Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 1-28-1966 The Ledger and Times, January 28, 1966 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, January 28, 1966" (1966). The Ledger & Times. 5268. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5268 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I. •-• • • a. - • • • As. • '27, 19613 • 000) Beleeted As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper --46111:11na-_==- The Only Largest 1 Afternoon Daily it) k • 1410wa.",„....1 Circulation In Murray And • Both 111 City Calloway County And ln Count lhaw. In Our 87tIr Year FficUyAiternoim,- January 28; t966 United Press International 5e-Per Copy Vol. LX.XXVII No. 23 'AUDIT SHOWS CITY ENDS YEAR IN BLACK Dr. Billy Hurt To - -y••••••••11.7... Be Honored Sunday- irstfhil- er- ;- TaiShowsincrease By His Church Shipped From Accident At In Revenue For Each Dr. Billy G. Hurt who will re- Year ceive his doctor of theology de- gree today during the winter Local Plant The Murray City Council last Intersection of a city fireman to the commencement exercises at. the night handled a variety of city purchase of a carload of pipe Southern Baptist Theological Se- --• business ranging from the for the Mur- hiring ray Natural minary in Louisville will be hon- The first order of safety <la- Gas System. The Two care were involved in an ored by the members of the First thing, made entirely in the new fireman hired was Brown accident yesterday at 4:02 at the Benton on Sat- Murray plant of Sager Glove Com- Barnett of 304 South Fourth Man is a puny creature without Benefit-I-hurt+ of intersection of North 16th Street pany. was shipped to United Strike Called Street. He was named to his wife. urday. replace and Story Avenue, according to Members will gather in the Fel- States Steel on Tuesday7-Januiry Assistant Fire Chief Paul Lee the records of the Murray Police lowship Hall of the church at 6:30 25. The steel plant at Gary. In- who asked for a six months leave He is at loose ends, aimless in his Department. Hurt, pastor of diana received a shipment of fire- "Stay of absence due to ill health. Fire goals. and what is even worse p.m. to honor Dr. -Away" the church. proof clothing, one of the 1500' Chief Flavil .Robertson will tip- he is impressed with his own in- Howard of One Evanee A. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- items made by Sager. point`a temporary Assistant Chief. Adequacy. Belmont Drive. Murray. driving a burn Hurt of Murray. Dr. Hurt is By Councilman James A II britten four door owned by The Murray Plant was opened Matthews 1562 Ford a graduate of Hazel High School reported to the council also that Wife out of town for a few days. Joe Hosford, was going north on for' production January 7. and pre- and came to Benton in October Fireman Roy Lassiter has suffer- leaving early this morning with Pith Street. Seldon E. Thomas sently has eleven women in pro- ed a of 1956 as pastor of the First by United Pries severe heart attack and is Nelda Murphy to visit Elaine and of Cadiz Route Five, driving a duction. This is three employees International now in Baptist Church. He came to Ben- While teachers the hospital. Bernard Harvey in Harrison, Ar- door. was ahead of the training schedule. in Frankfort, 1961 Studebaker four ton from Scott's Chapel Church Scottsville The council approved Jahn kansas. and pulled Another shipment of machinery and Simpson County going west on Story in Tennessee. Nbckolls. Murray State student clelieered laniairy. 2fith. decided Thursday rvt to sco ,along Ssi feetit- of- Ow :Vossi De. -frert peaduatett from -emus: an. who •••;* virluateer fireman. _tsr diFinimately she trnm-a and production is steadily diMb- a one-day maout called by then hit the Studebaker in the berland Junior College in Wil- reside at the fire station. Nuckolls extra bacon before she left and the Zentocky Education Associa- left side, according to Sgt. James liamsburg and received his BA ing. will still be paid only as a volun- the coffee was still hot, but we Witherspoon investigated tion, state Atty. Gen. Robert Mat- who the degree from Union University at teer fireman. still had the chore of cooking the collision. Frank Peer. Manager of the thews characterized it as a "stay- Ji. - "r- and his BD de- J. H. Shackelford of the firm ergs Sager Plant, said today that he away" rather than a strike. gree ..., seri Baptist Sem- of Shackelford, Goode and Thur- Thomas told Sgt. Witherspoon