.,' R. I. JEWISH_ ISTO!HCAL ASSOC. 11 '! 201 ELL ST. ~ • PROV. 6 • R. 1 • 0290b ~ Prospects For Partial Settlement In Middle East Seem Very Dim j UNITED NATIONS, N,Y., - Its diplomatic Initiative, seeking Prospects for a partial to act as an Intermediary between settlement between Egypt and Egypt and Israel. Israel were described as Washington took that action extremely dim here after recent after the peacemalclng mission THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW ISH W EE KLY IN R. /. AND SOU THE AS T MASS . consultations among the Foreign assigned to Dr. Gunnar V; Ministers <ff. the Big Pour and J arrlng, Secretary General VOLUME LV_, NUMBER 32 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1971 15c PER COPY- 16 PAGES other diplomatic exchanges. Thant's special representative In private talks since the for the Middle East, was opening <ff. the General Assembly crltldzed by Israel on the ground session, Brittan, France and the that be had exceeded his mandate Providence Jewish Community To Stage Soviet Udon have conveyed to the by Injecting his own proposals. Ullted States their Impression Mr. Schumann spoke of the th at an Interim settlement, "Inevitable precariousness" of Simchas Torah Rally For Soviet Jewry lneludlng the reopening of the the Arab-Israeli cease-fire, The Jewish commtmlty of Sllez Canal, appears to be arranged by the United States In Rhode Island wlll stage a Simchas unattainable In the foreseeable Augulnternatlonalst, 1970, and Torah rally for Soviet Jewry on future. noted tbat the community's hopes Sa~day evening, October 16, at Egyptian and Israeli diplomats for progress by Mr. J erring 7 o'clock at Temple Emanu-EI. have made It equally clear that ''were qulcldy dashed." The commtmlty-wlde rally the proposals formulated by Mr. Gromyko, who used some wlll begin outdoors In front of the Secretary of State William P, of the harshest words In his temple with a varied program of Rogers since his middle Eastern address In his comments on singing, dancing and prayer. visit last May remain Israel's position, said: "It Is Following this program; the unacceptable. c I ear now that within the rally will then move Inside the 'The continuing problems <ff. framework of a political temple where Professor Allen the Middle Eastern stalemate settlement In the Middle East the Pollack, lecturer, author and were further emphasized In appropriate guarantees, Including authority In the fields of Russian policy speeches before the guarantees by the Security history and Russian Jewry, wlll General Assembly by France's Coundl, can be provided. These address the audience. Prof. Foreign Minister Maurice are the stongest guarantees Pollack has taught at Brooklyn Schumann, and the Soviet Foreign conceivable In the modern Co 11 e g e , the University of Minister, Andrei A, Gromyko. world." Pittsburgh and Yeshiva Both urged that the efforts to He charged Israel with having University. ""ttle the dispute be returned to "paralyzed'' the Jarring mission the Big Four and, In effect, be so that Its "policy of aggression Professor Pollack has taken out <ff. the excl uslve be allowed to triumph." traveled extensively In the Soviet diplomatic control of the United The United States was known, Union and the Middle East and Is States. however, to remain determined to one of the founders of the Form a l Big Four pursue Its own attempts to gain American Professors for Peace SHLOMO CARIHAOt ,_OflSSOII AUIN l'OUACK consul tatlons on the Middle East an Interim agreement despite In the Middle East. He ls vice weakened early this year when pessimistic views about this president of that organization's Profess or Mikhail Zand, Rhode Isl and Conference on the Nlxon Administration began (Continued on page 15) national executive committee. Oriental scholar, attributes his Soviet Jewry which ls a Also featured on the program recent release In large part to commi ttee of the Jewish I- w 111 be 9,lomo Carlebach, public and private pressure by Commtmlty Relations Council of U.S. State Department Denies Internationally known Hassldlc thous ands In America and Rhode Island. Rabbi Saul Leeman folk singer, concert and elsewhere. Such demonstrations ls chairman of the Rhode Island Military Commitment To Israel recording artist, rabbi and al so convey to the Soviet Jews the Conference on Soviet Jewry and the t w o gollernments were raconteur. He has appeared at the - knowledge that they are not atone Professor Marc Richman <ff. WASHJNCI'ON - 'The State discussing possible American Village Gate, and the Town Hall In their struggle. Brown U1herslty Is program Oeparanent denied this week that assurances to Israel as an In New York City and In many The rally ls sponsored by the chairman. the Udted States was considering concert halls In Europe, Israel or discussing with larael any Inducement for the Israelis to join In an