VEGAS AGE LTaS Hevnda Queer Case ~ ... County. Lincoln Frank a U* v<* —-. Hatcher, telegraph O) ..rotor, tile known Prizes For School Children Who --TTwICKLI"- Proprietor here and apparently insane. and Efr * Editor as taken into last OF LOCAL *„°' COEKMIU..00 custody Saturday by «U» ( onstal.le Oav. Friday night Hat. her a mused himself 1 hv caressing women at INTEREST] Will Get Subscribers for The t le Age depot in a suggestive manner. Sat- a word rday came from old town that he v as wandering about unclothed. When I«-p and and h cream—Boggs A Co. tf The Eagles will give a dance Thanks- Muddy Valley Goodsprings Boys rought tiefore Judge Lillis he could not Roofer* are at work on the Masonic giving night. b e made to utter a Girls Are Included in the Offer. Each _ sound, hot under- :ood building. F. L. of the Green water all that was said to him. It Relwr, Times, ap- " Contestant Can Earn Some sars ork has lieen resumed on new is in town lor a few days. Money Cards ; that for several days he had heen the Professional Overland Iflieted Hotel. For a di-di of fine call on with a sort of a religions mania, ice-cream, Besides the Chance of Winning Chris A Co. taking all sorts of weird statements N. Brown made a business trip Boggs If I BrWILLIAMS ml to lai* One of the Four Premiums. prophesies to the residents of old Angeles this week. Best service. Lake A Kramer, bar- Engineer ,, and Hydraulic >wn. He was con lined until Be«t baths in the three (or $1.00. liers, Thomas block. tf It Costs to ClT,l Surveyor Tuesday, city, Nothing Try. U. 8. Mineral „ hile the ease was The Deputy being investigated, Nugget, Lake A Kramer. tf Mr. Bell is now fully equipped to e in Lincoln County. h nt Yl„r> Krperlen' did not once after his |vi speak arrest, I Try our ice cream and cold drink*— serve the public in the transfer business NEVADA. a Ithough he acted |.\>» VE'tAS. gentlemanly and re- all flavors. Boggs A Co. in ail its branches, and any favors yon " wnded ____ promptly to everv other re may show him in this line will lie hor and easy shave try Lake A Kramer highly Read This Offer Then Get Out and Hustle nest made of him. Finally, not kmm- Permanent Carefully; Thomas hlk., cor. Fremont and First, tf appreciated headquarters j hat else dbapeb to do. Judge Lilli- sent him will l»c announced later. tf FOR THE BOYS * Gabriel's house is bboitsk 7 > Pioelie under sentence rooming enclosed £ £ for simple A rain fell in Eas again and work is in on heavy Vegas the end Civil Engineer. „ “fault. The clerk progress the interior. The School Boy securing largest number of cash subscrip- giving county may conduct The storm has been \N Thursday general la*fore December will receive his CALIF. « n L. Aplin returned tions to The Age 1st, 1!K)7, LYONS. insanity examination if lie sees tit. Wednesday throughout southern Nevada and South- jun«cl from a month's absence in Isis Angeles. a choice of any article of merchandise in the store of a regular IW___| ern off and for two California, on, advertiser, to the value of .Mrs. C. II. Gritlith and children (} Age $4.00 <) II. LEST Ell have weeks. Slight washouts have occurred WAKltEN River Mine returned home from *. the second number of cash sub- Southern California. on the I.. V. a T hut no lias The School Bov securing largest J. damage Mechanical Engineer. M. Keith, president, and P. ,1. will receive a of value and Station Agent ,1. M. Heaton and wife been on the Salt Lake. scriptions pair shoes, $2.60 , Killing " reported on. nllivan, Martin Hamilton and C. A. sampled, and reported j have been in Los the methods of ore treat- J Angeles during FOR THE GIRLS aimer, directors of the Nevada and week. Practical experience. j| ■f*1, V' olorado Iiiver Con. ti. S. ,v C. $Tetr p. O. Box 22 Mining Blacksmith Coal The School Girl securing the largest number of cash subscrip- (I For orignal 2-stamp whiskies take a £ Vegx*. -_ C o. made an U* official visit to their W. E Hawkins lias received a car- tions to The before December 1st. 15)07, will receive her <> ——- prop- Age ; chance at The Gem Saloon—none £ on the river the first of the of merchandise in the store of a rty week, fietter. tf load of blacksmith coal. Enquire for £ choice of any article regular £ M.S.BEAL f) ir the purpose of inspection and to in ton lots. advertiser, to the value of .. $4.00 Stewart and Lockett hotel has lieen prices Age <| Office Lawyer n leasure up the development work re- roofed and will soon lie