Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 2002-05-01 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (2002). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2912. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2912 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE UNIVERSITY 87th year, issue 28 week of MAY 1, 2002 www.xu.edu/newswirel Explicit, but entertaining . BY JENNIFER PUTNAM to benefit ReSTOC, a low-income which is to hit movie theaters May Asst. Campus News Editor housing cooperative in downtown 31. Cincinnati. This up-and-coming· comedian Xavier students did not have to Combined, STYUKA and began his career in comedy clubs go to Soupie's this past Saturday Chapelle raised over $10,000 for in his hometown, Washington, to get their fill of sex and driigs. the organization. D.C. as a teenager. He .has also They· were entertained with sex "He was hysterical," said jun- performed on "The Late Show jokes and stories of getting ior Tina Palmer. "I wanted to go with David Letterman~" "Late · wasted when comedian Dave to Blockbuster and rent 'Half- Night with Conan O'Brien" and Chapelle performed at the Cintas · Bak~d' just sc>-1 could see him·· has even hosted-his own-HBO com~ Center. · again!" edy special. Questionably "high," but defi­ Chapelle involved the audi- With such a successful turn- nitely funny, Chapelle spoke to ence by bumming a cigarette out, SAC is already discussing the audience like he was just from one student and even crack- options for next year's show. - hanging out with friends~· ing jokes with Xavier's own cam- There are no definite plans, but' His explicit, yet humorous an~ pus police. the idea of a comedy fest has been tics and jokes met students' ex­ He is most i.videly known for suggested; pectations. as he talked about his performance as a stoner in Until then, students will have "getting high," one of Chapelle's · "Half Baked," a movie about four to waif and see· if Xavier can infamous trademarks. friends and their love for marijuana. handle someone or something as Over 1,800 students attended However, Chapelle has quite a entertaining as Dave Chapelle in Chapelle's performance, setting few movies· under his belt with the future. the record for the highest atten­ more on the way. He was first NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY BRANDY DUNLAP dance number for any SAC func­ seen as one of the "merry men" Dave Chapelle entertained the Xavier community Saturday tion. "I was very pleased with the in "Robin Hood: Men in Tights." night with jokes, antics and a few ludicrous remarks. turnout and support of all who at~ Since then, his film credits in- tended," said junior SAC Special · clude "Con Air," "The Nutty Pro~ Events Coordinator Eric Rhodes. fessor," "Blue Streak" and ' ' The SAC-sponsored perfor- "Screwed." He will also be star­ mance was the final event of ring _in the. so~m-to-be-released ROTC has a ball STYUKA, a charity concert held movie, "Undercover Brother," Gallagher up in smoke BY CHUCK SAMBUCHINO certs. Senior News Editor Jim Miller, the director of the Early Thursday morning, a fire · Gallagher Student Center, con­ broke out in the theater of the firmed there are security cameras Gallagher Student Center. in the theater area and they will Fire trucks responded to be reviewed. smoke alarms that had been trig­ It is estimated that approxi­ gered, evacuating three cleaning mately $50,000 worth of damage · st~ff employees from the build­ occurred to equipm·ent, such as ing and extinguishing the fire in the stage curtain and set pieces an hour. from the recent play, "A "The Cincinnati Fire Investiga­ Midwinter's Tale." . tors, a5 well as. the Xavier Insur­ "We are working with .the Cin~ ance investigators, have determined cinnati Fire Department as well as that it started from what appears to Xavier's insurance to determine· be careless smoking," Xavier Uni­ whether or not anyone can spe­ versity Police Chief Michael cifically be held accountable," Couch commented. said Couch. Investigations are currently The Gallagher Center did not underway. Multiple Xavier close, with the exception of the events have been postponed due theater, ·and will be open as usual to the theater being closed, in­ with crews working to repair the NEWSWIRE PHQlO BY ELIZABETH BONEAU cludin·g the Swing· Band & area. A handful of ROTC cadets cut loose last Friday at the Military Ball held in the Muskie Blues concert, a faculty Cintas Center. The event was sponsored by Xavier ROTC. assembly, and the XU Singers Con- ©2002 Tire Xavier Newswire All rights reserved - NEWS: OP-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: .