1 Getting to know your parish Research & What is this spotlight? Contents Statistics This short spotlight brings together a range of information about your parish, 1. Summary: a brief overview of your parish, including what look to be 5 of both in terms of your congregations, but also the wider community living in the most pressing social issues in your area your area. It covers areas such as Christian affiliation, population age and ethnicity profiles, household structures, deprivation, employment, schools 2. Age: age profile of your community and qualifications, alongside church statistics such as attendance and giving. 3. Ethnicity: ethnicity profile of your community How should I use it? 4. Integration: English language speaking and length of UK residency in your This spotlight is not an end in itself, but rather a starting place for you to community explore further. You may want to discuss it at a PCC meeting or with leadership teams. We’ve included some questions on each page to help you 5. Religious affiliation: religious affiliation in your community to think about the information, however some things will be of more relevance in some areas than others, and these are just suggestions to get 6. Households: families, dependents, one person households, temporary you started. We’ve also included some bigger questions about what to do residents and housing tenure next at the end of the spotlight on page 17. There’s space for you to write some notes here. It might be helpful to write a short paragraph to 7. Marital and civil partnership status summarise your community profile or note down anything that has struck you as particularly important. There are also details at the end for where 8. Employment: occupations, benefits and mobility in your community you can find further information should you want to dig a little deeper. 9. Education: CofE schools and qualification levels in your community Questions 10. Health: people with health problems and carers in your community There is information at the end of the spotlight about where this data comes from and how it was calculated. If you have any further queries then please 11. Deprivation: different types of deprivation in your community do contact the Research and Statistics team at [email protected] Warlingham/ Chelsham & Farleigh 2 Parish of: Warlingham/ Chelsham & Farleigh Research Parish Code: 370105 & PARISH OVERVIEW Statistics Deanery CATERHAM Archdeaconry REIGATE Diocese Southwark Included Churches 637105 Warlingham: All Saints Parishioners at glance Population 20013 6,900 Age Profile (20112) 20112 6,700 Parish Proportion Christian 0-4 5% 20013 78% 5-15 11% Fresh Expressions Sorry, no Fresh Expressions listed for this parish. 20112 66% 16-64 62% Age Group 65 + 21% Issues to look out for in your parish Annual Parochial Returns Environment 300 1 250 Highest Male Life expectancy 200 week 150 Average 100 Lowest Attendance 50 Week October Weekly October Weekly 0 Crime & Disorder 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 Tax Efficient Planned 2011 Electoral 2011 Parish Benefit Claiming 1 1 1 Giving/person/week Roll Share Paid Warlingham/ £14 86 £24,174 Education Chelsham & Farleigh 3 Demographics: AGE PROFILE AND ATTENDANCE AT SERVICES Research 3 2 & Age profile of parish populations 2001 & 2011 Statistics 90 & over 75 - 89 Parish 60 - 74 2011 45 - 59 Parish 30 - 44 2001 15 - 29 0 - 14 30% 20% 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 90 & over 90 & over 90 & over 75 - 89 75 - 89 75 - 89 60 - 74 60 - 74 60 - 74 45 - 59 45 - 59 45 - 59 30 - 44 30 - 44 30 - 44 15 - 29 15 - 29 15 - 29 0 - 14 0 - 14 0 - 14 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Parish 20112 Deanery 20112 Diocese 20112 Does the age profile of your congregation match that of your parish? Are you engaging with the Warlingham/ parish's largest demographic: those aged 45 - 59? Chelsham & Farleigh 4 Demographics: AGE PROFILE AND ATTENDANCE AT SERVICES Research & Comparable Age profile of Adults Parish Population2 (2011) Highest Weeks Infant & Juvenile Statistics Age 18 - 44 45 - 64 65 + (nearest 50) Attendance 20111 Baptisms 20111 Diocesan Congregation4 (2007) 27% 33% 39% 0 - 4 350 14 26 Diocesan Population2 (2011) 58% 28% 14% 5 - 15 750 16 - 64 4,200 108 65 + 1,450 Diocesan Core Congregation Age Profile4 (2007) 39% 17% 16% 15% 12% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Warlingham/ Does the age profile of your congregation match that of your parish? Chelsham & Farleigh 5 Demographics: ETHNICITY Research Detailed Parish Ethnicity2 2011 Percentage Minority Ethnic Background & Diocesan Population2 (2011) 35% Statistics 4 Gypsy or Irish Diocesan Core Congregation (aged 18+ only) (2007) 23% British Irish Other White Traveller 89% 1% <1% 3% White & Black White & Black White & Asian Other Mixed Caribbean African 1% <1% 1% <1% Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian Parish 2% <1% <1% <1% 1% Percentage ME: 7% African Caribbean