^ o n a l ^ ’ 11 rrrto*Y O n VOLUME 20 1 9 3 4 e f ÿ NUMBER 228 C </AflTE0 * Washington, Wednesday, November 23, 1955 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT to comply fully with recommended land use requirements within a reasonable CONTENTS Chapter III— Farmers Home Adminis­ time; and he must have /reasonable Agricultural Marketing Service tration, Department of Agriculture prospects for success. Notices: Subchapter B— Farm Ownership Loans (Sec. 41 (i), 60 Stat. 1066, sec. 4 (c), 64 Stat. Cattleman’s 'Livestock Auction, [FHA Instruction 443.2, Administration 100; 7 U. S. C. 1015 (I), 40 U. S. C. 442 (c). Inc., Nampa, Idaho; proposed Letter 440 (440) ] Interprets or applies secs. 1, 3 (a) and (b) posting of stockyard________ 8644 (4), 12 (a) and (c) (4), 60 Stat. 1072, 1074, Proposed rule m a k in g ; P art 3 3 2 — P r o c e s s in g I n it ia l L o a n s 1076, sec. 44 (b), 62 Stat. 1069 sec. 2 (f), 64 Stat. 99; 7 U. S. C. 1001, 1003 (a) and (b) Milk in New York metropolitan Subchapter C— Production and Subsistence Loans (4 ), 1005b (a) and (c) (4), 1018 (b ), 40 marketing area; suspension of [FHA Instruction 441.3, Administration tJ. S. C. 440 (f)) certain pricing provisions___ 8640 Navel oranges grown in Arizona Letter 440 (440) ] § 342.3 Loan forms and routines. ♦ * * and designated part of Cali­ P a r t 342—P r o c e s s in g fornia---------------------------------- 8640 Subchapter D— Soil and Water Conservation (n) Special requirements for loans inRules and regulations: Loans designated areas. If the loan is to be Irish potatoes; grown in Modoc made in a county designated by the Sec­ and Siskiyou Counties, Calif., [FHA Instruction 442.2, Administration retary for Emergency Loans in the States Letter 440 (440) ] and in all counties in Oregon of Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ok­ except Malheur County; limi­ P art 352—P r o c e s s in g L o a n s t o lahoma, Texas, or Wyoming, the fol­ tation of shipments_________ 8630 I n d iv id u a l s lowing additional requirements are ap­ plicable: Agricultural Research Service LOANS IN DESIGNATED AREAS (1) Each applicant will be required Rules and regulations: Chapter III, Title 6, is amended to pre­ to furnish a copy of a land capabilities Vesicular exanthema; changes scribe additional requirements in the map prepared by the Soil Conservation in areas quarantined_______ 8630 waking of loans under Subchapter B Service. Agriculture Department “Farm Ownership Loans,” Subchapter (2) If the applicant is not an active See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ C “Production and Subsistence Loans,” Farmers Home Administration borrower, ice; Agricultural Research and Subchapter D “Soil and Water Con­ he will be expected to carry on farming Service; Commodity Stabiliza­ servation Loans” in special designated operations that are consistent with tion Service; Farmers Home Ad­ areas. In Part 332, § 332.7 (20 P. R. proper land use for the area. If he is ministration. 3670) a new paragraph (f) is added; in an active Farmers Home Administration Alien Property Office Part 342, § 342.3 (20 P. R. 396) a new borrower, he must be willing and will be Notices: Paragraph (n) is added; and in Part 352, expected to carry on such fanning oper­ § 352.1 (c) (20 P. R. 1967) a new sub- Bauer Type Foundry, Inc.; dis­ ations insofar as conditions within his solution order______________ 8642 paragraph (8) is added, to read as control will permit; he will be expected lollows: to comply fully with recommended land Atomic Energy Commission S ee Patent Compensation Board. § 332.7 Action "by loan approval offi­ use requirements within a reasonable cial. * * * time; and he must have reasonable pros­ Coast Guard pects for success. <f) Special requirements for loans in Rules and regulations: designated areas. If the loan is to be (3) If the applicant is a tenant, the Waivers of navigation and wade in a county designated by the Sec­ landlord must agree in writing for the vessel inspection laws and retary for Emergency loans in the States farm to be operated in accordance with regulations ; p e rm its for the land use recommendations for the commercial vessels handling el Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Okla- particular farm. Texas> or Wyoming, the following explosives at military instal­ additional requirements arc applicable: (Sec. 41 (i), 60 Stat. 1066; 7 U. S. C. 1015 (1). lations (2 documents)___ ___ 8637 (l) Each applicant will be required to Interprets or applies sec. 21, (a), (c), 60 Stat. Commerce Department 1072, 65 Stat. 197, sec. 42 (c), 60 Stat. 1067, rnish a copy of a land capabilities map sec. 44 (b ), 60 Stat. 1069, sec. 48, 60 Stat. 1070, S ee Federal Maritime Board. Prepared by the Soil Conservation 65 Stat. 198, sec. 1, 63 Stat. 407, sec. 1311 Pub. Commodity Stabilization Service Law 663, 83d Cong., 68 Stat. 830; 7 U. S. C. Notices: p ^ l ^ applicant is not an active 1007, 1016, 1018 (b), 1022, 31 U. S. C. 712a) Cotton marketing quotas; refer- h Home Administration borrower, § 352.1 Loan forms and routines. * * * endum for 1956 crop: nnJL+- ^ ^Pccted to carry on farming (c) Special items in “preparation of Extra long staple____________ 8644 Potions are consistent with docket. * * * Upland-------------------------------- 8644 an *** land use for the area. If he is Rules and regulations: active Farmers Home Administration (8) Special requirements for loans in designated areas. If the loan is to be Cotton : ex r^ f^ ’ 11e musi; t>e willing and will be Acreage allotments for 1956 anvLC • t° carry on such farming oper- made in a county designated by the Sec­ retary for Emergency loans in the States crop, extra long staple____ 8621 .insofar as conditions within his Holding of referenda on mar­ *ol will permit; he will be expected (Continued on p. 8621) keting quotas_____________ 8621 8619 8620 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com­ Page Interstate Commerce Commis- P^0 FEDERAL^REGISTER mission sion— Continued Rules and regulations: ‘WiirtO’ Notices: Hearings, etc.: Motor carriers; lease and inter- Bollinger, Robert E., et al----- 8646 change of vehicles; augment­ Central New York Broadcast­ ing equipment----- -— ------- — 8639 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ing Corp. and Triangle Pub­ iiftAR Justice Department and days following official Federal holidays, lications, Inc------------- -------- 8bi*b See Alien Property Office. by the Federal Register Division, National Courier-Times, Inc., and Don Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ 8647 Land M anagem ent Bureau ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ H. Martin (WSLM)---------- thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Musser Broadcasting Co. et Notices: approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as al________________________ 8647 California;_small tract classifi­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ Radio Broadcasting Service cation____________________ _ 8642 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ and Dana W. Adams----- -— 8646 Colorado; opening of public mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Radio Herkimer et al---------- 8646 lands----------------------------------------- - 8643 the President. Distribution is made only by Radio Station KLLL, Inc. the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ National Park Service ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. (KLLL)__________________ 8646 joules and regulations: The F ederal R e g ister will be furnished by Proposed rule making: Nationai Capital Parks regula- mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Mechanical reproductions------- 8640 tions; checking on speed by per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Rules and regulations: use of electronic device______ 8637 advance. The charge for individual copies Frequency allocations and radio (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to \ treaty matters, general rules Patent-Compensation Board the size of the issue. Remit check or money and regulations; establishing k Notices:- order, made payable to the Superintendent program for certification of Consolidated Engineering of Documents, directly to the Government Corp.; filing of claim for Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. equipment acceptable for li­ The regulatory material appearing herein censing __ _________________ 8638 award--------------------------------- 8645 is keyed to the Code o f F ederal R eg u la tio n s, Public fixed stations and sta­ Reclamation Bureau which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant tions of maritime services in Notices: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Alaska_____________________ 8639 North Platte Project, Nebraska; amended August 5, 1953. The Code o f F ed­ Maritime services, stations on eral R egu la tio n s is sold by the Superin­ revocation order— - ________ 8643 land and on shipboard; oper­ tendent of Documents, Prices of books and Securities and Exchange Com­ pocket supplements vary. ation on certain frequencies There are no restrictions on the re­ for telephony___ ,--------- ----- 8639 mission publication of material appearing in the Television broadcast stations; Notices: F ederal R e g ister, or the C ode o f F ederal extension of effective date_ 8638 Hearings, etc.: R eg u la tio n s. Atlas Corp. et al------------------- 8648 Federal Maritime Board Delaware Power & Light Co— 8649 Notices: Fall River Electric Light Co. Home Lines Inc. and National and Eastern Utilities Asso­ CFR SUPPLEMENTS Hellenic American L in e ; ciates__________ 8650 agreement filed for approval. 8645 (For use during 1955) Interstate Power Co. and East Federal Power Commission Dubuque Electric Co_.------ 8650 The following Supplement is now Notices: Western Kentucky Gas Co— 8650 Hearings, etc: available: 8648 Treasury Department Citizens Utilities Co------------- s e e Coast Guard; Customs Bureau. General Index ($1.25) Colorado Interstate Gas Co. et al----- ------------------- -—- 8648 Veterans Administration All of the Cumulative Pocket Feldman, D.
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