II i Philippine Social Science Council, Inc. ( ... a private organization ofprofessional social science associations in the Philippines @J [NJ [NJ~@J l ~ [fO~l jj)j):1 General Assembly Felipe B. Miranda Chairperson Members Emma S. Castillo Florina L Dumlao Linguistic Society ofthe Philippine Population Philippines Association Asuncion S., Cueto Danilo R. Reyes Philippine Association ofSocial Philippine Society for Public Workers, Inc. Administration Florangel Rosario-Braid Sylvia H. Guerrero Philippines Communication Philippine Sociological Society Society 'j Margarita F. Guerrero I Emilio T. Antonio, Jr. Philippine Statistical Association Philippine Economic Society Ma. Emma Concepcion Domingo C. Salita D. Liwag Philippine Geographical Society Psychological Association ofthe Philippines Gloria M. Santos Philippine Historical Association Eufracio C. Abaya Ugnayang Pang-Aghamtao DignaB. Apilado Philippine National Historical Heads of Associate Members: Society (pages205-213); voting representatives are: Amelo B. Pangantihon Carmen Peralta-Befiares Philippine Political Science Grace Aguiling-Dalisay Association Mahar K. Mangahas Elvira S. Verano Virginia A. Miralao Secretary Contents PSSC General Assembly Program 5 Proposed Agenda 6 Minutes ofthe Midyear Meeting 7 (August 17,1997) Chairperson's Report 13 Treasurer's Rep ort 24 Accomplishment Reports 67 ofPSSCMember-Associations Regular linguistic Societfofthe Philippines,67 Philippine .Asso ciatio n ofSocial Workers;71 Philippine Historical Association,74 Philippine Nation alHistorical Society,76 Philippine Sociological Society,85 Philippine Statistical Arsociation,87 PsychologicalArsociation ofthe Philippines,94 Associate Ateneo de Daoao Social Re seracb Office,182 Ateneo de Naga Social Science Research Center,98 Centerfor lIgislative Developmen t, 158 Development .Academy ofthe Philippin es,104 L National Tax &search Center,134 Pam an ta san ng Lungsod ng Maynila- University &search Center,138 Philippine Association for Chinese Studies,108 Philippine Bu sin essfor Social Progress, 168 Philippine Chin a Developm ent Bs sourc» Center,111 Silliman University &search Office,141 Social Weather Station s,145 UP. Population Institute,183 UP. School of Urban and &gional Planning,124 UP. Statistical Center,155 GA and Board Resolutions 193 Directory ofRegular Members 202 Directory ofAssociate Members 205 Annexes 214 PSSC Secretariat 225 PSSCBoard of Trustees I Programme Philippine Social Science Council General Assembly AnnualMeeting 21 February 1998 Registration. !J..oo a.m, Business Meeting/ Open Forum 9..JO·11..4J a.m, umch 12..00 noon Minutes ofthe Midyear Meeting, 17August 1997 Regular Members Miranda, Felipe B., GA/BOT Chairperson Miralao, Virginia A., GA/BOT Secretary Abaya, Eufracio c., Ugnayang Pang-AghamTao Alberca, Wilfredo L., Linguistic Society of the Philippines Apilado, Digna B., Philippine National Historical Society Canatoy, Jaime L., Philippines Communication Society (representative of Florangel Rosario Braid) Dumlao, Ma. Florina I., Philippine Population Association Go, Stella P., Philippine Sociological Society (representative of Sylvia H. Guerrero) Guerrero, Margarita F., Philippine Statistical Association Liwag, Dolores B., Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc. Liwag, Ma. Emma Concepcion, Psychological Association of the Philippines Mias, Adelaida, Philippine Economic Society (representative of Emilio T. Antonio, Jr.) Salita, Domingo c., Philippine Geographical Society Santos, Gloria M., Philippine Historical Association Associate Members Abregana, Betty, University Research Office, Silliman University Agabin, Meliza, Social Weather Stations (voting rep) Barquez, Rosalinda, Center for Research and Extension Services, Aquinas University 7 Bersales, Lisa, UP Statistical Center Domingo, Lorelie Vee, Center for Central Luzon Studies­ Central Luzon State University Grifio, Edgar, Research and Development Center--University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos Gonzalez, Eduardo, Development Academy of the Philippines Imperial, Sonia, Social Science Research Center - Ateneo de Naga Nunez, Sonny, University Research Center-Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Ortega, Susan, Philippine Psychology Research and .Training House Palanca, Ellen, Philippine Association for Chinese Studies Pedro, Amor, Social Research Center-University of Sto. Tomas Romea, Rodrigo, University of Asia & the Pacific-School of Economics Sosa, Sr. Asuncion, St. Paul University Research Center Subade, Rodelio, Division of Social Sciences -UP Visayas Tan, Sarah Jane, Philippine-China Development Center Tawagon, Fedelinda, Gowing Memorial Research Center Verano, Elvira, UP Folklorists (voting rep) Board of Trustees Castro, Nestor T., Anthropology Endriga, Jose N., Public Administration Ericta, Carmelita