrance Examinations courts. Assets Over Prices reasonable. Catalog sent Special Tutoring School on request. For Private Instruction in Preparatory Three Million Dollars A. 5. CONGΌON, Mgr. Subjects Throughout the Year Ithaca, N. Y. Trustees Γ.C.CorneU Ernest Blaker C.D.Bostwick President. Charles E. Treman Our 1919-80 Catalog will appeal to that Vice-Pres—Emmons L. Williams schoolboy you are trying to ALUMNI interest in Cornell Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY A postal will bring it. Vice-Pres. and See.,W. H. Storms Treasurer Sherman Peer WASHINGTON, D. O. The Cascadilla Schools THEODOEE K. BRYANT '97, '98 Ithaca, N. Y. Master Patent Law '08 F tβnts and Trade Marks exclusively 310-313 Victor Building Executor Trustee ITHACA, N. Y. ROMEIKE GEORGE S. TARBELL Chartered W2 Ithaca Trust Building PRESS CLIPPING Attorney and Notary Public Real Estate SERVICE Sold, Rented, and Managed ii prepared to supply you with THE FARMERS' LOAN •urrent information from the YORK CITY newspapers and magazines on AND TRUST COMPANY HERMAN J. WESTWΌOD '97 whatever subject may interest Attorney at Law 111 Broadway you. Be it politics, be it busi- ness, be it science, there is mailed Noβ. 16-22 William Street to you daily just what you want CHARLES A. TAUSSIG Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. A. B. '02, LL. B., Harvard '05 to read from Broadway Tel. 1905 Cortland at 41&t Street General Practice 3000 newspapers 1000 magazines New York KELLEY & BECKER PRESS CUPPINGS are becom- Counsellors at Law LONDON PABIS 366 Madison Ave. ing more and more a necessary CHARLES E. KELLEY, A. B. '04 adjunct to progressive business. N AL Dow BECKER, LL. B. '05, A. B. '06 "If it's in the papers Letters of Credit TULSA, OKLAHOMA we get it out" Foreign Exchange HERBERT D. MASON, LL. B. '00 Attorney and Counsellor at Law ROMEIKE Cable Transfers 903-908 Kennedy Bldg. Practice in State and Federal Courts. iβ synonymous with press clipping service. Administrator Guardian ΓOET WORTH, TEXAS LEE, LOMAX & WREN Henry Romeike, Inc. Lawyers General Practice 106-08-10 Seventh Avenue Member Federal Reserve Bank and New 506-9 Wheat Building Attorneys for Santa Fe Lines York York Clearing House Empire Gas & Fuel Co. d. K. Lββ, Cornell 1889-90; P. T. Lomax, Texas 1899- F. J. Wren, Texas 1913-14. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Vol. XXIII, No. 31 Ithaca, N. Y., May 12, 1921 Price 12 Cents AMAGE estimated at $350,000 ATMOS is the name of a new senior affirmative side of the question, "Re- was done by an early morning honorary society in Sibley College. Dean solved, that the Philippines be granted D fire on May 4 to the retail store Dexter S. Kimball, Professor Herman independence similar to that of Cuba." of Treman, King and Company, and to Diederichs, and eighteeen students are THE NEW BUSHING ASSOCIATION has; the Lyceum Block, ad joining it. Valiant its charter members. announced that its constitution for next work by Ithaca firemen prevented the THE MORRISON PRIZE for poetry has fall is on the same plan as last year, but flames from reaching the theater itself been awarded to Dale E. Mitchell '21, more liberal. or the Atwater store on the other side, of Ithaca. Miss Gertrude Diamant '21, but the contents of the hardware store of New York, and Miss Elinor Foote JARED T. NEWMAN '75, has given the- were entirely destroyed, and the stock of '21, of Lockport, received 'honorable University several acres of wooded hill- the Joseph F. Hiekey Music Store had mention. side adjoining the new biological fielct to be removed. Several firemen were in- station near Renwick Park. Since the- AN AMENDMENT to the constitution of jured, and the tenants in the Lyceum land has never been cultivated and has the Student Council providing for elec- Block apartments were driven out. Blazes on it a variety of wild plants, it will be- tioneering by nominees lacked twenty- in the ruins kept firemen busy for two a useful addition to the field station. four votes of the necessary two-thirds to days. Both Treman, King and