Opinions expressedherein are those of the individual authors and do not necessar- ily representthe views of the TexasARM UniversitySea Grant College Program or the National SeaGrant Program.While specificproducts have been identified by namein various papers,this doesnot imply endorsementby the publishersor the sponsors. $20.00 TAMU-SG-89-1 05 Copies available from: 500 August 1989 Sca Grant College Program NA85AA-D-SG128 Texas ARM University A/I-I P.O. Box 1675 Galveston, Tex. 77553-1675 Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Biology, Conservation and Management ~88<!Mgpgyp Sponsors- ~88gf-,-.g,i " ' .Poslfpq National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fisheries Center Galveston Laboratory Departmentof Marine Biology Texas A&M University at Galveston October 1-4, 1985 Galveston, Texas Edited and updated by Charles W. Caillouet, Jr. National Marine Fisheries Service and Andre M. Landry, Jr. Texas A&M University at Galveston NATIONALSEA GRANT DEPOSITORY PELLLIBRARY BUILDING TAMU-~9 I05 URI,NARRAGANSETT BAYCAMPUS August 7989 NARRAGANSETI, R I02882 Publicationof this documentpartially supportedby Institutional GrantNo. NA85AA-D-SGI28to the TexasARM UniversitySea Grant CollegeProgram by the NationalSea Grant Program,National Oceanicand AtmosphericAdministration, Department of Commerce. jbr Carole Hoover Allen and HEART for dedicatedefforts tmuard Kemp'sridley sea turtle conservation Table of Conteuts .v Preface CharlesW. Caillouet,jr. and Andre M. Landry, Jr, Acknowledgements. vl SessionI -Historical Perspective, Trends and Opportunities inKemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Conservation and Management Internationalefforts in theconservation and management of Kemp's ridley sea turtle Lepidochelyskempi! ........1 jack B. Woody Mexico'scontribution to Kemp'sridley sea turtle recovery ..4 ReneMarquez Millan, Daniel Rios Olmeda, Jose Manuel Sanchez P.and juan Diaz TheNational Park Service's role in theintroduction of Kemp'sridley sea turtle 7 Milford R, Fletcher TheNational Marine Fisheries Service's Kemp's ridley sea turtle research and management .....,.................10 plan:progress and needs Charles A. Oravetz Questions and Answers. 14 S'essionII - Statusof Kemp'sRidley Sea Turtle Population Nestingpopulation and production ofhatchlings of Kemp's ridley sea turtle at Rancho Nuevo, .................... Tamaulipas, Mexico ReneMarquez Millan, Aristoteles Villanueva O. and Patrick M, Burchfield Questions and Answers .. 20 SessionIII - Publicand Private Participation in Kemp'sRidley SeaTurt! e Conservation Promotingconservation ofKemp's ridley sea turtle through pub}ic education . 22 Carole H. Allen and Albert L. Barr Therole of SeaTurtle Incorporated in Kemp's ridley sea turtle conservation and public awareness ..,........... 25 Ila M. Loetscher Fishingindustry perspective on conservationand management of sea turtles Ralph Rayburn TED- TrawlingEfficiency Device Turtle Excluder Device!: promoting its use 30 Wilber R. Seidel and Charles A. Oravetz TrawlingEfficiency Device acceptance anduse by Louisiana commercial shrilnpers 33 Paul D, Coreil Sea-AramaMarineworld and Kemp's ridley sea turtle: a lookinto thefuture 36 JohnM. Kerivan Questionsand Answers ~ """. ".~ ... -.....,.......40 SessionIV - Hazardsto and Strandingsof Kemp'sRidley Sea Turtle Trash,debris and human activities: potential hazards at seaand obstacles to, 42 Kemp'sridley seaturtle nesting AnthonyF. Amos Kemp'sridley sea turtle strandings along the Texas coast, 1983-19S5 .43 Robert G. Whistler Recentstrandings of seaturtles, cetaceans and birds in thevicinity of MustangIsland, Texas,...,.....,... 51 Anthony F. Amos Theeffects of petroleumon sea turtles: applicability to Kemp'sridley. 52 Peter L. Lutz and Molly Lutcavage TheCorpus Christi Bay Landmass Project: an example of NMFS'role in protectingmarine turtles ................55 via Section 7 of the Endangered SpeciesAct Paul W. Raymond Questions and Answers ............... 65 SessionV - Kemp'sRidley Sea Turtle HeadStart Research Standardoperating procedures for collectingKelnp's ridley sea turtle eggs for theHead Start Project ............67 PatrickM. Burchf1eldand F, jamesFoley Beachtemperature versus polystyrene foam box temperature in incubation of Kemp'sridley ........................... 71 sea turtle eggs RobertE. King 111 predictedsex ratios from theInternational Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Head Start Research project ....................77 ThaneR. Wibbels,Yuki A. Morris,David W. Owens, Gayle A. Dienberg,Julia Noell, JorgeK. Leong,Robert E. King andRend Marquez Millan An analysisof unhatchedKemp's ridley seaturtle eggs. ...............82 DonnaJ. Shaverand Allen H. Chancy A further evaluationof imprinting in Kemp'sridley seaturtle ..,........,....90 Mark A. Grassman and David W. Owens Kemp'sridley seaturtle headstart operations of theNMFS SEFC Galveston Laboratory 96 ClarkT. Fontaine,Theodore D. Williams,Sharon A. Manzellaand Charles W. Caillouet,Jr, Questions and Answers ...,, ........................................ ,.....................,..............................,111 SessionVI - Trackingand Distribution of Kemp'sRidley Sea Turtle Statusof satellitetracking of Kemp'sridley seaturtles 112 John O. Mysingand Thomas M. Vanselous Distributionof juvenileand subadult Kemp's ridley seaturtles: preliminary results . .................,....., 1 '16 from the 1984-1987surveys Lang H. Ogren Distribution,growth and survival of headstarted, tagged and released Kemp's ridley seaturtles ...........,..124 Lepidochelyskempi! from year-classes1978-'1 983 ClarkT. Fontaine, Sharon A. Manzella, Theodore D. William, Richard M. Harrisand William J. Browning Distributionand abundance of Kemp'sridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kenrpi, in ChesapeakeBay ................ 145 and nearbycoastal waters RichardA. Byles Dermatoglyphicpatterns on Kemp'sridley sea turtle flippers:can they be used to identifyindividuals? ......146 CharlesW. Caillouet,Jr,, DickieB. Revera,Marcel j. Duronsletand John Brucks Questionsand Answers 151 SessionVII - Kemp'sRidley Sea Turtle Data Base Management Captive-rearedKemp's ridley seaturtle database management , ,152 Dennis B, Koi Marineturtle data base management: National Marine Fisheries Service - Miami Laboratory ...,......,...........153 Barbara A, Schroeder SessionVIII - BiologicalInvestigations and Captive Breeding of Kemp'sRidley Sea Turtle Evolutionaryrelationships, osteology, morphology and zoogeography of Kemp's ridley sea turtle ...............157 Peter C. H. Pritchard Feeding,growth rate and survival of the1984 year-class of Kemp's ridley sea turtles Lepidochelys kempi! ....165 rearedin captivity CharlesW.Caillouet, Jr.,Sharon A,Manzella, Clark T. Fontaine, Theodore D.Williams, Marty G, Tyree and Dennis B. Koi Healthcare and diseases of captive-reared loggerhead and Kemp's ridley sea turtles 178 jorgeK, Leong,David L. Smith,Dickie B, Revera, Lt. John C. Clary I, DonahlH. Lewis,Janis L. Scott and Anthony R. DiNuzzo Carapacialscute variation in Kemp'sridley sea turtle Lepidochelyskempi! hatchlings and juveniles ..........,202 RodericB. Mast and john L. Carr Morphometryof captive-rearedKemp's ridley seaturtles 220 AndreM, Landry,Jr, A reporton attempts to breed Kemp's ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kerupi, in captivity... 232 Steven R. Rabalais, David W. Owens and Peter Thomas Attemptsat breedingKemp's ridley seaturtles at MiamiSeaquarium . 233 Timothy B, Bentley Captiverearing and breeding Kemp's ridley sea turtle at CaymanTurtle Farm 983! Ltd...............................237 JamesR, Wood and Fern E. Wood Questions and Answers 241 SessionIX - TheFuture for Kemp'sRidley Sea Turtle PanelDiscussion 244 Questionsand Answers 251 Appendix. -- -...........258 Acknow ledgetnents First International Symposium on Kernp's Ridley SeaTurtle Biology,Conservation and Management Program; CharlesW. Caiiiouet,Jr. and Andre M. Landry,JrCo-Chairmen Welcome: JaniceR. CoggeshaG,William H. Claytonand Edward F. Klirna Regt'strafionand Mailing: RhondaS. Elizondo,Sonia L. Ra!Is and Kelly Shoup Pubffcif y: JohnD. Merritt, CaroleH. Allen, Dana!d E.Pitts, Jr, and Dickie B. Revera Social Events: Carole H. Allen and Judith Wern Audio-Visual: John D. Mcrritt and JaneScheidler Refreshments: Sonia L. RaGsand JoNell Matthews Transportation: Donald E. Pitts, Jr., Kerry Stanleyand JamesWeikum SeaTurf le Head Start Research Facility Tour: Clark T. Fontaine, Theodore D. Williatr s and Sharon A, Manzella Housing: RandyCarr and JoNellMatthews Phofography: Daniel Patlan and John D. Merritt ProgramPrinting: William Gomez ProceedingsTyping: ClaraJ. Surberand LeslyeK. Vaught ProgramTyping: Beatrice W, Richardson and Rhonda S. Elizondo SessionCon veners: Edward F, Klima I!, JackB. Woody II!, CharlesA. Oravetz III!, Frank W. Judd IV!, PeterC.H. Pritchard V!, David B.Bowman VI!, StevenC. Rabalais VII!, RossWitham VIII! and Edward F. KIima IX! Panel Members: ReneMarq uez Millan, Charles A. Oravetz,Jack B. Woody, Milford R.Fletcher, CaroleH. Allen,Peter C. H. Pritchardanal Ralph Rayburn S yrnposiumSponsors: U.S.Department of Commcrce,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,National Marine Fishcrics Service, Southeast Fisheries Cen- ter,Galveston Laboratory and Texas ARM University at Galveston,Depart- ment of MarineBiology Confribufors HEART HelpEndangered Animals-Riley Turtles!;EXXON Houston,Tex.! and the Harris L. and Elira KempncrFoundation Beveragesand Snacks Mixer: Ila Loetscher,Sea Turtle Incorporated, South Padre Island, Tex. TexasStyle Barbecue and Tour: Sea-AramaMarineworld, Galveston,Tex. Beveragesand
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