agreement to reopen and the United States. Joint military action as an A similar rally last year to Rhode Island. Women's _Day assurance against potential the Suez Canal, closed since the protest the oppression of Soviet violations of an Interim Middle 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Jewry was attended by more than Eastern peace agreement. One such Inducement, the 1500·Rhode Island Jews. Reports TC? Be Held Sunday, Oct. 17 The spokesman, Charles W. report said, might be an exchange Bray 3d, acknowledged that the of letters that would commit the from Soviet Jews who have "Every Woman Is Somebody" W11inen's Advisory Commission, United States and Israel had two governments to consult and emigrated confirm the Is the theme for a state-wide every woman's organization In Importance of such non-violent Rhode Island Women's Day which engaged In "preliminary and concert action should a violation the state has beerr Invited to of of a canal agreement occur. ratUes and similar expressions wlll be held on Sunday, October participate. exploratory" discussion assurances, but be stressed that State Department officials of support and concern throughout 17, at the State House. The program will be the world. Planned by the Rhode Island concerned with home, family and these had been of a poll tlcal said that the rnly action to which rather than military, nature. the United St• tes would commit education, as well as work. A "There has been no discussion of Itself In advance would be series of workshops and several any concerted military actions political, such as convening a • speakers Will emphasize the Britain, French Emigration with Israel," Mr. Bray said. meeting of the United Nations purpose of the meeting which ls HI s statement came In Security Council. "We're not "to Improve our State and our To Israel Down By Third- response to a question prompted committing ourselves to military status, to strengthen family life, by II report In -an Issue of The action Involving American to learn how to participate more JERUSALEM - Immigration 1970 figure from France was New York Times, which said that forces," one official said. from North and South America 5,200 and from Latin America fully and freely In the social, has kept pace during the first 4,500. political and economic life of eight months of this year with Pt'ncus was particularly Rhode Island." · Hebrew University last year's record numbers but Jubilant over the Immigration Governor Frank Ucht Is Immigration from Britain and rise from the U,S, and Canada. expected to open the meeting. To Aid Ethiopia France Is off by about a third, He noted that last year's figure Mrs. Gertrude Meth Hochberg, Jewish Agency chairman Louis A, Included several thousand chairman of the Women's JERUSALEM - The first­ " Pincus reported at a news "yordim" - Israelis returning Commission, has announced that course of a Joint five-year conference. home after having spent seven or Mrs. Anna Tucker, commissioner project' during which the Hebrew He said that 9,500 Immigrants more years abroad who were of Minimum Wage and chief of the University of 'Jerusalem wlll came from North America In granted new Immigrant Labor Department's Division of assist the Halle Selassie I I 9 7 0 and arrivals between privileges. Women and Children, will be the University In Addis Ababa to January-August 1971 were In the This year the Immigrant chairman of the event. establish a m.lcro-blology unit, same proportion. The number of status has been withdrawn and the Speakers will Include Mrs. r e c e n fl y nrilshed with the Immigrants from Latin America number of returning Israelis has Elizabeth Duncan Koontz, examination of 35 students. has risen by 20 percent In the decreased so that there ls director of the Women's Bureau, The program has been successful same period, he said. actually an increase of "genhme" United States Department of sud It has been-decided to run two Pincus attributed the decline ollm from North America, Pincus Labor, and Mrs. Helen Oellch courses In the coming academic of otlm from France to the said. The total number of Bentley, chairman of the Federal year with a total of 60 students, shortage of housing units for Immigrants who arrived up to the Maritime Commission, both of thus almost doubling this year's figure. I a r g e families. The Jewish end of August was 26,2:;0 - Washington, D,C, commtmlty In France was almost almost Identical to the number Miss Irene Smith, executive This venture represents a new doubted by arrivals from North during the correspondinf period assistant to Governor Ucht, and concept In Implementation of Africa following Algerian last year. Last years total a member of the Women's ·TO LECTURE: Dr. David Segal, lec­ scientific cooperation with Independence, most of th~ Immigration was 42,000 .
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