~,~~/IO''~\'il.~'···~,~-,.,.~-1 ~?..!...'a'.J.!W~~!iill:i.ll~;,a~ggj Rangers: the best What women really want Jasion Williams leaves To sum it up... Advertising . (513) 745-3561 of the best Xavier lillli2!rrm~:w,~)!;!~~"A>~P~1'l¥n' sJB!@l!M!-'~~a\g;,mJ~~-qy{ Editor-in-Chief {513) 745-3607 PAGE 2 PAGE 10 PAGE 14 PAGE 16 r,, ~ I .~. ~ ·: "' t " l ;r 11' ' • .- : _,.. ·~ 2 weeko/MAY.1, 2002. CAMP.US NEWS THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE B.RIE·FS >Elizabeth Boneau, Editor· ·.Students continue week ofprOteSt >News Room: 745-3122 >[email protected] BY CHUCK SAMBUCHINO "speak-out," which invited anyone Senior News Editor to come up and share their experi­ Take Back the Night (TBTN), ences. Some women spoke emo­ Sisters of charity an annual antivioler,ce protest and tionally of their past and how they Are you interested in learn­ march .held downtown, was sup- . overcame abuse, inciting hope for ing more about the religious ported by approximately I 00 fellow silent victims. life? The Sisters of Charity in­ Xavier students this past Thurs­ "Only three weeks after we got vite you to a weekend at The day. married·, the abuse started. If you're Mount St. Joseph "The turnout was amazing," not in an .. abus~ve, rela~ionship, ~.t Motherhouse. The ''Come and said 'junior Audr~y Martin, a st~~ least you're here learning. Theim­ See" weekend will be held May dent coordinator. "We were over­ portant thing is to listen [to vic­ 17-19 for women ages 19 to 45. joyed to see as many students, men tims]," said Lydia Scharstein, the . Listen, pray and reflect about and women, come out and show domestic violence keynote speaker. where God may be calling you their support." The march back was a candle­ in your life. For more informa­ The march across to Kentucky light vigil, walked in silence to rep­ tion, call Sr. Monica Gundler at and speakers afterward . were the resent those unspoken individuals 244-4844 or email her at closing stages of a week filled with whose voice cannot be heard. monica-gundler.mail.msj.edu. events and activities to bring Another event during TBTN awareness to victims of sexual and week took place Wednesday, as lo­ domestic abuse. cal folk singer Tracy Walker per­ As people gathered at the Bi­ formed in the Gallagher Student centennial Commons downtown, Center in front of a large crowd. onlookers watched the Trouba­ Walker was brought to Xavier Final lecture dours, a local high scho~l drama by the Xavier Alliance, who were Ron Miller, chair of Lake troop. Through small orati<;ms, celebrating· their end of the year Forrest Colleg'e department of they raised the question: ·~re you banquet. feligion wiU review James stepping closer to empower­ "The XU Alliance was thrilled Carroll's book, Constantines ment?" to have her," said club President Sword, as part of the Xavier While the sun was setting on Chris Seelbach. Common Ground Series. The the Ohio River, the congregation "Realizing that homosexuality lecture will take place Tues~ · ··crossed the border with loud, bois- · is not a 'white' characteristic, we May 14 at 7:30 p.m. in Kelley terous chants.- Afterwards, MUSE feel it is our responsibility to reach Auditorium. Admission is free - Cincinnati Women's Choir~ . out to all members of the GLBT for .studetns and $10 for non­ treated the crowd to a musical per­ community, and hopefully this students. Parking is available formance. event helps us do that." NEWSWIRE PHOTO BY BRANDY DUNLAP at the Cintas Center on Herald Multiple speakers talked to an The atrium provided the perfect Tracy Walker sings to a Gallagher Center crowd as a part of the Avenue to purchase tickets in assembly of listeners, and awards atmosphere for Walker to play, be­ Take Back the Night week. · advance contact Sheila Speth were given to local high school cause of the high-traffic area and "Tracy has an unbelievably rich · week's activities transcended usual at 745-3922. students who submitted winning excellent acoustics. With only her voicet Seelbach added. "Each club function boundaries and gar­ t-shirt designs. guitar as accompaniment, her pow­ note she sings brings out a new and nered ahuge turnout from Xavier's Microphones were set up and erful voice never echoed a false or different emotion." community. the floor was open during . a compromised note. Take Back the Night and all the Volunteers' needed Clarification: Want to make a difference this summer? Mercy Connec­ The Italian Opera tions, a community outreach center at the corner of Madison Dinner pic;tures that and Woodburn Avenues, is in appeared in last need of summer volunteers.
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