, iast hurrah for rhe \ \SL as membership could make would not have helped the situation. In the . to nine uiih :te cemise of Team "eams end chicago Sting and roronto Blizzard met -ontreal Manic and Seattle Sounders. The in the final. Fort was played in Chicago with : franchise moved to Minnesota. Tl.^lt1r:fe the Sting winnin! z-,1 rn the second, played rtowl, the single game .and at Toronto's Varsity Stadium] showpiece final. rr as dropped Chicago took a 2-0 lead li raced with a best-of-three before the Blizzard came storming final series. in rfr. irop. back to tie the score lha. arger crowds at 2-2. Seconds tatei Chicago U.otE would result from having the contenders away to score :,,,,' g at home. the winner and take the NASL iitle back to the 'Windy City'for the second time. '- Jrtunately, by that time any changes that the NASL As it turned out it was to be the final NASL game. Final League Tables and Statistics ! {- ER\ DI\'ISION P w L For Ag pts Play-offs Semi-finals 1'.--: 24 l3 11 50 49 120 - - " b .zzata Sept 18, 1984 Chicago St.ing_0: Vancouver ': 24 t4 10 46 33 117 Whitecaps I (OT) \::; CrrSITloS ,:r- 24 l3 rl 43 42 lt5 [..:,:. 8. Rou Sept 23, tnro u""."r$ir!$"i,?33lps dies 24 9 15 43 6t 87 t: chicago Sting 3 \1'I Sept 28, ua+ crricafTJ,6;llV';l.ouver !R\ DI'ISION P W L For Ag pts whitecaps 3 San go Sockers 24 14 10 51 42 118 Sept 18, le84 San Vanc .,n er \\'hitecaos ,oror,,o Btizzard2 24 13 ll 51 48 117 Minnesota Strikers' "t$t::i,*.-.:',, 24 14 t0 40 115 sept 21, rss+ ro.onlinrtil3:'i:rr"n Tulsa Roughnecks 44 Diego sockers 0 24 l0 t4 42 46 98 (in Toronto) Golden Bay Earthquakes 24 8166162 95 Championship Series 84 Based - on six points for win plus one for each goal to a -a -p-oint up Oct I, 1984 Chicago Sting 2: Toronto .maximum of three ?er tiam. A i|_minute sudden_death Blizzard 1 gyelime period was ptayed if th;;;o;; ;;r-iiii"urtr, 90 minutes. oct 3, 1e84 r"."JTutl#:,T)z: If ,he,game was stiti tii,a ti, oiliii'iii'iJria"a chicago Sting 3 No by a shoot_ (rn loronto) ?!1. bo.nus points awarded ro, giuir-r"Jrii o.r"rt;ii"i, :\; team shoot-out goal. i, Four poi,fis awiriri fo, u in'.ii_o"r', Leading Scorers Pld Gls Ast Pts Slavisa Lungul (Golden Bay.1 24 20 l0 50 Branko Segota (Golden Bay) 24 Ron Futcher (Tulsa) l8 11 4l 23 44 Karl-Hei nz Granitza (Chicago) 18 8 24 41 Peter Ward (Vancouver) t6 12 24 16 I0 42 Ade Coker (San Dieeo) 2216 7 39 David Byrne lToronio) 20 12 Alan Willey (Minnesota) 13 3; 24 15 4 34 Jean Willrich lSan Diego) 22 Roberto Bettega 520 30 lToroiro) 23 29 Pato Margetic (Chicago) 813 23 714 2E Former Nottingham Forest stiker Peter Ward w-as a born Ward initiaily .uai ii i'uk, intyLnelrandm Englandtngtand. withwtth Brighton,Brtghton, scoringscoring /9 goals in 172 games and makinl one substitute appearance for rh] England naiional side z Jlloil?hi 'uolu?us z-t ,r (E) oluorol t Pfou I-Z ,\\ (q oluoroJ I ]co seio)l 'sztrwJ0 'Z t-f ,r Je^nocu"A 8z z ?zlruEJc I-t l!\ (€) re^nocu"A ez r-0'r (q) re^noJu"A 8l toes sgo-.{u14 sztruEJo 0-[ /d {ro^ aeN El x 'oquru3s z-€ A{ (?) IL oquruas'?zlruBrc'uolu€urs I-€ ld (r{) rs^nocuE^ t n-o 1 u z-t 'I oluoJol zz ezlruErc +z-l -I (€) eslnl 9l '.qnqqrsor\i +?-E iA (€) J3^noJu?A zl ezlru?lc ulatsrEl I qcsqqcsel,4l 9-€ 'I ueploc 8 z oquruas'Bzlru?rc'orruoJ u-? i[ (q) uaploc Iz oquruss 'srruoJ I-z ,^[ (") zezltuEtu E-z -l z-0 -l oluoroJ t I-0 'I (e) re^noruB^ /Z oquruss 0-l i oluoro.L tz IroI aoN zz oquues'ezlru?rc'ouu0c z-€ a (q) €slnf Il r?rjuoJ 8tt'8 ?zlrwro *t-z -l o8ero ues t l oqurues 'ezlru?rc 'u w 'r{cBqrlcssl I 0-s /!\ ) IroA e.N 6 ,Lt 8 BZIusrC'Z uualc z-€ /t\ 820'01 z-o 1 Eg "ou"I I l'IO.OI z-€ ,{\ usploc ,z PZlrwJc 'uualc *z-€ 1!\ ) "sFr sz osuolv'Ezlruuo I-Z ,^[ (q Bloseuurw 6l ?gFsqigEFg#g;?r?aas= = ; 7= ; g sllnsolf ""t'e1ilfi E's ;;9<Ei i3; =€*E'; vg6f 'srou{lI 'o8€crqJ 'pJerg ,{al8u6\ pu€ Ued ,{a{sruoJ :sunrpels 'selels pelrun /fwureC lso^[ f,oX . llrr,t\ :q*oC ptegplht € € 0 S I I 0 9 Z9I00Z ep?ue3/pu"tlorst d::og',{er|) 1 L t z I I I I rr ptsuptht 9990€I EIII{C 6 f,uu?I,^l's"[ox s 0 0 0 v OI epueJeo /9 €0 rI p"pruul I uap,{eg'tqtruy J ! ! I ----Filo=;I; I I 0 L repueJed lS I0 lZ V S n /fu"ureo lsal b t 0 I gz / 8 [z prperoc 6tl0 t p8nuod/?loauv € oqurues d 0 0 I 0 0 0 9 JapueJ?e 7,9zI tz llleH gz zldrc-nar.qr€,rl o I u 0 t t t O 6t p:e.trol tglor€Z LItSp:e.@-----trctu-osul ZI 9 t 9 nn ZI 9I n7. pr?Nol I9 lI I ,{u€ureC lsald ZI zuraH_Fs) ?ztruErC { I I 9 S gZ VI L t7. Dr"rrol 09 S0 LI eurtua8rv 0l ored lrlaArEN I .V'S'N 0 I s t 0 z 9r p,;r-rplt\ 8s zt 8 II {r?I{'uorueurs t t 0 tr pt.r_rplt\ l9 E0 t 'vsn 6 ;IiIEUJ'SNIIEJ q 0 0 t 9 0 t !i 9i€ trrol 69 90 / I y u.qou i:?q fr!: z -0-- -----SnFproJ 9l l\ 0 0 0 z ,I r E .: f,js uol 69 60 1 dtffia oz f r:4o] l 0 0__!___!____!