g—I SPORT BROWN BOMBER HAD EVERYTHING TO LOSE, SLANTS NOTHING TO GAIN IN MOST RECENT BOUT By “Melancholy” Jones Joe Louis Proves Greatest Famous Washington, D. C., Sports Editor Noted White Sports Writer Shirley Povich, Object Of Verbal Siege Gambler Of All Times Risking For Alleged Belittlement Of Joe Louis Says Roxborough 'Made' Joe GEORGE W. DAVIS, former Atlantan now residing in Washington, D. C., who used to be one of the better known Title To Baer, Mose Says figures in the Gate City contract bridge circles, writes a let- Louis But Himself BY ALVIN MOSES inducted ter Tripped I the Champion into the how I serve my country, all I know to the column in which he encloses a readable | very (ANP Feature Writer) armed forces a few hours after he Is....I am ready to serve.” from BOSTON—(ANP)— Probably the | ( clipping the Washington POST, \2, 1942. NEW YORK CITY—Tlie greatest had successfully defended: his lau- To the editorial writing fratern- January best tribute yet paid by a white j gambler of all times is the title rels. His pictures was spread over ity, many of whom design it a rank The bears the writer to the part John Roxbor- clipping sports column, “THIS MORN heavyweight king Joe Louis an- the back page of a local daily with sin to speak only to the..CABOTS ough played in putting across Joe Gene Meet Out Of ING,” Povich, POST Joe, Ring swers to today. For no fighting the largest circulation (daily and or the LOWELLS (when God Is by Shirley sports editor, who is the- ob- Louis, only to be trapped himself, of monarch in the annals of fistiana Sunday) of any paper in Ameri- too busy to interview them), we ject a vitriolic verbal barrage from an irate reader re was contaimied in an article by has ever risked for absolutely no ca. Local radio commentators told want to just this: senting Mr. belittlement of Bill Cunningham appearing Wed- say Povich’s-alleged World Heavy- monetary return a prize so valu- how Joe would be a morale officer “The ageless fight of the Negro nesday in the Boston Herald. weight Champion Joe Louis. able as the one Joe has pLaced in- with headquarters at hi) Church disfranchisement in these often Headed, “Note of Irony in Louis St., to the ‘big business’ category. this city. divided states of America WILL Saga,” Cunningham’s article said: Last time out, a guest column on Joe Louis was carried Stacked against Buddy Bear the were not. to make NEVER BE WON OR LOST IN “The Joe Louis saga goes ahead They going here. It was the of burliest man_the prizering has him a lieutenant commander (no- A PRIZERING. ...just think over i authorship Wittie Anna Biggins, sec- to write itself now in Red, White known save_John had been done in the before off ill-advised rotary of the Howard Summer and Blue instead of the old black Freeman, [suh)....as you get your | University Session, Washing- white of the middle 19th cen- case of that Marine of and blue in giant I fighting editorials.” and now a resident of There’fc nothing 1 ton., New York City. Miss Biggins is tuiy, Louis sent, close to 19,000 per- other war former and we do not mean sports history to match it and | days, champion Negroes, an erstwhile to General of sons into a of excitemen Gene don't AMERICA ALONE, but ; secretary Manager C. A. Scott nothing the words of a sports frenzy Tunney. Things just foreign- as he duplicated bis savage assault happen that way for members of born must the the Atlanta DAILA WORLD. The column was a masterful writer can add to it. As a piece of Negroes also, in post of Max Schmeling. bruited about minority groups, as war days that will follow present editorial on Joe Louis and scenery, it’s like standing on the Democracy. Other members of the so called we have said before.... and will a front is ac- brink of the Grand Canyon for united if this to be intelligentsia who happen not to continue to say. complished. We must see that Today, we present the clipped column of the first time, reft of wrords; or sports Shirley be writers were inclined to But—“Joe as Wendill ! can 13 of us even measure the speak Looey” never again million Povich, as submitted thoughts, to by palsy-walsy George Spencer in terms Willkie his name—had outlawed a handful of Ne- Davis, magnificance. If some flathead uncjttmplimentary about pronounced be by fhe old card deluxe. to the unschooled boss. signed up with Col. H. in the ranks analyst It is believed be an engag- from Brooklyn shifts a cigarette heavyweight Clay Suo-j grophobes of organ- “What do you of a brutal plee, morale officer of the Second ized is ing piece of subscriber bait. Here goes: and says ‘Gee, ain’t it lovely?’ you expect labor. That, if Jew-baiting prizefighter!?... what’s he got to Corps area. He had answered the! a. crime feel like conking her with a pike punishable here, Negro think with “We do call of the as he had_the DEMPSEY VS. LOUIS BY MAIL pole and throwing her in. anyway? expect bugle bating, lynching and jim crowism, I more out of Roxborough anti ominous clang of the prize ring are also outmoded American Insti- I am a liar. So says, Mr. Hickey McIntosh, of 409 Oak- “So far as our particular fields Black_they’re highly trained bell. Then the newspaper’s most tutions. That, it shall not happen of endeavor go, this rep do they permit Louis serious competitor,.. .the radio,, that an Aerican like dale Place Northwest, with ungentle stroke of his which splendid men....why outstanding pen resentative of a patient and long- to lend hhnseljf to this oottjige told the countryside how the Chi- —MAYOR FIORELLO H. LA- at drips anger our suggestion that Jack Dempsey would suffering people stands out there that only a Negro would think of cago draft board was sulking over GUARDIA extols the Negro mi- have beaten Joe Louis if they had been prize ring contemp- now where no man of any race has doing?” These and similar remarks what ‘them New York smartaleet s’ nority of this nation over Wings ever stood. In terms of jobs done, poured into Louis' camp, as well as had gone and done with their Over Jordan radio program as oraries. And somewhere in this paragraph we seem to j no heavyweight champion in his- over the teacups of the “Black Joe Louis! he did a have tied the record for Sunday, fortnight, ago, nonestop subjunctives. I ory has come even close to his Aristocracy.” A phone call by New York of- while that same Sunday, the ; record as a prizefighter. None be- Now that the Bear-Louis fight ficials would have prevented the N. Y. Daily News carries a story Anyway, our correspondent warms to the short and up ; fore ever gave his entire share of | has drifted into the limbo of yes- Chicago board from making a about three Negro soldiers being ugly word by addressing us as “Dear Mr. Povich, I am ! any purse to a national cause. terday, one phase of the liappen- “cause celebre” out of Louis’ in- shot by a white M. P. in Alexan- afraid your vision of a fight between Joe Louis and Jack | None before ever enlisted in the ings directly after the struggle duction into the service... don’t dria, La???? Joe Louis, executed United States Army in time of war, annoys us greatly. Suppose we re- you agree with me? a grand job. For our children of Dempsey in your column of January 12, is so blocked with j carrying the title with him. fer to it as ‘‘A Tale of Two How many times has the modest future generations, let us do like- white supremacy that it is sickening.” • Louis stated for “Nor does this seem to oe all in | Cities”, and terribly-proud wise NOW and AFTER PEACE the case of Joe Louis. He appears New York Draft board officials publication, “I’m not concerned just: COMES. We had an idea we’d hear about that 12 !__ __ _____ _____ January piece. to hav3 told New York newspaper In fact, it was with some trepidation that we opened the men that he’s no longer interested morning mail, and we weren’t disappointed. By mail we i.n fighting for personal gain but that he’s anxious new to fight at I were accused of (1) being a dope, (2) a no-account, (3) a least twice more for the armed Joe Jeanette Knocked Down and 5 and lousy fright expert (4. 6) prejudice. However, sendees of the nation. He’d like, Tough | Mr. McIntosh incorporates most of the charges in his lone he said, to fight the best man | reply, and we pass it on: available in the New York Garden in March, and give his end of the “You said that Dempsey proved the point of being the money to the army, as he gave his Lieut. Comm. Tunney, Lieut. Comm. Tuthill and Joe Louis 31 Times recent winnings to the navy. And By McVey—Fleischer back into | best fighter by climbing the ring after Firpo Past and present heavyweight champion* meet in New York then, come summer, he said, he’d boxing By ALVIN MOSES officiate for the Adam Flat American Indian as those of Joe knocked him out.
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