rOB-ACST TSMPESATV-aS Ftlr tonltht aaa Tue*__*t cooler to­ High fl (put St hour*. S a. a.) Low tl night: moderate northwest wind* att ahore. 8 A. M. READINGS IH OTHER CTTt-S OCEAN TIDES Los Anteles Mi Salt Lake Clt» __SS Hlth Low Tampa 70l Denver St Pittsburgh 42|New York tt I:t9 a.m.; 10:01 p.m.,l:!4 ».m.; 3:49 p.m. Oe* Moines 54; Kansas City 62 am USES I KFH SETS EVE LOOM New Orleans wa*" Frtneiaco — • 08 o'clock MS o'clock Boston tllNew Tork , „ «« Devoted to Developing the Great Bay District Member Associated Preaa—Established Oct IS* 1875 VOLUME LVH NUMBER 259 SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1931 PRICE TWO. CENTS ARREST OF MURDER SUSPECT'S HUSBAND ORDERED! Wins New Delay Has Close Call Weds Film Star Deferred Pledge Plans for World Here's How You Mrs. Judd, in Grip of Terror, Near Plan Stressed in Stability Born of Mav Have to Aid Collapse in Court as Counsel Splits Appeal (or Funds War Debt Parley States Jobless During Fugitive Warrant Hearing Chest Matt Fill Coffers Hoover-Laval Conference List Luxuries Taxed Under to Adequately Cere Raises German, French Proposed Law to Levy Wife, Secretary el Clinic Buron Fitts Aids Arizona for Unemployed Hopes of Recovery on Retail Sales Doctor Face Quizzing on Officers in Demand for Their Alleged Hunt for Immediate Extradition of Deferred payment pledges WASHINGTON, Oet 26 SACRAMENTO, Oct. 26 Notes in Death Cottage Confessed Phoenix Killer to cover the $23,000 yet need­ (AP)—A new deal to lighten (UP)—If California decides to ed to fill Santa Monica's Com­ the world's enormous budget impose a sales tax on luxuries munity Chest were being of war .debts and reparations or semi-luxuries, as proposed sought today from hundreds became the next goal of inter­ by members of the state BULLETIN of Santa Monica citizens who have national statesmen today as Pre­ legislature, youll contribute toward Arrest ef Dr. William C. Judd, husband of Winnie Rath not yet given their share to tttt mier Laval, of France, sped home­ unemployment relief every time you city's fund for unemployment relief, ward after his conferences with smoke a clgaret or go to the movies. v Judd, confessed "trunk killer," this afternoon was ordered welfare work, and character build­ President Hoover. Here Are Prieee ^: . vf on a complaint charging him with practicing medicine ing. A specific program of reduction, Prices to be paid on weU known without a license. The complaint against the physician, Arrangements were made by born of a French-American agree­ "staples" with the minimum pro­ an admitted narcotic user, was Issued by the city prose­ chest officials today to publish be­ ment for united effort toward world posed tax added would be: cutor's office at the request of Albert Carter, special agent fore the close of the week a com­ stability, was discussed by toe two Ruth Nichols barely escaped Popular brands of. cigarets—17 plete list of all those who have giv­ leaders and now will be put to the with her life today when her cents a package (tax $1 per $1,000. for the state board of medical examiners. A warrant for en $25 or more to the chest. test of practical application. plane burst into flames as toe Pour of your favorite nickel arrest of the physician was issued at once. The charge, it Urge Deferred Pledgee First Move Germany's opened the throttle preparatory cigars—21 cents. Leaders directing the drive say The initiative is to be left to Ger­ to a start for New Tone from A package of chewing gum—6 '•?*••'*•,:<$. was disclosed, grew eet of the physician's "alibi" at the time they would rather get a deferred many, who is expected to ask soon Louisville, Ky. She jumped, but cents. it had been reported he might have been In Phoenix at the pledge for $25, payable in install­ for relief from her reparations. toe plane was destroyed. A four-bit movie—53 cents. ments convenient to the donor, than A 25-cent bottle of ginger ale— : :mr'--.m^ time hto wife shot and killed Mrs. Agnes Anne Le Rol and France is expected to agree, provid­ Au.rt.tt4 *rtn Phot. a casta contribution of $10 from the Al Capone won a temporary ed the war debts are readjusted, and 27 cents. Miss Hedvig Samuelson. same person. Persons who have A 50-cent package of malt—60 Winifred Coe of San Fran­ delay tn his scheduled trip to the United States is ready to con­ cents (flat tax of 10 cents per given less than a day's wages or one Leavenworth penitentiary today sider proposals for such a readjust­ cisco (above) was quietly mar­ day's Income are asked to increase when the Chicago circuit court