IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations µg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter μm micrometer 1,1,1-trichloroethane methyl chloroform 1992 CO Plan 1992 Federal Attainment Plan for Carbon Monoxide 2003 AQMP 2003 Air Quality Management Plan 2012–2035 RTP/SCS 2012–2035 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy 2014 Update First Update to the Climate Change Scoping Plan: Building on the Framework 2016–2040 RTP/SCS 2016–2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy 9000 Building 9000 Sunset Boulevard office building AAM annual arithmetic mean AB 32 California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 AB Assembly Bill ACC advanced clean cars ACM asbestos-containing materials Action Plan California Water Action Plan ADT average daily traffic AEGL acute exposure guideline level AES Acoustical Engineering Services AFY acre-feet per year Air Basin South Coast Air Basin AQMP air quality management plan City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-1 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASHRAE American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers AST aboveground storage tanks ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials ATCM airborne toxic control measure AVO average vehicle occupancy Basin Plan Water Quality Control Plan, Los Angeles Region: Basin Plan for the Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles and Ventura Counties Basin Los Angeles Basin BAU business-as-usual BEMS building energy management system bgs beneath the ground surface BMP best management practice BOS Bureau of Sanitation BPMP bicycle and pedestrian mobility plan C&D construction and demolition C2F6 hexafluoroethane C2H4F2 1,1-Difluoroethane C2H6 ethane CA FID UST California Facility Inventory Database CAA Federal Clean Air Act CAAQS California Ambient Air Quality Standards CAFE corporate average fuel economy CalEEMod California Emissions Estimator Model CalEPA California Environmental Protection Agency CALGreen Code California Green Building Standards Code CALINE4 California Line Source Dispersion Model 4 CalRecycle California Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-2 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations Caltrans California Department of Transportation CAP climate action plan CAPCOA California Air Pollution Control Officers Association CARB California Air Resources Board CAT California Climate Action Team CBC California Building Code CCAA California Clean Air Act CCR California Code of Regulations CEC California Energy Commission CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CEUS California commercial end-use survey cf cubic feet CF4 tetrafluoromethane CFCs chlorofluorocarbons CFR Code of Federal Regulations cfs cubic feet per second CGS California Geological Survey CH2FCF3 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane CH4 methane CHF3 Fluoroform City City of West Hollywood CityLine West Hollywood CityLine service Climate Registry California Climate Action Registry CMP congestion management program CNEL community noise equivalent level CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-3 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations Commission California Seismic Safety Commission COPPS Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design CPUC California Public Utilities Commission CTR California Toxics Rule CVC California Vehicle Code CWA Clean Water Act cy cubic yards D/C demand-to-capacity dB decibel DDT dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DHS Department of Health Services DOGGR California State Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources DPM diesel particulate matter Draft EA draft environmental analysis DTSC Department of Toxic Substances Control DWR Department of Water Resources ECP erosion control plan EIR environmental impact report EISA Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 EMFAC EMission FACtors EMS emergency medical services Energy Memo 8920 Sunset—Energy Requirements ENVIROSTOR DTSC Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse database ESA California Emergency Services Act 2015 Edition (in Section IV.I.2, Public Services—Fire Protection) ESA environmental site assessment (in Section IV.E, Hazards and Hazardous Materials) EWMP enhanced watershed management program City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-4 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations FAR floor area ratio FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA Federal Highway Administration FTA Federal Transit Administration General Plan West Hollywood General Plan 2035 GHG greenhouse gas gpd gallons per day gpm gallons per minute GWh gigawatt-hours GWP global warming potential H2S hydrogen sulfide HAP hazardous air pollutant Harbor Freeway Interstate 110 HCM Highway Capacity Manual HFCs hydrofluorocarbons HHMD Health Hazardous Material Division HIST CORTESE Historical “Cortese” Hazardous Waste & Substances Sites List HIST UST Historical UST Registered Database HQTA high-quality transit area HRA health risk assessment HREC historical recognized environmental condition HSC California Health and Safety Code HTP Hyperion Treatment Plant HVAC heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning I-10 Interstate 10 I-110 Interstate 110 I-405 Interstate 405 ICU intersection capacity utilization City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-5 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations IP Internet protocol IPCC United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IRC infrastructure, resources, and conservation IRP integrated resources plan ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers kBTU thousand British thermal units kWh kilowatt-hour LACDPW Los Angeles County Department of Public Works LACFC Los Angeles County Fire Code LACFD Los Angeles County Fire Department LACSD Los Angeles County Sanitation District (in Section IV.K.3, Utilities and Service Systems—Solid Waste) LACSD Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department (in Section IV.I.1, Public Services—Sheriff Protection) LARWQCB Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board LAUSD Los Angeles Unified School District LBP lead-based paint LCFS low carbon fuel standard Ldn day/night average sound level LED light-emitting diode LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Leq equivalent sound level LEV low-emission vehicle LID low impact development LID Manual low impact development manual LID Plan low impact development plan Lmax maximum sound level Ln statistical sound level LOS level of service City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-6 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations LST localized significance threshold LSWPPP local stormwater pollution prevention plan LUST leaking underground storage tank MCE maximum considered earthquake MCL maximum contaminants level Metro Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority mg/L milligrams per liter MMBtu million British thermal units mpg miles per gallon mph miles per hour MPO metropolitan planning organization MRR California Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System MTCO2e metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent MW megawatt MWD Metropolitan Water District of Southern California MWh megawatt-hour N2O nitrous oxide NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standard NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NF3 nitrogen trifluoride NFPA National Fire Protection Association NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NO nitric oxide NO2 nitrogen dioxide NOI notice of intent NOP notice of preparation City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-7 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations NOX nitrogen oxides NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System O3 ozone OEHHA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment OPR Governor’s Office of Planning and Research OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration Pb lead PCB polychlorinated biphenyls PCE perchloroethylene PDR preliminary design report PDT Pacific Daylight Time PFCs perfluorocarbons PHEV plug-in hybrid electric vehicles PM10 respirable particulate matter less than 10 microns PM2.5 fine particulate matter less than 2.5 microns ppm parts per million PPV peak particle velocity PRC Public Resources Code Proposed 2017 Update 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan Update: The Proposed Strategy for Achieving California’s 2030 Greenhouse Gas Target psi pounds per square inch PST Pacific Standard Time PVC polyvinyl chloride RASS California residential appliance saturation survey RCP regional comprehensive plan RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCRA-CESQG RCRA conditionally exempt small quantity generators RCRA-LQG RCRA large quantity generator City of West Hollywood Arts Club SCH No. 2016041061 September 2017 Page IX-8 IX. Acronyms and Abbreviations RCRA-NonGen/NLR RCRA non generators RCRA-SQG RCRA small quantity generator REC recognized environmental condition Regional UWMP 2015 Regional Urban Water Management Plan RFS renewable fuel standard RMS root-mean square ROG reactive organic compounds RPS California Renewables Portfolio Standard RTP regional transportation plan RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SB 743 Senate Bill 743 SB Senate Bill SCAG Southern California Association of Governments SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SCE Southern California Edison SCS sustainable community strategy SEMS standardized emergency management system Sewer Report Sewer Capacity Study
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