22 SEEDS AND PLANTS IMPORTED ns a probable hybrid between the Lom- 62124 to 62126. SACCHARUM OFFICI- bardy poplar and Populus marilandica or P. regenerate, but its origin is not defi- NARUM L. Poacea?. Sugar cane. nitely known. The tree originated at the From Santiago de las Vegas, Cuba. Cut- nursery of Simon & Louis, near Metz, tings presented by Gonzalo Fortun, direc- Lorraine, about 1832, as a seedling, and tor, Estacion Experimental Agronomic?}. was still standing in 1904, when it meas- Received December 20, 1924. ured 150 feet in "height, with a trunk 38 feet in circumference at the base. 62124. Cuba 35. 62125. C. H. 6h/21. 62111. X POPULUS GENEROSA A. Henry. 62126. Cuha del Cubana. Salicacese. Poplar. This hybrid poplar is, according to its 62127 and 62128. originator, Augustine Henry, intermedi- From Glasnevin. Dublin, Ireland. Seeds ate in characters between its parents, presented by the director, Royal Botanic Populus angulata and P. trichocarpa. Gardens. Received December 30, 1924. The leaves are coarsely serrate and pale gray beneath. The tree is a rapid grower 62127. DELPHINIUM PYLZOWI Maxim. Ra- and unusually vigorous. nunculaceae. Larkspur. For previous introduction see S. P. I. A Chinese larkspur originally collected No. 58646. in Kansu by Przawalski, and described (Bulletin de l'Academie Inrperiale. St. 62112. AMYGDALUS COMMUNIS L. (Primus Petersburg, vol. 23, p. 307) as having a amygdalus Stokes). Amygdalacese. leafy stem. 5-parted leaves, and attrac- Almond. tive flowers with violet sepals and black- Var. macrocarpo. A large-fruited va- ish petals. riety which is also excellent as an orna- 62128. MAGNOLIA WILSONII (Finet and mental. Gagn.) Render. Magnoliacese. 62113. PRUNUS MAACKII Rupr. Amygda- In habit this Chinese magnolia is a lacese. Amur cherry. large shrub; it was first discovered in A Manchurian bird cherry, 40 feet or western Szechwan by E. H. Wilson, and more in height, with very smooth brown- appears to be a valuable horticultural ad- ish yellow bark which peels off like that dition to this already popular genus. of a birch. The leaves are pointed and The flowers, which are pure white and very finely toothed, and the white flow- delicately fragrant, are produced freely ers are in short racemes borne on the during late May and early June. previous season's wood. 62129. CASTANEA MOLLISSIMA Blume. For previous introduction see S. P. I. No. 57310. Fagacese. Hairy chestnut. 62114. RUBUS THIBETANUS Franch. Rosa- From Nanking, China. Seeds presented by ces. Dr. J. H. Reisner, University of Nanking. Received November 14, 1924. The bluish purple stems and handsome pinnate foliage make this shrub one of A hardy, blight-resistant chestnut from the most attractive of the Chinese spe- northern China, producing nuts of good cies of Rubus, according to W. J. Bean quality, closely resembling our native chest- (Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British nut in size, shape, and color. Isles). In habit it is erect, becoming about 6 feet high, and the dark-green 62130. VIGNA SINENSIS (Torner) Savi. leaves are white felted below. The pur- Fabacese. Cowpea* ple flowers, half an inch across, are suc- ceeded by bluish-black berries. From Tailungyuan, China. Seeds collected by I*. H. Dorsett, agricultural explorer, For previous introduction see S. I'. I. Bureau of Plant Industry. Received De- No. 53538. cember 8. 1924. 62115. SALIX MATSUDANA Koidz. Salica- No. 809. October 7, 1924. Red and ceaj. Willow. white seeded cowpea from one of the village farmers. This is one of the two chief va- An eastern Asiatic willow about 40 rieties grown around here. (Dorsett.) feet in height, with ascending or pendu- lous, greenish branches, and narrowly lanceolate leaves 2 to 4 inches long. Ob- 62131. CANNA sp. Oannacese. Canna. servations made in northeastern China by From Summit, Canal Zone. Seeds pre- Frank N. Meyer indicate that this willow sented by Holger Johansen, agronomist. thrives in regions havinc a scantv rain- Plant Introduction Gardens. Received fall. December 80, 1924. 62116 to 62123. PISUM SATIVUM L. Fa- A dark-red canna, quite common here bacese. Pea. and of ornamental value. (Johansen.) From Cambridge, England. Seeds pre- 62132 to 62140. sented by F. T. Engledow, School of Agri- culture. Received December 19, 1924. From China. Bulbs and tubers collected by P. H. Dorsett, agricultural explorer. 62116 to 62119. From Bohemia. Bureau of Plant Industry. Received 1 December 20, 1924. Notes by Mr. Dor- 62116. P. 63. 62118. I 65. sett. 62117. P. 64. 62119. P. 66. 62132. ALLIUM sp. LiliacesB. Onion, 62120 to 62123. From Tibet. No. 1095. Peking. October 31, 1924. 62120. (a). 62122. (c>. Bulbs of Chinese " garlic." The Chinese use garlic in many forms and especially 62121. (b). 6212^. (d). in their cooking..
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