ment. package. HOENIX, AliS., Oct. 26 the amount of their gift to at least Aviatrix Escapes Beauty Aids Listed ried to Richard Dix last week, OS ANOELES, Oct. M of appeals announced that it that sum, in order to make sura Neither Mr. Hoover nor M. Laval Lipstick, faee powder, beauty the ceremony taking place ln (UP)—That Miss Evelyn (UP)—Ih Che first ef the would decide on a plea for a writ was in a position to commit his that the city's unemployed ade­ of supersedeas tomorrow. creams and lotions, eyebrow pencil's Yuma, Arts. P Nace, secretary to Dr. W. L many court appearances quately will be cared for this winter. government definitely, Any cur­ and all Milady's cosmetics would fall Cheat workers are emphasizing tailment of war debts owed tbs under the proposed tax of 5 per O. Sweek, chief surgeon at the she will have to make ln fac- United States eventually must have Death in Flames cent. continuously tin fact that a sacri­ the approval of congress, where toe Orunow Memorial clinic,Ung the charge that she mur­ fice ia needed to make possible an opposition already ls preparing to Emphasizing the fact that he was knows more than she . dered two of her girl adequate relief program this year. Needle Guild to give battle. Tbe French parliament Ruth Nichols' Airplane not advocating any one of the vari­ Ganton to Sing has so far divulged I friends, Winnie Ruth They realise that it may be difficult might veto any cut in German rep­ ous proposed sales taxes, Rolland A. about the events ( Judd was arraigned for many to make a large cash con­ arations. Destroyed by File et Vandergrift, state director of leading up to the dou- I here today on a fugi­ tribution Just at this time and urge finance, estimated toe amounts to ble "trunk murder," I tive warrant. tbs use of the deferred payment Both president and premier, how­ Louisville Airport te yielded annually under the vari­ for which Mrs. Win- | ever, rely apparently on the force ous taxes as follows: The arraignment plan, by which tha donor meets his At Civic Dinner nie Ruth Judd, now \ was a mere formality Collect Clothes Of circumstances and toe appeal of Cigarets, $5,000,000. pledge in installments. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Oct. 26 (.I'"— being held In Los An- 1 to place her in tas Thus far only 60 persons have economic betterment to carry toe Ruth Nichols' monoplane caught Theater and other amusement geles, has confessed, ls . point. tickets, $3,000,000. jurisdiction of the given $100 or more to the chest fire today as she was warming up belief of John Brink- | Los Angelea courts, fund, whereas it is believed that New Garments Solicited Cigars, smoking and chewing Pioneer Days Theme Song Laval Firm on Armaments to take off for New York and she tobacco and snuff (5 per cent), erhoff, chief investi­ but Mrs. Judd acted for a dty of Santa Monica's wealth by Women Who Sew Only vague possibilities appeared barely leaped from a window of the to Be Heard Again gator fog the Marico­ aa if her trial for the there should be at least 250 or 300 $2,500,000. today that toe war debt cut would cockpit ln time to escape toe flames. Intrastate stock transfers, 31.- pa county attorney's slayings Of Miss Hed­ persons giving that amount. for Poor Families be accompanied by that reduction The young aviatrix half stumbled et Chamber Event office. vig Samuelson and New Pledge Card 255.000. of armaments so much desired by as Ste reached the ground, but me­ Bottled, carbonated and cereal Br inker hoff ex­ Mrs. Agnes Le Rol For the convenience of those who in recognition of a need that is President Hoover, From first to The theme song of the pioneer pressed surprise this was starting. chanics grabbed bar and hustled beverages. $527,300. days pageant, "Watching and Wait­ have not yet given, or those who far greater this year than ever be­ last Premier Laval stood firm that her away from the fiery plane be­ Cosmetics, $375,000. morning when in­ Very Nervous wish to increase the amounts of fore, members of the Santa Monica France must remain armed until ing," which was first sung during formed by the United branch of the Needlework Guild of fore she was hurt. The plane was Malt extracts (10 cents a pack­ the 1931 Pioneer Days celebration in She was very ner­ their pledges, a pledge card is being she has a better guarantee of secur­ reported almost a total loss. age), $200,000. Press that Miss Nace vous, tbe first time printed in tonight's edition of the America are concentrating their ity.
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