Hiekey's The land for the old field station was Mr- pass it. The day before the referendum, have opened for business temporarily in Newman 's gift in 1907. the Independent Association passed a rented stores, most of the former's stock resolution against the proposed amend- THE SAGE CHAPEL preacher for last being in the wholesale warehouse near ment. A second amendment, by which Sunday was the Rev. Dr. Francis G. Pea- Courtney Inlet. membership in the council carries over body, Unitarian, of Harvard. The THREE JUNIORS, John D. Adams, of until fall elections, passed by a large preacher for next Sunday will be the Eev. Dr. Joseph Rankίn Duryee, Dutch North Troy, James S. Hays of New Ro- majority. Reformed, of New York. chelle, and T. J. A. McFadden of Staten JOHN M. MALONEY '22, of Brooklyn, Island, have been elected to the editorial has been awarded the Guilford Essay LECTURES for the fortnight ending: ί ί staff of the Era. Edwin H. Brown '22, Prize of about $150 for his essay on May 15 included Immigration'' by" of "Wayne, Pa., is the new editor, Me- 'ί Fact and Sense of Fact.'' Professor Wialter F. "Willcox and "An- Fadden is managing editor, and William cient Hebrew Poetry" by Professor- A CHAPTER of Sigma Gamma Epsilon, S. Wadsworth '22, of Farmington, Conn., Schmidt before the Menorah Society;, national fraternity for geologists, metal- is business manager. "Industrial Government" by Dr. Wil- lurgists, and mining engineers, is soon liam M. Leiserson, impartial arbitrator THE INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION smok- to be installed at Cornell. The petition in the men's clothing industry in the er at the Ithaca Hotel May 6 brought to- for a charter was signed by two graduate Rochester, Montreal, and Baltimore- students and three undergraduates. This gether coaches, Faculty members, a'nd markets; "Chemical Problems in Zo- is to be the eighth chapter, the only other students. Boxing bouts, musical numbers ology" by Professor Simon H. Gage one east of the Mississippi being at the and speeches were on the program. '77 before the Cornell Section of University * of Pittsburgh. TAU BETA Pi initiated fifteen juniors the American Chemical Society; "Fac- on April 29 as follows: Henry O. Chap- A MEMORIAL to Edward I. Tinkham tors Influencing 'Spreads in Prices Be- man, jr., Woodmere; Robert E. Burk, '16, who organized the Cornell unit of tween Retail Cuts of Meat" by P. V. Okmulgee, Okla.; Charles W. Stilwell, the American Field Service and died in Horn before the Agricultural Economics- Brooklyn; Eoss S. Anderson, Chevy Europe, is being considered by former Club; "Dwarfs and Giants" by Dr., Chase, Md.; Burnett L. Bear, Carlisle, members of the unit now in the Univer- Eugene F. DuBois, of the Medical Col- Pa.; Henry G. Brown, South Dayton; sity. Those who were associated with lege in New York, before the Sigma Xi Frank G. Trau, Waco, Texas; Walter L. Tinkham are asked to communicate with Society; "The Rise of Science in Chris- Cisler, Gradyville, Pa.; Samuel B. Gris- A. P. Taliaferro. tendom '' by Professor Burr, and *' The com, Salem, N. J.; Vivian S. Lawrence, THE FLYING CLUB held its second an- Rise and Fall of the Turkish Empire"" jr., Churchland, Va.; Kuo-Pao Pao, nual ball in the Old Armory on May 6. by Professor Schmidt in the series on Shanghai, China; William F. Eippe, Mt. Air-going decorations made the Armory the history of Civilization; "Alternat- Vernon; Leon B. Eosseau, Lyme, Conn. resemble the inside of a Government ing Current Automatic Block Signaling"' Alfred B. Walton, Woodhaven. ΐ)onald hangar, with a real plane from the Thom- by S. M. D.ay, principal assistant engi- W. Myrick, who died in the infirmary 011 as-Morse plant tethered in the corner. neer -of the General Railway Signal Com- March 31, was also elected to the society. pany, of Rochester, before the Ithaca THE DRAMATIC CLUB presented its last Section of the American Institute of DAYLIGHT SAVING from May 8 to Sep- group of players for the year on May 6.
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