Proudly Serving Bronx Communities Since 1988 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 3URXGO\6HUYLQJ%URQ[&RPPXQLWLHV6LQFHFREE 0UQ\YLK*VUZ[Y\J[PVU>VYRLYZ - 5.875” wideORWOOD by 7.0568”Q high EWSQ 3/4 Page NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 ORWOODQ EWSQ Vol 32, No 24 • PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION COR P ORATION • DE C E M BER 5-18, 2019 NVol. 27, No. 8 PUBLISHED BY MOSHOLU PRESERVATION CORPORATION N April 17–30, 2014 FREE HSSV[OLY(JJPKLU[=PJ[PTZ We Fight for the Money You Deserve Regardless of Your Immigration Status *VUZ[Y\J[PVU >VYRWSHJL(JJPKLU[Z*HY ;Y\JR(JJPKLU[ZFAREWELL TO A ,SL]H[VY,ZJHSH[VY(JJPKLU[Z5LNSPNLU[)\PSKPUN:LJ\YP[`:SPW;YPW -HSSZCOMMUNITY ACTIVIST Heidi Hynes4LKPJHS4HSWYHJ[PJL5\YZPUN/VTL5LNSPNLUJL leaves legacy of community service in the Bronx More Questions on 7VSPJL)Y\[HSP[`*P]PS9PNO[Z=PVSH[PVUZ Bus Routes Revamp Plan | pg 2 Our GUARANTEE 1/2 Page - 5.875” wide by 4.6875”7KHUHLV1 high O FEE 8QOHVV:H:LQ1/4 Page - Vertical 2XU¿UPKDVUHFRYHUHGRYHU2.8542” wide by 4.6875” high One Hundred Million Dollars LQYHUGLFWVDQGVHWWOHPHQWV IRURXUVDWLV¿HGFOLHQWVCycle of Giving Mural Unveiled at NCBH FREE CONSULTATIONpg 10 &DOO+RXUVD'D\'D\VD:HHN Photo by José A. Giralt PHOTOS OF HEIDI Hynes are on display at a memorial service for the community activist at the Mary Mitchell Center in the Crotona section of the Bronx on Nov. 26. Hynes, 51, died on Nov. 24 fromRecent cancer. Recoveries for Clients Construction Accident Truck Accident By JOSÉ A. GIRALT behind a legacy of community commitment to activism came “Sometimes the fight with Heidi Marie PoliceSchloegel Misconductservice that inspired many ac- from the realizationElevator that there institutions Accident caused some bit- 1/8 Page 1/4Hynes, 51,Page executive director- HorizontalCar of Accidenttivists across the Bronx. was nothing Slipwrong &with Fall the ternessAccident in Heidi but for her the Mary Mitchell Family and Heidi was born on Jan. 19, people of the Bronx. She saw there was2.8542” also a sweetness wide in by 2.2625” high 5.875”Youth Center widein Crotona, bydied 2.2625”1968 in Kansas high City, MO. She the bigger picture of how insti- working for the people of the on Nov. 24 after a battle with Ifmarried You Brian Can’t in 1995 and livedCome tutional to forces US...We’ll like redlining Bronx. Come She truly to believed You! that cancer.We She lived speak in Bedford Spanish,in and around Bedford Russian, Park from the financialChinese, and banking Hebrew,committing to the community Polish & Creole Park with her husband Brian since then. “I think the key to sectors created a sense of hope- would bring about the best out- 1/12 Page and daughter Frieda,([SHQVHVSD\DEOHXSRQFRQFOXVLRQRIFDVH3ULRUUHVXOWVGR leaving QRWJXDUDQWHHDVLPLOLDURXWFRPH pg 26 understanding Heidi and her lessness,” Brian said. (continued2.8542” on page 27) wide by 1.6875” high 9(:205 29,405:337 RASKINOver 50 Years Of & Personal KREMINS, Injury Law Experience LLP1/16 Page /VER9EARS/F#OMBINED0ERSONAL)NJURY,AW%XPERIENCEs/VER-ILLION$OLLARS2ECOVEREDFOR/UR#LIENTS2.8542” wide by 1.125” high %URDGZD\ WKÀ 1HZ<RUN1<Fl. %URQ[2I¿FHE\DSSRLQWPHQWRQO\ TO FULTON STREET TO CORTLANDT STREET 2 • December 5-18, 2019 • Norwood News IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Vol. 32, No. 24 Vol. 27, No. 10 Questions, Some Answered, on MTA’s Proposed Bus Route Revamp in NW Bronx NorwoodVol. News 27, published 10 bi-weekly on Thursdays by By DAVID CRUZ MosholuNorwood Preservation News Corporationis published (MPC) There were more jeers than cheers Norwood3400 Reservoir News isOval published East bi-weekly on Thursdays by from northwest Bronx residents over the bi-weeklyBronx, New on ThursdaysYork 10467 by MosholuPhone: Preservation 718 324 4998Corporation MTA’s proposed bus network redesign Mosholu Preservation Corporation 3400Fax: Reservoir 718 324 Oval2917 East plan, calling out modifications they say E-mail: [email protected] Reservoir Oval East can hurt their commuting experience at Web.:Bronx, New York 10467 Bronx, New York 10467 a town hall-style meeting. Those feelings were backed by Com- Publisher Phone: 718 324 4998 Phone: 718 324 4998 Mosholu PreservationFax: 718 324 Corporation 2917 munity Board 7, which approved a mo- Fax: 718 324 2917 tion calling on the MTA to modify its SeniorE-mail: Director [email protected] of MPC E-mail: [email protected] overhaul plan. Melissa Web:Cebollero Web: At the latest Community Board 7 Executive Director of MPC general board meeting that doubled as a Jennifer Tausig seemingly rushed town hall-style meet- PublisherEditor-in-Chief, NorwoodCEO, News Mosholu Publisher CEO, Mosholu ing on the proposed changes, where MosholuDavid Cruz, Preservation [email protected] 3UHVHUYDWLRQ Mosholu Preservation some service changes to buses that Corporation Corporation3UHVHUYDWLRQ ProofreaderCorporation Corporation run through the northwest Bronx were Editor-in-ChiefJudy Noy Roberto S. Garcia Editor-in-Chief Roberto S. Garcia glossed over (another meeting is sched- DavidInterns Cruz David Cruz uled