N., Statistics Gonzalez, Eduardo T., Associate Members Zablan, Zelda c., Demography Guests Aguilar, Carmencita, Philippine Political Science Association de Guzman, Eliseo, Philippine Population Association Gonzales, Emer, Social Research Center-University of Sto. Tomas Gripaldo, Eden M., Philippine National Historical Society 8 I. Call of Meeting to Order. Prof. Felipe B. Miranda, PSSC Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. II. Proof of Quorum. Dr. Virginia A. Miralao, GA/BOT Secretary,announced that 30out of the 54GAmembers were present (12Regular Members, 18 Associate Members). She also acknowledged the presence of 5 BOT members and 4 other guests and friends of PSSc. III. Approval of the Minutes of the 15 February 1997 Annual Meeting. The GA approved the minutes of the 15 February 1997 Annual Meeting after the following corrections were made: 1. The correct address of the Division of SocialSciences ofU.P. Visayasis Miag-ao,Iloiloand not La Paz, Iloilo as reflected in the report. 2. The second sentence of the amended By-Laws was corrected with the followingstatement: "With respect to the 2 nominees to the Board of Trustees, the Associate Members' first choice shall serve in the Board on a regular basis while the other shall serve as an alternate, in case of the former's inability to attend meetings or cessation as PSSC Trustee." IV. Business Arising from the Minutes of the 15 February 1997 General Assembly Annual Meeting. Welrome ofthe new 5 Assa ciate Members The GA welcomed the representatives. of the Council's 5 new associate members. They were Dr. Rosalinda Barquez (CenterforResearch and Extension Services, Aquinas Univer­ sity), Prof. Rodelio Subade (Division of Social Sciences, UP Visayas), Dr. Edgar Crifio (Research and Development Cen­ ter, University of Negros Occldental-Recoletos), Mi. Rodrigo 9 Romea (School of Economics, University of Asia and the Pa­ cific), and Prof. Sonia Imperial (SocialResearch Center, Ateneo de Naga). On the By-Lzws Provisions on NJminations and Flections Dr. Domingo Salita inquired whether the proposed refine­ ment of the By-Laws indicating no more references to nomi­ nations and elections has been made. Prof. Miranda replied that the issue has been noted and that partial action had been taken (i.e, the Nominations Committee suggested an amend­ ment to the title of Article X of the PSSCBy-Laws to be "Nomi­ nations and Confirmation" from "Nominations and Election") although formal amendments to the ByLaws are yet to be com­ piled and submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commis­ sion (SEC). v. New Business A Chairperson's Report Prof. Felipe B.Miranda updated the General Assembly with the new composition of the Board of Trustees and its working committees and with the Council's midyear accomplishments in relation to 1) PSSC's Regular Programs (Research Award Program, Conference Award Program, Lecture Series, Publi­ cations, Book Center/Central Subscription Service, newacqui­ sitions of the Frank Lynch Library); 2) the Council's regional and international networking activities and linkages; 3) PSSC's special projects; 4) its on-going projects and 5) its new projects, the details of which were contained in the Chairman's report distributed to the Assembly. Accordingly, the GA 97-08-01 ACCEPTED the Chairperson's report. 10 B. Treasurer's Report Ms. Carmelita Ericta, Treasurer, reported that the Council's total revenue for the period January to June 1997 amounted to P3,770,494.25 while expenditures amounted to P3,479,810.67 resulting in a positive balance of P299,683.58. The total rev­ enue as of midyear was 42 percent of the projected P9,049,571.00 income of PSSC for 1997. The 8 percent short­ fall, she explained, was due to a drop in two major sources of funds: rental income from the use of function rooms and in­ come from investments. The shortfall in the rental income is traced to the opening of nearby facilities and hotels offering similar function room services. The drop in investment in­ come was due to the declining performance of marketable se­ curities in recent months which affected PSSC's investments with PDCP and BPI. Ms. Ericta noted however that the Council's expenditures were kept well within the budget. Discussions Most of the clarifications and suggestions raised concerned the printed presentation of PSSC's financial reports. Dr. Edgar Grifio suggested that the Council's reports should always in­ clude the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement. Ms. Ericta informed the General Assembly that information on the Bal­ ance Sheet and Income Statement which are not included in the current report are available with the Secretariat, and that these are normally included in the PSSC Annual Financial Report presented during the February General
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