ready for the a The School (iirl securing the second largest number of cash sub- patent* (or Mine* ci A. J. Indi- tntly completed by Frye. will receive a of value. $2.60 Law plasterers. £ scriptions pair shoes, )) “wl^AHTopriatlon. Corporation j,, itions continue favorable and a con- L. T. Maxwell, local oil and meat 10 Nevada act for additional development will In publishing the list of officers of the ![ In addition to the prizes each solicitor will be entitled to Las Vegas, magnate, made a business to Isis ion lie awarded. trip Ladies’ Guild last week The Age unin- cents on each dollar taken in, or 20 cents in cash on each Angeles the first of the week. £ F'rorn the river hank a tunnel has tentionally omitted the name of Mrs. £ yearly subscription. £ w. K. THOMAS Las ( sen run in 100 feet on the ledge, Vegas Mercantile Co. has just re- \V. J. Stewart, vice president of the £ RULES «) at Law T feet across the is ccived a fresh of hams and bacon Attorney wenty ledge |>ereol- supply society. 1. Each at $2.00 will count one, and each six and yearly subscription () a ed At a sell at that are tf to with copper. another point prices right. count one-half a «w*i*l attention P*i<l months'subscription at $1.00 will subscription (> '* Law «» 11 Mining and Corporation (-foot crosscut has been made with a Acting Supervisor Harry K. Mathews be counted until the cash has been Well No. 3 (( A subscription cannot paid l-foot shaft at the end. It is estimat has been to his duties LAS VEGAS, NEVADA attending at to The Age. (• Directors of Yogas Artesian Water £ _._——--- e 1 that the ledge is 120 feet in width. Charleston reserve for several days. No lirst prize will be given for less than live yearly subscriptions <> Syndicate have decided to drill well No. £ V. NOLANI) Mrs. Walter R. Bracken and Miss £ Call, or write The Age and get blanks and instructions. Those 11 DAN 3 near the south edge of seetion four. Jennie Masten spent most of the week D who start to work lirst will stand the best chance. at Law Marble The location is about one mile south Attorney Quarry in Los Angeles, returning Thutsdav. S. Los and west of well No. and hut a few General Practice J. White, representing Angeles 3, .Sultry Public A good sized and jolly gathering enjoy- ipitnlists who are preparing ! • tinanee hundred yards from the railroad track, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA ed a social dance given by Mrs. M. C. Jj le development of the marble deposits south from town. Drilling will he com- Thomas at the Fife hall last Saturday miles northeast of I,as Vegas, owned menced at once. M. D. night. c. A. RUCKER, [ y l>r. If. L. Ilewetson and others, was Las Business A. who now located in and a C. Palmer, is Directory il Las made Vegas of Women and Children Vegas Tuesday trip McClanahan Disease* Los Angeles, has been in Las Vegas Mayor the property in company with Dr. Surgery a Specialty this week after his in- John McClanahan, "mayor” of Sandy, K HAM EH & DOFFLEMYHE ^ lewetson. Arrangement of terms be- looking mining Sts. Las an “official” and social First Class Barber and Bath Rooms. irncr Fremont and Second terests. paid Vegas Only Shop oIBit ( veen the owners and those w ho are to this week. He states that work BATH 3 for 1.00. Shower in Connection go* visit TICKETS, Last now and John who has been in the Wiuos ATEsri f, irnish capital is in progress Spangler, Fremont St, lai* V egas on the Shenandoah and Keystone Children's Haircutting, 35c Opposite Postofflee. is that the negotiations will employ of the Salt Lake railroad in expected mines has been suspended temporarily. i thus another Meadow wash, has returned to WALTER R. BRACKEN e successful, establishing Valley to tin- disturbance in financial Wilson Las I owing Drug Company ‘ nportant industry to tributary Las Vegas. NOTARY PUBLIC centers, and that tilings are quiet in Thomas Block, Las Vegas, Nev. egas. Mrs. A. has arrived from Forsythe that vicinity, although considerable as- Complete stock of Drugs mid Sundries. For prompt service and reasonable Del for a visit with her Office in Poatottice Sur, California, sessment work is being done. Heavy prices, mail ns your order. W. B. WILSON, Manager. both KGAM Nate IJoff, State Auditor, had Mr. and Mrs. Albert FUMOMT STKKET parents, Simmons, rains have badly washed the road from _____ 1< broken below the knee by being ■gs and family. i Jean to Sandy.
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