was well pleased with the high "The classroom 'stay-away' is inary at . re. man, explained the audit of the It turned out that the kids are tits t the sun was in his eyes at caliber employees now 'working at in no sense a strike," Matthews He is marrien to the former City of Murray finances. The au- well acquainted with our cooking the time of the accident. the plant He further said that told Covington Latin School alu- Miss Charlyene Harbison of Mad- very dit revealed that the city con- however and when we announeeri the employees* have proven mni, "hut is merely a dramatic The police aim investigated, a ison. Tenn., and they have three cluded the year ending December in stentorian tones that•vie were fast in training and iadirated that method of bringing the minor traffic accident at North children. problem 31, 1965 -in the black" with going to cook breakfest and how the trainability of the employees to the public without 4th and Walnut Streete yester- USW paralyzing all accounts paid. Total income many eggs do you want, we got a was • great factor in the stepped- our schools" day at 12:26 p.m.. but s 'report (Continued On Page Eight) e long moment of silence Turned up schedule. The problem he referred to is was not completed. College of the plant (Continued On Page Sight) NFL Of The second Section that of salaries The KEA called in the early Charlie Marr„ radio operator is scheduled to opc the Feb. 3 walkout to protest the High Plans Tourney James C. Williams, publisher of the Ledger for the City Hall. said the police part of March. and Times, cuts new state budget which provides Integration the cake containing Burning Soot Brings did not Make any arrests or is- ----- twenty candles, at a Sfirprise office pay increases for teachers of up Firemen Out sue any citations Thursday after- The NFL of Murray roller* party yesterday shortly after noon. The staff of the daily to $400 Over the next two years. Today mos and evening. High will sponsor an Invitational Stubblefield paper planned the twentieth anniversary party in observ- The KEA sought a $900 wags Is Not New hike. Speech and Debate Tournament ance of Williams' twentieth year in Murray with the paper. A two alarm fire call nag_ RE' Patents Will Be Scottsville teachers on January 20. Invitations have Cate, coffee, Ice cream and nuts were enjoyed by timi star said "there iwered this morning at (been sent te all tiiPL wlosels in are better ways" to secure high- On Display Sunday ofithe Ledger and Time. before returning to Ste work of Harrell Say'i 412 South eth Street whem clogg- Kentucky and to some in Temies- er salaries. The Simpson Cooney Education getting out the daily Staff Photo by Ed ed soot in a chimney hind -gotten issue. 001116 Vocation Association see. and Mismori. James L Johnson. Executive 1.1 rejected the •on fire. walkout The debate competition' 'ill Secretary of the Murray ( flambe' 64-46. Frankfort tesehens Professor Ken Harrell was the The firemen said oriy smoke could not consist of three debates. The team of Commerce, announced today agree with the KEA speaker yesterday at the regular damage was reported and that Program Is CIRCULATION NOTICE manner of with the most points will win a that the Nathan B. Stubblefieli. protest. meeting of. the Murray Rotary they used the smoke elector to Youth Sunday- That means teachers trophy. Individual events will in- patents for radio and the electric in the Club. He was introduced by Dr. remove the smoke from the house. three clude Duet Acting, Dramatic and storage battery will be publid) systems will be on the job Will Frank Steely. who wits in Two trucks answered the morn- Approved next Humorous Interpretation. Original displayed during the Chemin., City Lodger and Times Sub- Thursday - along with charge of the program. ing call. Oratory Analysis observed By others in Campbell County. and of Public commerce open house to be heti_ scribers are reminded that if they Shel- Professor Harrell told the Ro- Address. Jeffreits is presi- received paper byville and Glasgow who also Mike Sunday. January 30. from 1 have not their by have tary Club that a number of myths disapproved the prot,,Qt dent of the club; Don Pace is spon- to 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m on week days and by action. are in existence today in our na- sor. 3:46 on Saturdays to please tele- Local Teachers in Barren County de- tional. history, most Fred W.
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