Other Black <1% <1% <1% Arab Other Ethnic Group <1% <1% Parish Ethnicity2 2011 Parish Ethnicity3 2001 Diocese Ethnicity2 2011 White Mixed/Multiple ethnic group Asian/Asian British Black or Black British Other ethnic group Does the ethnicity profile of your congregation match that of your parish? Are you engaging with the parish's Warlingham/ largest demographics: those describing themselves as White or Asian/Asian British? Chelsham & Farleigh 6 Demographics: Integration Research & Statistics 2Percentage of people who <1% 2% 98% Cannot speak English well or cannot speak Have English as their main language (English or Can speak English well or very well English Welsh if in Wales) 2Resident in UK: Born in the UK 2 years or more but less 5 years or more but less Less than 2 years 10 years or more than 5 years than 10 years <1% 1% 1% 6% 92% Are services in your parish accessible to all residents? Do you offer any services in foreign Warlingham/ languages? What can you offer those who may not have been in the UK for long? Chelsham & Farleigh 7 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION Research National Average & Percentage Statistics Christian2 (59.4%) 2 Diocese 2011 Parish2 2011 3 Parish 2001 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Christian Buddhist Hindu Jewish Muslim Sikh Other religions No religion Religion not stated Christians in your Parish In your parish 2 66% of the population (that is 4,450 people) declared themselves as Christian in 2011 Easter Communicants1 76 Statistics from the Annual Easter Day Attendance1 103 Parochial Returns 2011 Christmas Communicants1 94 Christmas Attendance1 231 How has the religious affiliation of those living in your parish changed over the past decade? How closely does Warlingham/ it match that of the Diocese as a whole? Are Christians in your parish engaging with your churches? How are Chelsham & Farleigh you engaging with other faith groups? 8 HOUSEHOLDS, LIFESTYLE AND THE COMMUNITY I Research Household Spaces2 2011 & With at least one usual resident i.e. not vacant 97% Statistics Caravan or other mobile or temporary structure 1% Social rented as a percentage of all households2 4% Tenure2 2400 300 100 Owner occupied households Private Rented households Social Rented households (including shared ownership) (including those living rent free) Who lives in your parish? Are there issues with access to housing? How permanent are your Warlingham/ parishioners? Chelsham & Farleigh 9 HOUSEHOLDS, LIFESTYLE AND THE COMMUNITY II Research Household composition in your parish2 All & Dependent Statistics percentages are of the total number of children 2% households with residents. The smaller pie Other 13% Aged 65 and charts show the breakdown of a section of over 14% the larger ones. You can use the colours to match. Other 3% Other households All aged 65 6% and over <1% Non- One Person dependent Dependent 27% children 3% children 4% Lone parent 7% Aged 65 and over 12% Cohabiting couple 8% One family 67% Lone Parent Households as a percentage of all households with Non- Non-dependent No children 14% 2 dependent children 7% children children <1% Married or 14% same-sex civil Dependent partnership children 3% couple 39% No children 5% Dependent children 18% Who lives in your parish? Are there a lot of households with children? What about lone parent Warlingham/ households? Are there a lot of people living alone? Chelsham & Farleigh 10 Marital and civil partnership status Research & 3 2001 2011 2 Statistics Not living in a couple: Widowed or surviving partner from a same-sex civil partnership Not living in a couple: Divorced or formerly in a same-sex civil partnership which is now legally dissolved Not living in a couple: Separated (but still legally married or still legally in a same-sex civil partnership) Not living in a couple: Married or in a registered same-sex civil partnership Not living in a couple: Single (never married or never registered a same-sex civil partnership) Living in a couple: Cohabiting Living in a couple: Married or in a registered same-sex civil partnership 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% Your Parish Churches held1 7 Weddings & No Blessings in 2010 10 Weddings & No Blessings in 2011 Do you hold many weddings in your parish? How is your parish supporting those in the above Warlingham/ categories? Chelsham & Farleigh 11 EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL GRADE, LIFESTYLE Research NS-SeC of Household Reference Person2 & The National Statistics Socio-economic Statistics Classification (NS-SeC) is an Not classified (Full-time students or not classifiable for other reasons) occupationally based classification but Never worked and long-term unemployed has rules to provide coverage of the whole adult population. Routine occupations The NS-SeC provides an indication of socio-economic position based on Semi-routine occupations occupation.
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