_ J_= :::u:,I:C ;; I0 I spu"lsl IeuuPqJ 9 ...:C :.srH ! I 09s I I 'r r ::lu:Jac 29 90 I€ v s n 9t r_l rj:\ t 09 I 0sti i sra,{eld vg6T h } fuJl^s ONIIIS -l/f,rT{J oSYfrr{f GOLDE,N BAY KE,S 4984 Players C No. Born/Citizen Binhdare Position a Irwin, Bill 3l Northem Ireland/U.S.A !- Litt. Steve 5 England 21.05.54 Defender c Keri, Mih l4 Yugoslavia 15.01.51 Defender 4 Knisht. Havden 17 U.S.A 17.03.57 Defender e Katak l9 Canada 19.01.62 Defender f Hunrer, Mike 3 U.S.A 30.09.58 Defender ,M Chile 13.06.55 Mid :h Cuellar. Leonardo [2 Mexico 14.01.52 Midfield I Clavijo, Fernando I 23.01.57 Midheld -J Goossens, Jan l0 Holland 18.12.58 Forwad k I, Slavisa ll Yusoslavia 28.07.54 Forward t- Branko 20 Yugoslavia/Canada 8.06.61 Forward m Schultz, Tim 25 U.S.A. 1.03.62 Midfield n Bartro, Tim I8 U.S.A 3.08.64 Forward o Vrablic. 23 Czech.lCanad,a 19.07.64 Foruad 26 18.07.62 Defender 8t46 6 Canada 25.12.59 Midfield 2t237 22 U.S.A. 2.11.60 Defender 17000 s Rigby, Bob I U.S.A 2.11.60 Goa 3000 t Fajkus, Charlie 4 U.S.A. 4.03.57 Midfield u Alonso. Ricardo l7 Arsentina 21.03.57 Forward 5215 l6 26.10.59 Forward 8 3 5 lr Coach: Dragan Popovic Yugoslavia. - Stadium: Spartan Stadium, San Jose, Californr: l:- fi , Elz o - - 1984 Results >-: o tr d 5 .$iE€ HFifr ss fl r!**** E \./ LJ (., N cA U) CQ > I (, @ssgi &tL < ! :r L 2-3+ Hunter. ar L 3-5 l-1 \eu Yori ih) L 1-3 Rojtr I j_3 zt rutsa \a) L Segora 6.g03 q _ . :O fa.pa nuy tt' ? July + tampa nay ru 6 I utsa (h) W 4-l Goossens 2. Zungul. Vrablic t? t+ Minn"sotu 13 2l Clicago (a) L 24 Sesota,AtoN 14 25 Tulsa (h) L t-3 tS .que 8 Ct'icago ( i6 12Toronto (a) t :-S Swotu:t 1? I A V"r"""*r tLt l 22 Vancouver t9 25jo.onto 4 !"pt I Minnesota tut W Z-i 3NewYork (h) L 34 Cl"ui;o,-ffi 23 8 San Diego (h) L l-2 Cuelkr t2NewYork (a) W l{ Ingram 7,5E1 t-0 I (q) oSeIC u"S tl ta rellI^{ 'uPg I-e ,\\ (€) ra^norw^ 8 te Z{ 1 (€) otuorol € ZZ €stnl 9z 0z Bslnl zz 6l 'qEg +tt ,rA {ro^ aeN 6[ 8l oluorol il LI {ro^ aeN 0I dnv gl saujJ?f t-t -I (e) [aFiil'oEg *Z-[ A{ Je^nocu€A Jz I8I 'lTI 'uleg +Z-€ ,^A ppu ftr A\ {ro^ aoN 0€ 0l 'PPDI +t-Z -I (") ro^notw^ tZ 6 -1 (q ZtE'Zl e PPU'frilIA\ *t-f U?S 91 8 urploc 8 t_ oluoJol e omf 9 ppu Gr ,\\ (q) f"g 8Z S "du"Iws9z , oql{og z-I 'I r9 r gFgf gSrFJ ^?ht 6 5 FFf*.i:g,e EE ESHvq gl Fi 6'g i c 36'9l - 3g 9q 36' sllnseu Eu- ='' -:!-"5 "'PF5 3-5 ;+€o=.
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