for Dec. 5), MTA officials focused Sha-Nia Alston, Michael Turay, on modifications to the Bx28, Bx30, Bx34 Photo by David Cruz Jonathan Custodio, Khalil Reddick &ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ buses, and BxM4 express bus, in which SIRIO GUERINO, A Norwood resident (L), offers remarks on the MTA’s bus network DawnRegular&ODVVLÀHG$GYHUWLVLQJ McEvoy Contributors three of the four buses run through Nor- redesign plan at a town hall-style meeting that took place during Community Board DavidDawn McEvoyGreene, Adi Talwar 7’s general board meeting on Nov. 27. Standing at the podium are Cate Contino and $FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH wood. Contributors Rashid Dolor from the MTA. Dawn$FFRXQWV5HFHLYDEOH McEvoy Such a network setup has never been MiriamDawn McEvoy Quinones, José A. Giralt, modified in decades. In some cases, the sholu Parkway … how are you going to “Double-parked cars, UPS trucks, Proofreader Eliot Schiaparelli routes are convoluted, which compelled redesign that?” asked Hill. ambulances, delivery trucks … [N] JudyProofreader Noy Judy Noy the MTA to introduce a more stream- Rashid Dolor, an MTA planner for obody is making a move to get the Po- 3URGXFWLRQ lined bus system. Their findings were For3URGXFWLRQ Display Advertising the Bronx bus network redesign plan, lice Department out to enforce the flow Neil deMause published in a final draft report that the CallNeil deMause Janet Geller at responded by saying residents can take of traffic, and if they don’t do it at a ma- 5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV agency said is still subject to change, de- the Bx10. jor place like that (East Gun Hill Road) David(646)5HJXODU&RQWULEXWRUV Greene, 581-0399 Adi Talwar pending on the input it gets from com- “The Bx10 doesn’t go to Co-Op City, why do people on the [Bx34] get penal- David Greene, Adi Talwar muters over the next few months. Interns so explain that,” said Hill. ized with absolutely no service at all?” Support Your For worried residents, especially ShaylaInterns Love, Paolo Mossetti, Justin McCallum, “You’ll transfer from the [Bx10] to said Green. the elderly, the proposed changes repre- andCommunityShayla Chelsea Love, George Paolo Newspaper! Mossetti, Justin McCallum, the [Bx28],” said Dolor. Green’s impassioned statement was Theand NorwoodChelsea George News is a not-for-profi t sent major inconveniences that include “Transfer from the [Bx10] to the enough for Dolor to emphasize the plan publication and relies upon the support of longer walks to rerouted stops. In some [Bx28], where?” asked Hill. is still in the data-gathering stage. Forits advertisers display advertising, and readers call (718)to produce 324-4998. a For display advertising, call (718) 324-4998. cases, it also involves boarding a new Dolor’s suggestion would add another The speed of such a meeting, roughly quality community newspaper. To support bus altogether. Supportyour paper, Yourbecome a member and receive a five minutes to Hill’s commute since 45 minutes, left notifications on other subscriptionSupport Your for one year. Residents weren’t having it. she’ll have to walk to catch the Bx10. bus routes running through the north- Community Newspaper! Community Newspaper! Jean Hill, a CB7 member and former Lowell Green, another CB7 member, west Bronx to be ignored. TheSimply Norwood mail check News orLVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE money order for $40- to: chair, wasn’t too thrilled over changes finds the rerouting of the Bx34 bus to be But Myrna Calderon, a CB7 mem- NorwoodThe Norwood News, News 3400LVDQRWIRUSURÀWSXE Reservoir Oval East,- lication and relies upon the support of its to the Bx28 crosstown bus that cuts problematic for seniors living at Serviam ber and shareholder of Fordham Hill advertisersBronx,lication NYand 10467.and relies readers upon theto produce support aof quality its through Norwood and terminates at Gardens in Bedford Park. MTA officials Oval Corporation, raised concerns over communityadvertisers newspaper.and readers To to supportproduce your a quality paper, Norwood News is not responsible for Co-Op City. Among the current stops argued the street is too congested result- the proposed Bx3 bus route that cur- becomecommunity a member newspaper. and receiveTo support a subscription your paper, typographicalbecome a member errors. and Opinions receive expresseda subscription in is West Mosholu Parkway South and ing in slow travel times. Green, however, rently has a stop next to the nine-build- forsigned one year.letters and bylined columns represent Jerome Avenue that abuts Tracey Tow- said the MTA should look at the conges- ing cooperative. She presented a petition thefor onesole year. opinion of the author and are not ers, where Hill is among some 3,000 resi- tion that begins at East Gun Hill Road filled with 350 signatures to officials Simplynecessarily mail checkthose ofor Mosholumoney order Preservation for $40 Corporation or Montefi ore Medical Center.
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